Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Kymmie

After facing a trauma Gin Moreno will never forget, he begins to wonder what value his life really has to offer. Well, now it's his time to prove it. Will it be him or them?


Who could know that the smell would be the worst part?


He stood there, still in shock, with no control over his body. What he saw was not a lie, but it was something that he could not understand. The knife still in his hand was drenched in red that dripped into the pool at his feet. It happened to fast, but needed to be done. But why was she crying? She would never have to live in fear again, at least, that’s what he thought. Now, she seems more afraid than ever.

*          *          *          *

It was the last day he sat in his assigned and bumpy seat on the 07-1 bus because after the summer, he will officially be a high schooler. The bus was driven by a bitter and elderly woman referred to as The Huff by all the children. Never once had she been on time to pick up the kids and she is known for skipping the stops of students she doesn’t like. She could do as she wished, but her rules were strict. Even the last day of school was no exception.

The bus’s rearview mirror was angled perfectly so that The Huff could make sure nothing was on anyone’s laps. No cellphones, no handheld games, not even homework was allowed on her bus. The Huff glared at the mirror even more than she watched the road.

“You’re going to be a high schooler,” the third grader that sat behind Gin announced. “You have to come by every day to tell us what it’s like.”

“I’m never going to see you anymore,” Gin replied without looking back. Speaking was another thing that had been banned from the 07-1 bus, but luckily, they sat in the back and The Huff could never hear them over the roaring engine.

The bus squealed in agony as it came to a stop and door swung open. Gin was the only one to get off at this exit.

“I guess this is goodbye then,” the small girl said in a dramatic, movie like tone.

“Goodbye. I will always remember you.” Of course, he would not always remember her. He didn’t even remember her name.

Up until recently, Gin and his mother lived in a loft apartment and struggled to make ends meet. But now, thanks to her new boyfriend, they lived comfortably in a townhouse in a safe area not too far from Gin’s school. His mother still needed to work her side job, but anything they could not pay, her boyfriend would take care of. It sounded great, but nothing was perfect.

“I’m home,” Gin announced as he tossed his backpack onto the couch.

The home seemed deserted, but his mother was sure to be there as he could hear the thumping of a bass coming from the upstairs bedroom. She couldn’t have gone out. Abraham always got upset when she left the home without his permission.

Gin went into the kitchen and swiped an apple from the counter to snack on while he waited for his mother.

It was maybe 30 minutes later when he heard her delicate steps coming down the stairs. She was wearing nothing but a pink cloth robe when she entered the kitchen. Makeup covered her entire face and her hair was flat but still reeked of product.

“How was your last day of middle school?” She asked happily and ran her fingers through her son’s oily hair.

“Traumatizing,” Gin groaned and exaggerated. “Can you cut up that watermelon that’s in the fridge? I’ve been wanting it all day.”  

Olivia retrieved the fruit from the fridge and pulled out the largest knife from the block. “So,” she started to say as she chopped. “I have some news.”

Gin’s back straightened and eyes widened. “Your pregnant?” Was his first guess in a worried tone.

“No, no, no, no,” his mother was quick to defend. “I’ve already said that I’m not having another baby until I’m at least 30.”

“Oh yeah, sorry I cramped your style,” Gin teased.

“Hush. This is good news and we should be celebrating.”

“Well, what is it?”

“Money is going to be a little tight again, but I broke it off with Abraham. Last night was the last straw for me.”

It felt like it had been months since Gin had a genuine smile on his lips. Before, he didn’t have much to be happy about. No child enjoys listening to their mother cry throughout the night then witnessing the bruises on her face in the morning. The nights he would have to spend pressing frozen peas against her open wounds were the worst, but now they were a thing of the past.

“Good. We don’t need him,” Gin assured her. “We always managed to get by somehow.”

“Somehow,” Olivia echoed with much less enthusiasm. “But we’re not going to worry about that because today, we’re celebrating.” She turned around to show the large platter she held that was filled with slices of the deep red and juicy fruit.

Hours had passed and the house had grown dark except for the light that shined from the TV. Midnight was the prime time to watch old cartoons.

“How was this for kids?” Olivia would question after ever violent scene or vulgar joke.  “I watched this show my whole childhood and never once did I notice any of this.”

“That’s why they could get away with it,” Gin stated.

“How was this for kids?” She cried one more time before laughing with her son. It had been months since she sat down and laughed with her son. It was a simple moment, but one she would cherish forever… Until there was a pounding on the door.

“Olivia!” Roared the drunken man as he banged harder and harder against the front door. “Olivia! Olivia! Let me see my son! Olivia!”

“Go upstairs Giovanni,” Olivia ordered as she crawled out of their blanket fort.

“Should I call the cops?” Gin asked, fully aware of the situation.

“No. Go to your room and lock the door.”

Gin hurried up the stairs and into his room, but the first thing that he did was grab his cellphone and disobey his mother.

The more Abraham had to wait, the harder he would bang at the door and the more aggressive he got. “Open up you stupid b***h before I knock this damn door down! I’ll burn this house to the ground!”

Olivia was silent and careful with her steps as she approached the door. She kept her hands close to her body and took a few deep breathes. “Go home Abraham. You’re drunk.”

Abraham started laughing before becoming even more angry. “Home? Home? This is my home! I pay your f*****g rent!” The pounding eventually got much stronger and lower before his foot broke through, sending splinters of wood throughout the house. Abraham kicked at the hole repeatedly until it was large enough for him to crawl through. He was wobbly and unstable as he stood.

“You’re not welcome here! Leave,” Olivia shouted.

“What happened? Are you okay?” Gin asked from the stairs, the phone still in his hand. He was asked to stay on the line until help arrived.

“I’m fine, now go to your room,” his mother begged.

“No way,” Abraham growled. “I got something to say to that little brat.” He pushed back Olivia with his shoulder then marched towards the stairs.

“Go to your room!” Olivia begged again and grabbed onto Abraham’s arm. She tried to pull him back, but he was much stronger. Abraham pulled his arm away and backhanded Olivia as hard as he could, sending her to the ground. While she was down, he started kicking her repeatedly.

“Leave her alone!” Gin yelled. Everything was happening too fast. Gin didn’t even know how he got to the kitchen, or when he picked up the knife. His arms shook as he pointed the weapon towards Abraham and he tried his best not to cry. This was a moment when he needed to be strong and appear confident.

Abraham tilted his head back and held onto his gut as he roared with laughter. “Hahaha! You look like you’re going to piss your pants. Hahaha!” He turned back and kicked Olivia one more time before stomping closer and closer towards Gin.

“Get away,” Gin warned.

“Or what? You’ll cry like a little b***h? You’re already doing that.”

The closer he got, the more Gin could feel his body trembling. Just seeing such a large man made his bones freeze, but being attacked by one is a much more terrifying experience.

When Gin clenched his eyes, he lost control of his body and swung the knife. Next thing he knew, he was covered in something wet, thick, and warm. He couldn’t begin to understand what it was until the scent of iron filled the room.

Gin opened his eyes and what he saw will always haunt him. Abraham was standing just inches away with his throat slashed open and spraying like a hose.

Abraham stood there for a moment, seeming just as confused as Gin was. He made no sounds. At least, not from what Gin could hear. Everything around him had stopped. He couldn’t even hear the squirting coming from Abraham’s neck or the gargling as the red bubbled up his throat.

Eventually, Abraham fell to his knees before collapsing onto the floor.

Gin looked to his mother just to see her backed into the wall, looking completely horrified. Her body was shaking and only whimpers could come from her open mouth.

Shortly after, sirens filled the neighborhood and Gin never thought that he would be so terrified of the colors red and blue. 

© 2017 Kymmie

Author's Note

Writing is rewriting, and rewriting is what I do best. I have already published this chapter before, but I am changing the name and direction of this story to make it more of a gory horror than a mysterious adventure.

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That was really good he should have called the cops

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on May 2, 2017
Last Updated on May 2, 2017
Tags: Life or Death, Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller Crime, Dark, Life, Death, Depression, Horror, Gore, Kidnapping, Fight or Die, Drama




I use my overactive imagination to escape my problems in the real world. Pretending to be someone else isn't considered "mentally insane" as long as you put it in writing and call it a story. I am .. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Kymmie

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Kymmie

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by Kymmie