![]() Proof Doesn't Trump Faith, Or Does It? Part 2/2A Chapter by Brandon Langley![]() Welcome to the final day of RELIGION WEEK, 11.7.13![]()
In the first of this TWO CHAPTER SPECTACULAR, I stated that, because god's power is based upon faith, then if proof of god does present itself, then god is therefore not real. Knowing that this was bound to confuse the lot of you dimwitted readers out there(who are obviously not smart enough to understand what I'm ever talking about, so you should probably just stop reading now), so I made this into a TWO CHAPTER SPECTACULAR, where I will explain the difference between disproving with faith and disproving with fact and the effectiveness of doing each:
1: The Big Bang Theory: Disproving with faith, "I believe that god made the universe." No effect, people now think you are stupid Disproving with proof, "I found this planet that has people on it who have video of them creating the universe!" Lots of positive effect, people now herald you as a god amongst men for your achievements 2: The Existence of any form of Religious Deity who relies upon faith: Disproving with faith, "I believe that a different deity did stuff!" No effect, people of "Correct" faith now find you stupid Disproving with proof, "All proof I have points against the existence of you!" Lots of positive effect, people now herald you as a god amongst men for disproving god Lots of negative effect, people gain faith from your disproving of them, thus making that deity stronger Disproving with proof, "All proof I have points towards the existence of you!" Lots of positive effect, religious people now love you Lots of negative effect, scientific people now hate you Lots of positive effect, god, because he is powered by faith and refuses to prove himself, is now unreal, as, by providing proof, he has undone everyone's faith Hope this helps, you numbskulls!
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