Laws for the
Greater Good of
1. Any citizen or subordinate of Acrisius may not roam around helpless or homeless. The streets must be clean from all who are bring filth and so forth.
2. No subordinate has any access to the main Tower. Only Hangmen and your leader Carnegie Spree may leave and enter by their own will.
3. Committing Theft is an immediate result of death by Hangman.
4. Possessing any knowledge that is not published or given to the public domain is an immediate result of death by Hangman.
5. Possessing any blueprint, image or media of a Hangman is strictly prohibited, and will result in death.
6. Dodging surveillance is strictly prohibited.
7. When a target for the Hangman disappears, the word of that subordinate shall not be spoken.
Any violation of these laws will result in death by Hangman.
Exclusive Hangman rule: Any target that is a young female must be brought back to Carnegie Spree without any form of mutilation or disfigurement.