♡Harsh Reality of Life♡

♡Harsh Reality of Life♡

A Story by laalaxox

A Look Into The Cyber World...


In a way, we are always striving to be better. No matter what we already own and have accomplished it is never enough. We all do it. We all set ourselves up to push outside the boundaries of reality and crave for our dreams instead, its only human. You see, we all pursue an opinion of ourselves and the type of person we would like to be, but sometimes it is hard to live up to our expectations. 

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Before we begin your journey,just  remember to keep all opinions to yourself because you don’t want others to think you are strange, agree with the crowds even if you know they are wrong, otherwise you won’t belong. Make sure to be updated with the latest fashion crazes and not to wear any last session outfits, don’t worry about your schooling just remember to look beautiful at all times, after all, brains can’t buy beauty. Remember to believe everything you read, and be gullible enough to fall for all misleading advertisements! Don’t freak out over those drugs and alcohol they are only for a good time, maintain a 6 inch waistline, have drunken celebrities as your role models, smile at all times, cake your face like a clown. And thats about all! Well the essentials anyway. Do all these things and your stay here will be just fine! Fail to do any guidelines, and well, you shall find your time here to be quite horrific. 

Now to your left you shall see perfection at its finest A.K.A starving, vulnerable teenagers suffering from anorexia! Its the newest craze! You see, you can’t be happy if you are not a size 2, so they refuse to eat and instead cause shocking effects to their bodies by harming themselves.Take a close look behind their thigh gaps and flat stomaches, you will see that they own scars all over themselves, produce enough tears to fill rivers and wear skeletons as a body. The prices to pay to be skinny, but hey they are happy right…

Now approaching our right you see the homeless. Of course each person living on the street has their own story and situation but lets take a look at some specific cases. Gamblers. Now this man here, betted his entire estates and assets in horse racing. Sure he made some money here and there, so why stop if your winning dollar after dollar? Your making money for doing purely nothing but rely on the essence of luck! Sounds genius!  Gambling paints the picture of paradise. That by playing the game you have the potential to end up as a big shot and have everything you ever wanted. Well what more could you want now, except a roof over your head and a meal on the table. 

Lets keep going straight and up ahead you shall see the party life at its finest. Loud music, laughs, friendship forever attitude, smiles all round. But then you also got your sweaty clothes, broken heels, messed up mascara, extensions gone missing, as well as your sense of dignity. This hot scene is where you need to be on Saturday nights! Hook ups with randoms, and lose your phone in the public restroom, its just the dream!

Finally welcome to the beasts lair. The beasts that live in here simply prey on insecure people and attack in order to make themselves feel better. A.K.A Bullies. They lurk everywhere now a days, they have the ability to remain anonymous which allows their comments to have no remorse. Some act like keyboard warriors, they hide behind a screen and say things they would never dare to in real life. Some act like a sheep, and simply just like a comment or agree with the beasts but they are just are bad. 

And as we now approach the end our stay, I wish you the best for your future endeavours and choices. Remember to always stay updated, listen to the negativity and conform to the crowds. Now that is the recipe for a mediocre life with the only thing going for you is the feeling of acceptance.

We live in a world where technology overpowers us as a species. Our every thought, action, idea, misfortunes, struggles, regrets are consumed by devices and spread into completely different places beyond our imagination. Cyber space holds all our deepest darkest secrets, our hidden agendas, our alter egos, our representation of what we want to be. It contains our identifies, some of these identifies can be sugar coated with touches of editing and removing all the negative, and some of these identifies can be terrible with traces of lies and vicious rumours attached to them caused nothing but jealousy and hatred found in our society. Why does our world constantly want more and more. Why do people want to change and update, why to do they want to trade in for the next best thing, hate on others and fish for attention. The thing about this strange universe is that we are all somewhat victims, however we are all addicted. Maybe we will be forever trapped in this world, or maybe we will shed some light and escape to find out that it is ok to be different. That it is ok to not look the same, or speak the same, or act the same. We are allowed to be just as creative and unique as we want, and if we truly are strong and brave enough we can start killing the evil species of technology. We just need to stay true to ourselves, learn that it is fine to make mistakes and take other pathways in life than our friends, we need to love, nurture and respect our bodies and be thankful that we who we are, because no one  else can do it better. 

Now before you begin your journey as strong, capable individuals remember to keep all negativity away and simply love all your flaws, regrets and mistakes because if you give this opportunity your all, you will receive everything in return. 

Status: Offline 

© 2014 laalaxox

Author's Note

Any feed back would be much appreciated !!

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"We are allowed to be just as creative and unique as we want, and if we truly are strong and brave enough we can start killing the evil species of technology. We just need to stay true to ourselves, learn that it is fine to make mistakes and take other pathways in life than our friends, we need to love, nurture and respect our bodies and be thankful that we who we are, because no one else can do it better. "
Your words written true. Day of coffee and conversation. Knowing too much because of the internet. I miss the days of family reunions and long conversation. There is logic and wisdom in the story. It is well written and you made your point. Thank you for sharing the excellent story.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Amen! I would love to see the world today without the barriers of technology interfering! Relationsh.. read more
Coyote Poetry

10 Years Ago

You are welcome. You told the truth in the story.


The lessons in here is Staggering! Very well written. Very well said. I love this. This is goingin my library so I can show all my friends. Thank you for sharing. 100000000/100

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

NEW GENERATION portrayed so well enjoyed reading

Posted 10 Years Ago

that's a can't stop read :-) nicely done...

Posted 10 Years Ago

Very good view of how society can be. Well done.

Posted 10 Years Ago

I liked it. It was great and meaningful and really powerful overall. Great job you did here. It was weird to stop and see pictures but it definitely didnt take away from the story at all. Good job and keep writing

Posted 10 Years Ago

I don't really see things like you do but this is still written well and I can see where you're coming from. I like the part about gamblers most.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

thank you!
Would wow be ok?
I just love this, this is more a statement of the future than a prediction, with our lives becoming more like the fantasy worlds we pursue

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

Awwww thank you so much for your kind words ! means so much

10 Years Ago

Very much my pleasure
This satirical story is simply amazing. Some things in our modern society are truly ridiculous. I especially hate the new "skinny craze." People are beautiful at all sizes, and I understand that some people are naturally a size 2 or 0, and that's perfectly fine. But some people are meant to be a size 4, 6, 8 ect. It's unhealthy to put those sort of expectations on people that cannot naturally achieve that level. Same thing goes for men- there is so much pressure for men to be "manly" and to be fit. All these things you've listed destroy our individuality and happiness. The internet, has both improved and destroyed our lives. I love how you ended this story, and I also love the fact that you "logged off." I'm happy to know someone is promoting individuality and a healthy lifestyle, thank you for sharing :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Couldn't agree with you more! Glad that you can see the point I am trying to make :) Thank you for r.. read more
Ohh yea girl!! I do agree.In this contrary world we are so engrossed in impressing others that we lose the trace of our original self.. I liked the part of being skinny in latest fashion' but why follow it when being skinny is not your cup of tea' .Nice write. "BeYOUtiful" ;)


Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so much!!! Much love xxx
You portrait an honest picture of what is happening in this world. Concurrently This one was highly needed to lift falling spirit, the one I always thought stood tall...words of your is pure form of magic and help millions to wakeup their dying souls...you surprised me with your wisdom and wit, such an honest write I was lost and feeling your concern about youth and the way people are becoming these days. One of your finest work I have read on Writers Cafe...Respect!

Posted 10 Years Ago

A. Amos

10 Years Ago

World need more teenagers like you, secondly your work speaks louder than your age. Always remember .. read more

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much !!
A. Amos

10 Years Ago

Pleasure my friend

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16 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 3, 2014
Last Updated on July 3, 2014
Tags: cyber, youth, teens, bullying, motivational, inspirational, inspire, motivate, unique, empower, different, today, world, conforming



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