

A Poem by Krista Weiss

This is a song I started before dating and finished while dating my last boyfriend. I hope you like it! The hidden message is: I'll never stop dreaming <3

I'm sitting in class,
But I can't concentrate,
Cuz these thoughts runnin' 'round inside my head,
Make me wanna scream,
Cuz baby why aren't you here with me,
I can't take it any longer,
So I'll just daydream,
Cuz it somehow makes me stronger
Daydreams, of what are love could be,
Daydreams, they are really happening,
Daydreams, can't believe they're coming true,
Baby baby, these wonderful daydreams 

What I've always wanted to happen,
Is happening to me now,
My biggest dreams are coming true,
Though I can't imagine how,
So thank you baby,
For giving me everything,
And when I start to miss you,
I think about all the things you do
Daydreams, of what our love could be,
Daydreams, they are really happening,
Daydreams, can't believe they're coming true,
Baby baby, these wonderful daydreams
You'll never know about,
What I thought about,
On that night,
When I couldn't think straight,
You would talk and talk,
Then ask me 'bout my thoughts,
But I'll never tell you,
Bout how I fell on love on that first date
Daydreams, of what our love could be,
Daydreams, they are really happening,
Daydreams, can't believe they'e coming true,
Baby baby, these wonderful daydreams
Oh baby baby,
These wonderful daydreams <3

© 2013 Krista Weiss

Author's Note

Krista Weiss
This song pretty much explains itself! It still needs a bit of work, well a lot of work, but it'll do for now. So I hope you like it! Feel free to comment and review!! :)

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I really hope you get these made into real songs like on a cd or something because you are that good!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Krista Weiss

11 Years Ago

Haha thank you!! I really hope I get to too! :)
really quite lovely. well done :D

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Krista Weiss

11 Years Ago

Thank you!! :(
Krista Weiss

11 Years Ago

:) * whoops :P
really good

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Krista Weiss

11 Years Ago

Thank you!!
Ahhh! So sweet! Hehe, I daydream all the time(:

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Krista Weiss

11 Years Ago

Thanks! :) hahaha and so do I :P
Adorable! Haha I can picture you daydreaming in class and stuff and yeah haha

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Krista Weiss

11 Years Ago

Yeah I think I daydream like 24 hours a day... and normally when I tell people that I had a dream ab.. read more
&#10084; Maggie &#10084;

11 Years Ago

Hahah oh me too girl. That's like all I do lolol hahaha yeah:PPP

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5 Reviews
Added on April 23, 2013
Last Updated on August 3, 2013
Tags: daydreams, day, dream, dreams