![]() The Day AfterA Chapter by Krissy Rey
Margo does not remember how she got home from being at the bar on Saturday. All she remembers getting a headache and passing out. Nothing less afterwards. What a birthday to have? She has a lot if questions about last night. She will have to ask Cassandra when she gets to class. Margo went through her normal morning routine and sped out the door to get to her class.
Margo and Cassandra both take the same English Literature class on Mondays with Mr. Hamburg. Mr. Hamburg is always late anyway. Margo saw Cassandra in her usual seat reading her notes and walks over to her seat next to her. Cassandra looks up as Margo sat down. Cassandra inclines her head in acknowledgement and asked,” Feeling better from Saturday?” Margo was about to answer as Mr. Hamburg comes barreling through the door. “Sorry class for being late. Hand in your papers from last Friday. Then we can get started.” Realizing she never did her paper on Friday; she knew she had to homework to do but never did the paper on Hamlet last night. Well, she could make it up before going on Thanksgiving break in two weeks. Margo will have to explain why she doesn’t have it done at the end of class. Mr. Hamburg was yammering on and class was flying by and it was already over. Everyone gathered their things to leave. Margo was half way out of the room when Mr. Hamburg stopped her. “Miss. Devereux, mind me asking where is your paper from Friday?” Mr. Hamburg asked. “I was ill over the weekend and forgot.” I replied. “Okay, but you have until Friday to get the paper done and no longer than that. That paper is a part of the midterm and do not want to fail do we. Now, off you go” Mr. Hamburg dismisses me. I walked out to look for Cassandra and saw her waiting at the end of the hall. Cassandra was looking at something on her phone not bothering to look up when Margo approached. I approached her answering her question from earlier before class had started. “I felt better you know from Saturday. What did exactly happen after I passed out?” I questioned. Cassandra was too busy texting. She was too invested in her phone and that was not normal for her. I take the phone from her hands and stuff it in my pocket. Cassandra did not like that one bit. She tries to reach into my pocket to retrieve her phone. “Once you answer me. I will give it back.” I demanded. “Okay, you’re doing better. Big deal. May I please have my phone back now? I was in the middle of an important conversation when you walked up to me.” Cassandra angrily grabbing her phone from my pocket. “What could be so important that ignoring your best friend to text on the phone?” I asked. Cassandra was back on her phone and said, “Selma, my cousin, and her boyfriend broke up. Her boyfriend just so happens to be my boss. So, I’m texting her to try get her to calm down without destroying my job at Turbo Grill. So, I’m in the middle of it. Tonight, is going to be tense for me.” “Well, that would make anyone feel peachy. Why would she ruin your job though? Selma never worked there to begin with. She just only dated John for what four months. It’s not going to be bad. Maybe a little bit awkward for you.” I explained. Cassandra was typing and rolled her eyes at me for my comment. She was not having it today. It was best to leave her alone and gear off to my next class, last class of the day. My next class was Biology. It was also the only class where I felt at home. Being around the chemicals and anything with plants was up my alley. The only person who I never expected to show up in my class, no other than Lucius Wentz. Mentally, questioning myself about what he is doing in my class. He never showed up to class until now. Lucius saw me and sat at my table. “What are you doing here?” asking Lucius when he sat down. “I am in this class too. I may not show up to class all the time. I wanted to see how you were considering what happened on Saturday.” He answers whispering. “I’m fine. Was all I said and pulled my attention back to my paper in front of me. Lucius got up and went to the back of the room to sit in his usual spot. After he left, questioning myself about why he suddenly showing an interest in me is beyond weird. He never did before. Biology was too busy for me to think anymore than get my assignment done before class had ended. Luckily, all my classes were in the morning. Because lunch was rolling around, I was hungry. I made my way to the corner Café to order my usual hot chocolate and muffin. When I could have sworn, I saw or thought I did see, Lucius watching me again. Things like that never happened before from any encounter I had with Lucius. He never watched me until now or showed any interest. His constant watching me was making me uncomfortable. I need to tell Cassandra about it. After getting my order, I hurried out of the building in hopes that Lucius was not following me. Realizing my headache was coming back. Expect this time, I do not feel dizzy or anything close to passing out again. Eating my lunch, I noticed Lucius was staring at me from the bench. Lucius was trying not to be obvious either and he totally was. I wish I could confront him about it but not going to happen. Luckily, my day was over. I did not need to have Lucius following me home either. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove home. Lucius got up when I left campus. My headache was gone when I left campus. At home, I did write my late paper assignment and did Biology. I did text Cassandra to ask how the situation was but she never got back to me on that. I decided to go for a walk in the park near my house. Lacing up my sneakers, I made my way to the path. When I was walking, I was taking in the scenery around me. Everything from the naked trees to the almost bare shrubs on either side of the path were nice shades of brown and orange. The birds were chirping. I decided to find the clearing where I spend my time in my thoughts. Venturing off the path to get to the clearing was easy to find the clearing. It was only five yards away. I sat down to think or enjoy the quiet. I was only a few minutes just sitting on the ground when there was rustling in the nearby shrubbery. I thought to be a squirrel. So, I went back to my thoughts. It started back up again. This time, something felt off like something was watching me. I felt my head start to pound. Instincts told me to get up and run. I did just that. I ran to get back on the path and whatever was following me was going for the chase. I heard running footsteps behind me. Needing to stop to catch my breath, I rested on the tree and looked around me. The footsteps stopped like it was never there. I knew I needed to get home and forget about what just happened. I think someone is following me. © 2022 Krissy Rey |
Added on November 7, 2022 Last Updated on November 7, 2022 Author![]() Krissy ReyPAAboutThanks for stopping by profile. I am just starting out with this writing journey so bare with me if my work it's not the best. more..Writing