Something Temporary

Something Temporary

A Poem by Kwiksie Ifediora

Oh a joy it would be, to be immune to these romantic notions.


It’s amazing really.

I can hardly fathom it myself.

How did all these emotions escape

From my barricaded shelf?

There are the gazing and sighing;
Then the endless denying,

Trying to convince myself that there must be a reason.


But there really is not.


I am not lonely; my friends are envy worthy.

I am not love-sick; though i feel my heart weakening.

What’s going on in my head?

Nothing much.

It’s just that of recent,

I want to see you a whole lot.

Time is being wasted on daydreaming and the like,

My emotions are progressing quickly…

Like a high-speed power bike.

I’m aware however, that this is not a necessity.

The sky won’t fall if my current longing fails to embrace me.

None the less, my heart would crack a grin

If ‘you’ and ‘I’ would begin to spell ‘We’.

It does not have to happen but oh, that it would!

I’m getting wrapped up in this threadbare hope;

Though I strongly doubt I should.


It’s amazing really, but I’ll always pray you the best in health;

Although soon enough I’ll get my heart back

But all you will have is yourself.

© 2013 Kwiksie Ifediora

Author's Note

Kwiksie Ifediora
Thanks for reading. :)

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Lovely .. your emotions are directly reflecting in the words of yours .. through this beautiful poem. Well written!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Kwiksie Ifediora

10 Years Ago

Thanks Stephen. Yeah, the emotions for this one came from deep down i guess.
Thanks so much fo.. read more
First four lines are good. I like this one love ur name
Cassy Samuels

Posted 10 Years Ago

Kwiksie Ifediora

10 Years Ago

Aww, thanks so much Cassy.
All it takes is the absence of one person for loneliness to settle into the heart... I feel this one, Kwiksie.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kwiksie Ifediora

10 Years Ago

Thanks for your review your photo by the way.
A portrayal of infatuation the is somewhat curious. The protagonist is not so infatuated as the sky won't fall if he fails to embrace her. Think the flow could be improved in parts. I did not like the use of more to rhyme with more.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Kwiksie Ifediora

10 Years Ago

Haha, that may be a possibility. Though you may have been referring to the lines i ended in 'much'. .. read more
John Alexander McFadyen

10 Years Ago

Yes probably Kwiksie. Happy New Year
Kwiksie Ifediora

10 Years Ago

Same to you John!

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4 Reviews
Added on December 28, 2013
Last Updated on December 28, 2013
Tags: Emotions, sentimental, romantic, daydreaming, sighing, seeking, heart, divine, necessity, doubt, hope.


Kwiksie Ifediora
Kwiksie Ifediora

Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Carrying His yoke because it's lighter than my sin, shining His light because minus it, i'm all dim. So now, thanks to my rebirth, my race for heaven defines my walk on earth. :) LoveMyProfile... more..
