![]() Chapter XV: Healing GoddessA Chapter by Xerclipse![]() Kiara seems to be more than just a tree. But what happens back at Alan's dark past? Proceed for the knowledge.![]() Chapter XV Healing Goddess The
scene picks off where Limbo carries the group on his back. Limbo starts to
climb on a vertical wall. Trees begin to form from the wall he climbs on.
Branches attempt to grab Limbo but he kicks them away. Marie tries to sever
them off with her bayonet. Nebula clutches onto Alan and Limbo. Limbo leaps
from one area to another. He dodges the roots and plans that grow. Actors still
attempt to chase them down. They climb up on the wall as well. Limbo grabs an
actor and smashes him through a wall. The blood stain can be seen. Limbo: DIE!!! Limbo
still continues to climb up the wall but there is no ceiling. The abyss is on
top of them. There is a never ending top that they climb up on. Marie: LIMBO….THERE IS NO TOP! Limbo
sees more actors climbing downward. Branches and twigs clutch onto Limbo. Marie
cuts them off with her bayonet. Marie: We can always get higher but we can never get
lower! Limbo: Who said we can’t get lower? Marie: What! Limbo: HANG ON TIGHT! WE ARE GOING TO GO FOR A
DIVE!! Limbo
lets go of the wall and starts to do a bullet dive from a height. He passes
through the botanical matter and actors. When he gets closer to the ground, he
covers his face and crashes through the floor. They start to descend down into
a projector screen. However they don’t break it, they fall through it. They
start to split up into individuals now. Laughing sounds can be heard and they
disappear into darkness. Limbo slowly transforms into a cat when he falls. He
falls through multiple portals and many places. He then lands on the
grasslands. The sun is bright out and he sees the birds chirping around him.
Limbo looks at his paws and sees some human skin forming underneath the fur.
Limbo starts to get surprised by it. He sees fingers growing through his claws.
His ears shrink down and his fur begins to shrink as well. The human flesh
overlaps his body. Limbo starts to stand up looking at his half naked body. His
lower body is covered in a black furry cloth. His upper body has his ribs exposed. Limbo: (shocked) My….my body. Limbo
falls back down looking at his arms and feeling himself. Limbo sees a clear
lake when he turns around. He sees his own face, which has blue eyes and a long
nose. He touches his face. Limbo appears to have a pony tail that extends past
his shoulders. The hair is unkempt and slightly messy. He has bangs that covers his right eye. His chin beard is trimmed and his mustache is trimmed as well. He begins to smile after he realizes his own body. He laughs
standing up. He starts running around in joy and happiness. He sees a woman
sitting on a bench under a tree. She holds an umbrella. Limbo begins to see what
she looks like. She has black eye liner and blond hair. Limbo walks slowly to
her. Clothes begin to form around him. Limbo: Victoria? Is that you? Limbo
rushes towards her and hugs her tightly. Limbo: (crying) I…I am so glad I can see you! Limbo
realizes that he has a jacket and pants on. He reaches in his pocket and sees a
small box. He then opens it and sees a wedding ring. Victoria smiles at Limbo.
Her eyes catch his and they stare at each other. Victoria takes the box with
the ring and laughs with Limbo. Victoria gives him a big kiss. Limbo: MY GOD…IT IS YOU!! VICTORIA!! I have been
a cat for so long, and yet we have the chance after four hundred years for me
to ask you about this! Victoria
begins to laugh. Limbo slightly smiles but it drops. She then opens her eyes
and they are rolled back. Limbo steps back but a palm blade hits Victoria’s
head. Her fangs form and her limbs twists in multiple directions. Wisher’s
blurry image can be seen holding on Victoria’s head. He tosses a coin up and
down. Wisher: She is gone Limbo, and you know it! After
you and the Dark Exorcist drove me out of her, she never wanted you again! It’s
useless! Limbo
tries to punch Wisher but Wisher morphs into Solomon. Solomon: REMEMBER WHEN I BURNED THAT PRECIOUS
sticks his blades into Limbo’s stomach. His body burns furiously. Wisher’s
image spawns behind Solomon. Wisher: (laughing) YOU GOT ME BUT YOU COULD NEVER
GET HIM! IT WAS A TRAP LIMBO! A TRAP! Alan comes by holding Limbo’s ashes. Limbo begins
to disintegrate but Alan carries a piece of Limbo’s ash. Alan finds a black cat
and kills it. He then pours the ash into the cat’s mouth. After a while the cat
begins to cough and moan in Limbo’s voice. He looks back at his cat form and cries.
Limbo: What….what is this? Alan: Limbo, he is in trouble. Limbo: Wait…you aren’t really Alan…? Who are you? The
image of Alan begins to morph into Kiara. Kiara: I am the mother of Marie. Limbo: The blood mother? Kiara: Yes. But it was a shame that I got
captured and transformed into another inhuman being. Limbo: Well….you’re not alone. I have to say I
hate being a cat. Kiara: But you are an animal, I am a tree that
can’t do anything but take pain, and slavery from my husband. Limbo: I am so sorry….but where are we. Kiara: You are out of the theater. Limbo: WHAT….WHAT ABOUT THE OTHERS? Kiara: All except for Alan. He is stuck in his
polluted mind. You have to save him Limbo. Limbo: But…but my were cat form….I probably
drained all of my soul when I became that. Kiara: I will give you strength Limbo. And you
will need it to help guide Alan to Solomon. Thank you for taking care of my
daughter. Kiara
disappears into thin air. Limbo: WAIT…..WAIT HOW WILL I GET OUT OF THIS
scene then transitions to Nebula all alone at the well. She holds a coin on her
hand but she doesn’t throw it in the well. She turns around and sees Kiara. Kiara: You must be Nebula….the woman that my
daughter likes. You have been a better mother than I have. Nebula
does not answer but only stares at Kiara. Kiara: You are suppose to say thank you but you
are not much of a talker….are you? Nebula: I need to find him. Kiara: How badly? Nebula: Where is he? Kiara
walks closer to Nebula. She holds her hand. She then places her hand on her
heart. Kiara: You are alive…aren’t you? You have a heart
that beats. But what does it beat for? Nebula
does not answer. Kiara then walks backwards letting go of Nebula’s hand. Kiara: Don’t be so shy, I know whom it beats for.
But you must use the power to strike to kill. The world you walk into is a
dangerous place. If you really care for Alan, please execute the creatures. I
know you don’t want to cause any more deaths but you must to save Alan. I can
tell you, you will have to make that choice when you leave this place. Nebula: Alan is in danger. He is lost. Kiara: But do you know why he is lost. Where he
is lost? Nebula
still does not answer. Kiara: Oh….he never told you. He never said
anything about his family? Nebula: His mental instability has blocked my
senses. He only saw them at the subway station earlier but all I felt was guilt
and self anger. Solomon was present at that area too. Kiara: Then it’s time to show you what he has
been through. A
house begins to shift on front of them. Alan chops wood with his axe as his
wife Ali stares at him. Danny the little boy runs to Alan with a rifle. Danny: DADDY, DADDY…CAN WE GO HUNTING? Ali: Please…let him work. He is a hardworking
man. Alan: (looking at Ali) Oh don’t worry….I am going
to answer that question to him later. Danny: But dad you promised. Alan: (smiling) Yes I did but I need to have a
talk with you! Alan
walks back inside the house. Nebula and Kiara follow Alan into the house. No
one is aware of Nebula’s and Kiara’s presence. Nebula tries to touch Alan but
her hand goes through his body. Kiara: You can’t interact with projections. Alan
begins to kiss Ali on the lips. He puts his hatchet down. They begin to smile
as Nebula does likewise. She then follows Danny holding the rifle. Ali: Oh do you know what’s for dinner tonight? Danny: Yeah, I’ll hunt it down and deliver it to
you! Alan
laughs and sits at the table. Danny sits down as well and Ali stares at Alan. Alan: Now…Danny….the first time I went hunting……I
killed an turkey, just like what a regular hunter would do! But….there is this
feeling of guilt and sadness that can stick with you. When you feel it the
first time, you won’t like it. It hurts to see a poor animal killed. But if you
do ever feel that, then you can tell me…okay. Danny: Okay Daddy! I promise I will not back
down…ever! But that was something I considered too Daddy. I hate seeing cute
animals die. Suddenly,
Solomon kicks the door open. His right arm is all flesh and bone. He does not
have the mechanical arm and bladed fingers. Alan takes the gun and holds it for
defense. Ali takes Danny to another room. Nebula stays where she is and looks
at Solomon. Solomon: Mister Harkison.....you know who we are
here for. Alan
points his gun at Solomon. Alan: You said you wouldn't come back, you said she was innocent. Solomon: (laughing) Ah Mister Harkison, that's what I said earlier! Alan: (focused) Step away Solomon. You god damn
witch hunter, isn’t there anyway that the judge can be convinced. Solomon: Whoa whoa whoa….! Don’t use the Lord’s
name in vain. I would hate to take you in as well! I like you Mister Harkison.
You are great man! Alan: Step away! Solomon: We live…in a world where
fear……emotion….stress….and lies go irrational all over. Alan: STEP AWAY YOU WITCH HUNTER!! YOU HAVE NO
BUSINESS HERE! Solomon: (smiling) You are interfering with my business
but it’s something that must be done. Please, if you would…. Alan
fires the rifle but Solomon catches it with his left hand. It bleeds heavily.
Solomon does not mind the wound. Solomon: Oh dear….my hand has a scratch! Witch
Hunters….it’s time! Gunsche
smashes the door open. His roars loudly and breaks the furniture with his disc
blades. He sees Alan and smashes him down on the ground. Elaine throws chained
bear traps on Alan’s legs, which cause excessive pain. Wisher comes in smashing
Alan’s chest and stomach with his batons. Russell shoots Alan’s arms with the
bow and arrow. Russell sprints into the house and puts up his fists. Russell: Hello Mister Harkison! It’s time for
fun! Russell
smiles sadistically and begins to punch Alan on the ground. Blood accumulates
on the floor and drawers. Russell pounds his face multiple times. He laughs
furiously in happiness and joy. Solomon pulls him out and throws him onto a
table to stop the beating. Russell gets up holding his bloody fists and sees Alan
on the ground. Solomon: We aren’t here to kill him, we were here
to stop him. Russell: (twitching) But…but we were just about
to begin! Solomon: Never mind that, we will meet again at
the trial. Alan: (struggling to talk) You can all….go to
hell! The
house and the environment begin to disappear. Nebula stands around looking for Alan. Kiara: Do you still want to know what else
happens Nebula…? Nebula: (starts to tear) Yes….I do. But all that happiness earlier has been sucked right out of his soul. And that regret in killing something, even a turkey is gone. He does not think twice about bringing death to anyone. To Be Continued © 2012 XerclipseAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on August 23, 2012 Last Updated on August 24, 2012 Author![]() Xerclipsehttp://xerclipse.deviantart.com/gallery/, NYAboutHey people of Writer's cafe, what's up? You may call me Xerclipse and its about a year since I had this. I am 18 years old and I am at Mass Art right now! I write books with a lot of action and vio.. more..Writing