![]() Act 4: The ChaseA Chapter by Xerclipse![]() Things will start to get extreme from here. Can Gersche balance out his intergrity or will he fall into Abraham's evil.![]() Major Characters: GERSCHE/ NARRATOR The Protaginist ABRAHAM Gersche’s sidekick ELIZABETH Gersche’s wife KING DECARD Tyrant of Cyborgs VINCENT Gersche’s ally HEIMLICH Nazi General JANIE Gersche’s ally SIMON Janie’s mute brother KROSS Elite Cyborg Leader SNAKE Blood addicted Elite Cyborg Minor Characters: CYBORGS King Decard’s “children” CYBORG WORM Giant Worm shaped Cyborg CYBORG GIANTS Large Cyborgs with skates BISHOP CYBORG Cyborg role playing as bishop NAZIS/ GERMANS Heimlich’s soldiers/men CROWD/ PARTY BOXER Elite Cyborg DREAD Elite Cyborg EDWARD Gersche’s brother DOCTOR MARY Decard’s wife DANIELLE Decard’s daughter SKULLS PRISONERS PRIEST Elite Cyborgs still continue to capture the watch. King Decard sends more cyborgs to get Gersche and Abraham's watch. However Abraham has alot more to revveal about himself.
Scene 1 It is night time. The camera zooms to show the Elite Exterminators. Kross is at the village where Vincent was from. He kneels down and sees footprints. They lead to the farm where Gersche was at. Snake runs left and right. Boxer thumps as he follows Kross. Snake: Only a coward would hide inside a village and ambush us! If he is really in there….then…LET ME KILL HIM!! Kross: Snake! We have worked together, we are working together, and we shall work together! Snake: Okay Okay….I was just saying! Why don’t ya just find out if he his really here or not? Kross: It is most likely he will be here, or has been here! It’s the only place that offers shelter and some miniscule resources! Snake: Yes…let’s go through this…search and destroy! I would love to STICK MY BLADES IN HIS CHEST! AND TURN THEM UNTIL HE SCREAMS!!! Kross: (in a loud electronic noise) We are to take the watch as well. Just killing Gersche and not giving our Master the watch is the same thing as failing our duty to complete both tasks! Our objectives are essential! Do not forget the watch Snake Kross and the elites carry on their search. Kross gets a signal from Decard. Kross: I received a signal from master. It is a message from our King. It says that Gersche is helping the humans! He killed our giant worm! Snake: WHAT!!! Boxer: NO HUMAN WOULD KILL CYBORG’S GIANT WORM! Kross picks up a bullet shell Kross: ELITES!!! KEEP ON LOOKING!!! WE HAVE A SIGN THAT OUR TARGET IS HIDING IN HERE! Snake: KROSS!!! I FOUND BULLET SHELLS! Kross: Bullet shells? Snake: Yes…and there is also blood on the ground. Kross: Blood….Dread. take the blood! Dread dashes to the area of the blood. He licks it with his metal tongue. His one eye starts to dim and glow in a pattern. Dread: *DNA sample….matches the target of which the Elites pursue! Subject: GERSCHE! Snake: BUT IF HIS BLOOD IS HERE! THEN THAT MEANS THAT HE WAS WOUNDED AND LEFT OFF!! Kross: But his body was lying down. These shells do no match our warfare! Boxer: Boxer asks where do these shells come from to Kross! Kross: They are from humans. Snake: HUMANS!!! (pulling out his blades) WHERE? Kross: The ones you will find are dead! And besides…why would humans turn against Gersche?! Even though humans kill each other a lot like Decard told us.. but this doesn’t make any sense. This is not very logical! Snake: HUMANITY KILLING THAT MAN? WE CANNOT ALLOW IT! I AM TO KILL HIM!! Kross: But we cannot allow humans to take possessions of him! Kross does not respond for a while. Kross catches a fly with his hand. Kross: (turning to Snake) Does it really matter how we defeat Gersche, or how slowly we kill him? If you receive satisfaction in our duties, then why is it that I don’t receive it…why? (he lets go of the fly) Snake: (irritated) Oh boy….Chief, are you going to make this speech again as if your programming is malfunctioned. Kross: To kill because we are programmed to is meaningless. It is our masters wish that all humans are to be exterminated. There has to be a reason why he desires that wish and sent us on that mission. Snake: its fun to kill those...insects…That is why he tells us to exterminate them, other than the fact that our strength and agility are far superior to the other cyborgs. Kross: My satisfaction does not exist and it never did was since I was created. But we all strive to complete our master’s needs….so therefore we will have to blast through them to capture Gersche and that Watch! The scene cuts to King Decard sitting in his throne. He floats objects around him. They orbit around Decard. He starts to stand up. The objects freeze their motion. Decard walks and the objects move along with Decard. When he frowns, the objects shake. King Decard: (in anger) AABBRRRAAHHHAAAAAMM!!! The objects scatter around the throne after his hands make a loud electronic noise. The guards turn around. King Decard: WHO TOLD YOU TWO TO STARE AT ME? BACK TO PROPER FORMATION! THAT IS AN ORDER!!! The guards turn back and stand up straight with their weapons. Decard then touches his head. He holds a tiny cloudy orb from his head. It expands to show another dimension. The camera zooms in the orb. The scene picks up where Abraham and Decard have their car accident. The camera shows Decard’s first point of view. Decard’s right leg has a broken bone sticking out. He cries in pain. The camera zooms into Abraham in third perspective as Decard remains put on his ground. Abraham starts to wake up. He lies near a sidewalk. He struggles to stand up. His hands are bloody. Both of his hands are bloody. There is glass on them. His glasses are broken and foggy. He can barely pick up what goes on except that there is fire on the car. He cleans the lens of his glasses. He puts them back on and sees through the cracks that Mary and Danielle are lying down on their own blood. The car collided with another one. The camera comes back to Decard’s perspective. He holds his bloody bone that sticks out of his leg. He still cries in pain. Decard: SOMEONE!!! HELP ME!! PLEASE!!!! HELP US!!! NOW!! The people there stand around the accident like if it was a movie. Abraham: Who in the bloody hell ran into us? Abraham tries to make a fist on his right hand but the pain urges him not to tighten his hand. Decard: I NEED HELP!!! NOW!!! Another vehicle comes. It picks up Decard and Abraham. Mary and Danielle are put in another vehicle. The scene transfers to a hospital where Decard lays on a bed. Decard: ARE THEY ALIVE? MY SWEET MARY AND DAUGHTER DANIELLE? LET ME CHECK ON THEM!! Doctor: Sir….I don’t think now is the good time! Decard: PLEASE….I MUST KNOW!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM? Doctor: We are fixing them up. You will meet them. Trust me! Decard: I NEED TO SEE THEM!! (he screams in pain) Doctor: Calm down sir….your leg is not doing well! Abraham slants and leans onto the door with bloody wraps on his hands. His clothes are wrecked. His arms are folded and his face shows no emotion. He observes the talk between the Doctor and Decard. The scene then shifts to the present time. King Decard cries in sadness. One of his hands covers his tears and the other lights up. Cyborg guard: King Decard….is everything alright! King Decard: REMAIN AT YOUR POSTS!!! The cyborg guard pretends as if King Decard never yelled at him and just goes on with his job. King Decard walks back to his seat. He sits down and folds his hands together. It starts to emit more power as his tears drip through them. Then the scene cuts to Gersche and Vincent riding on Heimlich’s car. Heimlich sits on front with the driver as Gersche and Vincent are at the back. Other cars and helicopters follow the car. Vincent: Mister Gersche? Gersche: (looking toward Vincent without emotion) Yes…son? Vincent: I don’t know what happened, Gersche! I’m sorry I put you through this. Gersche: Vincent….you’re not a problem Abraham: Oh but he is a problem..Alexander! Gersche: (facing towards Abraham) SHUT UP Vincent: Who are you talking to? Gersche: To this guy…a guy that just…. Vincent: But...there is no one here but us two, General Heimlich and the driver. Gersche: What? (he swiftly turns back to Abraham) Abraham: (softly) Do not tell yourself that you are insane! It’s just that I cannot appear visible to others this time! This is an after affect of my…temporary freedom that you activated. Heimlich: So….Gersche…why do you have that watch on your neck? There is something….special about it that I sense from you! Gersche: I best not tell you! Heimlich: OOHH But you must! If you value it so much…I have the right to know! Gersche: I DON’T BELONG TO YOU PIG!!! Heimlich: yes you do! You agreed to it. Gersche: NOTHING IN OUR AGREEMENT SAID THAT I WAS YOUR SOLDIER!! Heimlich: (stops talking and thinks for a bit) Very well. You are right! Abraham: Your judgment is very good Alexander! (he laughs) If you told him about that watch, then he would have sent it to his leader…Hitler! No..the power I hold is beyond. Since he is talking about the absolute power that I share with you, he would want that power for himself. Gersche: (in his mind) We’re not going to live a happily ever after ending if he touches it. Abraham: Oh I would kill that swine! I would make him squeal first then tear every fat and bone off of his body. He should…taste his own medicine….yyyeeessss! (he smiles, but then he looks at one direction.) CYBORGS!!! Gersche: STOP THE CAR!!! Heimlich: GERSCHE!!! YOU DO NOT GIVE ORDERS TO THAT DRIVER!!! The car flips over after a mine goes off. Cyborgs start to uncloak and pull out their blades and guns. They destroy other German cars that accompany Heimlich’s car. Gersche gets out of the car, and opens the other door to save Vincent. Vincent grabs the revolver off of the dead driver’s pocket. Gersche: You know how to shoot that thing? Vincent: Believe me… I hunt with guns. Gersche: Is that supposed to mean yes! Vincent: You’ll see. Gersche: (looking at the cyborgs create havoc) Abraham….tell me when you are ready. I would be more than glad to know that. (he shoots the cyborgs with his pistols. He then runs out into the battlefield) Vincent: May God be with me! Vincent shoots the cyborgs. He carefully conserves the ammo. After his fifth shot, he takes cover under the car. Gersche slices the cyborgs. One cyborg grabs Gersche’s shoulder but Gersche grabs the hand, cuts it off and hits the cyborg’s face with it. The blood sprays from the cyborg’s face onto Gersche’s face. Sparks from the face get onto Gersche’s jacket. Vincent tries to get out of cover. He aims for a Cyborg than is coming onto Gersche’s back. He shoots it through the back of the forehead. Gersche turns around and sees the dead Cyborg. He turns to Vincent. He smiles at Vincent and he smiles back at Gersche. Heimlich tries to save himself from the car. He then sees the destruction that occurred. Heimlich: What is left of our group? The Nazis start to reunite with Heimlich. He stands up with his pistol. Gersche: WE CAN’T STOP NOW!!! WE HAVE TO KEEP GOING ON!!! Heimlich: Gersche sagt, wir müssen los zu halten! SCHNELL(“Gersche says we have to keep going, QUICKLY”) Gersche and Vincent rides on a truck with two Nazi drivers. Then all the units and vehicles stick together as they speed up on the wide road. Then Cyborg planes start to fly by the Nazis. They shoot whatever is downward on them. Then the airplanes start to transform into cars as the rotate mid air to face the direction where the Nazis are heading. The two cyborg cars come from behind. As they unfold, there are two cyborgs that jump and do flips. They eventually skate their way to the Nazis. Their size is slightly bigger than the Nazi cars. They emit their loud robotic voices. Their arms transform into machine guns. Giant Cyborg 1: (in a loud cyborg voice) DIE HUMANS! They create destruction as all the Nazi vehicles and Cyborgs don’t stop accelerating on the road. Then there are cyborgs on front that ride motorcycles. They have blades on their wrists. They ride towards the Nazis. They cut some doors off, which alarms the Nazis. The other motorcycle riders grab the Nazis that sit by the doors that were cut off. The Nazis then get thrown onto the ground. Only bloody results occur. Their brains from the skulls start to burst open. Bones puncture out of their limbs. Blood spreads everywhere on the roads. Some even get caught under other cars and get finished off. Gersche pulls out his pistols and shoots two of the motorcycle cyborg riders. The Nazis start to fire their guns. Then there come the two giant cyborgs with machine guns on their hands. The giant cyborg starts to unleash jets from his shoulder blades. He flies 25 feet on top of the back of the truck. He then lets the gravity drop himself onto the back tip of the truck. Gersche: MOVE TO THE FRONT SON!!!! Vincent crawls towards the front part of the truck. The motion of the scene slows down. The camera follows the giant cyborg crushing the back tip of the truck. Gersche gets close to death. The motion returns to normal speed. He is less than an inch from the Cyborg’s damage. Vincent pulls Gersche in. However the truck tips on it’s back. Vincent holds Gersche’s left hand to prevent him from falling down onto the road. The truck gets back on it’s normal position. Since the truck had six wheels, there are four left that still keep the truck going. The cyborg starts to get back to skating his way to Gersche. Vincent and Gesche look at the giant Cyborg that is disappointed and frustrated in that he did not kill Gersche!The camera zooms into the cyborg’s face on his front profile. Giant Cyborg 2: (in his electronic voice) DIE…GERSCHE!!! The Cyborg starts to point his arm gun towards Gersche. Vincent and Gersche shoot at the Giant Cyborg in the face before the cyborg fires. The camera zooms to Gersche’s gun. When it fires, the bullet comes close to the Camera and the sequence is done in slow motion. The camera rotates and shifts towards the giant cyborg’s eye. The bullet impacts the eye. It makes a loud electronic sound. The cyborg screams as the sound waves blast through the area. It squirts out blood. The cyborg feels the pain and starts to skate around the truck as the whole motion restores to normal speed. The cyborg holds his bleeding eye. The other cyborg is just shooting the Nazi cars. Explosions occur. The collapsing cars fall into other vehicles. The cyborg motorcycle drivers take out the driver of the truck. One skewers the driver on his shoulder and the other decapitates him. Gersche cuts the motorcycle drivers and gets into the drivers seat. He takes control of the truck. Vincent gets on the passenger seat. The remaining Cyborg giant comes to the truck. Then the half blind cyborg comes to the truck too. Abraham: You should take those two giants out for your self-Alexander. Gersche: Why do you think that I’m going to give the control of the truck to Vincent? Vincent: What? Gersche: YOU HEARD ME! TAKE THE WHEEL! Vincent takes the wheel. Gersche climbs on top of the truck. Abraham: I cannot help you now! But soon…but get ready! Gersche: (pulling out his dual swords) Don’t need that right now! Gersche jumps onto a Nazi car to get near the giant cyborg. A motorcycle cyborg rider tries to take him out. Gersche kicks its face in slow motion. The rider screams and falls onto the ground along with the motorcycle. It gets caught under another Nazi car and creates a bloody mess. Gersche then leaps onto the heel of the giant cyborg. Giant Cyborg 2: TARGET ON MY SKATE! The cyborg starts to fly a couple of few feet from the road. He rotates on his back. He tries to shoot Gersche off. Gersche evades the shots and climbs onto the head. He stabs it’s other eye that was not blinded. The Cyborg panics and falls down. It drags on the road. Gersche tries to finish it off by stabbing its scalp. Gersche jumps onto the truck. He shoots the other cyborg. The cyborg skates from side to side of the road. Gersche stops shooting. The cyborg turns into Gersche. The Cyborg is about to charge. Gersche: VINCENT!!! MOVE TO THE LEFT!!!! Vincent obeys Gersche. Gersche jumps into the Cyborg as it charges into him in slow motion. The Cyborg rotates in multiple 360s as it flies while the motion regains speed. Gersche clutches onto the giant cyborg. It purposely crashes into other cars. The camera follows the giant cyborg diving into cars. Abraham: ACTIVATE IT!!! NOW!! ALEXANDER! Gersche grabs the watch and activates it. A large lighting force hits the Cyborg. The cyborg struggles to get back to normal. Abraham: GET ON IT’S HEAD!!! Gersche climbs onto the head. He stabs the back of the neck to gain more of a clutch on the cyborg. Abraham: Now Alexander….it’s time to make this one our friend! The cyborg starts to shoot the other motorcycles. It starts to take out Heimlich. Gersche: THIS IS NICE!!! REAL NICE!!! Abraham: As much as I enjoy overriding its controls….I worry about the time I have! Gersche: WHAT? Abraham: This one cannot be controlled forever since this is my only hour of freedom for now! Heimlich: GERSCHE!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? ARE YOU PART OF THESE CYBORGS?!!! GET DOWN HERE! Gersche: Well make it quick. But take Vincent with us. Abraham: Let him follow us. Besides…he will anyway! Abraham gets the Cyborg to shoot down Heimlich’s car. The car tips over and crashes. Gersche: That will kill him! Abraham: Most likely! But DON’T TELL ME TO FREE THOSE JEWS!!!!! THEY MEAN NOTHING TO US! Gersche looks at him with disgust. The cyborg accelerates speed. The scene shifts to a ruined city and the time is 55 minutes later. There is a girl with a giant human. He wears a helmet and holds a hammer. The girl is a teenager with long black hair and a scar on her forehead. She sees a giant cyborg on the way. She runs away and hides. The giant man does the same. The cyborg stops by. Abraham: Jump off Alexander! Gersche takes out his swords. He falls down violently. As the cyborg regains consciousness, Abraham blasts the cyborg’s stomach. It gets all bloody. Wires hang from the stomach. Abraham then breaks the limbs off with his telekinesis. The Cyborg screams then explodes into bits. The blood rains onto Gersche. The truck then comes by. Vincent gets off of it. (the scene picks off from the city that Gersche and Abraham are at) Abraham: That was fun. Better than the fun that I had in the ages before I died! Vincent: HOW DID YOU MOUNT THAT THING? Gersche: Ask questions later son. We don’t know whether there are cyborgs here or not. Vincent: (pulling out his pistol) Alright! The girl and the man come out of their hiding spots. They come and walk towards Gersche and Vincent. Vincent puts his guns up pointing to the two of them. Abraham puts his palm facing the girl and man. Vincent: Who are you guys? Janie: My name is Janie!! Vincent: (facing the man) What’s your name? Janie: Simon! Vincent: Can you let him speak? Janie: He can’t. He was born without a tongue. Abraham: (starts to uncloak and become visible) It’s alright Vincent…..You don’t have to ask them anymore questions….! They are stranded….just like us. Yyyyeeeeessss Vincent: (puts his gun on Abaham) WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? Gersche: (puts his metal hand on front of Vincent) HE WAS WITH US FOR THE WHOLE TIME! PUT YOUR GUN DOWN SON!! He is the reason why we are alive right now! Janie: He sure doesn’t look alive to me. You need medical attention. Abraham: (softly speaking and laughing) What are you talking about Janie? You have no hospital here….only the ashes of them remain! Janie: Yes…you are right. But we need to help you… Abraham: I NEED NO HELP!!!!! He pushes Janie and Simon away with his telekinesis. Red electricity flows around the air. Simon trembles in fear. He curls himself in a ball. Janie looks at Abraham with suspicion. Abraham starts to calm down slowly. The electricity stops. Janie: What are you? Abraham: My name is Abraham Janie: But….what are you…really? Abraham: Interesting phrase of the question girl…. What instead of who? YYeeessss. I will answer the question! I am not alive! I do not exist within the official rules of this world. I only exist as a shadow. But I have the ability to do the…..impossible. Vincent: Abraham….how did you get all those powers? It is not said that the dead may walk among the living today. Abraham: I am the undead! I cannot die. I do walk among the living. However…I only walked among…Alexander here! (he points to Alexander) Janie: (Hugging Simon) If you still exist in this world….does that mean I will be able to see me family at some point? Abraham: (laughing) I was artificially killed, then placed among the living. (his body flickers) I did not die naturally! I was just a lab rat! (his glasses become brighter lightning flows on his body. He frowns) Janie: (talking to Simon) it’s okay Simon….I know…he scared me too. Simon moans. He hugs Janie back. Abraham: (moves slowly to Janie and Simon) Why do you nurture someone who cannot adapt to the world? You and your…. handicapped friend never saw the First World War with your own eyes! Janie: SHUT UP!!! DON’T YOU SEE WHAT YOU DID HERE? Abraham: You should see what your race does to those….jews…German Girl! …(he makes a big smile)! The Germans killed that boy’s family (he points to Vincent) You had the choice of stopping that murder….but instead….you remained ignorant and blind in this pathetic run down city. Now…are you proud of your own “German” race girl? (he laughs) Janie: GET AWAY FROM ME!! Abraham: Don’t bother your brother….let him cry and live in his own fears. He is your burden! Let your burden go…..and move on. You have a lot to learn about this world! Go apologize to Vincent….yyyyyeeeeesssss kiss his feet! Gersche’s metal hand comes from his beard to the watch. Gersche: (crushing the watch with his metal hand) ABRAHAM!!!!! Abraham starts to feel pain on his chest. He turns to Gersche and shocks him. Gersche starts to get flashbacks of his wedding night. He sees graphic violent images of his family slaughtered by the cyborgs in the mansion. He falls down. He can barely get up. Abraham: I am sorry Alexander but that was….painful! I know that you didn’t know about that….but just…don’t do that again! Vincent: OKAY LET’S NOT BLAST EACHOTHER RIGHT NOW!!! THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO MAKE ENEMIES!!! WE ALREADY HAVE NAZIS, AND CYBORGS THAT ARE HUNTING US!!! Janie: Tell that to the….ghost! or…..DEMON!!! (crying) Vincent levitates and he starts to feel shocked by the electricity. Abraham: (lighting his arms and charging electric orbs on his hands) SILENCE BOY!!! I ONLY HAVE THE ABSOLUTE POWER TO TELL OTHERS WHAT TO DO!!!! Janie: I WILL NOT ACCOMPANY YOU!!! I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN SERVE A DEMON LIKE YOU! Vincent drops down as Abraham teleports on front of Jamie in less than a millisecond. He backhand punches her. He shoots his electric orbs onto Jamie! Abraham smiles and grabs Jamie’s head. She screams as Abraham laughs. Vincent: HEY ABRAHAM!!! LEAVE HER ALONE!!! Abraham turns around. He sees Vincent with his pistol pointing on the watch that Gersche wears! Gersche is holding the watch. Vincent holds Gersche’s hand which holds the watch. Abraham calms down. Abraham: You really are a….foolish boy! But I will not waste my time killing you! Alexander…you allow this boy to shoot that watch? I do not know if you are willing to save your wife with my energy! (he starts to light up) GERSHE….IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN!!! I WILL STRIP YOUR FLESH AND BONE FROM YOUR SOUL!!!! I WOULD RATHER DO THAT THAN TO BE CARRIED FROM A DESPERATE MAN WHO ONLY CARES FOR….ORDINARY….BLOODY….PATHETIC JEWS AND HIS OWN WIFE! Gersche: (he stands up) OF COURSE I CARE FOR ELIZABETH…BUT WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST SEE? Abraham: Do not worry Alexander….you don’t need to know what just happened. Let’s carry on and move. Time is wasting…now that your wife is scheduled….to marry our enemy! And besides….don’t form a family Alexander…these people mean nothing to you. Gersche: (pulling out his swords) WE NEED TO MOVE ABRAHAM!!! Vincent looks at Gersche’s face. He follows him but he sees that Gersche’s face and it doesn’t show any emotion. Gersche grinds his teeth. Vincent tries to comfort Gersche. Gersche: Vincent! Vincent: Yes…. Gersche: I don’t want you to follow me anymore! Vincent: What? Gersche: You heard me…. Vincent: but…Gersche…we just Gersche: LEAVE!!! I DON’T NEED YOU!! Vincent: Wait a minute… Gersche: (pointing his gun on Vincent’s head) I SAID LEAVE YOU BLOODY RAT!!! (his eyes glow) I WILL PULL THE TRIGGER IF YOU CONTINUE TO DISOBEY ME!! Vincent backs away from Gersche. Janie and Simon look at Gersche and Vincent. Abraham: Alexander…you did the right thing….You impress me….yyyeeeessss! Gersche: I WANT YOU TO SHUT UP ABRAHAM!!! Abraham: (trying not to yell) I think you are forgetting who saved you at your wedding night! Gersche: (he pauses for a moment) You should probably be weaker by now. Time doesn’t seem to be on your side all the time Abraham. It’s probably an hour by now! Abraham: Time waits for no man! Gersche: Then we will have to beat it! Elizabeth is about to marry the cyborg king! Abraham: Not just a cyborg king….A psychotic eighty year old man! He starts to fade away. Abraham: Absolute power corrupts….absolutely! Gersche laughs in a tiny volume and looks at Abraham Abraham: Is something…humorous? Gersche: NO NOTHING….Nothing at all! Abraham: My Alexander…you seem to adapt to the world…to its full potential! Like I said….you impress me! Gersche looks at the ground. He sees a mouse. Gersche picks it up with his metal hand. He stares at it for a while. Abraham: You never had a meal before Alexander. The mouse squeals. It struggles to survive. Gersche throws it onto the ground violently with rage. Abraham looks at him with a smile. The mouse still twitches. Abraham electrocutes it until it skins. Gersche eats it. He then forms a fist in his left hand. Abraham: I love your attitude Alexander…but I do not understand your transition into your anger. What exactly…caused your anger? Gersche: ELIZABETH WILL MARRY DECARD!! Abraham: You cannot assume that Gersche….where is your…judgement? Gersche: (his left eye starts to glow more) I AM USING IT!!!! Abraham: Your wife…I thought you valued her…..(smiling) Gersche: THIS QUEST FOR MY WIFE IS FUTILE!!!(he holds his hands on his head) Abraham: Really? Gersche: YES!!! I DO NOT NEED HER!! I AM TIRED OF SEEING MY LOVED ONES DIE!!! I WILL LET HER MARRY DECARD! SHE WILL BE ON HER OWN!!!(his right remaining eye starts to glow.) Abraham: Yes….you have improved…your judgment.
(to be continued) © 2012 XerclipseAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on March 4, 2012 Last Updated on May 6, 2012 Author![]() Xerclipsehttp://xerclipse.deviantart.com/gallery/, NYAboutHey people of Writer's cafe, what's up? You may call me Xerclipse and its about a year since I had this. I am 18 years old and I am at Mass Art right now! I write books with a lot of action and vio.. more..Writing