Chapter Two - Natalie

Chapter Two - Natalie

A Chapter by Kristen Rohde

"Fear makes us feel our humanity." - Benjamin Disraeli


  It was hard not to look at him. He was off limits, Natalie knew that, but he was so damn good looking. And he always kept his office door open. And his office was right in her eye line. And he was too focussed on his work to ever catch her staring. So it was okay. Surely it was okay.

'Miss Forbes, a word please?'

Suddenly Sonja was hovering over Natalie's desk and just with her eyes she grabbed her attention like a tight fist.

'Of course!' Natalie almost leapt to her feet in intense anxiety and followed Sonja to her office, not too closely but not too distantly either. Her neck could be on the chopping board so she was treading carefully.

'Natalie, let's cut the crap.' As soon as the door closed, Sonja had terminated her business-like demeanour. 'You don't like me and I don't particularly like you either. But after one stupid mistake I made all those years ago, your mother won't let this whole job façade go. Basically I don't have the funds. Business sucks and someone has to go.'

Natalie's heart was pounding. Being fired or "let go" was not what she needed. She needed to excel at something in her life. Just for once.

'Don't look so scared, it's not you. It's Sasha.'

Natalie nearly toppled over. Sasha? She was going to flip out.

'And as your employer, I delegate your next job as terminating her position. You're going to replace her at the service desk.'

'What?' Natalie suddenly began to see stars flickering in front of her eyes. Sonja really wasn't asking her to do her dirty work, was she? She was in some weird way being promoted yet to obtain the position she had to fire someone. And Sasha at that. This was like a sick joke.

'I can't do that, Ms Collins. I'm sorry but I can't.'

'You can't or you won't?' Sonja eyed her off suspiciously. 'If she doesn't go then you do.'

Natalie watched for Sonja's expression to change, and it did. Natalie had the power. She could threaten to file a law suit against Sonja and the business and it was the first time ever that Sonja appeared vulnerable. It was the first time ever, that Natalie could recall, when someone actually looked threatened in her presence. She'd never had the upper hand, people always walked all over her because she didn't retaliate. She kept her head down and her nose clean and people took advantage of that.

Natalie sighed, knowing she was already defeated, even in Sonja's vulnerability. 'Okay.'

There hadn't been a time more so than now when Natalie thought she would literally black out. She could feel it coming. Her head had already started spinning the moment she stepped out of Sonja's office so she paused for a breather.

Sasha was lounging back in her desk chair on the phone, clearly not to any clientele, as she was chewing her gum noisily and snorting 'What a b***h face!' into the phone every few seconds.

Natalie approached her desk and could feel Sonja's eyes burning into the back of her neck from her office. It made all the hairs stand on end.

'Sasha.' Natalie tried to sound bold and when she received no response, not even a glance from Sasha, she pulled the phone from her hand and tried not to let her shaking hands be seen.

'What the hell?' Sasha was ready to pounce from her chair.

'I've been advised by Ms Collins that your time at this firm has come to an end. She would appreciate if you would kindly collect together your things and leave immediately.' Natalie watched Sasha's face twist and contort as she listened to the well-rehearsed speech.

'Oh my God, you are such a freak. Get away from my desk!' Sasha shook her head in a bold manner and snatched the phone up again.

'You're fired.' Natalie grabbed for the phone again and without even comprehending that Sasha was getting up, she'd already slapped her square across the cheek.

'Sasha, get your things and get out.'

Natalie nearly collapsed in relief when Sonja came striding over to the scene.

Tears were welling in her eyes; not from the slap but from the conflict. She moved away slowly away from the dispute and hid herself behind a pot plant, cradling her cheek in humiliation.

'What do you mean?' Sasha's face suddenly fell as she realised this wasn't a joke.

'I don't have the funds to pay you anymore, babe. I'm sorry but that's business. Look, say you quit. I'll give you a good reference. Honest.'

'What the hell am I supposed to do?'

'You'll have no trouble finding work honey, believe me. ' Sonja ran her eyes up and down the blonde beauty and scoffed. 'Anyway, it's not like you did much here. I've clocked the hours you've spent socialising on our phones. You're lucky I didn't chuck you out a long time ago. Now get your skinny arse out of my firm.'

When Sasha was gone, Sonja pulled Natalie out from behind the plant. 'Toughen up, kid. You're our new receptionist. I want you to also keep assessing those documents so no slacking off. Sasha's done enough of that to set us back a few months at least. I need you on the ball.'

Natalie was still shaken but she nodded and when Sonja strode back to her office like nothing had happened, she glanced up to see Mac watching her from his room. It was probably the first time he'd noticed her and the corner of his mouth bent up slightly.

With her heart racing, Natalie looked away and found her place at the service desk. She was never the girl who got noticed. She didn't quite know how to deal with the feeling. Perhaps now though, it was time to get used to it.

© 2013 Kristen Rohde

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Added on April 25, 2013
Last Updated on April 25, 2013


Kristen Rohde
Kristen Rohde

Adelaide, Australia

I believe I was born a writer. I believe in accomplishing dreams. I believe in long walks, daydreaming. I believe in finding the good in a bad situation. I believe in coffee - lots of coffee. I believ.. more..
