![]() November 2A Chapter by Brittni![]() Second part of the November 2nd entry.![]() As soon as Jonathan left, I let out a deep breath and looked around the office. I can't lie, I was really enjoying the thought of one day having an office like this for myself when I finally start my own practice. Maybe even joining up with Jonathan one day. I decided to shake my joyful thoughts free from my head as I picked up the files and began to read them over. My first patient seemed like nothing out of the ordinary. His name was Sean Bryant and he was seeking services for depression and suicidal idealizations. As I read more into his file, I couldn't help but feel bad for him. When he was sixteen years old he was in a severe accident which left him paralyzed from the waist down. I became so entranced in his story that I didn't hear the first knocks on the door. A minute later they sounded again. I closed the file and laid it on the desk.
"Come in." I said softly as the door clicked open and in wheeled A young man in his early twenties. He had longer brown hair that was in the typical style of most guys now a days. He also had bottle green eyes, they were eyes that were truly wise beyond his years. "Good morning Mr. Bryant. I'm Dr. Quinzel and I will be doing your session today." I began to explain as he looked at me suspiciously.
"Where is Dr. Crane?" he asked as he wheeled into the middle of the office. I took another deep breath and smiled as I leaned back in the chair and crossed my legs.
"Dr. Crane had a family emergency that he needed to attend to. So he asked me to come in and cover until he returns." I explained to him as I reached into the desk and pulled out a notepad and some pens. "So Mr. McDermitt, how have you been since your last session?" I asked as I made some notes about his appearance, etc. I also noticed him looking around and he sighed.
" I'm sorry "doctor" but I don't think a pretty blonde thing like you can handle my issues." he said with contempt in his voice as he crossed his arms across his chest. "Not to mention, How do I know you're even certified? Where's your diploma?" He asked and as I was getting ready to answer his questions he started to back out of the office. "I'm going to make an appointment for when he comes back. No offense to you Blue-eyes, but I don't think you can help me. Have a nice day." and with that he turned his chair around and wheeled off. I shut the door behind him and went back to my chair. As I did I put my hands to my temple and massaged them gently. My cell phone then started to ring. I reached over and answered it.
"Yes Jonathan I am aware my first epic fail." I explained as I heard him chuckle softly ans some shuffling around, like he was moving things around in his apartment.
"Well darling, be grateful he didn't pursue the matter any further or else we would have been in a lot of trouble ." Jonathan said bluntly as the office phone rang. I reached over and answered it.
"Your next appointment is here." the receptionist said in her faked southern California accent as I hung up both phones and began the mental preparation of my next patient. I was about to pick up the file when my next patient entered. As I looked up, I felt my heart jump into my throat. Sammy stood in front of me, but he looked different. His hair was now a normal dark brown color, the red tint was completely gone from it. He stood silently in front of me as I stood up and we stared for several minutes. Finally he spoke.
"You became one of them." He walked to the front of the desk and sat down in the available chair and looked up at me, almost daring me to come up with some sort of exhausted excuse. I let out a soft breath as I sat down across from him.
"Not quite. I'm still the same person that you talked to months earlier." I explained to him as my smile came back naturally. He looked at me funny until I reached into my bag and pulled out "V For Vendetta."
"I finally got to reading it, and I watched the movie. Fell in love with both. Thank you for introducing me to the book." I explained as I finally saw him smile, knowing he felt comfortable with me once more. I sat back as we talked the hour away, talking about how he finally had a girlfriend, how his family had been doing, possible career choices, etc. At the end of the appointment we both stood up and he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.
"It was so nice to see you again Harley." Sammy said as he walked out of the office. I couldn't help but smile as I sat down and wrote some final notes in his chart. The next time I looked up I saw Jonathan standing in the doorway beaming at me. I knew he was pleased. It tickled me even more when he locked the door behind him as I knew what was coming.
"Excellent work today Dr. Quinzel." © 2011 BrittniAuthor's Note
Added on April 4, 2011 Last Updated on April 28, 2011 Author![]() BrittniNew Castle, PAAboutI'm 23 years old and I've always found the most comfort in my writing because I feel like everyday, you need a change. You feel a need to be someone different and writing is a chance to be someone els.. more..Writing