Caleb Curd Carries On

Caleb Curd Carries On

A Story by Kornez

The second part of this three part series. Enjoy.


Caleb Curd carries on

By Kornez

Robot type: A strong hulk of a robot. Uses Dizen armor.

Pilot name: Caleb Curd

Robot name: Kazolt

Robot pet name: Kazzy

Next person to target...

Robot type: A thin but strong built robot. Uses Zilshen armor.

Pilot name: Phil

Robot name: Unknown

Robot pet name: Unknown

This is all you were able to get?”

Yes sir,”

This'll have to do, it's all I'll need to destroy them.”

It's been three years since the war, Caleb had established a repair shop for his and his best friend Phil's robot.

Didn't it feel strange, those two men we were interviewed by yesterday?” Asked Caleb.

Yes, I perceived they weren't ordinary, so I gave them little information,” Phil replied

I gave them everything,” Caleb sighed.

It'll be alright, remember, your full of surprises Caleb,” Said Phil.

Not compared to you,” Said Caleb.

Nah, I just do what I must, you on the other hand, your outstanding,” Said Phil.

Thanks,” Said Caleb.

That's Phil for you, raising his friends and lowering himself,” Thought Caleb.

It's gotten rather quiet, since the war ended,” Said Phil.

Yeah,” Said Caleb.

Then a alarm went off.

Phil rushed to a computer screen.

Robots heading northeast,” Said he.

So much for quiet, let's go,” Said Caleb.

By the time they got there some soldiers had been deployed to provide some resistance to the invading robots. Phil had mounted a machine gun on one hand and held a sword in the other, that meant he perceived that the robots would provide a small challenge to him. Caleb only brought a sword.

Not his signature sword, he only brought that when it was a serious battle. There were only three invading robots and Phil had already taken down one. Caleb shot forward and chopped the seconds head off. The last one died to Phil's machine gun. The soldiers on the ground cheered. Unknown to anyone there, those robots were remote control and had camera's on them. And the person aiming for the destruction of these two friends had seen the whole fight.

They work together quite nicely,” Said a person next to the watcher.

Yes I see that, they're quite the duo, but remember, all we need to do is break Phil's spirit, as for Caleb, once Phil's down he becomes as some say, weak and unstable,”Said the watcher.

But Phil isn't easily broken, remember the war?” Asked the person next to the watcher.

Yes, but back then we didn't have nearly enough force, this time though we shall, and as for Phil's spirit, I have ways of breaking spirits,” Replied the watcher.

Although the watcher was determined to break Phil to get to Caleb, the person next to the watcher had a point, Phil wasn't an easy person to break and the person next to the watcher knew that, because he had seen Phil's courage on the battle field in person.

That wasn’t so bad,” Said Caleb after they returned to the workshop later on.

The pilots weren't even trying,”

That, or there weren't pilots inside the robots at all,” Said Phil.

What, that's impossible,” Said Caleb.

If more cross the border that'll give us an opportunity to get a closer look,” Said Phil.

Really Phil, remote control robots, that's impossible, even we haven't advanced that far,”Said Caleb.

Someone might have,” Said Phil.

Then the computer beeped and the alarm went off.

More robots, headed to the west border this time,” Said Phil.

Let's hope these guys are better,” Said Caleb climbing the ladder to his robot.

Phil hit a button and the computer beeped again.

There are robots heading northeast again,” Said he.

We'll deal with them too, let's go,” Said Caleb.

By the time they got to the west border, the robots had already blown through it. There were seven robots this time.

Caleb took down two. One by falling on top of and the other he sliced clean in half with his sword. Phil had already dealt wit the others and was looking down at one.

These are definitely remote control,” Said he.

You've got to be kidding me,” Said Caleb.

Let's go, northeast probably needs a hand,” Said Phil.

There was a red helmeted robot waiting for them.

It had already taken down the northeastern border. In one hand was a staff with two blades on either end.

Hey a new one,” Said Caleb.

Figures,” Said Phil.

Two robots stood, staring at this one.

The robot spun it's staff and pointed one of it's blades at Caleb. Then it shot forward. Phil appeared next to it, but the robot deflected his blow, but at the cost of losing it's balance. Caleb took the opportunity and attempted to stab the robot, only to be very narrowly deflected. Phil sliced it's shoulder. The robot tried to slice Phil's robot, but the blade bounced off Phil's armor like it was nothing.

Stupid Zilshen armor!” Screamed the watcher as Phil sliced the robot in half.

That's the last of them,” Said Caleb.

This one has a camera on it, see the lens there,” Said Phil pointing.

So they are remote control,” Said Celeb.

We better tell the others,” Said Phil.

Zilshen armor, Zilshen armor, what beats Zilshen armor,” Grumbled the watcher as he watched the play back of the battle over and over again.

Then he paused it. He stared at Phil and Caleb's robot looking down at his. The the watcher started to laugh hysterically.

His comrade next to him at the sudden outburst.

Hey, you alright?” He asked.

Oh, I'm fine, just fine,” Replied the watcher staring at the paused replay with a new light in his eye..

A few days later Caleb was looking through a news paper.

Say Phil, a inventor is holding a show with our commanders,” Said Caleb.

Now why would they broadcast that in a newspaper?” Phil asked glancing over Caleb's shoulder.

A day later Caleb took his seat next to Phil as the show began.

The person who came in was a green eyed, chaotic black haired individual with a tool box shaped suitcase. Then two people came in and took their seats amongst the audience. The people started to speak in whispers about them.

Zilshen and Dizen,” Phil whispered to Caleb.

They look younger then I thought,” Caleb whispered back.

Well they were just kids when they invented the armor we have,” Said Phil.

He nodded to the two brothers. Zilshen had yellow hair, blue eyes and looked a bit more muscular than his younger brother Dizen, who had yellow hair also, but had orange eyes and a cyborg arm, he also wore glasses.

Good day to all of you people,” Said the man with the tool box suitcase.

He set it on the table then pressed a few buttons. The suitcase opened, inside was a small computer and a remote control device.

Who here has seen a robot without a pilot, anyone?” The inventor asked.

Phil and Caleb looked at each other then back at the inventor.

No one, amazing, that's because there is always a man inside the robot, but what if you had robots that didn't have people in them?” Asked the inventor.

He pressed a button and a robot slowly walked in. The people gasped. Even Zilshen and Dizen were a bit amazed.

This is only one of the many beauties I've created, the others I'll keep for another day,” Said the inventor.

Phil stood and approached the inventor.

Oh, would you like to give it a run?” Asked the inventor.

Phil pulled out a camera and clicked it on.

Recognize any of these?” Phil asked going through the pictures of the robots that were remote control in the battle field.

The smile seemed to be plastered to the mans face, but his green eyes darkened. From far away you wouldn't be able to notice, but Phil was close enough to notice them change.

Nope, are those yours?” The inventor asked.

These were found on the east and northwest borders, they were remote control,” Said Phil.

A competitor maybe,” Said the inventor.

But now, even Zilshen and Dizen looked suspicious of the inventor.

Well I must go, remember, with robots the cots of human life decreases,” Said the inventor.

So does the will to fight,” Said Phil.

The inventor turned.

Which would you rather have, more dead soldiers or just remote controlled robots?” He asked.

I would want men who know responsibility and duty and have a fighting spirit,” Phil replied.

The inventor turned and walked away.

'Did you notice, brother?” Asked Zilshen.

Yes very odd,” Replied Dizen adjusting his glasses.

What was that about Phil?” Asked a general.

He's lying general, lying through his teeth,” Phil replied.

The inventor returned to his lair where he worked. He walked by his comrade into the room where he controlled and watched his robots.

How'd it go?” Asked the comrade.

Outstanding,” Replied the watcher.

He walked into the other room and thew his suitcase across the room. His comrade came running in.

What are you doing?” The comrade shouted.

The watcher was fuming with fury, he smashed his suitcase till there was nothing left.

Phil's perception is going to be the death of me,” Roared the watcher.

So it didn't go well,” Said the comrade.

No, Phil made a fool out of me in front of the whole committee,” Growled the watcher.

How so?” The comrade asked.

He had pictures of the robots we sent out, he knows,” Replied the watcher.

Did the brothers come?” Asked the comrade.

Yes, they did, and Phil made them see through my act,” Groaned the watcher.

Man, Phil sounds scary, I would not want to be his enemy,” Said the comrade.

Then the comrade realized his friend had stopped fuming and instead looked as if he just realized something. He started to laugh.

What, what is it?” Asked the comrade.

Contradiction leads to confusion, confusion to impatience, impatience leads to hate, hate leads to separation, separation to isolation, isolation to bitterness, bitterness to corruption, corruption to compromise, compromise to the end,” Replied the watcher.

The end to what?” Asked the comrade.

The end, is when Caleb curd is one our side,” Said the watcher with a grin.

And how do you plan to do that?” Asked the comrade.

Very, very carefully,” Relied the watcher.

He turned to his friend.

Let's pull out one of our best,” Said he.

Yes sir,” Replied the comrade.

Zilshen and Dizen arrived at Caleb's workshop the next day.

I didn't know you guys were coming,” Said Caleb.

You can thank your perceiving friend, he seems to have need of our services,” Said Zilshen.

All Dizen did was adjust his glasses along with a quiet nod.

Ah you guys came, what do you have for me?” Asked Phil appearing.

We found results that will satisfy both of us,” Said Zilshen.

Good, set them on this table here,” Said Phil.

Dizen silently unrolled and plopped a bunch of papers on the table then stood back.

He's awfully quiet,” Said Caleb.

Don't worry, my brother will speak when he needs to, he often is like this, not at home though,” Said Zilshen.

I see, home is where you are most comfortable,” Said Phil.

The inventor we saw yesterday is no ordinary guy, it is true that he has remote control robots at his disposal, how many he has we do not know,” Said Zilshen.

And his name is?” Caleb asked.

Carlos Wilack,” Replied Dizen.

Told ya he'd speak,” Said Zilshen smiling.

He goes under another name, Zolark Karkost,” Said Dizen.

That sounds familiar,” Said Phil.

You mean the guy who blew through your fathers titan and his soldiers?” Caleb asked.

Unfortunately yes,” Said Dizen.

Yes, Zolark found a weakness in your fathers armor and army and used it to his advantage,” Said Phil.

And now he's back, with robot soldiers,” Said Zilshen.

Dizen took Caleb aside.

I watched my father die from far away, since then my brother and I strove to find this monster, will you help us?” Asked Di zen.

Certainly,” Replied Caleb.

Right, we have tons to do Dizen, let's go,” Said Zilshen.

See ya Caleb,” Said Dizen.

Those guys are really something,” Said Caleb later that day.

Phil was still staring at the papers the brothers had left.

Zilshen and Dizen's father was destroyed by Zarlok,” Phil said quietly.

He looked at Caleb.

He's a manipulator and is meant to be feared, but I won't fear him,” Said Phil.

So what does that mean?” Caleb asked.

This means that we have to be more careful from now on,” Phil replied.

Three days later the computer beeped. Caleb stared at the one blinking light.

A robot heading south,” Caleb mused.

He sighed and stared at it.

It's just one, easily handled,” Thought Caleb.

When Caleb arrived in his own robot to where the other one was, he found it standing , as if waiting for him. It was a black and green checkered robot with a gleaming sword in one hand. Caleb had brought his signature sword, he didn't really expect a hard fight, but he brought it anyway.

I see you brought your sword,” A voice rang into Caleb's ears.

What, there's a human in that one?” Caleb thought.

Then he pressed zoom in on his panel.

No it's remote control,” Caleb thought feeling a bit relieved for some odd reason. What he saw was a camera on the very center of the robots head.

He must have built in a comm system,” Caleb thought.

Well, shall we?” The voice asked as the robot got into a pose.

Sure,” Said Caleb.

Phil walked into Caleb's workshop, he was surprised when he found it empty. He also noticed Caleb's robot was gone. Then Phil noticed that the computer was beeping. He walked over and looked at the invading robot. He pressed a few buttons and up came the robots statistics and blueprint. Phil chuckled. Then he stood and his foot stepped on a cup, Phil hit the floor with a thump. In the process his hand hit the key board and the computer beeped even louder. What Phil saw was horrifying. The armor platings on the robots sword arm moved down and became thicker, which made the robot harder to block when hit. Phil jumped to his feet. Every single part of the robot became thicker and stronger, so strong in fact that Phil started the think the robot would become invincible

Shoot!” Phil shouted bolting to his robot.

Caleb was breathing hard. His robot on the ground. The other was standing looking down at him.

How did the robot become so hard to block?” Caleb thought.

The robot pointed it's sword at Caleb.

I've beat him, I've beaten Caleb curd!” The voice mocked.

I outta dope slap you,” Caleb groaned.

Stay down weakling, my robots shall take over the industry,” Said the voice pointing it's sword at Caleb who was attempting to stand.

ZOLARK!” Phil's voice exploded into Caleb's ears.

A shell exploded on the robots armor. There was Phil's robot, gun in one hand and sword in the other.

Get your ugly silvery toothpick away from my friend,” Phil growled.

The robot shot forward at Phil who shot at it and put dents in it's armor.

He's only rescuing you because he wants to use you more Caleb!” Zolark roared.

Don't pay heed to him Caleb, he's a manipulator, remember?” Phil shouted blocking a blow.

He's only wanting to trash you and get all the glory,” Said Zolark.

Caleb don't let him guile you!” Phil yelled blocking another blow.

He's always thinking he's better then you, you are a weakling in his eyes,” Said Zolark.

Caleb slowly stood, he used his sword as support.

Stupid compromise,” Caleb gasped.

The robot knocked Phil over then turned to face Caleb who could barely stand on his two feet.

Don't fight just for me, my good friend, fight for Gods kingdom,” Phil gasped.

Caleb pointed his sword at Zolark.

No robot will ever replace mans duty to be responsible and dutiful and diligent, neither will you take over the industry,” Said Caleb.

Zolarks robot hunched over prepared to spring at Caleb.

Your robots will never replace Gods sixth day creation,” Said Caleb.

Zolarks robot shot at Caleb who took a few steps back.

CALEB!” Zolark screamed.

ZOLARK!” Caleb roared.

Rise Caleb curd and defend the duty of man and his chief end,” Said Phil.

Claeb sliced upward and cut Zolarks robot from the middle up.

The robot split in two.

Zolark screamed in fury as the screen went black. His comrade watched as his friend turned from a genius scientist to a raving lunatic. Zolark slammed the desk in a fit of rage. His comrade turned and walked out the door. But before he shut the door he heard his friends voice.

Why, why?” Zolark wailed.

Because God is the creator of all creation, not you,” Replied the comrad before shutting the door.

Zolark sat in his chair, staring blankly at the screen. Then he cocked his head. He thought he heard a faint beeping noise. He looked over on his comrades desk to find a bomb.

It exploded , taking Zolark and his work with it. Caleb was promoted to a general. Everyone including Phil was proud of him. Mans working spirit, along with God's sovereign grace, will give diligence, wisdom and grace and mercy to those that will believe in him and acknowledge him as the only living and true God.

The end.

© 2016 Kornez

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Added on July 30, 2016
Last Updated on July 30, 2016
Tags: guns, robots, more-awesomeness



Greer, SC

Please read my stuff! One way Kornez is inspired to write is by the communication of others. So therefore he has decided to give you an idea of what he'd like to see when you review his stuff. .. more..

Caleb Caleb

A Story by Kornez