Oh I really like this!
The image of the sea, whispering words, the sky: very dreamy and then you use the images of the jelly fish, footprints and pebbles, remembering us that decay is only one minute away, that nothing is eternal and that we should, cease the moment and treasure it in our mind.
You have got a very poetic mind. Sometimes however, it would not hurt to check your grammar. Do not be worried, there are no major issues here, sometimes some little missing words that may interfere with the meaning of your beautiful words. You do have a great vocabulary, which is a joy to read. Do not let ommitting words as simple as 'a' or 'the' spoil your beautiful work and great effort!
as the sea is one of my soul-restoring get aways, i had to read this one. memories are called forth as i see the pebbles, hear the waves, watch the jelly fish and the tide play in the sand. i'm jones-ing for the beach now.
Wonderfully descriptive in so few words - I see the footprints in the sand being washed away with time then replaced by countless others to follow yours...well done. Thank you.
Excellent! I absolutely love it! I like these lines:
"The playful pebbles stare at my wet foot,
they soon will be known to them, at least for
this weekend. And, after that, millions of more
prints will mingle and blend into time, undisturbed."
life and trying to earn bread made me an advocate. mad at my own stressful self, turned to writing. poems mainly. but, there are several short stories published in my mother toungue 'bengali'.i live i.. more..