Chapter 1: It all began here

Chapter 1: It all began here

A Chapter by Kornez

Johnny a tale of fantasy

Chapter 1: It all began here

In my tower where I watch my world, I was very fatigued from all this writing.

So I laid down and dreamed a dream, one that I recorded later.

In my dream I saw a world much like mine. Thriving and flourishing.

But although the place looked perfect, the good ruler who ruled it had died, and an evil ruler rose in his place.

It seemed to take a turn for the worst and soon was corrupted.

Then I saw a family in a mysterious contraption that could fly.

They seemed to be escaping from that world to a world close by. When they landed the father began to build a house and his wife helped him, for it was essential to their survival. Some time passed and the house was finished. It looked like a common one story cottage.

Quite familiar with me, for I had plenty of those around the countries in my world. More time past and the wife had a son. Three years later she had another. Time passed some more and the father received a letter from the other world.

It's impossible to tell just how it came to their place, but some person seemed to know about where they were.

The father took the strange flying contraption and went back to the other planet. Apparently he never returned. Some more time past and the first son disappeared. A small bit more time past and the son was all alone.

It saddened me that such tragedy had befallen this once happy home. Apparently there was war breaking out some where near where this young man lived.

The young boy's name was Johnny and his elder brother who was missing at the time, his name was never mentioned. The boy left his home and he went over a hill where a sign pointed to giant territory. From what I know about giants, most of them aren't very pleasant. There was a fabled story of a young man who climbed some sort of stalk and had a goose and a harp when he came down.

But I think the story is just silly! Johnny followed a path, apparently he had no idea where he was going but at lease he would follow this road. Johnny continued on this road until he came to a fork in the road. It split into three parts.

Johnny didn't know either to go left, right or forward. It wasn't until Johnny saw a giant that he felt a bit too eager. He rushed up to the giant. He wasn't sure if giants liked being asked for directions. But Johnny was ready to try.

Pardon me, Mr. Giant?” Johnny said in the most polite voice he could muster. The giant looked down at Johnny.

What would a puny spry do here?” The giant asked. (Spry in giant tongue meant bug).

I'm just asking where the nearest inn is,” Johnny said calmly. “There be no inn round' these paths,” Said the giant.

But if you go forward yo should arrive at the swamp, stay on the path with the flowers and don't stray or you will be added to the rather cumbersome list of “lost”.”

Alright thanks,” Johnny smiled.

Oh, and little spry, watch out for the two bandits that stay, for one has a knife and one has a club, watch for them, for they want treasure unlike most of us folks, if your fast, and like a fox they won't catch you.” The giant said warningly.

Johnny continued forward and the giant hobbled to wherever he had to go.

Johnny was a bit nervous about the bandit gang. He wasn't sure if he couldn't take them both. Johnny stood at yet another fork in the road and sort of wondered where to go next.

The giant had told him to go forward, but the forward path took a turn into a rather thick forest. The other path looked more safer. But two giants were coming from that way and Johnny, remembering what the giant had said readied himself. The two giants saw him and one sort of well, laughed.

Look-e here,” One shouted.

Lost are you?” Asked the other.

Kind of,” Johnny said.

Well spry, you've outran your safety,” Said one.

Yeah, hand over what you've got or we'll mob you!” Said the other. Johnny looked at one giant then the other.

I'm not afraid of you,” Johnny said.

What's that?” Asked the one giant. Johnny figured he must have misheard.

I'm not afraid of you!” Johnny yelled. The giants looked at each other.

Maul him!” One said. Johnny had been carrying a stick the whole time and he dropped it. Johnny ran around the giants and hoped he could tire them out. A sparkle of light caught his eye.

The stick he had dropped had magically turned into a sword. Johnny managed to grab it before the giant crushed it with his club. The sword wasn't that heavy, instead it was actually pretty light.

Johnny climbed one of the giants pant legs and managed to get on his shoulder before the giant realized where he was. Johnny waited and the giant swung that rather large club.

Johnny jumped onto the other giant. While the other giant was clobbered.

Now it was the one giant. Johnny hid in different pockets while the giant used his friends knife, from the the outward view, it looked like the giant was stabbing himself. Johnny slid down a string and ran. The giant fell over slowly dying of blood loss. Without an inn, Johnny realized he would have to face the great outdoors.

Johnny then saw a sign that pointed to a rather twisted looking swamp. Johnny looked for the flower path and he found it. He followed it into the black bleak swamp. Johnny stood looking at some flowers when he saw what looked like a figure or a ghost, just standing a whiles away watching him.

Come,” It whispered. It disappeared down the path so Johnny followed it. The ghost re-appeared at a path that didn't contain flowers.

Come,” It said.

I must stay on this one,” Johnny said.

What use is it, that one leads no-where, this leads out, you want out right?” The ghost asked.

Uh, I guess.” Johnny replied.

Follow me,” The ghost rasped. Johnny looked down the flower path then looked down the path that the ghost was standing. It seemed the ghost had a point, for the flower path seemed to go no-where. But the path where the ghost was, looked as if it might go somewhere.

Johnny stepped onto the flowerless path. The ghost disappeared. Johnny kept on walking. Occasionally the ghost would appear and Johnny would go where it was. After a few twisted and turns and a few trips, Johnny found himself at a spot in the swamp where there was a clearing in the trees.

I could stand here for hours,” Johnny said. The ghost seemed to shake as if it was laughing, then it disappeared. Johnny just shrugged. At least he could look at the sky. Johnny's legs felt stiff so Johnny pulled up one of his legs.

He was a bit surprised that he had a harder and harder time pulling up his feet. Johnny looked down at his feet and was surprised. To find they were gone! In their place was sand! Johnny realized he was in quicksand!

Johnny looked at the sky, he must have figured it would be the last thing he'd ever see. But Johnny saw something in the sky. Once sun was rising and another was setting, which was odd.

Two suns?” Johnny asked himself.

What is this?” He watched both of them. Johnny had a rather absurd idea but it beat worrying about dying. Johnny took out his new found sword and made the sun reflect off of it. That was Johnny knew which was the real sun, and which was not. The sun that was setting was the real one.

The one rising was really the same looking but not same piloted version of the mysterious flying contraption Johnny's father had used so long ago. It seemed to float there for a brief moment.

Johnny became desperate. He managed to deflect the suns ray to the strange flying contraption. The contraption seemed to reply by moving closer. Johnny tried to see if this odd thing understood codes. Johnny attempted to shine HELP. But the ship just sort of hovered. Johnny was really thinking now. He shone STUCK and the ship moved an inch.

Come on!” Johnny shouted.

He shone the light directly at what he thought was the ships bridge window.

“Help me, please!” Johnny shouted.

He waved the light back and forth. The ship extended what I can only describe as a claw like hand and pulled Johnny out of the quick sand.

A door opened and Johnny was dropped in. Johnny tapped the floor with his sand covered boot. It echoed. Johnny tapped the wall with his fingers and was surprised, the wall wasn't hollow. Johnny stood silently then he saw a chair. He sat there. Johnny looked his sword over and was amazed by the work, (Whoever made it). Put into it.

The blade was exceptionally sharp and it had three jewels on the rectangular part and one on the pummel. On the blade was what Johnny figured the crafts-man who made it would put a small signature. But it wasn't a signature , it looked more like name.

Light-speed.” Johnny read. He was impressed.

So,” Johnny said holding up his sword.

Your name is Light-speed eh?” Johnny said.

Your creator must have had time to make you.” He smiled to himself. The contraption all of the sudden started to rattle and a blinding light flashed Johnny had shut his eyes before the light flashed. When Johnny opened his eyes he found himself on the hard cold plated floor. He slowly stood. The contraption seemed to hum as if it was full of bees. The wall at the end of the hall opened.

Well that's just clever.” Johnny said.

What is?” A voice asked. It seemed to be coming from the opened wall. A person in what looked like a pilot outfit stepped into the light.

You have a nice thing,” Johnny said pointing to the wall that was opened.

It's to keep boarders puzzled till they finally leave,” The pilot said. “So what was that flash of light?” Johnny asked. Instead of responding the pilot turned his or her back to Johnny. The pilot removed the helmet it had and yellow hair flew down her shoulders. “So why did you rescue me?” Johnny asked.

I didn't want to, but my co-pilot seemed to like the way you flashed your sword,” The girl said.

That doesn't tell me why you did,” Johnny said. The girl turned and looked at Johnny very queerly.

We should be there soon.” The girl finally said. Johnny looked at the girl as if he missed something in the conversation. Maybe the girl didn't know why she rescued him: maybe it was just mercy?

© 2016 Kornez

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Added on July 30, 2016
Last Updated on July 30, 2016
Tags: fantasy, clouds, giants, suns, firebird



Greer, SC

Please read my stuff! One way Kornez is inspired to write is by the communication of others. So therefore he has decided to give you an idea of what he'd like to see when you review his stuff. .. more..
