Part 17

Part 17

A Chapter by Kourtnie

Just sitting there on the couch was Jasmine Villegas. A huge smile crept upon Justin's face as you followed him to go greet kindly greet her. Justin walked up to her and said, "Hey Jasmine! Nice to see you again! This is my girlfriend Karina." Jasmine smiled fakely at you said, "Hey! Nice to meet you." then looked back at Justin and said, "So how have you been? I've missed you!" You just sat there quietly as they talked and got caught up. Justin's just talking to the girl that was in his music video that he had a little thing with. No big deal... Right? As they continued to talk you heard Jasmine say, "So I thought I should tell you now that I'm here. I'm staying the night tonight and I'll be going with you for the opening day of your tour so I could open for you. Just like old times!" Justin looked so happy to hear this as exclaimed, "Really? That's amazing! I've missed having you on stage. You really brought out the energy in the crowd." You were trying so hard to tell yourself to not be jealous, that they weren't flirting. They kept talking about how they missed singing together and all the memories they had. After awhile Justin brought out his guitar. Justin played guitar as she sang for him. You wished you were able to sing too. Justin and Jasmine sang a few songs together. Even worse? They sounded good. Finally it was getting late so in the middle of Jasmine's singing you got up and said, "Its getting late. I'm going to head to bed." All Justin had to say to that was, "Night Karina. See you in the morning." You just turned around and walked away angrily thinking to yourself, "No I love you? He didn't even call me babe." You passed Justins room, not even thinking about cuddling with him tonight because you knew he'll be busy with Jasmine being here and everything. You walked into your room and plopped down on your bed and tried to sleep. The sleeping thing failed. You kept thinking about if he even really cared about you. It was your first day back from the hospital and you had your memory back. How could he just forget about you and ignore you? All he cared about was Jasmine. She had taken his attention leaving you in the dark. You just laid there thinking about what him and Jasmine were doing and how much better than you she was. Later that night you heard Justin creep into your room. You pretended to be asleep. When he got into your bed and attempted to cuddle you said, "No. Go away. I want to be alone." Justin sat up and said, "What? Babe I want to spend some alone time with you before everything gets crazy." "Why don't you go spend time with Jasmine Shes more fun to be around." You sneered. "Karina, are you okay?" Justin asked. "No. No I'm not Justin. I get out of the hospital and finally get my memory back and then Jasmine shows up and you go all googly eyed and act like I don't exist. Do I not mean anything to you? What does she have that I don't? Oh that's right! Everything. She's beautiful, can sing, she's famous. Everything I'm not. Why don't you just go be with her?" you said rolling over and pulling the covers over your head. Justin began to sound irritated as he said, "Karina how could you even say that? I'm sorry that I gave Jasmine my attention for awhile but I haven't seen her for a long time. Shes just a friend i promise. Further more i love you, not her. That's why I gave myself to you. You're beautiful Karina. I can't even begin to tell you why Iove you or count the ways in which you are beautiful. You're my everything. How you could think I like her and would choose her over you is beyond me. I came in here to be with you on the last night we have to ourselves. If I wanted to be with her don't you think that I would be right now? But if all were going to do is argue then I'd rather sleep alone." You didn't know how to respond to this. You just began to cry. Justin laid his hand on your shoulder and said, "I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean to hurt you." You rolled over to face Justin and said, "it's okay. I'm the one at fault. I'm sorry I overreacted and got jealous. Please don't leave." Justin put his hand on your cheek as he said, "It's okay babe. You're cute when you're jealous. It let's me know you care. And I'm not going anywhere." and kissed you. You smiled and whispered, "I love you Justin." as he said, "I love you too Karina." you kissed him passionately. The clothes slowly came off and love entered the air. In the morning you and Justin had to wake up a bit early to shower and get dressed. Once you were both up and ready Justin took you back into your room to help carry your bags. Before walking out the door Justin gently lifted your chin and kissed you gently. After the kiss you looked out your door to see Jasmine giving you an ugly look. The second she saw you she continued walking. Justin help you put your bags in the car and Jeremy helped Jasmine with hers. In the car Justin had to sit between you and Jasmine. Which made you want to be all over Justin and show her that he's yours. You held Justins hand and laid your head on his shoulder the whole car ride to the airport sometimes kissing him gently in between the whispered conversations you tried to have with him. Jasmine just glared at you with anger in her eyes. She kept trying to make conversation with Justin in attempt to take his attention. You reached the airport with just enough time to get through checking and security. After all that was finished you, Justin, Jasmine, and the rest of Justins team hurried onto the plane. Of course you got to sit by Justin but right across the isle was Jasmine. You hated flying to about 10 minutes into the slight you rested your head on Justins lap and fell asleep. When you started to wake up you heard Justin and Jasmine talking. You pretends to sleep as you listened to their conversation. "So shes okay with you being gone for months at a time?" "Well, she seems like it. And I think our relationship is strong enough to get through it. It's not like I won't be able to bring her out on tour with me for a few days sometimes." "I know what you mean Justin, I'm sorry if this comes out harsh but you're important to me and I'd hate to see you get hurt by some little girl just because she can't handle you being away so I'm just going to say it. I think in the end you're going to get hurt. She doesnt know the pressures of being famous and i dont think shell like the idea of fans who love you and are obsessed with you and are all over you 24/7. I just think you should stay on your level.. If you know what I mean." After hearing Jasmine say that you didn't want to hear anymore so you sat up. "Good morning beautiful" Justin said smiling. Stretching you said "Good-morning babe." Justin leaned over and gave you a quick kiss. Just then Jasmine insisted on singing. Justin went to het his guitar. While he was gone Jasmine looked at you and said, "You don't deserve him." You didn't want to be on her low level so you didn't respond. After a few seconds Justin came back and played some songs for Jasmine and himself to sing. After she sang a few songs out of no where she wanted to hear you sing. Justin just looked at you smiling big. After some convincing from Justin you gave in. You've never sang in front of Justin before so you were nervous. Justin began to play the opening to favorite girl. But right before you were about to open your mouth to sing the pilot came on to the intercom and said to get ready for landing. Perfect timing. Everyone began getting their things together as the plane landed. Once through the paparazzi you finally got to your hotel. You and Justin got to share a room and Jasmine was right next door. You and Justin spent the night talking about how everything was going to for the next week as you slowly began to realize you wouldn't have anymore alone time with him. As the conversation came to a close you kissed Justin gently. After a short make out session Justin insisted on hearing you sing. "I don't want to sing all by myself." you said sounding scared. "Then sing over board with me." Justin said smiling. You sat and thought about it for a moment as Justin wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheek trying to get you to give in. Finally you did. "But only for fun. Not to see my skills." you said jokingly. The music began and when your cue came you started to sing. Justin looked astonished. Like you had same real talent. He couldnt stop smiling whenever you started to sing. After the song Justin said, "Wow Karina!" I didn't know you could sing like that! You're amazing." You blushed while saying, "Thanks babe. But I'm tired I want to get to bed." "Okay. But Imma try to get you out on stage with me. I want to sing that song with you, my baby, in front of people." "Okay. As long as im with you I'll do it. We can finish this talk tomorrow. Good night. I love you." you told Justin sounding like all you really cared about was sleep. "Goodnight babe. I love you too." Justin whispered giving you a goodnight kiss. Then you went to bed with Justin holding you close. In the morning you woke up to over hear Justin and Jasmine talking. Just before you sat up to let them know you're awake you heard Jasmine say, "So I get to sing Over Board with you... Right?"

© 2011 Kourtnie

Author's Note

Please excuse spelling and grammar errors.

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Added on December 18, 2011
Last Updated on December 18, 2011



San Antonio, TX

Just your average girl that has an undeniable passion for letting out her emotions through writing. more..

Little Girl Little Girl

A Poem by Kourtnie