Chapter 5: Kasium

Chapter 5: Kasium

A Chapter by Knoxxeh

    Ghost walks through the silent hallways, the sun is just rising while he heads down to the hospital. The generators haven't turned on yet, Ghost shines the flashlight on signs to find his way around. He hasn't been down to the hospital that many times with out being admitted into it. Listening to the silence Ghost starts to hear the buzz of the generators starting up. The hospital lights illuminate the end of the hallway, he turns the flashlight off and then places it into his coat pocket.
    The doors open as Ghost gets the same greeting he got yesterday, as he walks on by he is stopped by the women behind the counter. "How may I help you?" The snotty tone of the women irritates Ghost. He takes a deep breath and puts a smile on his face before turning around.
    "Yes, hello I'm here to see Emily." The women starts to punch in  letters on he keyboard trying to locate an Emily. A beep comes from the computer as she turns her chair back to Ghost.
    "I'm sorry but no one by the name of Emily seems to be here." The nurse's words seem to come as a shock to Ghost. He shakes his head disagreeing with her, telling her to check again the same results show up. He runs down the hall as he hears the nurse say. "Security." Ghost enters the room to see that the bed is not made but Emily is not in it. Looking in the bathroom his search still shows nothing, seeing the nurse button he hits it. Security comes into the room telling Ghost that he must leave, The nurse comes in after them.
    "Where is she?" The question is answered with a security guard repeating that he must leave. "Where is she?" Ghost turns he head to see the security guards and the nurse slightly. The guard tells him he has to leave once more, Ghost turns around and yells "Where is she?" Startling the nurse but causing the guards to pull out their guns. Ghost spins kicking one guard in the stomach then elbowing the other in the face. Knocking one out already he takes the one he kicked and slams his head against the glass, cracking it.
     "Where is she?" He says once again to the frightened nurse, She starts to studder not able to get the words out. "I'm not going to hurt you as long as you don't point a gun at me." Ghost flashes his fake smile, the nurse smiles back but only slightly.
    "I don't exactly know, two men like these two took he away." Ghost takes off his glasses rubbing his forehead. He thanks the nurse and walks out of the hospital towards the only person who could have put the order in. Willow turns the corner in front of him and noticing the anger on his face stops him.
    "Ive seen that look before, it's never good." Ghost gains some composure before speaking.
    "Look, I need you, Sarra, and Nolan to go to The Deeps, I think Madison sent Emily there." Willows jaw drops.
    "She can't do that." The generators turn on completely as the lights brighten and then dim to the appropriate lighting.
    "Just go down there and find her." Willow nods and runs down the hallways in the opposite direction. Ghost searches for the hallways leading down to Madison's office, He stares at the sign that says Leaders office. Opening the doors quickly Ghost notices that Madison has a guest. A man in a nice suit, his hair slick back like a true millionaire, you can smell the stench of cologne coming from him.
    "Why the hell did you put Emily in The Deeps." Ghost yells, Madison tries not to focus away from the person she was talking to before.
    "Ghost I'm in the middle of something." The man in the suits tenses up.
    "Can you give me and Madison just one moment." The man looks at Ghost strangely then shakes his head. Ghost's eyes widen as he looks back at Madison and then back to the man. "Fine I'll pretend your not here then." The man give an angry look as he seems to tense up more trying to stay calm. "Why Madison? The Deeps is the most unsafe place for Emily to be right now."
    "Excuse me." The man in the suit says, but the words are unheard.
    "I did what I had to Ghost." Madison stays calmly at her desk while Ghost paces the room.
    "I cant believe you did this, after what I said to you." Ghost slams his hands on her desk. The man in the suit gets up and grabs Ghost by the shoulder pulling him away then punching him. Ghost tries to retaliate but the man has pulled a gun on him, Ghost looks at Madison as she gives a worried face.
    "I wouldn't point a gun at him." Madison says
    "Why not? What can he do?" The man looks away for a second, rushing towards him Ghost pulls the gun swiftly from the man's hands. He then points the gun at him, He waits there for a few moments. Ghost empties the ammo slot and then pulls the gun back knocking the remaining bullet out.
    "Lets get one thing straight, I don't like guns pointed at me." He looks at the man very closely waiting for something. "But worse than that If I see you point a gun at anyone that I care about, Ill split your skull." He throws the gun on the ground and turns back to Madison.
    "The hospital is for the wounded and the ill, it's no place for a child." Madison says typing away on her computer. "The Deeps may not be the best place, but it is the only place we had room."
    "That's bullshit, why don't you just bend the rules even break them."
    "The rules are there for a reason Ghost, they are there to avoid chaos." Ghost kicks the pieces of the gun to the other side of the room.
    "The world is already in chaos, were in a three way war here, you have crusade and our government on one side, the Kasium on another, and then there is us." Ghost stops to regain himself real quick. "Chaos has already started, but everyone is wanting to capture this little girl."
    "I cant do anything, the order is already set out she is down in The Deeps as we speak."
    "You can change this though we need her back in here before..." The alarms go off and Churches voice blares through Sanctum.
    "We are under attack I repeat we are under attack!" Ghost takes a deep breath and looks back at Madison.
    "Before that happens." Ghost rushes out of the room, going down hallway after hallway until he reaches the balcony. "Church I need you to send me the sky cycle." Static starts to accumulate into Ghost's ear until he finally hears Churches voice.
    "Ghost that's only a prototype."
    "Then it's time to test it, I'll tell you when." Ghost back up to the door way then starts to run, almost to the step to jump he yells. "Now." He starts to fall quickly while hearing the cycles engine in the background. The sky cycle catches him in no time, he adjust himself and starts heading for The Deeps. The flames rise higher and higher with each passing moment. Smoke blocks out the sun, Ghost starts to cough as he enters the smoke. He searches for Willow when he finally finds her he sees that she has everyone with her including Emily.
    He lands the cycle near them as they all rush towards him, Sara puts up a shield blocking out the smoke so they all can finally breath. "Who is attacking us." Nolan asks while getting the last of the coughing out of the way.
    "I cant get a clear view, is everyone alright though?" Ghost looks around to see everyone, A light brightens in the distance then a beam strikes the shield breaking it. "That's not Crusade, the Kasium must want her also."
    "I'm scared." Emily mumbles pitifully, Ghost stares into the dust when one of the creatures jumps out and knocks him backwards. A light shines in Sarra's hands while the formation of knives appear. Throwing one swiftly she hits the creature in his right eye, It screams in pain but does not stop attacking. With her crossbow ready Willow starts to get to higher ground, but is stopped by another creature. The sound of arrows flying through the air replace the noises of peoples screams.
    Emily stands behind Nolan and Ghost who have her between both of them, Nolan pulls out his gun pointing them both in various directions. The sound of the blades coming out of the sheath is met with the sound of it meeting flesh. "How did Kasium even know about her being here." Nolan yells as Ghost's blade enters the mid section of one of the creatures, bullets and arrow fly through the air killing others.
    Silence fills the air as everyone stands ready for another attack, moments pass as they all start to ease up.The air seems heavy, they all look around trying to find something or someone. The smoke makes it impossible to see what's around them, Their eyes were burning from all the smoke getting into them. A buzz starts to occupy the silence and the ground starts to tremor. The noise of the beam shatters the silence completely while a large red beam shoots at the ground cracking it.
    "Run." Ghost picks Emily up and starts to run, the beam starts to move behind them the speed accelerating faster and faster. They jump over rocks and fallen houses, another beam shoots landing right in front of Ghost. Taking a step back he falls losing his grip on Emily she hits the ground hard rolling father behind him.
    He gets up quickly as a creature lands above Emily covering her. Ghost moves slightly and the creature hisses, the outside of his skin seems to be metal. The arms of the creature are sharpened to look like blades with his real hands underneath, as it opens its mouth the sharp jagged teeth are exposed. The things eyes are black as night, it causes Ghost to shiver for a moment.
    The creature picks up Emily and jumps above the smoke but never come back down, "Church I need the sky cycle again." Ghost starts to run forward knowing that if he kept going he would soon meet up with the cliff. The smoke dies down the closer he gets until he sees the sky cycle. Pushing off the edge of the cliff he catches the handle bars, without hesitation he heads towards the sound of the Kasiums ships.
    Ghost sees Emily first screaming for help, He jumps from his ride to one of the Kasiums and slices the neck of the driver while doing so. The gunner tries to stab him but he moves to the side dodging it. Pulling out his blade he hears the sound of metal hitting metal ring. Kicking the gunner in the gut he raises his blade and cuts the head off swiftly. The guns light surprisingly as Ghost picks it up and starts shooting at other rides blowing them up.
    He reaches right behind the vehicle that hold Emily captive when a beam shoots out of the mother ship and breaks one of the wings on his ride. Ghost tries to steady the control but hits the ground hard sending him flying forward to meet the dirt. His vision starts to dim with the sight of the Kasium getting away.

© 2012 Knoxxeh

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Added on May 5, 2012
Last Updated on May 5, 2012



Farmington, NY

Hello my name is Wesley, i am a writer and i will always be a writer its my favorite thing to do because life can be boring at times but i can create a world where i can do anything be anybody that's .. more..
