A story for the broken

A story for the broken

A Poem by Kupendwa

1/11/2012. A spoken word poem.


It’s on nights like these

You feel like it isn’t worth

Going on another day

It hurts too bad

When you try to stay

It feels like your only options

Are the razor blade

Or leaving this place


But before you give up

Let me tell you a story


This isn’t an ordinary story

It’s a true story

But at the same time

I’m making it up right now


There was this girl

Her name was Abigail

Abigail was a caterpillar


She was born with many siblings

Lots of brothers and lots of sisters

They were a pretty happy family


But when they were still young

All of her siblings were murdered

As were her parents

Abigail was left completely alone


It took her a little while to get the

Hang of surviving on her own

But eventually she did


It was just after she got used to living on her own

That it seemed like things when downhill again


Abigail liked food. A lot.

She couldn’t control herself

She tried eating healthy things

Like salad and fruit

But she ate so much that even

The healthy food made her gain weight


She ate food

She dreamed food

She lived food

Abigail became obsessed with food


As if being overweight

Wasn’t bad enough

She was constantly made fun of

Because of her eating habits


Abigail’s biggest dream

Was to fall in love

But it seemed impossible

Because she was always torn down


She used to think that

If someone would just give her a chance

They would maybe possibly like her

And someday they might even

Fall in love with her

She was sure they true beauty

Was stored in her heart

Not in how thin her body was


But as the bullying continued

She decided she wasn’t beautiful

Not even on the inside


It was at this point

Abigail decided to commit suicide


She didn’t have pills

She didn’t have a knife

She didn’t have anything that kills

Or anything to take her life


She was sitting in her room

When she decided to die

And the only thing near

Was a silk blanket


She decided that she would suffocate

Herself with the silk blanket

Slowly, she wrapped herself in silk

She took one deep breath

And she squeezed her eyes tight

Though as she released that last breath

Her eyes relaxed


But she didn’t die

No, she didn’t

She opened her eyes

When she awoke

She felt like she was in a new life

She looked in the mirror

Abigail was a butterfly


She had to endure the trials of life

In order to become the beauty

That is a butterfly


In the deepest pain

Abigail found life


Just when the caterpillar

Thought her world was over

She became a butterfly

© 2013 Kupendwa

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Many girls feel like Abigail nowadays...and if they read this, they could understand that after all, they'll become a beautiful and amazing butterfly, because they are amazing caterpillars.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

That's my goal. I just want people to see that good can come after the bad.

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1 Review
Added on January 30, 2013
Last Updated on July 21, 2013



A small town, CA

I'm just a boy longing to see a better world. Check out my youtube. I post my spoken word on it. www.youtube.com/MatthewSimbaWalker more..
