Colorless Valentines

Colorless Valentines

A Poem by Curiosity's Virtuoso

A little girl wishing for a cure. Valentines day poem using cancer colors.

A little girl, chained in gold,
Folds hospital gowns, new and old,
The colors have betrayed, left her standing in the bitter cold,
With nothing else but rung out hope to hold,
And so she stands, fantasizing of a chance,
With dreams of colorless Valentines waltzing in her hands.

A spring-sited green, creamy teal, even sightless clear can lose it's appeal,
Burgundy and pink show no love to steal,
But instead uncertain near futures equipped to kill,
Thee colors that lay in the mist of lavender mills,
That nurse illuminated dew drops of mysterical disease unrevealed,
A serpent without a cure nor care, devouring beings starting with their hair.

The little girl shivers as she begs for colorless valentines,
No blue, no orange, no yellow nor green,
No periwinkle, no peach, no purple, nor ribbons of sheen,
Only blanks sheets of faith and future,
For a cure that will clear that colorful, attempted failure.

© 2011 Curiosity's Virtuoso

Author's Note

Curiosity's Virtuoso
I really liked this one actually. Its one of my favorites. =)

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This is a really awesome poem and setting... I'm not even sure what to say about it!

Posted 13 Years Ago

This really has a technicolor surrealism to it, impressive vision of hope/despair. Keep that ink flowing freely!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 12, 2011
Last Updated on June 14, 2011
Tags: cancer, colorless, wishing, hopeful, girl, little, poem, praying, pink, red, blue, green, yellow, fantisizing, chance, disease, unknown, cure, recovery


Curiosity's Virtuoso
Curiosity's Virtuoso


Hey there! :D My name is Kristen. I'm a 16 year old writer from Long Island, NY. Truly I like to think of myself as more of a poet than anything else but I also like writing short stories. I am alway.. more..
