![]() September 23-24, 2001A Chapter by Brittni![]() 4th diary entry![]() All work and no play makes Harley a dull lady.....HA! Hardly, just makes me a slightly richer one. A twelve hour shift in the ER and the Child/Adolescent Behavior Managament Unit. I had a feeling this would happen with everyone going back to school. If you remember high school and college then you know how much stress is added to a teen. So it truly was no surprise that I got a call at 11:30 Friday night when I was sitting in my room studying a little bit of Environmental Studies and finishing some reviews on Dr. Cranes class. My cell phone started ringing and quickly I picked it up, thinking it was Dr.Crane to talk about some intern opportunities.
"Hello?" I asked in that deeper tone of voice that seemed to be working alot in my favor lately. After listening closely for a few seconds, I could hear beeping and voices talking. My heart started to sink when I figured out where the phone call was coming from.
"Harleen? This is Dr. Derek Montgomery from Gotham General Hospital. Look, we need you to come in and work in the ER and the ward tonight? If you can help us tonight, you can take off till Wednesday. We just really need someone." He said and I could pick up on the strain and tiredness in his voice.I tried for a few seconds to make up some lame excuse, but instead I let out a small sigh, hoping that he didn't catch the hint of disappointment in it.
"Of course Dr. Montgomery, I'll be there soon." I said as I hung up the phone and slumped against my pillow, thinking yet again that I am way too nice for stuff like this. I got up and changed into a dark blue pair of scrubs. I figured that I would spend the most time downstairs in the ER, I would wear the colors of the department. I tried to reach over for my Converse but to my sincere dissappointment, they were still soaked through from yesterdays nature walk.I ran to the closet for my running shoes, which the light and teal blue Nike went well with my scrubs. I snatched my car keys off the dresser and headed down to the parking lot, where my 1995 midnight blue Mustang was waititng for me. I looked at it and felt my heart swell with pride. Other then the few clothes and other small things I bought for myself, being able to buy and fix-up my car was number one on the list of "Sincerely Awesome Things I Did".
I opened the door, slid the key into the ignition, turned it and sat there listening to my engine pur. I smiled as I cranked up Aerosmith's "Love In An Elevator" and drove off to GGH. When I entered the ER about fifteen minutes later, I found it very loud, but thankfully within organized chaos. I walked over to Wanda, bless her soul. For a sixty year old woman with a bad hip, she can still run with the best of us. Since I started here, I have seen Wanda wrestle down at least two unruly patients that almost escaped from the cops who were escorting them in. She had become my adopted mother in a sense, just someone extra to help confide in and I know I could trust her. She looked up at me through her wide brimmed glasses and smiled.
"Another long night Harley?" she asked me as I signed myself in on my time card and took a stack of charts with me as I laughed.
"Yes Wanda, you know what I say, the wicked never rest." I said as I began my rounds. For the most part it was business as usual except near the end of my round when I ran into Dr. Montgomery with a new chart in his hands. I looked at him for a few minutes before I approached him. He barely looked over his forty years of life, twenty-five of which was spent here in the hospital. His eyes, silver like a wolfs, darted around as the read more lines on his orders. I watched as his lips curved slightly, perhaps thinking about his own children before looking up at me.
"Thank you for coming in Harleen. In fact we have one here for you." He said as he handed me a clipboard with a green sticker, meaning that we never had the patient visit us before.
"Samuel Evans, I remember hearing that name." I said as we walked down towards his room and he nodded his head gravely while running a hair through his thick salt and pepper colored hair.
"Fifteen years old. Both parents were murdered last year. Alot of people in this town thought he had something to do with it. He's been in and out of foster care. His mom noticed some suicidal behavior and she brought him here. When you go in and talk to him, see if you can get him to say anything. He hasn't said a word to anyone since he got here." Dr. Montgomery explained and I nodded my head, knowing how I can play up this situation to my benefit.
"On one condition. You try to convince Professor Crane to take me through Arkham and you can vouch for me should the need arise." I said as his mouth dropped open, most likely at the mention of Arkham. I only smiled as I removed my jacket and entered Samuels room. The first thing I noticed was that the room was slightly dark. I took a deep breath as I called out to him.
"Samuel? I'm Dr. Qunzel. I'd like to talk to you if you would be so kind." I said taking a seat in front of his bed. He sat there indian style, his black and red streaked bangs covering his eyes as he had his head bent. For a fifteen year old kid, he was a little bit on the taller, thinner, and almost paler side. He was dressed in a hospital gown, but kept on his frayed black jeans that were incredibuly baggy, but not to the point where they would fall right off if he stood up.
"You're one of them." He said in that sullen know-it-all tone. I remembered it all too well when I took that tone with my mom at that age. I crossed my legs and smiled once more.
"Not quite, I'm in training. One more year of school left." I explained as I made some quick notes into his chart. I made sure I noted that his speech at this point was short, but flowed with ease. I also made sure I wrote down what he said when I first walked in about trying to talk to him, kinda sensing a dislike for doctors.
"School sucks, paying atention sucks, people suck period." he said finally sitting against his bed. I looked up and finally saw his face. What immediately struck me were the green eyes. They were such a deep forest green. I felt like I would get lost if I continued to look.
"I had that same attitude when I was in high school too. Never got along with anyone, never did anything spectcular." I said easily trying to relate to him. I know it's wrong to lie, but if it's going to help a patient I'm willing to take that risk. His expression softened slightly."Where did you go to high school at?" He asked as I leaned back in my chair."Gotham High, same place you are. I graduated a few years back and couldn't have been happier." I said with a laugh as he began to soften up more towards me. Over the next two hours, he and I talked about music, art, and writing. Just as I was getting up to leave he stopped me.
"Harley this may sound weird but you seem like more of a sister then a doctor. I hope it helps you where you go next." I smile as I let out a small yawn and made my to the door. Before I left I turned to look at him.
"Somehow Sammy, somehow, I don't think that would be the case." I said as I pulled the door open and let it click shut softly behind me. © 2011 Brittni |
2 Reviews Added on September 13, 2010 Last Updated on May 5, 2011 Author![]() BrittniNew Castle, PAAboutI'm 23 years old and I've always found the most comfort in my writing because I feel like everyday, you need a change. You feel a need to be someone different and writing is a chance to be someone els.. more..Writing