Who says I am normal?

Who says I am normal?

A Story by EL LAO

This is me just having fun and letting my mind wonder


Hey you the person who is about to read this, now I know that you probably already think you know how this story will go. Well just give it a try maybe I can surprise you and you can enjoy this.  So let me begin.

It all started on a Friday afternoon, when I received this strange phone call. Let me tell you about it.

The voice in the other side said "Do you wish for a chance to change your life? And I know you need it."

I know weird thing for someone to say when they don't even know me but eh, whatever. 

So I responded to the voice "Nah I am good, got a pretty awesome life already. Also how would you know that I need a change in my life, huh?"

The Voice said "Ah funny guy I see. Well trust me I know you need a change. Just give it a chance, you won't regret it."

Which to I responded "I see and that is fine and all, but I think I will still pass. And how did you get my number, are you someone from that crazy night because I don't remember anything from that night?"  

"No and you will change your mind, so I will be expecting your call soon" was the last words he said as he hung up.

That was okay so I let it go and got ready to go have a night out with my boys. 

When I met them, later on in the day, I told them about what happened earlier with that call and they just told me to ignore it. I did as they told me so we headed out to the club. The night went as usual, we drank a lot and tried to pick up some honeys but no luck. As the night was coming to an end and I was a little too drunk to drive, just a little, my friends were like you should call that number and tell him you accept as a joke. I was like, hell you I should that sound like a great idea and did. 

I know that I should have thought this out better but hey, a few drinks and you think you can fly so f**k it.  All the Voice said okay and hung up.

We got a taxi to take us back home and sober up with a night’s rest. Waking up the next morning was the same as any other that involved one too many drinks.  A little hangover but not as bad as some other nights.

There was a knock at my door. I went to check who it was on the door and to my surprise no one was there, however there was a package on the floor.  It had my name on it so I brought it inside to my apartment. It was pretty big and had a little weight to it, however I do work out so this may weight more for you then me. Welcome to the gun show, don’t worry for you there in no entrance fee.

But back to the package, I set it on the living room coffee table and decided to exam it before I opened it.  Guess what it was, and you are probably wrong so I will tell you, it was a guitar, and yes I do play the guitar before you ask.  It was a very nice guitar, looked expensive like the Fender Stratocaster so I wasn’t upset that no one was at the door since I got a nice gift.

Under the guitar there was a note and the message was brief and creepy, and stated “Hey hunk I like that night, it was fun” signed mike. Yeah weird but there was an arrow pointing to the back, which was a good thing otherwise I would be like, what did I do and possibly thrown away the real message.  It stated, “Just play the guitar and watch what will happen” signed The Voice. Yeah even then I didn’t learn his name and weird dude, unless his name was mike, hmmm.

Yeah that was when things got fun, however you already having fun so hold on to your clothes because this will get naked fun.

So, I played the guitar liked stated, and I should have put on the best clothes that I had, you will learn why I thought that, just keep reading. But I played the guitar and wow, it was amazing, felt like it was made for me. Played so well, my hand know how to play each note as if I have been playing this guitar my whole life and the sound, goosebumps just thinking about it. Trust me it is a really great guitar.

Now just wait, I am describing how it felt like and no that was not the fun time that came right after that. I get a second knock on the door but this time there was someone there. He was my height in a nice black suit, made me jealous a little, with a serious face. Why so serious, is what I wanted to say but resisted and if you got that reference, give yourself a pat on the back because you are awesome.

So he comes in, yes without me inviting him, talk about rude, and handed me a card. Another card, and you can just imagine me rolling my eyes as I receive it, which read “I know you played it since this gentlemen was told to knock if he heard the guitar being played and that means you have agreed to everything and now you will be escorted by the man in the nice suit to a car outside and heading towards a new location.” He knew that guy had a nice suit so I wasn’t the only one. One thing for sure is that guy has been surprising me the whole time. I promised to myself this will be the last time I am surprised. Bet you will say that I am not going to keep that promise, which is very true, but stop acting smart since I am the one telling the story.

So like I was saying, I followed him since he seem to know the way I would react. My thought process at this time was open and ready for anything this guy had in store for me. The car that was waiting for me was nice, Bentley, this guy has money. It was a smooth ride and I need to get one of those cars. We reached the airport, and the guy escorted me to a private hanger to a private jet, score. I asked if I needed a passport and he nodded his head, works for me then.

I got in the private jet, as you would expect it had a nice interior and I was serviced some high class champagne. Wish I had nice clothes so I did not look to out of place sitting in this fancy jet, see that is why I wanted my good clothes. 

The one stewardess serving me was fine, and of course I made my move. There is a valid reason for why it was acceptable to make my move here, first, the flight was a few hours long, and I wanted to have some company and second, I wanted someone to talk to about this crazy day, see valid. Long story short here is I became a member of the mile high club.

When we arrived, I was in Denver Colorado, and I had to get into another car that was taking me to my next destination. This car was a nice Mercedes, I think the Bentley was better, but still nice car. In there was an intercom and I hear The Voice again, he said “how have you liked your trip so far.”

I responded “Can’t say I hate it, but it could be better”

“Well what could I have done to make it better?”

“First, I like a nice suit like the guy who took me to the airport, second why couldn’t the stewardess come with me for the rest of the trip, I enjoyed her company, and lastly, tell me where am I going, not too much to ask, right.”

“No, I can get you the nice suit and the lady friend you made will arrive shortly and as to where you are going, ever heard of Red Rocks Amphitheatre.”

“Then can’t say I hate the trip now, and yes I heard of the Red Rocks Amphitheatre. So I assume I will get to rock on that stage, pun not intended.”

“Yes, sort of, there will be much more, just wait and see” was the last things he said before we arrived at the hotel I was going to get ready in.

“Hmmm, well at least I get a nice suit out of all this, whatever this is going to be,” were my thoughts during that time. Trust me what I experienced was mind blowing and still can’t forget it.

I got to the hotel to get ready for the concert I will be playing in. Guess who helped me dress, I think you know who. No we did not do anything during the time in the hotel but I should have. However, I needed all the energy, I felt just so anxious waiting for it to be the time.

The car came to pick me up, this time it was an Audi R8 and I got to drive it. Man was it nice and no I didn’t get lost since it had a GPS that indicated where I was supposed to go to. Let’s just say that the cars I got to ride in, almost made me want to do the trip again. No, I am not a car person, but I do like them. And let’s say that the car’s joystick wasn’t the only joystick that was being used as I drove to the location. Told you this was naked fun. That girl is a keeper.

So when we arrived I was taken to the back stage and met the bands I was getting to perform with, which were bands I really like to listen to. They were Two Door Cinema Club, Walk the Moon, Imagine Dragons and Neon Tress. Yes, I got their autographs and they signed my new awesome guitar as well, double the win for one try.

I got on stage and started just doing the sound check and was just looking out towards where the crowd will be in a few moments, I got such a feeling of thrill. My heart was thumping so loud, my palms were sweating but I still looked calm and ready.

It was show time, I started out with Imagine Dragon, when the crowd cheered, and I felt so much adrenaline pumping through me. And you should have heard me on the guitar, I was following and playing as if I was part of the bands the whole time. Also my solos were so good, ah-ha, I think you like an autograph and you may get one at the end.

Next was Two Door Cinema Club and at one part of that performance I got some dude’s boxer thrown at me, with what I believe, his number on them, nasty but I still felt flattered. Would have rather liked to have panties, but hey, at least I was able to make someone lose their underwear during this concert because of my awesomeness.

And the rest of the performance was amazing. I got to also sing a little and just jam out, like rock out with my, you fill in the blank, out.  So back to telling you this story, by the end of the concert I felt tired yet pumped, weird feeling but still awesome. Around this time I was getting offers from the bands if I wanted to tour with them, sadly I declined for my awesomeness cannot be monopolized by one band, nah I am just playing, I was about tell them yeah but we got interrupted.

Now, this part was where it got strange, and guess who interrupted us, and wrong if you think it was The Voice, it was the guy in the nice suit and guess what, we matched, twinsies. And yeah it was The Voice, the guy in the suit just carried the phone where The Voice was on the other side.

“So pretty awesome, don’t lie and say you didn’t like it, because it was not what the girl has told me”

“Who allowed you to talk to my new honey, huh, and yeah I liked it. You are an okay guy by my books”

“Oh I was dying to make it in to your books, notice the sarcasm, and you are not done, ready for something bigger” The Voice said.

“After what I been experiencing, hell yeah, but trust me, if you are in my books that is like the best honor you can have.”

“Yeah yeah, and just go with the guy in the suit and get in the Audi and drive to your next site.”

“As you command, oh sarcastic one” and I left and got in the Audi with my new girl. And before you ask, yes we got together after all this and she is amazing, that is what I thank The Voice for the most. She isn’t just looks, her personality fits mine so well and we have a tons of fun doing anything.

The place I reached after a long drive was the Grand Canyon. The view breathe taking and it was sunrise so yeah, pretty nice. Oh and let me tell you, kissing your girl with that mood happening, just do it okay and thank me latter.

She handed me another pretty big case. The note said “Use what is in the case and if you do, you will not need further instructions, you will just know”. Cool beans, time to do something crazy again. I opened the case and there was a squirrel suit with jets on it. Not cool beans, I am afraid of heights and never even used a normal squirrel suit before.

So I was getting hesitant so I flipped a coin since that will force me to pick one. No it is not because of chance but subconsciously you will pick the one you truly want. And yeah, I wanted to do it, if I died I would have died in a blaze of glory. Also since I am telling the story you can guess that I am still alive so it will go well for me.

I put it on and picked a spot and got my good luck kiss. Best lucky charm a guy could have, and jumped. Those second were I was gliding, just makes my heart race every time and just wow. I did it, me the guy who is actually terrified afraid of heights or more technically correct, afraid of falling, was free falling with just a squirrel suit and jets. I think I did it since the adrenaline from the performance had not worn off and my lovely lady was watching, couldn’t punk out and be a wuss could I. Also there was no parachute, no one mentioned that a squirrel suit comes with parachutes and makes sense otherwise how I would stop. Good thing I did not know that at that time since I may have backed out.

But this is where it gets freaky, I saw this cliff wall coming up ahead. The thing is the squirrel suits is a glider so that mean no flying up  and the jets just propel me forward not up and the turn was too sharp to make it so no matter what I was hitting the wall. Then, I heard The Voice but this time in my head telling me to not be afraid and fly into the wall.

I was like, are you stupid or crazy. And he told me to trust so I said “F**k it, Jesus take the wheel.” And flew straight into the wall. But I bet you are like, hold on, then how are you still telling the story.  Simply because I told you that this is going to get strange, next thing I know, I am waking up under the ocean.

Shut up for a second, I know it was the ocean for two reasons, one was that the water tasted salty and second was that I was staring at a great white shark face to face. So yeah, weird right, now the thing to remember in this situations is to stay calm and be more worried if that shark is playful. If they are playful you will get bit and no I did not, I just stared at it. He stared back and don’t tell me how I know he is a he because I am just speculating here.

The other freaky part was that I was breathing fine underwater, told you it gets stranger. So here I was wondering if I was going to get bit and die since I am in the middle of I don’t know where. Also, great whites don’t like human meat however a bite from them buggers can still kill you. So I did not want to get bit. I had yet to know I may have agitated, interrupted his meal, or just made him curious and they check whether they like something or not by biting said the object, i.e. me.

Yes, I know about sharks and that is why I don’t hate them and know that this is more The Voices fault, not mine or the sharks. All this information is brought to you by shark week, learn something it will be beneficial. Now, there I was trying to find a way out, in the same condition I came in, so you know what I did, I shitted myself. No, I am not proud of that but since sharks have sensitive noses, I hoped that it will smell me and not like it and swim away and it happened as so.

“Hahahahaha, I can’t believe that was your idea for getting out of this situation clever but not very dignifying” I can hear The Voice saying behind me. Yes, this is the part I meet him, me in the middle of the ocean with s**t in my pants. I did not tell my new girlfriend about this and neither will you. So let us move on.

“Shut it, I am alive so I can worry about dignity later, thank you very much” I responded.

“Take it easy and let’s change scenery and clothes, since you stink”

“Ha-ha very funny and yes I will like that, so do whatever you did that got me here.”

“Be patient I need to save this image for later so I can remind you that I am the superior one here” he retorted.

And he did that and I was floating in space, with the earth as our background. Let me tell you one thing, the view is something so special that I cannot forget it. If you ever heard of the overview effect, read it since looking at the earth from this point of view is so life changing. I really should have taken a picture of it.

But here I am in space and no helmet yet still breathing, freaky. Finally I got to meet in person The Voice who I never got to know his name, should have probably asked him and me. I asked him “What made you do everything you did.” Now the reason why I asked him this is because there is no point in asking him how he did since I do not expect a real answer and he will probably just circle the question, or it will not make sense so better not even think about it.

He answered “If I am honest, it is because you were someone I just randomly choose from a list. The list was called “Dumbasses who can do so much more” and your name was chosen after a few other chose not to accept the invitation”

So I wasn’t even the first, I don’t know if I am lucky or unlucky. “So I assume that if I would have said no, or never called back you would have moved on to the next person.”

“Yes, now stay focused here, I have done this over the years, centuries, and that is because you, humanity, have not been able to live your lives, a few have and they are the ones with the biggest smiles on their faces. Sure things get hard, and sometimes you fall into a routine, I know that at times, that is the best course of action but you seem dead to me. I like to shake it up especially when I can see the flame of your soul dwindling, you had such big dreams and you let them slowly burn out. This makes me want to rekindle those dreams and let them burn like a Blue Giant. Now, I am not telling you to change someone else’s life but don’t let yourself die slowly inside. What you do from here is up to you.”

“Huh, you make it sound so easy. I don’t know what to do. I tried and that is where I ended up”

“Hahaha, you are amazing, look at what you done. You let go of your fear and flew into the wall, and could have died. Then you s**t you pants, which was funny but you cared so much of surviving that you did anything to stay alive. You have that will and mentality but you don’t let it out.”

“That may be true but you make sense and I don’t like that”

“Like I said you got to experience what it means to live by playing in concert you used to dream of playing in when you were younger, you got to visit outer space and see this amazing view, like you wanted to. Use these feeling, experiences, and don’t be afraid. Failure will always come and you know that well since look at the life you lived before I came. But sometimes just tasting this experiences is more than enough to push you forward. Don’t get lost in those dreams, which may cause other issues”

Let me tell you one thing, I loved listening to him talk since his voice was similar to Morgan Freeman with a little Neil Gaiman in it. Trust me you wouldn’t either. I should ask him to record something so I can just replay it whenever I want to hear his voice.

“So what do you want me to do then, what in your opinion is the right course of action, oh lord of wisdom.”

He responded “You got talent, let it come out and breathe, from there it is up to you. Explore and failure will always come just don’t let it drag you down. However, I will let you keep the guitar and girl you became so found of, and who says I am not nice”

“You got an ego, I do too so I like you. And I believe you are a nice guy but a little crazy.”

“And who wants to be sane, a little insanity sprinkled on everything, makes things tastier, so time to start your life. Live long and prosperous”

“May the force be with you” I answered back.

Yeah now that was about two years ago or so. Things have changed, I play in random gigs with many different bands. I have gotten offers to be part of a band, permanently, but I did not take it since I like experiencing different concerts with all the different bands. I am that nice that I still get invites from all those famous bands. I have also still together with the girl I met that day, I think he found the girl I was looking for yet not searching for. So we been having an awesome time together. I do miss hearing his voice though. I also have started many different projects and seeing what sticks. I failed a ton but had so much fun failing.

I will not give you a sermon, though I guessed I did by accident but you enjoyed that story, so I assume you will forgive me, and tell you to do the same thing as me because that is not for everyione. It just so happened it is for me and I hope that you will enjoy this journey I am still heading out on, keep me company and let us have fun.

 Now was that so hard.


© 2015 EL LAO

Author's Note

This is my longest story I wrote so far. Tell me if I made any grammatical errors. And be honest and tell me what you think since I would like to polish my skills. Share with your friend if you enjoy

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Added on July 16, 2015
Last Updated on July 16, 2015



Reading, PA

I am currently a college students. I have a need to express my creative mind in writing different types of literature pieces. I enjoy thinking and coming up with different scenarios and reading all t.. more..

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