

A Poem by poddar kushal


“You’ve brought us luck.”

But, alas a traveler can not linger.

“It’s not proper to send off

amid drops of tear.”


Whining of wind travels

a street  less populated.

He comes off the shelter.

Quite a period has been the stay.

Now the skin

will get darker once more.

It soaks the lights of stars.

He checked his compass, maps,

Radars, instincts and what not…

A cry in heart may show the path….


The destination next,

he fixes suddenly, is a planet

Earth.                          © 2008 - All Rights Reserved Kushal Poddar

© 2009 poddar kushal

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We are an online writing community that provides writers with the feedback, motivation, and advice needed to achieve their writing goals.The Poetic Voice Community is fast and easy to join, and you will not get lost in it's easy maneuvering features. We here at Poetic Voice also hope to grow as a community of friends. Our intention, and wish is to learn and share with others. Basically we believe an open mind, and heart can promote growth. We hope to gain an understanding that can stretch and reach around the world.

Posted 13 Years Ago

adore your contemplative mind~ your poetry in and of itself is a journey~

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow! An interesting piece friend:)
We are all travelling that path of universal, internal depth:) Awesome work! xx

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is such an interesting piece. I think my interpretation may be way off, though I see it as a spirit approaching its human birth, leaving the shelter of Home. Our spiritual Home. Perhaps when I read it again it will say something different, but that's what was brought to mind on first read.

I like the pondering quality of your work as well as the poetic form in which you write. Very, very nicely done.

Posted 15 Years Ago

We all are travelers from the day we are born till the day we die...
I like the idea of the heart being our compass through the journey of life.
Brilliant images and associations as always!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on March 15, 2009


poddar kushal
poddar kushal

kolkata, India, India

life and trying to earn bread made me an advocate. mad at my own stressful self, turned to writing. poems mainly. but, there are several short stories published in my mother toungue 'bengali'.i live i.. more..


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