Shattered Pieces

Shattered Pieces

A Poem by LeDiisco

The topic is a bit morbid, and im not great with poetry, but I had the idea and felt I should write it down.


She comes home after a long day, exhausted, tired and full of pain. 

She looks in the mirror to see her reflection expecting to see any kind of perfection. 

When her dead eyes stare back, it's the same as always. 

There is nothing special about her. 

She hates what she sees and finds nothing spectacular,

Although others would concur. 

While everyone around sees beauty, kindness and creativity at its best, 

All she sees is ugly and fake, nothing original from the rest. 

She feels like a failure, like she lost the race that hasn't even started. 

She longs to travel the inner depths of her mind that are uncharted. 

She tries once more the appreciate the reflection that stares her down.

But greeted with nothing better then a frown sadly with no renown. 

Stops and breaks the mirror leaving shards all around her feet. 

Figuring its the easiest way that her reflection could be beat. 

Instead now there are broken pieces lying on the floor,

She sees how broken she really is, but better than before. 

She sees the broken girl within that will never truly win.

She grabs a shard, thinks real hard and swiftly breaks her skin. 

She uses her reflection to break the perfection that people tend to observe. 

With her reflection she turns her hand and brings it up to a curve. 

The girl underneath comes pouring out so its easier to be seen. 

No longer an image hidden in a mirror trapped somewhere in-between.

As she looks at the ground at her shattered self, she sees something pretty strange. 

Its possible for her. She feels an artificial happiness staring back at her for a change. 

© 2013 LeDiisco

Author's Note

I havent written in a while.... and it's pretty dark..... But I got the idea to write a poem about this. I wrote it pretty fast... in like 10 minutes, if there are any mistakes, please point any out to me so I can change them =)

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I loved it just the way it is authentic

Posted 11 Years Ago

insecurity is a b***h. thats all, but a good read

Posted 11 Years Ago

Well, the only thing is that there might be an electronic voice aimed at her trying to break her down as an experiment behind her knowledge.

Posted 11 Years Ago

an honest and raw piece of poetry....

Posted 11 Years Ago

I can relate, though likely not the same way as i'm a guy lol

Posted 11 Years Ago

Wow, so just yesterday I read a different poem that included the act of cutting and I would like to tell you the same thing I told them. Great set up and great job overall. Poems like this tend to be repetitive and whiny in a sense, but this was fantastic. However, in the second stanza, you say "although" which would give the idea of contradiction or disagreement but then you say "concur" which means to agree. So to say "She hates what she sees and finds nothing spectacular,
Although others would agree" doesn't make to much sense to me. Idk if you meant for that but I would change one of those words. Just my two cents on that. Other than that, Great job, I really enjoyed this one!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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Very nice... honest

Posted 11 Years Ago

Wow i like this. So sad. No matter who we are and how popular, pretty, or smart we are ,nothing ever seems enough in our lives. It's hard to picture our subjects of jealousy messing up and then we try to mirror their good actions and we hate ourselves for the bad we do and believe ourselves worthless just due to the fact we have never seen their flaws. So yes i sit there and stare at the mirror every morning, and i hate the lack of uniqueness i see, but so do we all. Losers and winners alike.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I love the whole dark theme here. Considering you wrote this quickly, this is very impressive :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Added on March 31, 2013
Last Updated on March 31, 2013




Hey. My name is C. Lee. Im 26 and im not much of a writer.... but I love to write, so I do. I try to stick to things I have gone through, but sometimes I just write about things that I hear about. more..

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