A bright sunny day, ADAM sits at the bistro drinking his
coffee and eating his pastry. He looks at the cars going
by and wonders about life. He watches the couples walk by
and some people walking their dogs along the street. He
notices a bus going by with tourist taking pictures and
snuggled up in the cool weather. Taking a sip of his coffee
he looks into the bistro thinking about his life where he
has been and where he is going. An Older woman walks by
and greets him, smiling and then walking off.
He thinks about getting older in his life, wondering if
that woman is alone or chooses to be alone.
A group of young kids walk by laughing and joking listening
to their music and being teenagers, heading for the nearest
train station on their way to the unknown.
Adam sips his coffee and finishes pastry.
The waiter comes out and smiles at him.
WAITER Is there anything else that I can get you monsieur?
ADAM The pastry was so good I think I would have another one with some more coffee please.
WAITER The expresso, monsieur?
ADAM Yes please and can you make it add another pastry to that please?
WAITER Yes madam.
She leans back in her chair and finishes her coffee. He
looks across the street and notices EVE walking along the
buildings looking at the scenery. She looks down at a map
and looks direct at the bistro and walks over to it. She
stops in front of the bistro and looks inside. She looks
over towards Adam and smiles and walks into the bistro.
He looks into the bistro as Eve orders.
He wonders about Eve.
Eve comes out and sits at another table and sips her coffee
opening up her map. She takes a bite of her croissant,
looking at the map. She plans out her route for the day as
she bites into her pastry.
Eve becomes lost in her world and then looks over at Adam.
She gets up and walks over to his table with her map.
EVE (IN FRENCH) Forgive me, I am trying to find my way around to the museum and I can’t seem to locate it. Can you help me please?
Adam wipes his face and finishes chewing trying not to
ADAM (IN FRENCH) Madam, my English is quite good. I just like to feel like an American sometimes.
EVE Why is that?
ADAM American’s have this sense of strength, nothing can stop them. Some would call it arrogant, but I love it.
EVE Have you ever been there?
ADAM Yes-yes, very busy; enough about my adventures, what can I help you with?
EVE There is this museum that has the history of France and I am so interested in finding it. Since I’m a outsider, this map isn’t helping none.
ADAM Are you looking to find love?
EVE (SHOCKED) Excuse me?
ADAM Oh no offense. I mean the love exhibit at the museum. It has been the best attraction since it opened.
EVE No. I need to be the one to apologize. That is the New York attitude that kicks in every-so-often.
EVE You’re funny.
ADAM Why thank you. Come and sit with me. Let us talk. My name is Adam.
ADAM Is there a problem with my name? Did my mother make a mistake?
EVE (GIGGLING) No, my name is Eve.
ADAM (LAUGHING) Oh that is wonderful. Well it’s so nice to meet you Eve.
Eve goes over to her table and gathers her belongings and
food. They sit down and begin to talk and laugh about being
an American.
EVE So tell me something…
ADAM What would you like to know?
Can you be honest?
ADAM Honest as God made me.
EVE Why aren’t you married?
ADAM Because it is a serious commitment and turning to God, I hold strong to my convictions the best I can. Here in France, everything is about love, love and more love. The food is food to me, After I went America and tasted all the delicacies, I said “forget French food.”
EVE You are beating around the bush Adam.
ADAM Yes I am, doing just that.
He thinks for a long moment.
ADAM (SMILING) Life is too short and you don’t want to waste your time on worthless things. Those worthless things can make you stressed, tired and miserable. With marriage, you have to find that right balance between you and the other person and I have not been that lucky.
Adam takes a long sip of his third expresso.
ADAM Can I ask you the same question? How does one come to one of the most romantic places on the globe without someone special?
EVE Because, that someone has not found the right person for the job!
ADAM Must be a real hard job?
EVE Not really. If a man can take the time out to answer this one thing-then that is the man for me.
ADAM And no one has played your game and won?
EVE And that is why I come to Paris alone. To not deal with the nonsense of American men.
ADAM (IN FRENCH) Sorry to tell you this, it’s not just American men-it’s all men. We have this complex of being big babies, not wanting to take responsibility in life.
EVE Are you like that?
ADAM Hell yes I am big baby and I love it. The reality of it is, when I need to be a man, I will take on that role and when I’m done, I will be a big a kid. Men are just naturally big kids and women can’t either understand or accept it. It’s sad though. If there is a compromise in relationships about things such as this, maybe there would be fewer divorces.
He finishes his third pastry.
EVE I wish you could have told that to my parents. I take marriage very seriously and being part of my church I just stopped looking for a man to love me.
ADAM I would like to play this game.
EVE Nah, you just might think it’s stupid.
ADAM Not everything that we face is stupid, pathetic yes, but not stupid.
Eve thinks about how she going to recite the game.
EVE When God made Adam, he made him in the image of God. He is truly the son of God and he should emulate all the teachings of his father. Even though Eve messed up, he should have been the man to stand firm against the serpent.
ADAM But he didn’t and for that he and his bride were punished.
EVE Was she really his bride or just a woman to fill up the space in time?
ADAM I see this is not a game, but a gift of skill. To understand the meaning of love and acceptance? You are touching on something that no one has ever done.
EVE What would that be?
ADAM Are you the helper or the bride?
EVE But the bride helps
Adam smiles with all his teeth. ADAM But you have to define the type of help.
EVE You are here to serve the father and live off the land.
She sips here second expresso and stuffs her pastry in her
EVE And as the woman we are supposed to what-sit and wait or come and work?
ADAM You must have had a lot of time to think about things such as this.
EVE I am tired of life telling me what I should do when it comes to living and finding a mate for me to grow old with.
Adam thinks about the old lady from earlier.
ADAM From my rib comes you and from you I bare life into the world. You aren’t here to be a helper but you are here to be my wife?
EVE I don’t even know you and you’re asking me to marry you?
Adam blushes.
ADAM Not me, your Adam. The man that you are searching for; the rib that you are made from. In this world, we all have our exact matches and it’s up to us to find them. If we weren’t so lazy or relaxed about it.
EVE For time is only a human construct, but yet it waits for no man.
ADAM A poet too.
EVE No, just love to read it. But that. I made up.
She smiles with passion at Adam and he does the same.
ADAM So how did I do with your game?
EVE We haven’t even played yet.
ADAM All of that I said-
EVE Was from your heart and not from the mouth out.
The waiter comes back out and cleans off the table.
WAITER Would you like another round?
ADAM Would you like another expresso?
EVE Ah no, but I would love a coffee black with three sugars.
ADAM Strong woman; why not an expresso?
EVE Because I am going to crash!
ADAM You heard the lady Monsieur.
Adam directs all his attention to Eve, staring into her
EVE Stop.
ADAM What?
EVE Staring at me!
ADAM Can I not look at Beauty?
EVE You’re just trying to get me in the bed.
ADAM If I wanted that, I would just ask. But I would have to kiss you first.
EVE The gentleman
ADAM I am ready for this game?
EVE If the church is Jesus’ bride groom who are we to bride groom?
ADAM How could there be a church without a marriage?
EVE Huh.
ADAM In the bible it states the church is Jesus’ bride groom for he is the bride and the groom. We are married to the church in his name, because we are saved under the blood of Jesus. But how can we be married if the marriage was never consummated from the beginning of time.
EVE You just made my question even more interesting?
ADAM You asked a question and I am giving you the answer to your question with another question that may or may not have an answer. It is up to the man who you decide to ask.
EVE This is my way of finding my mister right.
ADAM Whose to say that I am him?
EVE And who is to say that you’re not?
Adam reevaluates the question and his answer and smiles.
The waiter brings the drinks back to the table and leaves.
They both sips their drinks and look at one another.
EVE It was never stated that we were married in the good book. You were put into a deep sleep and a rib was taken out of you that was created into me. From there, bone or your bone and flesh of your flesh we will become one.
ADAM How are we to leave our mother’s if we never had one in the beginning.
EVE I never wrote the book, but when you bring all these points to my attention, I can’t help but wonder?
ADAM What?
EVE Were we meant to meet?
ADAM It seems like I’ve met you before, somewhere-else. You know what I am thinking and can relate to what I am saying-so your question is my question on why I never got married, because I was married already and didn’t know it.
Adam touched Eve’s hand and hold it gently.
ADAM Do you feel uncomfortable?
ADAM Nor do I?
EVE I feel a sense of calm when I talk to you-as if, you could complete this puzzle I have within myself.
ADAM (IN FRENCH) The piece that you have to turn many times to make sure that it fits.
EVE (IN FRENCH) But you finally find that one piece, everything is totally beautiful. ADAM May I be your friend?
EVE Yes you may? Can you love me?
ADAM Only if you let me love you!
EVE Are you going to serenade me while we sit here?
ADAM No, that would be a waste of your time and mines. I will talk to you and tell that I am down to earth and love a good beer. Just because I am saved doesn’t mean I don’t like the finer things in life. I just watch what I do and give praise every chance I get for seeing a new day.
EVE Do you want to know something funny?
ADAM What would that be?
EVE I came over to ask you about the museum and you never told me where it is?
They both laugh.
Eve takes Adam’s hand and holds it
They stare at each other and smile.
ADAM How about I take you on a tour of PARIS so you decide if you want to come back or not?
EVE I would come back just to enjoy your company?
ADAM Or maybe I can come back to the states and have a pizza with some beer with you.
EVE We can do that somewhere in Italy.
ADAM Is that a date?
EVE No, it’s a promise!
They get up and Adam pay for the time that they spent at
the Bistro. They walk over to Adam’s motorcycle and get on.
They pull off, with Eve holding on tight to Adam’s back.
They ride around the main square and along the streets
looking at the stores and places to eat. They stop at an
ice cream parlor and talk while enjoying their ice cream.
EVE Is this ice cream homemade?
Adam stuffs his mouth. ADAM Yes ma’am. Everything in this store is made fresh and from scratch.
EVE Such a beautiful thing.
ADAM That is why everything around us is a tale of wonder, because being made scratch can show the beauty of all things.
EVE And in that beauty, there are hidden wonders that the world doesn’t care to see.
ADAM We laugh and we love, but yet we not know the ingredients to maintain it. We let all our daily afflictions mess up our beauty.
EVE Just trying to live is a hassle. But that is our fault.
ADAM Understand that we may carry the names of our ancestors, doesn’t mean we have to be exactly like them. We love Jesus and love the father, we live to the best of our ability to do what is right. So like the woman you are, I will not call you my helper, but my other half, my life and my wife. For you are giving to me through the love of the father, where can not be alone and you are here to be with me for all our days. EVE To love, honor, respect and love you. To not do what was done back then. Love life to the fullest and make sure that the love flourishes like the wild sea.
ADAM With all that you have, you still have not found one who is worthy?
EVE And to be naked and not be ashamed of who God made us and for he intended us to be.
ADAM More ice cream?
EVE I thought you would never ask.
They both walk into the parlor hand in hand.
They walk up to the counter and look at the selection and
laugh and giggle as the patrons wait their turn. Eve looks
at Adam and kisses him softly on the lips, wondering if it
was too soon to kiss him.
Adam in turn, kisses Eve back more passionately than the
first kiss.
The patrons smile and clap.
Adam and Eve collect their ice cream and leave the parlor
eating and enjoying each others company.
They walk to the motorcycle and stand eating the rest of
their ice cream as Adam points to the museum.
They walk into the museum and admire the attractions as
they walk through. Eve stops by an exhibit and takes
pictures and they call a passer by to take pictures of them
They hold hands walking, talking and laughing while pushing
through the crowds and they come to the LOVE exhibit and
stop to stand in amazement.
The tour guide stops in front of the exhibit and grabs the
microphone earpiece and begins to talk about love and the
first recording of Love since the beginning of time.
They listen and look at each other while holding hands.
The other spectators listen and admire Adam and Eve while
looking at the original pair.
The tour guide moves on to the next exhibit as Adam and Eve
stay behind staring at the exhibit Eve came to see.
Eve stops herself from tearing
Adam looks over and comforts her.
He hugs her and kisses her on top of her head.
She looks at him.
EVE I’ve been here for one day and this is the most happiest I’ve ever been.
ADAM That is because you are letting yourself be free to love and feel it come back to you.
EVE I had to come all the way here to feel this way?
ADAM If this is where God wanted you to be, then this is the right place.
EVE You are so funny.
ADAM I am trying to tell the truth.
EVE Try lying for once.
ADAM It takes to much energy.
EVE No. I enjoy your truths and I guess from hearing so many lies, the truth just sounds so much better.
ADAM Most people refuse to hear the truth.
EVE I’ll try not to be one of those people.
She looks at Eve and the sadness in her face.
EVE How could she be in love with a frown such is that? Love is supposed to be happy, not sad.
ADAM Love is happy and sadness. That is what makes it great. People tend to not realize the appreciation of sadness. Without that, you can not learn to love more. It is the balance of the universe that our God had made. People hated Jesus in turn after his death, they loved him even more. When things don’t work out, we are quick to blame Jesus and his father. But when life turns for the better, everyone love for Jesus grows even stronger.
EVE So when we don’t even want him in our lives, he comes to us in different ways.
ADAM He giveth and taketh away.
EVE I’ve learned so much today and there so much more to learn.
ADAM Do you really think so?
EVE Since I met you-yes!
ADAM Just open your heart and mind and it will all come to you. Finding the one you want will not always come to you when you want it. We time to be prepped for what is about to be given to us. I will never say we don’t deserve it; it’s just not up to us. It’s up to the universe and our good father.
EVE So I had to come to Paris.
ADAM Sad to say-yes you did.
EVE You gave me another question to my question, still lingering in limbo with that.
ADAM I answered your question.
EVE Did you really?
EVE How do you figure?
ADAM You kissed me and I kissed you back.
Adam walks off to another exhibit.
EVE What-wait-a-minute!
Eve chases off after Adam.
At another exhibit, Eve walks over to Adam looking at
another picture, she slowly walks up on the side of him.
EVE That was wrong.
ADAM Why, because I kissed you first?
EVE You walked off and didn’t tell me.
ADAM Or is it I didn’t answer your question the way you wanted me too and then you kissed me before you got your right answer?
EVE Or maybe you sweet talked me?
ADAM (SMILING) Well we are in the capitol of Love, are we not? EVE This was a mistake. I thank you for the day and the wonderful time, but I really think that this isn’t going to work.
ADAM Because you say so, or because it is written in the good book?
EVE What?
ADAM And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise you on the head and you shall bruise me on the heel.
EVE You’re quoting scripture.
ADAM No. I’m quoting a fact. All that has happen doesn’t have to happen again.
EVE But we are destined, especially from where we have came.
Adam takes Eve by the hand and looks at her lovingly.
ADAM If you really think that, I will walk away and never look back to see where you are.
EVE Can we fall in love and not be ashamed?
ADAM As long as God opens that door for us, we can do anything.
EVE You are so confident with this.
ADAM Because I know what I want.
EVE Do you want me?
ADAM I’ve wanted you since you crossed the street and went into the Bistro. It’s not a one night fling.
He runs his fingers across her cheek.
ADAM (IN FRENCH) I want to wake up with you, make love to you, walk with you, talk with you and love you until the father takes me home.
She looks at him smiling, then the tears run down her face.
EVE This can’t be happening.
She runs off out of the Museum.
Adam makes chase and follows behind her.
Adam comes behind Eve and grabs her by the hand, stopping
her. He turns her around to see that she was crying and he
reaches in his pocket and uses the ice cream napkin to wipe
her tears. Adam hugs her.
Eve breaks down and cries in his arms.
Adam and Eve have dinner looking at the Eiffel. They laugh
and talk about getting to know each other better and plans
for the near future.
EVE I live in the City and I have a job.
ADAM I already know this. Why don’t I help you find a job here or do you want me to come out there on a work visa?
EVE What of your family?
ADAM What of them, they are living their lives and they wanted me to find a woman and live mine. I have found her and I am trying to live it.
EVE What if you don’t like it or the things that I do?
ADAM That is what we call compromise.
EVE What about your friends?
ADAM Social media!
EVE Do you have an answer for everything that I am going to say?
ADAM I have to hear the question before I can answer?
EVE Do you think that I can make you happy?
ADAM By working together, yes.
EVE I give up.
ADAM Don’t you like when I answer your questions?
EVE I do. I just can’t believe that I ran out of questions and I am a writer.
ADAM When you write, how do you feel?
EVE I feel free, I can create and do anything.
ADAM So that is how you live your life. Free and you can do anything.
EVE How can you just make life so simple?
ADAM Because I was tired of making it hard!
EVE You need to teach me that trick.
ADAM Have faith.
Adam finishes the last of his food and he looks at Eve.
ADAM It’s us.
EVE I’m sorry?
ADAM It’s us.
EVE What’s us?
ADAM The answer to your question; the one that no one seems to get right because they are so wrapped up in their worldly affairs. A simple question with a simple answer and all you candidates couldn’t even answer, because all they were interested is getting you in the bed.
EVE Okay.
ADAM If the church is Jesus’ bride groom who are we to bride groom? It’s us. You are his bride like the church for you love Jesus and I am the groom of the church because I love Jesus.
EVE Is that your final answer?
ADAM Yes it is.
EVE Waiter, check please?
ADAM Was I wrong?
Eve gets up and walks away from the bistro.
Adam pays for the dinner and leaves.
He catches up with her.
ADAM Did I say something wrong?
She refuses to answer.
ADAM Talk to me?
He runs in front of her and stops her.
Eve looks at Adam kisses him passionately.
She stops and looks at him and whispers.
EVE In all the years it took for someone to find me. You did it at a Bistro in Paris.
ADAM So did I answer right?
EVE Yes you did. But I wanted to walk.
ADAM I could ride you home?
She points to her hotel.
EVE I knew where I was at all the time. I just wanted to know if you could answer my question.
ADAM Why me?
EVE You said it best: It seems like I’ve met you before, somewhere-else. You know what I am thinking and can relate to what I am saying-so your question is my question on why I never got married, because I was married already and didn’t know it.
ADAM Well then I guess this will goodnight?
EVE We don’t have to go to bed and worship.
ADAM I know, that will come in time
EVE I’ve been wanting a beer. You in?
ADAM Yes, I would like that. I will meet you over at the hotel, let me go and get my bike.
Eve kisses Adam again.
EVE I’ll meet you in room seven-fifteen.
She walks off.
Adam smiles and runs back for his bike.
JUDGE JOHN SOLOMON puts on his robe and looks out of the
window looking at the Federal Plaza building. He looks down
and sees all the people racing to work. He walks over to
his desk and takes a long sip of coffee and sits down.
THE COURT CLERK knocks on the door and the Judge tells
him to enter.
CLERK Morning again, you have a full house today.
SOLOMON I think that I am going to put in for early retirement.
CLERK You’re like the best Judge on the East coast and you know it.
SOLOMON Being the best can take a toll.
CLERK I don’t know how many Judges operate the way you do.
SOLOMON I give praise to God, love my family and drink lots of coffee. CLERK Well, when you’re ready.
SOLOMON Thank you.
The Judge leans back in his chair and sighs. He then leans
forward and being to pray.
SOLOMON Father, I come to you to ask for wisdom in all my decisions in today’s court cases. May your dispense justice fairly and honorably-In your name-AMEN.
The Judge gets up and finishes his coffee. He stretches and
then walks out to the courtroom.
The Court Officer announces Judge Solomon and the court stands
up to give respect to the Judge. The court sits down as the
Judge takes his seat. He looks over at the stack of dockets and
SOLOMON (ADDRESSING THE COURT) Good morning Ladies and Gentleman, I will get right to the point. Today I have a busy and I will tolerate any unnecessary outburst or ignorance. Things in this court room will go smooth and on schedule. Okay who is first on the docket?
The Judge looks up at the court and waits.
OFFICER We have Prince versus Johnson in the matter damaged property.
Ms. PRINCE and Ms. JOHNSON walk up to the front of the
The Judge looks at them.
SOLOMON Good morning. Now what is the issue here?
PRINCE I had brought a brand new phone and I went to show it to her and when I went to her house, she got drunk and broke it. I’m suing her for a new phone.
SOLOMON Ms. Johnson? Did you break the phone?
JOHNSON Yes your honor I did, but it was by accident-
SOLOMON What did I just say? I have a busy schedule and I will not deal with nonsense. This is how this goes. Ms. Prince, were you drinking too?
PRINCE Yes you honor.
SOLOMON Do you have insurance on the phone?
Prince is hesitant.
PRINCE No your honor.
SOLOMON My final decision is, you are both dumb for drinking and being vain. Instead of buying money for drinks and partying, you should have spent that little extra on some insurance for your phone.
He looks at Ms. Johnson.
SOLOMON You didn’t break that phone by accident. That is called malice. You are not her and stop trying pretending to be her friend. Ms. Johnson will pay for the phone to get fixed or buy you a brand spanking new one. This is adjourned.
The gavel goes down.
Prince and Johnson walk out of the court.
Solomon looks at the next docket.
SOLOMON Call it.
OFFICER Holmes versus Knight; Custody dispute!
Ms. HOLMES and Mr. KNIGHT walk up to the front of the
Solomon looks up through his glasses.
SOLOMON The matter of a Custody Dispute; okay who wants to talk first?
KNIGHT I am not allowed to see my son.
SOLOMON Is that it?
KNIGHT Yes sir. I’m not getting screamed at.
SOLOMON Ms. Holmes?
HOLMES He isn’t a good role model for my son. He doesn’t work and he is always out all hours of the night.
SOLOMON (THINKING) Is this little boy his son by blood?
SOLOMON (TURNING TO MR. KNIGHT) Sir, why are you out all hours of the night.
KNIGHT I got laid off of my job and the unemployment that I am getting isn’t enough to make sure my bills are covered and little man is taking care of. In the morning I am looking a job and going to school. I am not going to not let my man go without. I raised that boy from a month old until he is six.
SOLOMON I will respect you on how you answered that question. But I can agree that isn’t good for the child. But I will grant joint custody to the both of you.
Solomon looks at Ms. Holmes.
SOLOMON You bring this man to court knowing all that he trying to do? You waste the courts time and your time with something that you two can both have worked out on your own. You should be ashamed of yourself putting your son through these motions. This is adjourned!
The gavel goes down.
Solomon looks at the other dockets and calls over the
SOLOMON Did you look at any of these before you gave them to me?
OFFICER Was I supposed to find anything special?
SOLOMON These aren’t my regular cases.
OFFICER Because Myers is out, due to a family emergency with her husband.
Solomon goes through his case with wisdom and continuing to be just.
Solomon sits in his office. He looks at the clock and
takes off his robe.
The Court Officer comes in and checks on the Judge.
OFFICER Are you okay?
SOLOMON Fine-fine-fine.
OFFICER What do you want me to do?
SOLOMON Go to lunch and have everyone come back an hour. I have to go and do something.
Solomon leaves the office and goes down the flight of
stairs. He leaves the building and flags down a taxi and
gets in. He sits in the back of the cab, thinking.
Solomon walks into the sanctuary and sees PASTOR GALVANO.
GALVANO (SHAKING HANDS) Haven’t seen you in a long while?
SOLOMON Work has taken a toll on me.
GALVANO You got some time?
SOLOMON An hour tops.
GALVANO That should be enough time.
They go to the front of the sanctuary and pray.
Galvano and Solomon talk.
SOLOMON My faith!
GALVANO Now why would you be losing that? You’re one of the greats. Wise, funny and down to earth.
SOLOMON These cases are just a waste of time, people doing stupid things, wasting time-my time.
GALVANO The world needs people like you. God gave you the gift of wisdom and you’ve been using for a long time.
SOLOMON Well that time has finally reached it’s breaking point.
GALVANO So what is it really? Nothing shakes you.
The Judge thinks for a moment and then tries to find the
right words. SOLOMON I had a dream. I was taking to God and he told me to continue to doing this profession.
GALVANO That’s all he said?
SOLOMON He said that times are going to get hard and tedious, but keep the faith and you will be fine.
GALVANO Well trust in his words.
SOLOMON How can I trust in his words when everything seems like it’s turning into crap?
GALVANO That’s how the ball bounces. We have to go through ours, to get to the finish line. No one never said it was going to be easy-you of all people should know that. Look what you had to go through to get to where you are. One of the most respected Judges in New York State. Why, because of your diligence and guidance through the Lord. He’s given you that gift and you have used it since you were a D-A.
SOLOMON Half of me wants to go back to being a D-A and sit on my a*s.
He tries to be serious and not laugh at his own comment.
GALVANO You’re sitting on your a*s now, but with more responsibility. How is the home life?
SOLOMON (SIGHING) The kids are being kids, the wife is being my wife. I have no complaints. We go through the normal argument: Go throw out the garbage while I’m watching a game, I ask her where my clothes are while she is taking a bath.
GALVANO So then, it’s just work?
SOLOMON Could it be anything else?
GALVANO How’s your health?
SOLOMON I still drink and smoke on occasions-mostly when I am at work with the smoking. At home, I’ll drink some wine or have a beer or two.
GALVANO Then it’s work.
SOLOMON You said that already.
GALVANO Have you been tested for anxiety?
SOLOMON What the hell is that?
GALVANO When someone-
SOLOMON I know what the hell it is, why would you think that I am going through that?
GALVANO Let’s see. Instead of taking lunch, you come down here to talk to me about how your day is going and the only time I see you is when we play poker or on Sundays.
Solomon gets out of his seat and walks around the office.
He looks at the cross and confesses.
SOLOMON I don’t think I want to do this anymore.
GALVANO But it’s your calling.
SOLOMON Why doesn’t call someone else to take my place?
GALVANO Because he wants you to heed the call!
SOLOMON I just don’t know.
GALVANO How about this, why don’t you pray before you get back on your throne and ask for wisdom and more strength and while your at it, a little more faith in yourself. Because somewhere from where you left the house this morning and the courts, you lost yourself.
Solomon stays silent and thinks for a moment.
SOLOMON May I have a shot of Scotch?
GALVANO Liquid courage will last only for a moment and then you will be back to square one, dealing with all that mess that you tried to forget about.
SOLOMON Exactly my point, I want to forget about how I am feeling for the moment.
GALVANO Just pray on it. I know that you have a stash in your desk at the office, so before you take that sip; think about what I said. Now get out of here.
SOLOMON But I’d rather talk to you.
GALVANO You’re wasting my taxes by sitting here talking to me during your work hours.
They shake hands and Galvano walks him out of the office and to
the exit.
Solomon looks at Galvano and laughs at him.
SOLOMON And with all the tax payers money that I get, I pay your salary.
GALVANO Yeah-yeah, get out of here…
SOLOMON I’ll see you Thursday?
GALVANO Yes, so I can take your tax money.
Solomon leaves the church.
He goes outside and looks at his watch, he decides that he
has enough time to grab something to eat before he goes
back to work. Solomon walks down the block and grabs two
hot dogs and a soda and walks back to work.
As he walks he thinks.
A HOMELESS MAN on the street asks him for money.
Solomon reaches into his pocket and gives him five dollars.
He holds onto the money and looks at the man.
SOLOMON I see you all the time and you choose not to do anything with yourself. I am here to tell you-today you will do something with yourself and be all that you can be. If I can make it from being homeless to having all that I have, you can do the same as I did. Now get up and do something with yourself.
MAN I don’t know what to do, I lost everything to gambling. SOLOMON So take the biggest risk of all. Get your life back and be proud of it. Know your faults that put you here and never let it happen again.
MAN I don’t know where to start?
SOLOMON Yes you do, you’re just scared.
Solomon reaches out his hand.
SOLOMON Stand up and be strong, like Jesus and the man at the pool of water. Let your legs and back become strong and find your way. It will be hard, but get up.
The man takes Solomon’s hand and rises up. He looks at
Solomon and a he began to cry. The man hugs Solomon and
looks at him.
MAN I didn’t believe until you told me that I am worth more.
Two POLICE OFFICERS walk by and Solomon calls out to them.
OFFICER 1 How may we help you?
OFFICER 2 Is he bothering you?
SOLOMON On the contrary, I am bothering him. I need your help. I am Judge-
OFFICER 1 We know who you are Judge Solomon. What would you like from us?
SOLOMON I need you to help this man get to the local shelter and tell administration that I sent him and to make sure that he gets all the help he needs.
He turns to the homeless man.
SOLOMON I say to you on this day, it will change for you. God has given you another chance at life, don’t mess it up. I don’t want to see you out on these streets again.
He turns to the Officers.
SOLOMON If you see this man on the streets pedaling or even sleeping, you lock him up for loitering. You have a good life and I will see you again soon. Solomon walks off, realizing that he might be late for
Solomon gets ready to go back to work. He puts on his robe
and looks out of the window. The Court Officer knocks on
the door and comes in.
OFFICER Is everything okay?
SOLOMON Better now, thanks for asking.
OFFICER Well, we still have a crap load of dockets to get rid of and we’re running behind.
SOLOMON Well then I am going to have to catch up. Gimmie me a second!
The Court Officer closes the door and as Solomon looks all
awards and the commendations that he’s received over the
years for his hard work.
He smiles and looks out of the window and sees everything
that is in front of him and thinks.
He taps his finger on his desk and looks at the phone.
He goes and calls his wife. SOLOMON Hi love.
WIFE Is everything okay?
SOLOMON I just wanted to tell you that I love you
WIFE What did you do?
SOLOMON I lost my faith for a moment. Let the world get the best of me.
WIFE Well you need to let go whatever’s bothering you. Because all it will do is consume you and make you sick.
SOLOMON I just got lost in the moment and I saw Pastor Galvano on my break.
WIFE Did he at least talk some sense into you?
SOLOMON Yes, I think so.
WIFE Well then, get back to work.
SOLOMON I love you too.
WIFE And I love you.
He hangs up the phone.
Solomon walks to the door and waits.
He prays.
Solomon calls the cases and he goes through each one with
wisdom and conviction.
He looks over as the case dockets get lower and lower.
A case comes up where he is yelling at the lawyer and the
client because of disrespect, slamming the gavel down.
He looks at the court room and stands up.
SOLOMON Now this is my conviction to all that sit in this courtroom today. If I get another outburst like that again. I will personally have you locked up for a week just prove to you on how serious I am-do I make myself clear?
SOLOMON Now with this matter of Kenneth versus Malcolm is will stay that you will pay your rent. I understand that you are withholding your rent because you have a slumlord who refuses to do anything but take your money-pause please?
The stenographer stops.
SOLOMON Here is the deal. You have a slumlord who refuses to fix anything in your apartment. Since He doesn’t not want to do what is right. You are going to have up to one hundred and twenty day to find an apartment to live in. Also have saying that, Mr. Kenneth will give you three months of your rent back and your security. That will be the money that you will use to move. If you are there on the one hundred and twenty-first day-all bets are off. Continue please.
The stenographer starts again.
SOLOMON Mr. Kenneth will give you three months of your rent back and your security. That will be the money that you will use to move. If you are there on the one hundred and twenty-first day-you will forfeit your rent and security. Case is adjourned.
He slams down the gavel.
Kenneth and Malcolm leave the courtroom.
The Court Officer calls up the next case.
OFFICER BAKER versus Carlton!
Mr. Baker and Mr. Carlton walk up to the front of the front of the courtroom.
Solomon looks at both men.
SOLOMON It seems like we have a car issue. Who owns the car? I will let Mr. Carlton speak first?
CARLTON I own the car and I want him to pay for all the damages that he’s done to the car.
SOLOMON (LOOKING AT THE BILL) All of this looks like wear and tear. Mr. Baker, did you do this to his car by yourself?
BAKER No your honor, that is my car too.
SOLOMON (FOLDING HIS HANDS) How does this car belong to the both of you?
BAKER We put our money together and brought the car.
SOLOMON So, the both of you wore down the car and Mr. Carlton wants you to pay for the car?
BAKER YES. SOLOMON Well that isn’t going to happen. Since you both decided to buy the car together-which was the dumbest thing you two could have done; you are going to go half on fixing the car.
CARLTON Your honor, I am not going to pay for the car to get fixed. He drove it more that I did.
SOLOMON Don’t interrupt me again. Like I said, you will go half on the car-
CARLTON Your honor I am not paying for-
SOLOMON DO you think I am joking? Do I look like a Joke???
He looks over to his court clerk as he closes the case file.
SOLOMON I want you to contact D-M-V and have that title put into Mr. Baker’s name solely. And when you finish with that I would like you to suspend Mr. Carlton’s license for the duration of Thirty days.
CARLTON You can’t do that.
SOLOMON SIXTY! We are adjourned.
The gavel goes down. Baker and Carlton leave the courtroom.
Solomon looks at the next case file.
The two gay men get up and come to the front of the
Solomon looks over the case file and looks up at them.
SOLOMON (POINTING THE MILLER ON LEFT) Mr. Miller. What is the problem? I see you are suing your spouse for being financially abusive?
MILLER 1 Yes your honor.
SOLOMON If you mind me asking, how is he financially abusive?
MILLER 1 He doesn’t want to work, I pay all of the bills, he demoralizes me when I don’t buy him anything.
SOLOMON Hold on.
He turns to the other Miller.
SOLOMON What do you do for a living?
MILLER 2 I am a entertainer.
SOLOMON How do you entertain?
MILLER 2 Singing, acting and dancing!
SOLOMON Do you have a job, doing any of those things?
SOLOMON So how can you say that you’re a singer, when you don’t sing, an actor, when you’re not acting or a dancer when you’re not dancing? I understand that you’re aspiring to be something great, but this is the real world. Tell me something-since your not working are you at least domesticated?
MILLER 2 What’s that?
MILLER 1 When you cook, clean and take care of the house and bills.
MILLER 2 Oh no. I don’t do domesticated.
SOLOMON Well you’re going to be doing something.
Solomon looks in the case file and see a list of bills.
SOLOMON Are these your bills?
MILLER 1 Yes your honor.
SOLOMON Okay. Your spouse is going to find a job within the next thirty days while aspiring to be an entertainer. If that does not happen I am going to hit you with a cause and effect.
MILLER 2 What’s that?
SOLOMON You will cause me to throw you in jail for panhandling and the effect will be you serve your time until you find a job. I don’t care if you’re walking dogs-you are going to find a job. I want you back here in thirty days. Court adjourn!
The gavel goes down.
Solomon looks at the case loads and sighs.
He turns to the Court clerk.
SOLOMON What cases can be adjourned and what can not?
CLERK None, we have to hear them all out.
No answer.
No answer.
No answer.
SOLOMON This is not going to be a waste of my time. I want a warrant out for his arrest four thousand dollar bond.
He closes the file and throws it to the side.
Solomon looks at the next file, and opens it up looking it
over. He turns to the Court Clerk and looks at the court.
He opens his mouth and begins to hear the cases and makes
his decision on the cases that he’s heard. One after
another Solomon closes the cases out with ease and
He looks at the clock and realizes that the court case are
almost done.
He stands up.
SOLOMON I need to call a recess.
The Court Officer escorts the people out of the courtroom.
Solomon comes out of the bathroom and he puts back on his
The Court Clerk comes inside.
CLERK We have a case that you should know doesn’t fall under us.
SOLOMON What kind of case?
CLERK Two children, one died in his sleep and the other is alive. Now both woman who are sister is claiming that the child who is alive is both theirs
SOLOMON A mother’s anguish; has the mother been tested for a mental disorder?
CLERK Not according to the file.
SOLOMON The tale of King SOLOMON!
CLERK I’m sorry?
SOLOMON The story of King SOLOMON in the bible!
CLERK Oh…Never read it.
SOLOMON That is where I got my name from. Gimmie the file and I see what I can make of this one.
The clerk hands the case file to Solomon and he looks it
over as he walks over to his desk to sit down.
SOLOMON Give me about ten minutes on this one. This is a tough one.
He picks up his phone and makes a call.
The people wait around talking and eating and becoming
Solomon looks over the case file and makes a decision to
take on the case. He looks up as he takes off his glasses.
He talk to himself.
SOLOMON You put me here for a reason; you set me in this position for a reason. This one has to be off the record until I can get the truth out of these woman.
He gets up and walks out of the room with the file in hand.
The people come back in for the final time.
Solomon comes out and takes a seat opening up the case file
once more and looking at it over and over.
Solomon looks over at the stenographer and puts his hand
She removes her fingers off of the keyboard and sits back.
SOLOMON Taylor versus Taylor!
The Taylor sisters walk up to each of their podiums and
look at each other and then at Solomon.
SOLOMON Do you swear to tell the whole truth so help you God?
Solomon listens to the first sister’s story.
And then the other’s sister’s story.
Words were exchanged between the sister and he knew that
they weren’t concerned with his threats, for he knew that
the mother of the child didn’t have anything to lose,
because she lost her child.
Screaming and yelling had brought other Court Officer’s
into the room where the sister’s had to be restrained
because of their anguish.
Walking into the courtroom was Solomon’s wife.
She sat in the back of the court room watching her husband
do what he was so good at.
Mrs. Solomon sat proud watching her husband.
The Court Officer calmed down the room and stood in between
the sister, Solomon made his drastic decision to see who
was the real mother.
SOLOMON I carefully reviewed all the findings and listened to both parties that are in front of me. I can never understand how it feels to lose a child, but I know how it feels to live a lie and or be lied too. So from today on the child will be placed in foster care until the age of eighteen and then he be drafted into the armed forces and never see the either of you ever again.
The second Taylor screamed.
TAYLOR 2 NO. Give her my baby. I don’t want him to grow up in the system and not have any love. Take him!!!
Solomon looks over at the woman and nods.
He looks at the stenographer and tells her to begin.
SOLOMON (POINTING TO TAYLOR 2) You shall have your baby back and your sister will be detained and put in a mental hospital for further evaluation.
The sister loses her composure and the Court Officers
detain her, pulling her out of the Court room.
The gavel goes down at the end of the day.
Solomon puts his robe away and he stares out at the street.
He talks to God.
SOLOMON Thank you for giving me the strength and the wisdom to do what I do. I didn’t know what to do with that last case and you showed me that I should always trust and believe.
He walks over to her and kisses her. She hugs him and smiles.
SOLOMON What happened?
WIFE After I got your call, I knew that you were having a day, so I came here to get you so we can have dinner and make a night out of it.
SOLOMON It’s Tuesday.
WIFE With you, everyday is a weekend to me.
They leave the office.
JOHN sits on the park bench feeding the birds as he looks
at the people passing by. He watches the children play and
wave at him as they continue on. John continues to feed the
birds and thinks for a moment. He sees the joggers run by
as couples and people running alone.
He looks at the sky as the clouds move to the east, he
closes his eyes and prays.
He finishes the bag of seeds and he walks over to the
garbage can and disposes of the bag. He looks at the water
fountain and walks over to it and sits on the bench next to
He listens to the parks, the people, the birds and the
traffic outside of the park.
A clown with balloons walks by and stops.
He stares at John and smiles, pretending to be in a box.
John smiles and claps at his performance.
The clown walks over and gives John a balloon.
The clown walks off dancing.
John looks at the balloon and ties the balloon to the arm
of the bench in a slip knot.
He rubs his knees and smiles, closing his eyes.
LISA runs down the path and stops at the bench to stretch.
She uses the bench to stretch out her legs.
Lisa looks over and smiles.
LISA Hello.
JOHN Good afternoon.
LISA I’m sorry for bothering you. I just wanted to stretch and take a break.
JOHN We all need breaks once in a while. The world can tire us out.
JOHN No, I’m actually a Christian, but I respect other’s beliefs.
JOHN Indeed, indeed you are right.
JOHN I try to help when and where I can.
LISA Is there any reason why your eyes are closed while you’re talking to me?
JOHN (OPENING HIS EYES) I was meditating on what I can do with the rest of my day.
JOHN Yes I do.
JOHN It keeps me grounded and at peace. I look at life through different spectrums and use each one to dictate my emotions.
JOHN They have a way of taking over.
Lisa walks over to the water fountain and drinks.
JOHN I can give you something that is more quenching than water and it can fill you up.
Lisa walks off.
JOHN For you have questions that you want answers to and do not know how to do about finding the truth.
She stops and turns around fixing her pony tail.
She walks back slowly and sits down next to John facing
John turns to her and looks at her.
LISA You said that you can give me something more quenching than water. What can be more filling than that and food?
JOHN Food and water need to exert out of the body so more nourishment can fill the body.
John smiles and leans back on the bench.
LISA You are so exact.
JOHN What is really exact?
LISA Are we going to play twenty questions?
JOHN What is your question?
LISA Why are we here?
JOHN Do you believe in the father?
LISA I try.
JOHN Oh it’s when good things go good for you believe in the father, but when things go bad, he is forgotten. But we fail to understand, good or bad; he is still there.
JOHN We are here to give praise and honor the Father.
LISA I don’t understand?
JOHN Yes you do.
JOHN What you don’t know about yourself, you look at things the way you want too instead of the way things are.
JOHN What do you see that black and white are colors too, people just have a way of separating the two. Life isn’t about one or the other, it’s about all of it coming together.
JOHN In another realm where he sees all.
LISA With the angels too?
JOHN The angels too, and the demons; there is a war right in front of you.
John waves his hand in front of them to reveal and angel
fighting two demons in front of them in another realm.
The angel swings his sword cutting a demon in half and
blocking the other demon with his shield. The angel steps
back and stabs the demon in the chest. He removes the sword
and flies off.
John closes the portal.
Lisa stares in amazement.
LISA What was in that water?
JOHN The world that you don’t want to know!
LISA Who are you?
JOHN I am a man sitting in the park talking to a nice young woman about life.
LISA What did you do to the water fountain?
JOHN Nothing, it’s just water coming out of the pipes that runs under the city, that leads out to the oceans.
LISA I can’t believe what I just saw.
JOHN Do you want me to stop talking to you, I’ll go.
He gets up and begins to walk.
Lisa gets up and stops him.
LISA No-don’t go. Against my better judgment I want to here more. Why aren’t you on a stage or something?
JOHN Because the world is my stage and I am just an actor.
LISA We are all actors and actresses.
JOHN Do you love your role?
LISA My role?
JOHN We are all playing roles in this world for the time that we are here. The question is; are you happy with who you are?
Lisa goes back to the bench and John follows.
They sit down and face each other.
JOHN If you knew the gift from the father you would know all that you have.
JOHN When you’re willing to give it to me, I will be willing to give you mines.
JOHN John.
They shake hands and continue.
LISA What is this reference to the water?
JOHN I see those paralegal skills are working for you.
JOHN It’s all around us. The spiritual battle that no one sees; it’s in us in with the flesh battling our inner spirit.
LISA But the water?
JOHN Water is an element; it takes on the form of any and everything. It can change it’s molecules to become hard, soft, steam and liquid states. It is the only thing that can give life and preserve life and it can kill us. All things need water. With that knowledge you understand and accept that what I have will get you to where you would like to be. All the running and exercise that you do will not get to the place where all things of this world won’t matter.
JOHN My knowledge doesn’t come from the school of this realm, it comes from the Father.
LISA (POINTING UP) That father?
JOHN That father.
LISA But why me?
JOHN Because you are here.
LISA What if I was someone else?
JOHN No one else has come by but you.
Lisa looks at the park that surrounds her and sees everyone
stopped in time.
LISA This is not happening. All I came to do is get a run in before I go into work-ohmygosh.
Lisa looks at her watch and notices that time has also
stopped for her as well. She tries to run off and hits an
invisible wall and falls on her behind. John gets up and
walks over and tries to help her.
Lisa slaps his hand away.
JOHN No, the truth has drugged you. It so easy to put the blame on someone else when you are to blame; you lie to yourself so you can feel better.
LISA How dare you judge me?
JOHN You are judging yourself.
JOHN Suit yourself.
John walks off and sits back on the bench.
Lisa gets up and looks at the other side of the park and
Touches the invisible wall and turns back and looks at
LISA This is not real. I am high on something, this isn’t real.
Lisa walks back over to the bench and sits next to John.
LISA I don’t know who or what you are, I am just going to sit here and listen to you since you’re stopping time and kidnapping me in broad daylight.
JOHN I will not do such a thing.
LISA So why won’t you let me go?
JOHN You look at things the way you want too instead of the way things are.
LISA Why won’t you let me go?
JOHN Because you did not ask.
Lisa hesitates as she looks at John.
LISA Why are you doing this to me?
JOHN Because you need to see the value of your worth.
LISA I’m just an Italian Brit who is just trying to make it in life.
JOHN What is it that you want?
LISA Money.
JOHN Will that fulfill you?
LISA It will make me much happier.
John stands up and pulls out two rolls of money and gives
it to her and sits back down.
Lisa looks at him in shock.
JOHN It’s about ten thousand pounds. Now how do you feel?
LISA Happy, but why are you giving me money?
JOHN To make a point; the money will only fulfill the need, but when it runs out what will do then? You lack purpose and meaning. That money only fills the void. As long as you live, you will need money to survive. That is only a gift-how long will that gift last?
LISA So what kind of purpose do I need?
JOHN The purpose that will make you happy; it’s not just about money. We all want that, but being happy spiritually is the best thing that one can ask for.
LISA And I don’t have that.
JOHN No-you don’t.
LISA I just came into the park just to run and I am being told that I need to change the way I live.
JOHN You need to stop lying to yourself.
LISA About what now?
JOHN You just decided to save yourself as you said after that one night stand you had two weeks ago.
JOHN You and Tim do.
JOHN No, just here to tell you to stop selling yourself short and be the woman that you can be.
LISA What am I to do with myself.
JOHN Give yourself to the Father.
JOHN Just because you give yourself to God doesn’t make you a nun. Things just seem to change when you look at life through another pair of eyes.
LISA Stop hanging with my friends?
JOHN You don’t have friends. They are just acquaints; you just hang out with them just to find something to do because you don’t like to be alone.
JOHN Then why are you talking to me?
LISA Because you’re interesting
JOHN And you have no life. I am just a man in the park that was feeding the birds.
LISA Are you an a*****e all the time?
JOHN Only when it’s called for.
LISA What is the reason the universe has me here with you?
JOHN So we can together and find out why you continue to make bad choices.
LISA I do not.
JOHN If it’s not your bad choice in men, it’s the people you hang out with.
LISA I can’t help that.
JOHN Change your ways of thinking and the energy that your project will attract more positive people in your life. The only people that you attract are the ones that mooch off of you and can take-take-and take from you. When was the last time someone took you out? Did for you? Spent time with you for you?
Lisa remains silent.
JOHN I am here to tell you as a friend and a person looking in from the outside that there must be changes made.
JOHN I guess that I am going to have to show you all the things that you can change in your life.
John looks out into the park and thinks for a moment.
He closes his eyes and prays. Opening his eyes, John waves
his hand in front of him opening a portal window of Lisa and things in her life.
Lisa sees her life and stares in amazement.
She sees herself at the bar drinking until she can’t stand up.
Going on blind dates and having sex.
Stressing out at work
Arguing with her parents
Stressing out at work
Having sex with her co-worker
Going on drinking binges with her friends
Going on blind dates and having sex.
Going on blind dates and having sex.
Going on blind dates and having sex.
exercising until she can’t anymore
Lisa waves her hands in the air.
LISA Alright, I’ve done seen enough. I feel like Scrooge.
JOHN Scrooge was a mean man. You’re not.
LISA Then who am I?
JOHN Only you can answer that?
LISA Well so far, you’ve been hitting right on everything about me?
JOHN What is it that bothers you the most about yourself?
JOHN Does he?
LISA He does.
LISA What else do you think I need?
JOHN Peace, Love for yourself and balance.
JOHN (POINTING TO THE PARK) Look at all that is around you. Everything has its balance to creates it’s own peace. The people, the birds and the plants are all in balance. The problem with man is that we’re too busy worrying about what’s not important. And that causes us to have doubt in ourselves and in the things that we do.
LISA So your water is knowledge. I don’t think that my head is big enough to hold all that you have to offer.
JOHN It is big enough, look at all that you attain since birth. The brain is a magnificent piece of hardware and I think that you will be okay.
LISA Do you think that this water will help me?
JOHN The only thing that I can do is lead you to it-it’s up to you to drink it.
LISA You don’t know what I’ve been through in my life.
John opens another portal window showing Lisa and her pain
that she’s endured in the last couple of years.
She breaks down and cries.
John comforts her and looks at her.
JOHN This is why I think that we met. For all that is old will become new again.
JOHN Before I can help you, you have to be willing to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
LISA Yes I am willing to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
JOHN Let the blood of Jesus cover you and wash away all of your sins, to make you whole and new. May your past be the thing of the past and let your new life flourish like the water you shall drink. Go and live your life Lisa and I will see you again.
The people begin to move and the birds and traffic is
Lisa looks around and for John.
He is gone.
LISA Thank you.
She runs off heading back to work.
Michael walks down the path and sees LUCIFER sitting on the
bench watching people go back and forth. Michael sits down
and looks over at Lucifer.
Lucifer rolls his eyes and looks away.
LUCIFER What do you want?
MICHAEL You just try so hard and I beat you every time.
LUCIFER Not every time. What do you want?
MICHAEL To see how you’re doing?
LUCIFER Why should you care?
MICHAEL Because I am love and I care.
LUCIFER If you care, why didn’t you tell that mortals who you really are?
LUCIFER But you were quick to help all these sinners who are in my house.
MICHAEL To make them better people.
LUCIFER They should be able to do that on their own.
MICHAEL Well that was your fault.
LUCIFER How was I to know she was going to eat the fruit.
MICHAEL You shouldn’t have tempted her.
LUCIFER You’re not letting that go, are you?
MICHAEL The father isn’t. That’s between you and him.
LUCIFER So then leave me be?
He gets up and walks off.
MICHAEL What did I do to you?
Lucifer turns around
LUCIFER And we so easily forget about who did what and how long ago?
He comes back and stands over Michael.
LUCIFER You have the nerve to go to the mortals and tell them that they live in sin when you do the same? How could tell someone to correct their past when you can’t even check your own?
MICHAEL I have made no mistakes.
LUCIFER A slap on the wrist and sent you off to spread the gospel.
MICHAEL Tempt me not on raising my hand to you. I pay you courtesy because you are my brethren.
LUCIFER I am nothing to you-traitor
MICHAEL For you are the traitor; I wasn’t the one who started the coo. You made your bed, now lie in it.
LUCIFER (LAUGHING) We have been around these mortals for too long. We are even starting to sound like them.
MICHAEL You are right. These mortals have a lot of potential.
LUCIFER But you know I am going to do everything I can to make their lives a living hell.
MICHAEL Then you wouldn’t be my brother if you didn’t. But Father was the one that sent me here for this mortal.
LUCIFER The big bad father got his peckerwood goody-two shoes son to come down and do his dirty work?
MICHAEL He has other matters to attend too, like the war that you’ve started.
LUCIFER I was just voicing my opinion.
MICHAEL Stay away from the mortals.
LUCIFER Can’t do that bro!
MICHAEL You have to go through father before you can step foot in this person’s life.
LUCIFER Ah, you forget. I am stuck here and hell is for all the unfortunates. So If pops didn’t want me to play, he should put man on one of these other planets he created.
MICHAEL We’re cosmic, we can go anywhere.
LUCIFER Well it’s SUCKS to be you.
MICHAEL I don’t mind the traveling, I get to meet new people.
LUCIFER You just find the good in everything?
MICHAEL That is just me.
LUCIFER You just make me sick Michael.
MICHAEL Well it sucks to be me then, huh?
LUCIFER Why don’t you go bother someone else.
MICHAEL If you have that much of a problem, go and talk to your father.
LUCIFER Does it look like I really have anything nice to say to him?
MICHAEL It’s your issue and not mines. I told you-you cross me, I will hurt you or any of your hellish minions.
LUCIFER What’s the matter, you think your pets will come to a new master?
MICHAEL They only has one and it isn’t you.
LUCIFER Last time I checked we weren’t in the slave business.
MICHAEL We have no slaves. They are the father’s children.
LUCIFER If they were his children, who are we? They are his creations-his pets, his projects and you are treating them like they mean something. They can reproduce, live and die and their life cycles continue-we are immortals
Michael looks at Lucifer and smiles.
MICHAEL You can not forgive can you?
Michale looks away and then back at Lucifer.
Lucifer vanishes.
The Clown stands behind the building smoking a cigarette,
hiding out. He looks at the tied up balloons on the hook on
the side of the building. He exhales the smoke and relaxes.
The Clown looks over at the people walking by and turns the
opposite way and sees Lucifer leaning on the wall smoking a
LUCIFER Now you know that you’re not supposed to be doing this while you’re working?
CLOWN It’s just a smoke, I’m not smoking Cannabis.
Lucifer shows him a bag of joints.
LUCIFER But we can and no one will know.
CLOWN I got parole.
LUCIFER I can make all those legal troubles go away if you want.
CLOWN Can you?
LUCIFER I can and I will if you say the word. I know how you feel wearing that crappy clown suit every stinking day. I can give you everything that you want and any girl or girls that you may desire.
CLOWN (THINKING) That sounds so good right now-what about a nice glass of scotch or a pint?
LUCIFER I can give a brewery if you want it.
CLOWN So you’re telling me that you can do all of that and I won’t have to worry about nothing ever again?
LUCIFER Yes, you won’t have to worry about nothing-ever again.
He flicks the cigarette butt into the air and into the grass.
LUCIFER I can do what ever I want. The Clown looks at him.
LUICFER I am what ever you want me to be.
CLOWN Are you my guardian angel?
LUCIFER Angel yes, guardian no. I am-
Michael walks over.
MICHAEL Just leaving!
LUCIFER Why don’t you just leave me alone?
MICHAEL I told you, leave the father’s flock alone.
CLOWN Ah what’s going on?
CLOWN So are you going to give me all that stuff that you said?
MICHAEL What did he promise you?
CLOWN Girls, money and my own brewery!
MICHAEL Take your balloons and go.
The clown gets upset.
CLOWN I’m not going anywhere until he gives me what he said.
Michael snatches the Clown up by the neck and dangled him
in mid-air.
He looks over at Lucifer.
MICHAEL This is your doing; turning him into one of your minions?
LUCIFER Well he had to pay the price if he wants to play.
A light engulfs the clown and he falls unconscious. Michael
tosses the Clown into the grass.
LUCIFER Ooops, time to go!
Lucifer vanishes.
Michael turns around with his eyes glowing white and looks
for Lucifer.
MICHAEL I will see you again. I will see you again.
Michael walks off taking the balloons.
He lets the balloons go and walks off…
The balloons float off into the skies.
© 2020 Corey ParisAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on May 1, 2020 Last Updated on May 1, 2020 Tags: SCREENPLAY, HOLY BIBLE, DRAMA, KINGS, ADAM, EVE, JESUS, LYCANSHIRE Author