You're a Saint, Aren't You

You're a Saint, Aren't You

A Story by Ladee

Among my hobbies, I dabble my hand a bit at writing. Today, inspiration for a story hit. It was a personal experience I thought appropriate to write about, and also to share here as a form of discussing an important topic. I was headed home from a small day long trip. About an hour away from my place of residence, I made a stop in a slightly larger city to stop and say a prayer that I would make it the rest of the way safely.

----------You're A Saint, Aren't You-----------------

Sundown was upon the west, it had been a long day. A day of taking steps forward, making changes, taking chances, and setting out on new roads to travel: decisions yet to be made, those in the making, and those made in the past all leading to the now. Today had brought much, tomorrow would bring more. She pulled off to a gas station an hour out from a place known as home. It had been a long day, there was only an hour left, and some rest would be the best. Weaving among cars turning in and out, she parked between the gas pumps and the station to head in and get a refreshment. The songs of foreign language reached the ears, emanating from a line of tourists at counter. The line at the fountain machine was equal in size. Back out to the car, you've only got an hour to go. A dangerous stretch of two line highway, out on the road alone, she silently wished she'd make it back safe. Here goes! Oh, listen to yourself. Today has been a day to be grateful for, a day to give thanks for this day has begun changes for the future to come. The events, conversations, moments of this day were all in preparation of tomorrows. Today was a success, today was a blessing and you should be grateful. She left her drink in the car and went back outside. Among the busy bees getting food, refreshments, and gas: surrounding businesses, she spotted a lot of grass. It had the looks of a golf course, a tall fruitless mulberry's green leaves shone gold in the sun. At it's trunk, she sat, silently positioning her arms in a triangle and resting her forehead on it's point. In thought.

Dear Heavenly Father, I am thankful for this day. For your many blessings. Please bless us on this path of change, that I can be strong for him and that he will be strong for us. Please soften her heart toward us, we seek only the best for the future and someday she will see that. Bless the wives of the war, bless this country, this nation under God. I pray I travel safely home, drive cautiously, that those around me on the road are aware. I am thankful for this day. For your many blessings, for the new paths I travel in life. I pray to you in the name of Jesus Christ.

She finished her prayer and opened her eyes, glancing around the golf course and sundown setting. To the left, a man approached her.

"You're a Saint, aren't you?" He respectfully inquired.

"Yes." She responded. "How did you know?"

"I know the Spirit when I feel it."


After I finished this prayer and he approached me, asking if I was a saint, I knew immediately he was asking if I was a Latter Day Saint. A member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as: A Mormon. I answered yes. However, I can tell you if you asked a member of the Mainstream Mormon Church if I was LDS, a Mormon, they would say absolutely not. I believe in polygamy. What most of them fail to realize is that polygamy is a practice that once was condoned by the church, though the Mormon's have now banned and persecuted it. To put a very long story very short, Brigham Young and the other leaders of the Church at that time fled Illinois because they were being persecuted and murdered for practicing polygamy. They settled Utah to escape the government, however, the government would not recognize Utah as a state until they denounced the practice of plural marriage from their religion. Polygamy was an eternal covenant with God. In Joseph Smith's Plan of Salvation, where Heaven was three different Kingdoms: the Celestial, The Telestial, and Terrestrial, the only way to get to the Celestial Kingdom was by having your Celestial Marriage sealed for eternity. Celestial Marriage, in his teachings described in section 132 of the Doctrine and Covenants, was plural marriage.

I am "Lady Plurality." I believe in plural marriage, in Celestial Marriage, as Joseph Smith originally taught it as an eternal covenant with God. If you want to go farther back, Abraham Sarah and Hagar: their covenant was eternal. It is my opinion that God does not "modify" eternal covenants or contracts, and that if plural marriage was ever eternal with him once: it is eternal now, eternal: forever. At least, to put it in the simplest form possible without going to much into religious concepts. Now, when that man asked me if I was a Latter Day Saint: I answered yes. I answered yes because I believe that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, because I follow his teachings, because I believe the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and the Doctrine&Covenants are Bibles. I also read and believe in the King James version of the Bible. I have been a baptized member of the Mormon church, I have studied and attended among them: but I have one very, very big difference that separates me from the mainstream church. I believe in practicing polygamy, one man having more than one wife and the mainstream church persecutes it. If you ask questions about it to a bishop in the Mormon Church, I can tell you from experience he will beat around the bush and he will tell you in short to shut up. So no, by the definition of the Mormon Church: because I live in polygamy I am not a Mormon. Mormons as you know them today do not live or condone the practice of polygamy. But as I am a follower of Joseph Smith's teachings, and a reader of the Book of Mormon: I classify myself as a Mormon. I am not a Mainstream Mormon, I am one of the Church in it's earliest days and earliest practices. Would you know it if you saw me? I could walk in your local grocery store and you would have no idea you were looking at a follower of polygamy. Am I a member of a cult? Absolutely not. Did this man know I was a follower of polygamy or Mormon because I dress like a pilgrim? No, I was wearing a tank top and capri's. He asked me if I was a Saint (A Latter Day Saint, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) and I said yes. He told me he knew because he felt the spirit of one. If what he said was true and he indeed felt my spirit, it was not one of a Mainstream Mormon: he was feeling the spirit of a Latter Day Saint from the Churches earliest days.

I am a Mormon, a Latter Day Saint: but I am not part of the Mormon Church today and that church does not condone plural marriage.

© 2011 Ladee

Author's Note

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Lady Plurality

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Added on September 18, 2011
Last Updated on September 18, 2011



Pro-polygamy voice on the web and Owner/writer at I believe plural marriage to be a positive lifestyle for the relationship between women and raising children if pra.. more..

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A Story by Ladee