Secret Ladee Of The NightA Poem by anne p. murray- LadeeAnneA poem dedicated to all women...find your lost spirit, fly, soar, spread your wings~I remember so well dancing that last, wild dance A journey across the essence of time
Once upon a midnight clear I danced beneath the waning moon wanting to drink the sweet wine of forgetfulness The sometimes, bitter fruit left a taste of regret upon my tongue Now, in my older years I’ll reclaim that woman child I’ll believe in faeries and flying saucers and wash my face in fresh, fallen rain I’ll wear bright, wild, plume feathered hats I’ll have a secret name that no one knows …but me Then I’ll laugh at those whose judgements and absurdities so riled my fury I'll pray for the sweet nature of other spirits to take up their beat within my heart I’ll be…The Secret Ladee Of The Night
All poems written& copyrighted by LadeeAnne ~Anne P Murray A “Pas De Duex” of Rhythm and Visions
© 2011 anne p. murray- LadeeAnneAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on August 29, 2011 Last Updated on August 29, 2011 Tags: inspiration, freedom, individuality, women Authoranne p. murray- LadeeAnneBirmingham, ALAboutI'm not an extraordinary woman, simply put... I'm just a normal, ordinary one. In my private life I am gingerly cautious with the people I meet, but fearless in the words I write. Not an extrove.. more..Writing