First Love Never DiesA Story by KrisKevin reflects on his relationship with his one and only true loveMy wife passed away some years ago and the day she died I dug up the time capsule we made a long time ago. I can’t remember what we put inside it, and I don’t know where she put the key. It’s horrible to be so close yet so far from the one thing left in the world that actually has meaning. My wife was the first and last love of my life, and our journey together was incredible. Her name was Mary Lyn Baker and we met when we were in kindergarten. It turned out we lived on the same street so we always hung out. We rode bicycles, we built forts, we did everything together. She was my best friend. The “cooties” epidemic never touched us, we were immune to it and nothing could break our bond. I don’t know if it was luck, fate, or some divine intervention but we had the same classes throughout elementary school which did nothing but strengthen our friendship. High School was a bump in the road for our friendship though. She knew I liked her, and I thought the feeling was mutual but I couldn’t be more wrong. One day during lunch Chase Daniels, the supreme jock and badass, approached her and asked her to the Homecoming Dance. She glanced at me because she didn’t want to hurt me, but I urged her to accept, so she did. I thought it was merely a dance, but she ended up dating him. On their one month anniversary he bought her this horrid gold locket with both their pictures in it. We remained best friends but I became distant. Their relationship lasted until the freshman year of college, ending because of the vast distance between the two. After that, we became the best of friends again and we ended up dating. I was a virgin, she wasn’t. But it didn’t matter to me; I’ve loved her since I was five years old. I majored in Law because I wanted to be a lawyer. I fell in love with law and politics after being on the high school debate team all four years. She majored in English because she had a passion for writing and she was amazing. After we graduated with our Bachelor’s, I went to law school and she began to write. I dropped out of law school and became a writer for the local newspaper, partly because law was too much work but mostly because she inspired me to write. We began to save up money because I wanted to start a family, but we later discovered she was sterile. I told her we didn’t need a family, we just needed each other, so we spent that money on a trip to Paris and we had the time of our lives. Years later, at the young age of 57, she was hit by a car. The driver claimed it was her fault because she ran into the street. Pardon me but, f**k that guy. I buried my wife on September 17, 2010. I died almost a year later, some say it was a broken heart others say old age. They found a letter next to my body. I found the key inside that letter; and inside our capsule was a golden locket. The letter read: Dear Kevin, I’m sorry about Mary. She was running to see me on the other side of the street when she was hit by that car. I found this key among other things of hers’, and I want you to have them. Sincerely, Chase Daniels © 2012 KrisAuthor's Note
Added on January 3, 2012 Last Updated on January 3, 2012 |