![]() Chapter XVI: History HorrorA Chapter by Xerclipse![]() the full past of Alan has been revealed. But what happens next? Will Drake be saved?![]() Chapter XVI History Horror The
scene picks off where Nebula walks through the grasslands. Suddenly, a trial
begins to take place. A building starts to form near Nebula. She walks in and
hears noises and jeers. She sees Alan sitting down on the bench all beat up.
Alan begins to walk towards him and sit next to him. Alan does not look at the
crowd that talks to him and his family. Solomon stands on front of the judge. Judge: So from what you said…Witch Hunter
Solomon….that woman used demon powers to tear down the house. And yet her child
was your assistant. So this man Mister Harkison….got injured by the violence
and destruction? Is that clear? Solomon: Yes….but look at him, and listen to what
he says. Judge: Mister Harkison, is that true? Alan: NO, SOLOMON HIMSELF WAS THE DEMON! HE TORE
crowd gasps and points fingers at Alan. They begin to jeer and yell at him. The
judge looks into Alan’s bloody face. He does not bang the hammer. Solomon
raises his hands up on the air. Solomon: Be silent….be silent. Patience will make
punishment for the witch and the child quicker. Judge: (banging the hammer) I AM THE ONE TO SAY
THAT! You may sit down. Solomon
sits down on the chair. Judge: Now…..for the punishment…..they shall be
burned by the stake! The
crowd stands up and cheers. Alan gets up and screams loudly trying to grab his
family. Solomon trips him and pulls him away. Alan still struggles to get his
family but Solomon steps on Alan to stop him. Judge: THEY WILL BE BURNED IMMEDIATELY!! Gunsche
carries Ali and Danny. They look back at Alan but Gunsche rushes out of the
building. The crowd cheers as Gunsche reaches the daylight. Elaine and Russell
set up the stake. Wisher throws hay and straw at the surface for the fire to
accumulate. The people grab their torches and come out. Gunsche plants Danny
and Ali at the stake. Russell and Elaine tie them up. Alan starts to limp
towards his family but Elaine jumps towards him. She throws a bear trap on his
shoulder blades. She pulls him to make him trip. Crowd: HEY IT’S MISTER HARKISON! KILL HIM! LET
HIM BE PART OF THE STAKE AS WELL! Solomon: NO!!! He will not be killed. Alan gets up when Elaine takes out the bear
traps. Alan: You…..demon! Solomon: Now Mister Harkison, you have been
injured severely, and I know what could cure that. Alan: (in anger) What… WHAT COULD POSSIBLE CURE
ME?! Solomon: (smiling) Freedom….which can only be
unlocked by you. Alan
limps towards Solomon in anger. Alan: Freedom….? Solomon
grabs a torch from one of the people. He offers it to Alan. Solomon: (smiling) Open your eyes Mister Harkison.
Everybody here hates you, everybody here thinks that you are a demon yourself.
You have been manipulated by the demon! Now….if you just throw the torch, then
that will communicate to these people….that you are pure. The
crowd becomes silent. They stare at Alan and Solomon. Russell climbs on top of
the stake and stands on it. He tilts his head and smiles at Alan. He begins to
laugh. Gunsche walks right behind Alan and stands there with his hulking body.
Elaine stands away from the stake. Russell: COME ON MISTER HARKISON…..FREEDOM!!!
crowd begins to yell “freedom” in a rhythm. They keep on saying it louder and
louder. Nebula walks closer to Alan as the projections do not notice her.
Solomon still holds the torch to Alan but he does not take it. He closes his
eyes has the blood on him drips. He keeps on hearing “freedom”. Solomon: Mister Harkison….if you do not get your
freedom….then you will join them. You will burn with them. Alan
takes the torch and slowly turns to his family. He slowly limps to the stake.
He then looks up at his family whose faces are looking away and crying. Crowd: FREEDOM, FREEDOM, FREEDOM, FREEDOM! Alan
holds the torch as his heart beats. He begins to tear and he drips blood from
his mouth. Russell jumps out of the stake and dashes away quickly. He runs to
Elaine and the other witch hunters. Solomon: (with a big smile) DO YOU WANT YOUR
throws the torch at the stake. The straw catches the fire and rushes up to his
family. Ali and Danny begin to scream when the fire touches their feet. It then
burns the stake and onto their bodies. Alan holds his ears and screams. He
cannot stop hearing the screams from Ali and Danny. The crowd cheers wildly
along with Russell. Alan then looks up at the stake and Ali’s skin begins to
deteriorate as Danny’s scalp catches the fire. Their skeleton begins to get
exposed. The projections disappear in a flash and the fire stops burning. Alan
is seen wearing the trench coat. He holds a hatchet on his hand and sees the
witch hunters including Solomon. Nebula spectates the face off between Alan and
the witch hunters. The audience is no longer present. Nebula and the projections are at the woods
during night time. Solomon: Sooo…..you value life over your
family….what a great choice Mister Harkison. Alan
does not speak. He raises his hatchet. Russell laughs at him as Solomon steps
closer towards Alan. Solomon: Do not cry, do not regret, you are truly
the best man that I once thought you were…Mister Harkison! Solomon
puts his right arm up to Alan offering his hand. Solomon: I would have allowed you to be burned
with your family Mister Harkison….who was the one who spared you, who was the
one who helped you out of their punishment, and who was the one who lived because
of me……Mister Harkison? Alan
screams in rage and cuts off Solomon’s right arm. Blood sprays violently on
Alan’s face. Solomon screams holding his bleeding stump. Alan then strikes
Solomon’s chest. Alan then dodges Elaine’s bear traps. He gets caught on his
left arm by a bear trap but Alan screams in pain. Gunsche bashes him away onto
a tree. Alan opens the trap up and throws it on the ground. Alan throws his
hatchet on Gunsche’s shoulder. He charges up to Gunsche’s chest, takes out the
hatchet and strikes the ribs. Gunsche screams and collapses. Alan then dodges
more bear traps and jumps on Elaine’s chest. Elaine grapples onto Alan and
throws him on the ground. He breaks free and hits Elaine’s face with the non
bladed side of the axe. He chops Elaine’s neck which causes blood splatter. He
then runs up to Russell and goes up against his dual machetes. After multiple
clashes, Alan chops Russell’s stomach and hits his spine. Wisher then beats
down Alan with his batons. Alan chops Wisher’s left foot into two. The blood
splatters from his foot as Alan rises up from the ground. Alan then does an
overhead axe chop on Wisher’s face. The blood pours from the bloody split face.
Alan then takes out the hatchet and stares at Solomon crawling away. Solomon: (struggling to speak) You do not know
what you are doing Mister Harkison! Alan
walks closer to Solomon with his bloody hatchet. Solomon: Shall I grant you eternal life after I
die? Alan
raises his hatchet with one hand as his left arm is covered with the bear trap
wounds. Solomon: (smiling) It will be your curse Mister
Harkison! Not a blessing. And those who travel with you shall earn that curse
as well. They will become you eventually. Alan
then hits Solomon with his hatchet. He keeps on hitting him pervasively. Nebula
stares at Alan’s rage and Solomon’s twitching bloody body. He keeps one
striking Solomon’s body over and over again. The blood splatters every where.
Solomon’s screams turn demonic and loud. Nebula closes her ears as the blood
accumulates onto the trees. Over five liters of blood has been spilled and
splattered. Another set of liters spray as Alan keeps on striking down Solomon.
The blood paints the whole environment, as Alan never stops striking. Solomon’s
spirit then descends into the darkness and gets burned by the flames. Solomon: You shall be forever cursed Alan Harkison! YOU WILL NEVER DIE SO YOU CAN FEEL THE PAIN! YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE! Suddenly the scene transitions to the monastery.
Solomon sits at the tower creating fire from his bladed fingers. He stares at
Drake’s body which now floats. Several freaks stand next to him. Russell and
Elaine walk toward Solomon. Elaine: The bombs have been planted in the
tunnel. Solomon: Good…..very good. Now we are going to
have to just wait until they get out of the theater. Elaine: I am sure they will. Mr. Evann is dead,
and Alan has deteriorated mentally. Solomon: (laughing) He is already a mentally
unstable man Elaine. So don’t worry, he will enjoy himself. Solomon
turns around. Solomon: But however, I am sure that psychic of
his will help him. We need to take out that black cat. If we do so then their
strength will be reduced. Elaine: Understood. Russell: (laughing) THE DARK EXORCIST SHALL DIE!
insects….they just are asking for pain! Russell
and Elaine jump out of the tower. Russell Laughs as he descends from the big
height. Elaine is now abscent from the tower. Solomon is now alone. He stares
at Drake’s body that still floats. Drake’s eyes begin to open. He then stares
at Solomon. He cannot move but his reaction can be seen from his face. Solomon
walks closer to Drake as Drake’s body begins to face him. Drake: Who…Who are you? Solomon: I am Solomon. The demon that possesses
you! Drake: What? What’s going on? Solomon: An exorcist, a cat, a psychic and your
sister are coming to get you. But I you are the host of this place, and my
captive. Drake: GET ME OUT OF HERE! GET ME OUT! Solomon: (Solomon) You know you wouldn’t want
that. I am actually taking great care of you. You are dying Drake….and you
would not want to live in the mortal world. Instead….why don’t you appreciate
this beautiful wonderland that I have created. Enjoy yourself. Drake
lands on the ground and his feet are in balance. He begins to walk and be
surprised. Solomon: Go on, try to jump. Drake
looks at the edge of the tower. He walks closer to it but when he sees the
height, he gets shocked. Solomon: Do not be afraid. You will never die. In
fact, you already are. Drake: What NO! Solomon: But isn’t death what you have been
longing for? Life is no longer your value. Solomon
pushes Drake out of the tower. He begins to scream in fear. When he sees the
ground that is coming close to him he feels the impact but he bounces off of it
and floats on the air. He looks around him as his body is in slow motion. He
laughs in joy and happiness. Solomon jumps from the tower and lands next to
Drake. Solomon: You see…you are just going to love this
place. The
grass around him begins to grow into flowers. Drake then lands on the ground
after he floats. He begins to run around the grasses and tombstones. He then
leaps through the reduced gravity and jumps on a fence. He flies around the
monetary. He passes through the organ and at the benches. Solomon: This is what you value? Right Drake. To
be the powerful and the infinite. Eternal life is what you want instead of
mortal life which does not allow you to have power. Drake: (after laughing) Can you tell me where my
sister is? Solomon: You will see her when she comes to you
my child. Drake: Marie…..she was only trying to make me
happy. Solomon: She did….she told me to make you happy.
But I have to keep you in here. You are my prisoner. Drake: What? Solomon: Don’t worry. Be grateful that I do not
chain and hold back the host like the other demons do. You are free to do
whatever you want. You have the power to do anything. You are the god of your
own world. It’s just that I have to borrow those abilities for myself. In the
meanwhile you can fly around the place as much as you like Solomon
walks towards the monastery laughing. Drake stares at his scarf that flows through
the wind. Drake then looks down. To Be Continued © 2012 XerclipseAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on August 24, 2012 Last Updated on August 24, 2012 Author![]() Xerclipsehttp://xerclipse.deviantart.com/gallery/, NYAboutHey people of Writer's cafe, what's up? You may call me Xerclipse and its about a year since I had this. I am 18 years old and I am at Mass Art right now! I write books with a lot of action and vio.. more..Writing