There he lie in that pretty box
All dressed up looking nice in that pretty box
Body cold and eyes wide shut
Lord I pray, pray that he, meets my sister cause he’s on his way
Keep her happy, make her smile cause down here we all teary eyed and pretty down
My cousin is gone I hate this s**t
God why does it hurt more than a lil bit
Leave him lord let’em be, it’s always me, me me me, constantly crying, crying over my family always dieing
He’s ready to go six feet under, there’s no turning back, but Lord I wonder, will his soul ever rest, will he get some peace, will our eyes ever dry, can we live our life on.
My heart hurts cause my cousin is gone, gone to be with you Lord
So open your arms up and let him in, so his soul can be warm
It makes me think about how my cousin died, the man killed him I wonder where his pride is.
But there he goes six feet under that cold cold ground, with no one to hold him, but everyone says goodbye.
Goodbye to the pain, goodbye to the lies, goodbye to the laughter, goodbye to the why’s. Always remember goodbye is never goodbye, cause we will meet again.
This world isn’t perfect and that’s why I cry
That’s why I said goodbye to another soul that laid down and died.
By: LaVercia Porter