October 29-30

October 29-30

A Chapter by Brittni

Chapter 12 halloween. Who, or what, does Harley come face to face with?


Happy fricking Halloween. Or wait, is it too early? Ok, yes it is too early. Thank you Nikki Sixx calender...yummy. Oh well, it sounded good to me. Tonight was the one night I chose to be not only caught up with my classwork, but off from the hospital. Originally my plans were to hang out at home and watch re-runs of every old-fashioned scary movie known to mankind. Kristy had other plans for me. In fact not even an hour ago she was storming into the apartment just as I pulled my brownies out of the oven.(Pick up) So now I'm sitting here in this wine colored Victorian style dress with gold trim and Kristy is braiding my black wig. Kristy wrinkled her nose as she braided.


"I can't believe that you bought this stupid wig, your natural hair is so pretty. Who are you supposed to be anyway?" she asked as she finished braiding and re-adjusted the front of her very low-cut and short white dress. I laughed as I began to work on my eye makeup. I couldn't help but look at Kristy and think how beautiful she was, despite the bleach blonde wig and the VERY uncharacteristic white dress.


"Well I am trying to portray "Annabel Lee" from the poem. It is a little bit more unique then Marilyn Monroe." I said giggling as she rolled her eyes and applied some of the infamous red lipstick that helped to make Marilyn look so iconic in American society. I blinked my eyes shut one as I thought yet again about how I first met Jonathan Crane. But like a dream I let it fade away, and into my mindframe flowed the faint sounds of "Diamond Eyes" by Shinedown. Strange time for me to hear that song. The next think I knew, I felt something hard smack and bounce against my butt. I turn around and stuck my tongue out at her as we both laughed.  


"Hey, move your butt, we're late and Rayven doesn't like it when people are late." Kristy or "Marilyn" said with a laugh as we tugged on a jacket and made our way outside where there were parties lined up along College Blvd. I mean, GCU really isn't a party school by any stretch of the imagination but when it comes down to it, I guess we do know how to have a good time. But no one noticed us as we navigated our way to my car. As we got there I saw a note wedged underneath my wiper blade. I wrinkled my nose as I freed it and began to unwrinkle it.


"What does it say?" Kristy said as she opened her door and we both climbed in. Once I managed to open the note I couldn't help but laugh as I handed her the note.


"I am watching you my raven, nevermore" Kristy let out a very uncomfortable laugh as she handed the note back to me and I shoved it into my pocket as I started the car.


 "You're not afraid? I mean it sounds really creeepy, especially with the whole Poe reference thing going on." Kristy pondered as I turned on the car and started down the way to Mugsys. I pushed the whole note business out of my mind as we arrived at Mugsys where the party was really going strong.


As I watched the shadows inside dance and sway to the purple and green flashing lights I noticed that I was having this nervous queasiness in my stomach."Maybe I shouldn"t have come here. This doesn't feel right at all."


Right before we walked in I stopped and stared for a moment. Kristy turned back to me as she laid her hand gently on my shoulder.


"What's wrong Harl? You look like you're going to blow all over the sidewalk." Kristy said as I let a breath out very slowly and gave her a shakey smile.


"I'm fine, lets get inside." I said as we quickly walked in and were almost pushed back out the door by the loud music that was blaring out of the dj's speakers. I stayed as close to Kristy as I could as we pushed our way through the coffee house to find Rayven. Sure enough, I found her spiked black hair shortly after being pushed against the wall by a drunk mummy. I tugged on Kristys jacket as we moved to speak with her. Rayven turned and smiled as she saw us approaching. For a girl of only 5"2, I've seen her hold her own with the best of them. Of course she really didn't have to change her hair or makeup much for which I'm glad she didn't. Her greyish eyes sparkled as us as she smiled. I noticed the realistic plastic fangs that stuck out of her mouth as she smiled.


"Girls it's about time you showed up, and since you both look fabulous, I'll let the fact that you were both late slide." She added with a laugh as her and Kristy began to talk. I grew bored as I decided to wonder around bumping into cats, pirates, and a literal jackass. I decided that the upstairs lounge would be available as a source of quiet, which I desperatey needed.


I slipped away from the crowd, up the stairs and to a separate reading room that was decorated in the spirit of a darker more melancholy Halloween. Somehow I felt more at home here. I walked over to my favorite spot in the room which was already supplied with a black leather arm chair and a beautiful cherry oak end table. I smiled as I looked down and saw that I still had my pile of books there along with my notebooks and sketchpads.


"Rayven does keep her words when it comes to creativity." I said out loud as I pick up one of the books and began to read. I didn't even bother to look at the title and within moments I was being whisked back to a small southern town at the time of the Great Depression. After awhile of reading I became grossly entranced in a part of the book where the main character(a young girl) was talking about a mysterious "malevolent phantom" that lurked inside the house next door. Just then I heard a loud crash in the room, like something had been knocked over. I got up quickly with the heavy book in my hand as I began to walk around the small dimly lit lounge, trying to find the source of the noise.


"Hello?" I called as I rounded the corner of a bookshelf and continued to look. After a few tense moments of searching I laughed at myself as I went back to my chair and began reading once more. As I got comfortable once more I began to feel a chill in the air. I bundled myself up closer as I continued to read, but gave up as my fingers and hands began to get icy. Trying not to panic I tried to call out for help, but my voice was stuck in my throat. The next thing I saw in the dimness was my other half, my self doubt again. But this time she was free as I sat frozen. She laughed as she watched me struggle.The voice then took on a more masculine quality. A much more evil quality as I felt my body enter a freezing stage


"Tell me Harley, was this what you feared the most? Dying alone cold and afraid? Alas it tis a great tragedy. That must be the reason you dressed up as Annabel Lee my darling little raven." . As I started to lose my battle I heard the lines to a poem I knew so well.


The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me-
Yes!- that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.



I don't remember how long I was out but the next time I woke up Kristy and Rayven were staring at me a look of concern on their faces. I looked around and saw that the room was back to normal. I slowly started to move and also found that my joints worked just fine.


"Harl, are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." Rayven said as I opened my mouth and then shut it again, knowing that they would never believe me. Kristy just stared as the two girls turned and left. I stood up to walk out myself before I noticed a letter shoved into my book on the page I was reading. I quickly ripped it open and my hands shook as I read the few simple words.


"We will meet again my little raven."

© 2011 Brittni

Author's Note

Again I used "Annabel Lee" and I also referenced "To Kill A Mockingbird." Once again, Sarah M, my boobookittybear, helped me with the ideas. Thank you darling!! (edit in progess 6/7/11)

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This was a great chapter, but it would be easier to read if you split up the paragraphs where the different characters are talking. It's a bit confusing when the dialogue is all in the same paragraph.

Another suggestion: when your main character is thinking to herself "Maybe I shouldn"t have come here", it should be in a paragraph by itself because it's her thought, not Kristy's. Maybe you could split that paragraph at "I pushed the whole note business out of my mind".

I found a few more grammar and punctuation errors, but those were the ones that stuck out the most to me. I love how you incorporated the poem "Annabel Lee" into your story! It fit so well with this chapter, and you managed it amazingly! I also loved the ending! Well done. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


This was a great chapter, but it would be easier to read if you split up the paragraphs where the different characters are talking. It's a bit confusing when the dialogue is all in the same paragraph.

Another suggestion: when your main character is thinking to herself "Maybe I shouldn"t have come here", it should be in a paragraph by itself because it's her thought, not Kristy's. Maybe you could split that paragraph at "I pushed the whole note business out of my mind".

I found a few more grammar and punctuation errors, but those were the ones that stuck out the most to me. I love how you incorporated the poem "Annabel Lee" into your story! It fit so well with this chapter, and you managed it amazingly! I also loved the ending! Well done. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on November 30, 2010
Last Updated on June 8, 2011



New Castle, PA

I'm 23 years old and I've always found the most comfort in my writing because I feel like everyday, you need a change. You feel a need to be someone different and writing is a chance to be someone els.. more..

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