

A Chapter by Kyria Chari

Valarie Castillo and Emmalynn Zolnerowich get their Final Project for their Scientific Research class.


Valarie sat in the very back corner of the classroom, hiding her brown eyes behind her long, dark hair. She always hated socializing, even in between classes... Especially because she was stuck next to a popular cheerleader, Emmalynn Zolnerowich.

  In contrast with Valarie, Emma was very cheerful, her hazel eyes constantly bright behind her long, brown hair. She was known for being very talkative, unlike her neighbor. 

It was the end of the school year, and everyone except Valarie was talking amongst each other. They were waiting impatiently for the end of their last class, Science Research.

  At the front of the small classroom stood a well-built man with thick glasses. He looked around, making sure all his students were in place. "Looks like everyone is here..." He gestured his hand towards a large pile of papers on his desk. "This project will replace your Final test... It's a group project."

The students excluding Valarie groaned collectively.

"You all are already in pairs because of your seating chart..." The teacher looked around again. "So those pairs will be your groups."

  All of the students looked at their partner. Some cheered, while some groaned. Valarie remained silent.

"This is why I hate Mr. Tuller... Ugh, looks like we're partners..." Emma grumbled. "I better get a good grade on this."

Valarie looked down at her notebook and sighed.

Tuller walked down to each pair, handing their members a piece of paper, and then muttering something to them. Finally, he reached Valarie and Emma.

"I'm sorry, but you two get the last available subject." Tuller placed two rubrics on the table. "You two get Split Personality Disorder, also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder. It's not exactly the easiest subject to research on, but there is someone who can help you."

  "Who, sir?" Emma asked, grabbing one of the papers.

  "His name is Luc Chamberlain, a guild member." The teacher began writing on the second paper. "He stays at the Surge Condos, room 361."

  Valarie nodded.

  "Wait, what's a guild  member?" Emma asked.

"He's part of a guild, the Special Rescue Guild, or SRG." Tuller explained.  "And because he's a part of it, he knows plenty about psychology, religion, and everything in between."

  "I see..." Emma nodded. "Talk about high and mighty, though. How do you know him?"

  "The two of us used to work together a while back, but only as backup investigators." Tuller explained. "I'm amazed he's gotten so high up, after the accident."

  "Ee, an accident, Mr. Tuller?" Emma squeaked.

  "He got horribly injured one day, that's all I can say." Tuller muttered, looking down. "But... that's not important right now." He looked carefully at the two girls. "You two ask him for help, but don't mention my name to him."

  Emma cocked her head. "Why not?"

  "I'm sure his memory was altered because of the bad accident. It would be best for him." The teacher shrugged. "So, for getting information from him... He has- or had- a very thick French accent, which will probably be difficult to understand at first... He's also hardly ever available, as far as I remember... But still, he's very knowledgeable, so he could be of great help."

  "Right, right, thanks, sir!" Emma chirped.

Valarie nodded in thanks.

"Yeesh, you need to speak up!" Emma whined. "I want to get a good grade on this!"

"Then you'd better get to work," Tuller said, walking back to his desk.

Emma sighed, and turned to Valarie. "Hey, you- Huh?"

Valarie was already busy writing down something on her notebook.

  "You know something about this subject... Split Personality?" Emma asked.

  "Obviously when you have two personalities" Valarie muttered as she wrote. "Different from bipolar disorder in how the person will also have different memories."

"No wonder people call you a nerd." Emma sneered. "But whatever. Let's go visit this Luc guy after school, got it?"

Valarie kept her gaze down on her paper, trying to ignore Emma's snide remark completely.

"You even listening to me?" Emma snapped her fingers.

  "Yeah... Valarie mumbled.

"You're too quiet!" Emma whined. "I hate this..."

Valarie nodded.

"Just remember that we're visiting Luc today." Emma said. "Surge Condos, room 361."

Valarie nodded again.

"Good God..." Emma sighed. "This'll be one long hell of a project."

© 2013 Kyria Chari

My Review

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This is a really cool chapter:)! It's interesting to me bc I actually took psychology two years ago:) This is a really great beginning:) Friendly advice:) If you put spacing between sentences and paras it could make it flow better:)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Kyria Chari

11 Years Ago

Really? That's cool! And thanks for the advice, I'm going to go edit the story right now :)
i'm already hooked! this book would be great to read, along with the next two. I can't wait to read the others. and I think you have excellent description as well!

Posted 11 Years Ago

It's pretty good so far! I like it!

Posted 11 Years Ago

So far this seems pretty interesting! I'm not a whiz at grammatical errors so I'll stick with commenting on the story line and characters. I think you have got a good basis to start with. I really like the personality contrast between Valerie and Emma. Both of your characters seem to have something the other lacks and that works well in this prologue. The only thing I might suggest would be to add a little more description into the mix (their clothes, their surroundings, etc.) but considering this is the prologue that doesn't matter too much.

This was a good chapter. Your writing is consistent and your grammar seems to be on the dot. I am curious about this Luc person. Can't wait to see what the next chapter brings! (:

Posted 11 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on August 5, 2013
Last Updated on August 25, 2013
Tags: science, research, split, personality, rescue, psychology, detective, means, shrouded, mystery


Kyria Chari
Kyria Chari


Honored to have you here! My name's Bethany Grace Birondo. I'm just a high schooler who loves writing stories and poems. I like Rock and sometimes enjoy a spot of Jazz and Orchestral. I'm generally ve.. more..
