The Ghost of Emily Rhodes.
A Book by Knoxxeh
No Chapters
© 2013 Knoxxeh
Author's Note
Shane Cambridge remembers vividly the first time he saw the girl, she had blonde hair that was tattered like it had been wet for a while and is now bunched up. She had beautiful green eyes but that was about the only thing that was beautiful about her. Scars covered her face like someone had sliced her face many times with a razor blade. The worst thing that crossed Shane’s mind was that maybe someone had. She didn’t speak but only stood off into the distance like some manikin that seemed a bit to life like to be fake. In a moment instantly she disappeared leaving no trace that she had ever been there in the first place. That first time he saw her was in a dream slowly she would make her way into reality confusing Shane of what was real or fake. Now at the age of twenty five Shane wants to know who she is and throughout the whole time of seeing her she has only said two words to him, her name, Emily Rhodes.
Added on February 2, 2013
Last Updated on February 2, 2013
KnoxxehFarmington, NY
Hello my name is Wesley, i am a writer and i will always be a writer its my favorite thing to do because life can be boring at times but i can create a world where i can do anything be anybody that's .. more..