Silver Fingers And The Battle Of Ismalt

Silver Fingers And The Battle Of Ismalt

A Story by Kornez

Ah Silver Fingers, why were you such a proud man? You destroyed a city with your arrogance. What will become of you?


Silver-fingers and the battle of Ismalt

By The Great Kornez



I still hear the screams of the wounded, the cries of the relatives that lost a loved one. The sobs of the widows, the isolated children. The warriors that fought, the hero's that fell. The once grand city, now torched and ruined, once magnificent.

What happened?

Why did we lose Ismalt?

The answer is found in the only surviving warrior of Ismalt.

Who's name, is Sliver-fingers.

This, is his story.

Silver-fingers was a Ismaltite and a well respected warrior. At least, that's what we thought he was.

How about we go back to before this war started, before the war, before the darkness.



Turn the page......




What a glorious day it is!

I just got word from Renedem that Vuldinus has planned Cartheous's first holiday!

We all lived here, in Ismalt, where everything is home and joy is having friends with you. My name is Sliver-fingers and like everyone else here, I'm a fighter, someone who hates to lose, but I'm also a person who hates talkative dragons. Thank goodness Ephis isn't this way. Ephis that crazy young dragon who was blue with yellow eyes and a thirst for adventure.

One day Silver, we shall rule this city,” Said Ephis.

Dream on,” Said I.

You remember that story, of a man that tried to change a world?” Asked Erim.

Erim was also my friend. He was a lizard man and a capable fighter. But if there was something that beat his thirst to fight, it was his thirst to read.

Yeah I know that story, I envy him, I want to leave this city one day,” Said I.

How about we go to Forbos?” Erim asked.

Don't you remember, it doesn't exsist,” Said I.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I love this place, I just wanted to see if there was any other place besides Ismalt. Ephis, Erim,Turquoise and I, one day will finally walk out of Ismalt and see the world. Turquoise was another lizard man and a guard of Ismalt's gates. Renedem ran up to us and handed Erim a letter.

Looks like we've been summoned to the war quarters,” Said he.

When we arrived one of the generals stood.

Right here,” Said he holding up a note.

Is a declaration of war, this is the first time Ismalt has been at war and let us hope it's the last,” Said he.

Count me out,” Said I walking away.

Silver!” A voice shouted.

I turned and the person who called him was general Kalro.

You are one of our best swords men and yet you disgrace yourself by walking away from a fight?” he asked.

I'm not interested.” Said I.

It doesn't matter if your interested or not, this isn't about you, this is about Ismalt's future and we can't waste time by trying to convince an ignorance like you, to the point, your already a part of this war,” Said general Drew.

So I have no say in it?” I asked.

None,” Said general Kalro.

Use Erim, he's better then I,” Said I walking out the door. A little later my friends caught up with me.

You can't do this to me Silver!” Erim shouted.

Oh, hi Erim, nice day yes?” I asked.

Quit the twisting of the subject, you know I'm talking to you about what just happened,” Said Erim.

Are you mad at me because you won't be able to read anymore?” I asked.

Well, no, I'm angry that you didn't take the job,” Said Erim.

I wasn't interested,” Said I.

Interested, I thought you loved fighting!” Said Erim.

Erim, your annoying,” Said I.

Silver do this, do it for my sake,” Said Erim.

I stopped moving.

Of all the friends I have, you are the most annoying,” Said I.

And proud of it,” Said Erim.

I signed up just for my friends sanity sake.

You owe me,” Said I walking out.

No, I don't,” Said Erim.

We walked to the battlements and I instantly came to realize how much our leaders DIDN”T know about fighting. The only person who had any idea about fighting was general Kalro. After drills and some rather aggravating training I went to the small town of Ignervoral which was south of Ismalt. I walked over to a cheering crowd and watched two fighters in a ring fighting.

Wanna bet I can beat that guy?” I asked one of the spectators.

Who him, nobody ever has!” Said the man.

Well, maybe it's because nobody has tried,” Said I.

The guy that was wining landed a blow to his opponents jaw and knocked him to the ground. The ones that had bet on the guy that lost groaned and walked away. The ones that bet on the winner, were cheering.

Alright I'm going in,” Said I stretching.

No one said or did anything as I stepped into the ring, the only person that spoke was the referee that stood between us.

Any words you two want to say before we start?” He asked.

If I win, drinks are on you, if I lose, drinks on me, give your best shot,” Said I.

That's what twenty of my opponents said before I crushed their dignity,” Said the fighter coldly.

Like I said, give me your best shot,” said I.

I intend to,” Said the fighter.

Erim and Turquoise appeared as the battle began and I could tell they were surprised by me fighting a champion. The bell wrung and the fighter swung a blow to my cheek bone. I can tell you, it felt like a rock hit me in the face. I struck back, hitting the man right on the nose. We went back and forth fighting each other and nobody was giving in. I landed a blow that hit him in the chin and as he hit the ground the bell rang.

Round one, over!” The referee shouted.

I sat in my corner and took a drink.

That was incredible, nobody has ever survived a round with Austin,” Said a man behind me.

His name is Austin?” I asked.

Austin Chapman, let's hope you last the next round eh, man.” Said the man.

Who is that guy?” Austin asked his coach.

He's known as Silver-fingers, he is known for his stubborn nature and his ignorance to fight for anything, save himself,” Said the coach.

He packs quite the punch, but he's too confident in himself,” Said Austin.

The bell rang and I stood and again fought Austin. I landed a punch to his eye, he grunted and landed a fist to my face. I fought hard, but Austin refused to go down, it was like he had the same stubborn pride as I did. I swung and hit him on the forehead. He hit the ground with a thud. At first, I thought I killed him, but he swung up and hit me in the jaw. The bell rang and we returned to our seats. We both were bleeding but not done, no, not yet.

That's round two, your incredible” Said a man behind me.

What are you doing, your supposed to defeat him,” Austin's coach said.

Working on it,” Said Austin.

The coach leaned next to Austin's ear.

Break him,” He whispered.

A fiery glow lit up in Austins eyes, which were green. When The bell rang for the third round Austin seemed different, he looked more determined and icy.

This, isn't good,” I thought to myself.

Brutal, that's a word I only use when needed, for that's what Austin became. He beat the snot out of me in a flurry of fists. But somehow I managed to hit him in between the eyes and he went down and didn't get up. I collapsed too, we both felt kinda dead. I was called the winner and the coach that tutored Austin left him laying in the dust. I had Erim carry the fallen champ to my house and there I cleaned him up and put him to bed. I sat in a chair about a stones throw away and watched him. It was about an hour later when he came to. He shot up with a gasp and looked around worriedly. When he saw me he relaxed a bit.

Hey man, I couldn't leave you in the dust so I brought you here,” Said I.

Thanks,” Said Austin.

Your coach abandoned you,” Said I.

Sure he did, he's a sore loser,” Said Austin.

Really now?” I asked.

There was only one other time I lost a fight and after the match my coach told me that he'd quit if I lost another battle,” Said Austin.

Why did you get so eager on the third round?” I asked.

I was told to break you, I don't know why, but every-time coach whispered that into my head I'd find a strength I never though I'd use,” Said Austin.

And what would that strength be?” I asked.

Hatred, hatred of the other persons life,” Said Austin.

Just then Erim and Turquoise came in.

This is Erim and Turquoise, my best friends,” Said I.

You could call us that,” Said Erim glaring at me.

I've never seen a lizard man before!” Austin exclaimed.

Well now you have,” Said Turquoise with a smile.

I'm honored,” Said Austin.

If you want to, you can join us Austin, I think you'd enjoy the fun,” Said I.

You could call it that,” Said Erim.

What's gotten into you?” I asked.

Erim glanced at me, his orange eyes flaming.

What I don't get Silver, is why you won't fight for your homeland, but you'll fight this prize winner and be perfectly fine with it,” Said Erim.

A boxing match is one thing, serving your country is another,” Said I.

It probably ease your friend if you listen,” Said Austin.

Are you like a conscience or something?” I asked.

What Erim is trying to say, is that you cower in the face of serving others, yet you don't cower when your sever yourself,” Said Austin. “Wow Austin, that's some insight,” Said Erim smiling.

If I was you Silver, I'd gladly go with my friends to war, it would bring your friend peace,” Said Austin.

Well your not me,” Said I.

Your ignorance will get you killed,” Said Austin.

I looked at my three friends, they all seemed to be against me.

I can see why your friends worry so,” Said Austin.

I didn't know what to think

Silver try, try to think outside of yourself, and your ignorance,” Said Turquoise.

And for once, I did.

I guess I should fight,” I muttered.

That's a start,” Said Turquoise.

And I'm taking you guy's with me,” Said I.

That's a finish,” Said Austin smiling.

We walked back to the camp and awaited the day. That morning I tried not to be ignorant, but I t was harder then cutting rock with a cheese shredder. The idiotic carelessness of my mind would cost me and the cost was something I would hold for a long time. Two days later I started being ignorant again, the day after....Ismalt was attacked.



They came out of Ephuls, an island east of Ismalt, like a bull on a rampage. But we did not know they were coming and even though they moved swiftly on their boats, they were silent and they kept their rage to themselves. Before the attack I was wondering around the village parts of Ismalt. The Ephulikors would attack on the sixth day, I wouldn't know till Kalro called.

1st day

I saw this young man and next to him was a dog with strange golden eyes, now normally I wouldn't care about the people that passed through, but this was different. The man was looking around nervously then he turned and walked out with his dog not to far behind.

2nd day

The same guy came back only this time he had a cat. He still looked a bit nervous but he bought something for his cat then left.


3rd day

There he is again!

This time he had a horse, how many animals did this man have?

I walked up to him. He looked at me nervously.

Are you a zoo keeper of some kind?” I asked.

The man glanced at his horse, his eyes were not as sliver colored as mine and they didn't sparkle much.

You could say I am,” Said the man slowly.

I held out my hand.

Names Silver,” Said I,”

Twig,” Said the man.

The horse seemed to look at the man with a small look of amusement.

Strange horse,” Said I.

She's quite the character, but you'll have to excuse me,”

He left the village and me with a bunch of questions.

4th day

He returned today and he wasn't as nervous this time, he started to greet people and to talk to the shop keepers. When he saw me, he waved. I couldn't help but wave back. He whistled through his fingers and an eagle landed on his arm.

Wow a real eagle!” I gasped.

Twig rubbed his finger under it's neck.

What's it's name?” I asked.

Her name is Ria,” Said Twig.

The eagle cocked it's head at me, it's golden eyes seemed to scan me.

Don't be so rude Ria, say hello,” Said Twig flicking the eagles head.

Hello,” Said the eagle.

A talking eagle?” I asked in amazement.

You can ask her a question,” Said Twig.

Okay, where are you from?” I asked.

Ria's from a cave,” Said the eagle.

Now ask him a question,” Said Twig to the eagle.

You like bird seed?” Asked the eagle.

Twig glared at the eagle as it made a giggling sound.

Only if it's salted,” Said I grinning.

The eagle shot a look at me.

Wise guy, wise guy,” Said she.

Did I insult the eagles ego?” I asked.

Ignorant!” Chirped the eagle.


5th day

I still laugh at that jab I made about the bird seed, but enough of that, there is Twig!

He was staring at our wall with a look of surprise. Right next to him was a little girl holding a small basket with the same golden eyes!

I walked up to him.

Isn't it odd, that those towers aren't fire proof?” He asked.

We haven't had a dragon attack for years,”Said I.

Well this is the first time I'm actually observing and I can tell you that Ismalt won't last long without some fireproof walls,” Said Twig.

The little girl looked at me with those golden eyes of hers, there was something oddly charming about them.

I forgot to tell you Silver, Ria's a shape shifter,” Said Twig.

No way really?” I asked in amazement.

She's very good at what she does,” Said Twig.

I realized something at that moment, Twig never did look in Ria's direction, in fact he seemed to try not to lay eyes on her.

Ria, your very cute and beautiful,” Said I.

Ria's golden eyes twinkled.

Thank you Silver fingers,” Said Ria sweetly.

Yes, she's quite-” Said Twig, but when he turned to look at his friend, he froze.

A memory,” Said Twig shakily.

He ran toward the stables.

Is he alright?” I asked.

Not sure, I'll go check,” Said Ria.

I never saw them in Ismalt again.


6th day: The war begins

General Kalro summoned me to his quarters where I was told that our spies spotted some ships coming from Ephuls. Soon cannons shot from the ships and the black rocks came down like hailstones. We fought back with the firepower we had on our shores and sunk two ships, but they broke through and we began fighting off the foot soldiers. Kalro fought too, to show an example to us. Erim came with Austin and Turquoise and they helped us fend them off. The ships turned and went back to Ephuls. We won the first war.

Incredible Silver, and back a day ago I thought you hated fighting for Ismalt,” Said Erim happily.

I still do,” Said I.

Erim let's not arrive late again like we did today,” Said Turquoise.

Yes, we will be here before anyone else,” Said Erim.

We walked back and Austin stopped at a small building.

What's this place?” He asked.

It's a hatchery for orphaned dragons,” Said I.

Oh, right remember we went here a year ago Erim?” Asked Turquoise.

Yeah, I got bit on the finger,” Said Erim smiling.

You wouldn't mind me going in there?” Austin asked.

Go ahead,” Said Erim.

We followed Austin inside. There was quite the noise inside, growling, chirping and squeaking. The owner looked up and saw us come in. He adjusted his glasses and smiled.

Well it's about time I had customers,” Said he.

A blue egg shook next to Austin and the dragon squeaked inside.

Aw, I think she likes you,” Said the shopkeeper.

Austin picked up the egg and cradled it quietly.

I feel,” Said he.

Like one day I'll see this dragon full grown, and our destinies will twist together.”

We looked at each other and Austin put the egg back.

You can have her if you want,” Said the shopkeeper.

Later,” Said Austin smiling.

We came back to the battle quarters of general Kalro, who told us there were more Ephulikors coming on ships and he'd need as many men as he could get. When I came outside, I saw the ships. We gathered as many as we possibly could and all of Ismalt grabbed a sword. We fired our cannons at them, then a scout told us there were uncountable numbers of boats and battle ships. Fire arrows landed on our walls and the words of Twig came back to me.

Ismalt won't last long in a fire.”

We saw their battleships, these humongous monsters of ships that rained cluster balls on us. Then foot soldiers cam from the east, they must have broken through Ismalt's gates. I wasn't done yet. General Drew had Erim, I and Turquoise and Austin defended the gates. We were badly outnumbered but not outmatched, those Ephulikors received quite the surprise at our skill with the sword. Part of Ismalt was now in flames, but the people attempted to put it out. It was about to get worse. We couldn't keep the solders back forever or the ships for that matter. The ships reached the harbor and soldiers, looters, and archers swarmed out like ants. General Drew looked at us then the swarm that followed.

Sorry boy's, I can't do anything,” Said he.

It's alright Drew,” Said Austin.

Yeah, abandon us to die coward,” I growled.

Drew walked away, he was pretty angry. Ismalt was blazing, we walked out of the city and watched it burn.

Way to go Silver,” Said Austin.

What I do?” I asked.

Spat Drew in the face obviously.”Growled Erim.

My ignorant self returned, so I didn't care, for a moment I let my ignorance ride wild.

He deserved it,” Said I.

The egg hatchery!” Austin screamed.

He ran into the burning village. We followed not too far behind. Thankfully the hatchery wasn't on fire yet, but it was close. Austin ran in and was gone for about five minutes, then he returned with six eggs in his pockets.

Let's get them somewhere safe,” Said he.

Like where?” I asked.

The castle of puzzles, its safer,” Said Austin.

Are you sure?” I asked following him.

Very, I've heard that they guard well, why not?” Austin asked.

I suppose, if they aren't so focused on pieces of puzzles,” Said I.

Trust me,” Said Austin.

Where is the castle anyway?” I asked.

South of Vin, south west I believe,” Said Austin.

Hurry Austin, I can see Kalro's troops being mowed down like grass in a lawn mower,” Said Erim.

Let him die,” Said I.

Silver!” Erim shouted.

Then the castle came in sight.



We dropped them off then went back to Ismalt. It was still burning. Kalro stood there with what was left of his army. We joined him.

Silver, if I fall your in charge,” Said he.

Bad idea,” Said Erim.

The looters of Ismalt saw us standing there alive and waiting. They ran at us and Kalro and us and his men took our stand. Kalro fell, his soldiers fell, an arrow shot out of the smoking Ismalt and hit Erim in the chest. All time slowed as Erim hid the ground with a thud. Turquoise cried out in horror. The person who fired the arrow appeared. It was an evil named Vekah. For those of you who don't know who Vekah is,the first war master and planner, he came from Canium; he is famous for his power to be in many dimensions at once, and this was one of them.

I can finally think without Erim grinding me,” I said smiling.

Turquoise looked shocked. Austin looked sad. All of the sudden there was a explosion of thunder and a tall man with a staff appeared.

Its the gear-master,” Gasped Turquoise.

Silver, your ignorance has tore from you this city, your friend, your home, is that not enough?” Asked the gear-master turning to me.

I never liked the city anyway,” Said I.

Shame on you boy, you are a disgust to those you meet and those that know you,” Said the gear-master.

He turned to Austin.

No more despair friend, your future is a battle, but there will be comfort and joy,” Said he.

Austin nodded.

The gear-master turned to Turquoise.

I'm sorry for your lost, but it was essential, it had to happen to pave the way of the ignorant one,” Said the gear-master.

He walked into Ismalt and to the shore, and he stretched out his staff and waves swallowed Ephuls. I was abandoned by my friends and I walked to Vin alone. I had a house in Vin and I went there. The gear-master appeared in front of me.

You can still redeem yourself,” Said he.

How?” I asked.

Wait four years, then go to the castle of puzzles and serve there,” Said the gear-master.

No way,” Said I.

There is not any other way to redemption Silver-fingers-Hondro,” Said the gear-master.

It's no surprise you know my full name sir,” Said I.

I'm offering you redemption for your sin Silver, will you take it?” Asked the gear-master.

Might as well.” Said I.

Let's hope your ignorance doesn't take hold of you, lest you fall and that time there will be, no hope.” Said the gear-master.

He left and I went inside.

The tale of my puzzle-mage is another story, thus ends this tale.

© 2016 Kornez

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Added on August 1, 2016
Last Updated on August 1, 2016
Tags: war, battles, fingers



Greer, SC

Please read my stuff! One way Kornez is inspired to write is by the communication of others. So therefore he has decided to give you an idea of what he'd like to see when you review his stuff. .. more..

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A Story by Kornez