Prologue.  Of Fera, Manus, and Lucifus, and the Guardians of Panna.

Prologue. Of Fera, Manus, and Lucifus, and the Guardians of Panna.

A Chapter by KEi

This novel is working on the assumption that the reader already knows the characters used. Simply because it is a novel of the manga my friend and I are working on. I didn't want to throw the rest of you in at the deep end without at least giving you ar


In the beginning of time, before the birth of the Multiverse and all life within it, there were two beings that were all.  Their names were Fera and Manus, and they were Goddess and God of Death.

     In the midst of the Void, these two omnipotent beings waged war.  They-  What?”

     “Brother, why did they fight?  I thought they were soul mates?”

     “They are.  But there was no life in those days, and they were Death Gods.”

     “So… They were… bored?”

     “Exactly.  Now are you going to listen, or are you going to interrupt me again?”


     “Okay.  Thankyou.  Now, where was I…?  Ahh yes.  They fought violently for seven days and seven nights, neither one gaining the upper hand.  On-  what now, KiKi?”

     “I thought this was before the Multiverse?  How were there days and nights without the sun?”

     “I don’t know.  That’s just how the story goes, okay?”

     “No.  I want to know!”

     “Well, you can just ask Manus yourself, then, can’t you?”


     “I’ll take that as an ‘Okay, Brother!’, and continue the story.  Don’t sulk, like, that, it isn’t cute on you.  So… war, seven days and nights… Okay.

     On the eighth day, Manus turned to his beloved and said ‘Fera, dearest, neither one of us will ever win this war.  Are we to fight for eternity?  And how am I supposed to take pleasure in your pain?’, and Fera threw down her weapon and replied ‘Manus, my beloved, I know this.  And your query has plagued my own mind these seven days past.  But what else are we to do?  Our purpose is to take Life, and what Life is there in this accursed Void but you and I?’.

     Manus pondered this for some time before delivering his response; ‘Perhaps, rather than taking Life, we should give it?’ -  another question?  What don’t you get now, KiKi?”

     “When did all this happen?”

     “I assure you with greatest confidence that I don’t have a clue.”

     “Before Old Man Jiji was born?”

     “Absolutely.  Now can I finish the story?  It’s almost done.”

     “But I already know what happens, Brother!  God made humans, and named them “Manus”, for himself, and Goddess made us, and named us “Fera”, after herself, and the clans have fought religious war ever since, even though everyone knows we’re both right really.  This time of peace is simply a ceasefire, and we’ll be at war again before I’m twenty-five.”

     “My, my, somebody’s been listening at school, hasn’t she?”

     “Yes, Brother!”

     “But, did they tell you what happens next?”

     “…  Next?”

     “Yes, little KiKi.  Next.”

     “… War?”

     “No, something far worse.  The God and Goddess created Life, and a Multiverse, and planets within for their Life to live on- yes, there are other planets beside our own Panna- and for a few million years, everything was fine.  But then the Wars began, and humans and ferans began taking Life; stealing the very purposes of Fera and Manus.  As you can imagine, they weren’t happy about this.  They swore vengeance, that one day each would possess a child from their own clan (when the stars were right), and together they would destroy the Multiverse.”

     “Oh, dear Goddess!”

     “Or not, as the case may be.  This is where you come in, my little KiKi.”

     “Me?  What about me?”

     “When the God and Goddess made their pact, a third deity, neither male nor female but possessed of an androgynous beauty beyond that of Fear and Manus combined, intervened.  Nobody knows where It came from, nor Its name, but it is referred to in the Ancients’ texts as the Bringer of the Light, or Lucifus.

     It decreed that every 150, not only would the Hostess and Host of Death be chosen by the stars, but two children from each clan would also be selected as Guardians of the Clans.  It would be the job of these four to protect the children chosen by Fera and Manus from the Goddess and God, and, in doing so, protect the Multiverse.

     Lucifus said that these children, all six, should be trained in the fighting arts, because if the God and Goddess choose their generation…  they will have to fight for Panna.  Alone, but for each other.

     Tsuki, my dearest little sister, you are the First Guardian of the Goddess, along with Saki Watanabe, who is the Second.  Sora Kaneyoshi is the Hostess.  I pray that now is not the time of Judgment, for I love all three of you dearly.  Your friends may as well be my own little sisters alongside you.

     I will pray for you all.”

© 2009 KEi

Author's Note

This chapter is a conversation between one of our heroines, Kiba Matsumoto (she changed her name when she was around thirteen. This conversation takes place before then, when she was seven, while her name was still Tsuki) and her brother, Isamu.
Isamu, at this point, was probably around seventeen?
By the time the main story begins (our next chapter), he is presumed dead. However, no-one really knows, and since it's a tetchy subject with Kiba (he's the only member of her family that she actually LIKES), I didn't think I'd get the opportunity to tell you guys there.
She might shoot me if I brought it up. She has a life of her own, and she's a bit... unpredictable like that
While we're on the subject of Isamu, he's the guy who first taught Sora, Kiba, Saki and Katsuya (First Guardian of the God) to fight, when they were children. He was epic. I like Isamu, actually. He's a cool character.
I might write a profile for him, just because I love him to bits.<3
Rate and review please?<3

Like I said, working on the assumption that you know the characters.
Because of this, I'm going to upload character profiles, and link them out to my friend's artwork of the characters, just so that you're familiar with them.
I'll start work on the profiles shortly.

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Added on April 15, 2009



The Mancunian Empire, in the Land of Eng., United Kingdom

Name: KEiShe likes to write about herself in third person; simply because it's so much easier.She never knows what to write in biogs, because she knows that whatever she says will influence peoples' p.. more..

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