November 12

November 12

A Chapter by Brittni

Is Jonathan REALLY a changed man?


I'm so glad I finally have a moment of peace and quiet to get back in touch with you. The last several days have been quite hectic. The campus has been quarantined for the last week. According to what I have managed to gather, there is some sort of gas leak that is causing students to have these very paranoid hallucinations. In fact, I remember how a similar episode had occured in front of me. I was sitting in English class taking notes when I took a look over at the girl next to me. Now, this girl was incredibuly nice and very quiet. But today I saw something in her oddly dark brown eyes that looked manic. Her thick black hair, which usually laid in nice curls, was disheveled and covering her face. I leaned over to her and poked her gently in the shoulder.


"Savanna, are you ok?" I whispered so that Professor Miske couldn't hear us. Savanna quickly snapped to look at me and began crying.


"Harley, they're crawling all over me. They won't go away!" She whispered in a tear-choked voice as I lifted up her sleeves to take a look at what she had meant. Instead, I was faced with ugly, bleeding scratches and gouges on her arms.


"Where did these come from?" I asked her, my ER mentality quickly kicking in as Savanna began to panic a little more, this time she attracted Professor Miske's attention.


"Miss Quinzel, Miss Halen, is there a problem?" He asked as he began to approach us. At this point Savanna jumped out of her desk and began crawling on the floor.


"They won't stop crawling on me!" Savanna screamed as she then tore her shirt off and began to scratch and gouge at herself, like she was trying to swat an insect swarm from her body. Quickly I pulled out my cell phone to call for an ambulance when Professor Miske annouced for us to return to our dorms. Confused at what was going on, I finished giving the operator the information for Savanna, who was now temporarily being restrained by Professor Miske. When I was done with that, I also called Dr. Montgomery on his cell phone. On the third ring he answered.


"Doctor Montgomery." He said in that voice of calm and in the strange cosmic sort of way, I felt it radiate my way. Taking a deep breath, I knew this would be my moment.


"Doctor Montgomery? This is Doctor Quinzel. There is a classmate of mine coming in right now. She appears to be having some sort of manic episode." I explained to him as I heard him turn away to shout to a nurse.


"Sarah! Get the chief, this is the seventh one coming from the campus! Now Harleen, this is going to be very important, you can not say a word. There is some sort of outbreak going on. You need to get to your dorm, stay there until further notified. There is a good possibility that you all might be under quarantine for a few days." He explained as he turned his mouth away from the speaker for a moment to shout some instructions.


"Anya, Call Comissioner Loeb. Inform him of what is going on! Now Harley, go to your dorm and stay there until further notice. Do you understand?" He asked me as paramedics rushed in to take Savanna, who by now had collapsed into a tired heap in Professor Miske's arms.


"Yes Doctor Montgomery." I said as I walked outside to the main courtyard to find it in an array of chaos. There were students all around having the same kind of episode that Savanna was having. Cops and medical personel were trying to restrain the students to keep themselves from harming themselves or someone else. Any cop who wasn't aiding EMT's were handing out gas masks and escorting groups of students to their dorms. It was a modern day apocolypse, minus the flesh-eating zombies.


"Oh my god, Derek. You won't believe this, HEY WHAT GIVES!" I yelled as a policeman roughly grabbed me and pushed me forward along with several other students, who were about as confused and frightened as I was.


"What's your name?" The cop asked me. I turned to face him and felt something hard and cold sink to my stomach. It was officer Gordon, the cop who caught my father during his most recent scam. I hung up directly on Doctor Montgomery, but made a mental note to apologize the next time I saw him. For a moment, when our eyes met I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of sympathy from him to me.


"I know who you are Miss Quinzel. Let's get you to your dorm." He said a little more gently as we were hurried over to our housing building. Once inside we were separated and questioned about where we were before everything happened. My luck, I was stuck with Comissioner Gordon. I was sitting in my(thankfully) clean dorm when he walked in holding a small file in his hands. He motioned for me to come and sit at the tiny dining room table. I reluctantly did so. We looked at each other for a moment. He ran his hand through his dark brown hair and over his face.


"Well, Miss Quinzel I know you and you know me. We don't need to get into that. Now, just explain to me what happened." He asked as he pulled out a pen and was getting ready to write my statement exactly. I sighed and told him what had happened in Professor Miske's class prior to the ambulance arriving.


"Savanna kept saying something about bugs crawling on her, like they were attacking her. I thought it was honestly kind of strange. When she showed me the scratches and cuts on her arms, it really scared me." I admitted as Gordon looked up at me. He then held a finger in front of my eyes.


"What do you see Harleen?" He asked as I rolled my eyes slightly. But I decided to humor him.


"That is your pointer finger, which looks like it had lost several battles with letters, papers, etc." I replied with a giggle and to my shock, he let out a chuckle as well. He went on to scrawl something further into his notes as he looked up at me.


"Well, as of right now you are not permitted to leave your building for anything. We will continue to provide you with details as we learn them ourselves. I just hope that this isn't what I think it is." Gordon said, the last part was more to himself. He turned and was about to walk out when I stopped him.


"Officer Gordon, what happened the last time?" I asked as he sighed and shook his head, meaning he wasn't going to tell me. He opened the door and walked out, for some reason confirming my suspicions that there is more to this then anyone is letting me onto....but where to start?

© 2011 Brittni

Author's Note

(Some inspiration from Nothing to Fear/BTAS)

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This was a great chapter, I love how you brought in the chaos.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 18, 2011
Last Updated on June 8, 2011



New Castle, PA

I'm 23 years old and I've always found the most comfort in my writing because I feel like everyday, you need a change. You feel a need to be someone different and writing is a chance to be someone els.. more..

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