![]() Chapter 3: The First Cloud WarA Chapter by KornezChapter 3: The first Cloud war “So, did you have a good rest my boy?” King Rexor asked Johnny one evening. “Yes I did,” Replied Johnny. “Tomorrow we shall take you to train, and to help us end this hideous war.” Said King Rexor. “Like, I tried to escape one war only to stumble on another,” Johnny muttered “Sunny has brothers you know,” said Rexor out of nowhere. “Really?” Johnny asked. “Sunset and sunspots,” said Rexor. “Sunny's in the middle right?” Johnny asked. “Yes, she is the second eldest, sunset is the eldest, while sun-spots is the youngest and he thrives in the arena, and sunset fights in the war,” said Rexor. “I'm somewhat disappointed with sun-spots, I'd wish he was dead sometimes,” Rexor said. Then he realized Johnny was still listening to him. “You should go home now Johnny,” said Rexor. “We have much to do tomorrow,” said he while pushing Johnny out the door then closing it. “Much, much to do,” said he smiling to himself. The next day..... Johnny arrived at the warrior training place. Rexor was waiting for him. “Alright kid,” said he. “You go in, a novice, you'll come out a warrior,” said he. All Johnny did was nod. The one thing Rexor found annoying about Johnny was all the questions. Sunny was right, Johnny did talk too much. Now readers, there is no hurt in asking questions about things you don't know, although sometimes people can be rude. A few months past and I saw Johnny again. He was abit more stronger but he still had that glint of curiosity in his eye. Rexor wanted to get rid of that curiosity. One thing people didn't know abut Rexor was that he had a secret lab, which he used to conduct his zany experiments. Rexor wanted to make a poison that would make Johnny kill first and ask questions later. This he called 'warrior self'. Johnny was too busy destroying robots to realize what Rexor was up too. Rexor planned to put this poison on the last robots sword. This robot he would controls to make it more realistic. Johnny stood at one end of the hall and the robot at the other. Rexor was at the controls snickering. He poured the warrior self onto the robots sword. “Okay kid,” Rexor whispered. “Take a good look around, because everything you know is about to change,” said he. With that said Rexor pushed the robot forward. Johnny responded by sidestepping and letting the robot sped by. Rexor chuckled. “Very good,” he thought to himself. Rexor could see Johnny didn't want to mess up. “Soon now, very soon,” Rexor thought. He yanked, pushed and pulled different switches. Rexor was counting the seconds till he would poison the young fighter. “Almost, almost, NOW!” Rexor slammed the joystick forward. Now in Johnny's opinion the robot cheated, but if he really was fighting someone, he would want to cheat some how also. What happened first was Johnny stumbled back after the robot stabbed him. Secondly, Johnny felt a maddening urge to destroy the thing in front of him. Johnny fought back with what could be only called brutal energy. The king laughed as Johnny diced the robot into little bolts. But then as soon as he was done he turned to where Rexor was as if waiting for him to say something. “Nice fight, Warrior,” said Rexor into the Mic. Warrior smiled. “Why thank you, sir,” said Warrior. Rexor nodded. “Now
go to the arena, and beat my son, he needs to retire anyhow,” said
Rexor. Warrior nodded and walked out the other door. Warrior made it to the arena just as Sunspots was walking off the field. “You have another challenger,” Said Sunspots's manager. Sunspots collapsed into a sofa. “Can't he wait till tomorrow?” He asked wearisomely. The manager had a look that told Sunspots it couldn't. “He
was sent by your father,” said he. Sunspots glanced outside. Warrior was standing outside in the middle of the arena waiting. “He doesn't look bad,” Sunspots mused. He blinked and turned to his manager. “He's just a boy what harm would he do?” he asked. “Send some animals out there, wear him out,” said he. “Cheating was always your trade,” said the manager grinning.
The gates flew open and half mad
and completely starved animals jumped out. The warrior made a few moves but stayed where he was, in the middle of the field. Sunspot's watched in interest as the warrior picked off the animals three at at time. “Sent by my father, eh?” Sunspots grinned. He didn't want to show it, but in his heart he was scared. He stepped out. “I will break you,” He shouted. The warrior didn't even twitch. “Quit talking,” The warrior said pointing his sword at Sunspots. He pulled up his sword. Sunspots walked up to the warrior and they both held up their swords as a sign of respect. “I'm going to cut you down like a tree,” whispered Sunspots. The warrior looked at Sunspots with fierce green eyes. “Bring it on,” he said quietly. It was a few clangs later that Sunspots realized that this warrior had far more fighting experience than he could ever have. “But,” He thought. “This
monster is just a boy, what is my father thinking?” After six minutes of blocking and fighting back Sunspots realized he was tiring. The warrior seemed to know that too. After five more blocks and clangs, Sunspots had no more energy left. Usually in a fight, sunspots could kill someone in less than a minute or two. This fight had taken fourteen minutes. Sunspots collapsed, the warrior laughed. “Done already?” He mocked. “I could go on for hours,” Sunspots looked at the warrior with contempt. “You beat me,” said he. The warrior chuckled. “His majesty told me, to put you into official retirement,” said Warrior. Sunspots was horrified.. The pain he felt was in his sword arm. It was a numbing pain, whatever it was. When sunspots opened his eyes he saw that warrior had stabbed his sword right through Sunspots's arm. “When your surgeon looks at it, you won't have it when you come out,” said Warrior. “You don’t much about this city's surgeons do you?” He asked. “I know enough,” replied Warrior. “No, you don't, they'll just replace it with robotics.” said Sunspots. Warrior laughed. “Thanks for the tip,” said he as he pulled his sword back and stabbed Sunspots's arm till it looked like it would fall off any moment. “See if your surgeons, can heal that,” said Warrior sneering. Warrior walked out of the arena quite pleased with his performance. Warrior walked by Sunny who was waiting for hm. She couldn't believe he would just walk by. “Hey,” she yelled. “You know where the war is taking place?” Warrior asked. “The outside wall, why?” Sunny asked. “Thanks,” Said warrior rushing out the door. Across the bridge, across the town square, toward the outer wall. “You must be Warrior, king Rexor told me you would be coming,” said the official of the army. “What do we got?” Warrior asked. “The clouds have a large army, but with you here that might not be too much of a problem,” said the offical. “By the way you may address me as General.” Said the official. Warrior nodded. He then looked over the field. “So, we are trying to accomplish, what?” He asked. “To capture all three fortresses, then advance to the labyrinth.” said the general. Warrior watched the battle with a look of amusement and self contained laughter. “What's so funny?” Asked the general noticing how warrior struggled to hold in his laughter. “It's absurdly simple,” Laughed Warrior. “You really think you loosing don't you?” “Well, yes I think we have been beaten badly today, why?” “I'll show you, your not going to lose this war,” said warrior confidently. He slid down the wall and ran out into the battle field. Unlike the other much weaker self whom Warrior knew as Johnny, he know how to unleash his swords power. “Light-speed,” He shouted. The jewels sparked then brightened. They hummed and warrior became a blur, cutting down five Clouds at a time. The strange thing about Cloud warriors is that they immediately disintegrate after being killed. Warrior destroyed almost the entire Cloud army before running back and pressing the Suns to move forward. They captured the first fortress and warrior made sure no Cloud remained there. The Suns would later call warrior their super weapon. He was nicknamed speedy-sword for how fast he went. © 2016 Kornez |
StatsAuthor![]() KornezGreer, SCAboutPlease read my stuff! One way Kornez is inspired to write is by the communication of others. So therefore he has decided to give you an idea of what he'd like to see when you review his stuff. .. more..Writing