![]() Defection!A Chapter by Fritzinger![]() Quantum Elemental is framed for a crime he did not commit in a highly public and visible way. How can he save the reputation of the Gods Knights?![]()
The night air was warm. It washed over the assembled heroes as they took in the beautiful sights below them. Stretching out before them down the mountainside to an inviting Pacific ocean was Honolulu, Hawaii, one of the biggest tourist traps on the planet. It was just that for a very good reason. It was, frankly, beautiful.
Eron rested on the railing of the hotel balcony admiring the sight while Captain Atom floated lazily nearby. Quantum Elemental and Phoenix were flying recon around the area and could be seen on the horizon as bright points of orange and green light. Below them, dozens of private security guards were patrolling the parking lot as armored limousines pulled up to the front lobby. “Do you think all this security is necessary?” Eron’s question was a good one. It wasn’t every day that the United States government calls the Akkadian Knights’ looking for superheroes to provide security at a diplomatic conference, especially when the delegates were not American. Of course, how could they say no? Cap looked back at him, “They must be expecting trouble. Or maybe it’s all for show. It’s not every day that you have China hosting both North Korea and South Korea in serious peace talks.” He was, of course, right. In recent months the Beloved Leader had shown an interest in leaving a legacy to his heir that involved a merging of both North and South Korea into one peninsula. He had gone as far as to send his own nephew as the North Korean Delegate, Kim Huong Il. The South Koreans, understandably, were hesitant with North Korean nuclear capable submarines off their coastline, but when China stepped in to facilitate the talks, they jumped at the opportunity. After all, a war with North Korea would prove fatal to the vastly outnumbered South and they may not get such an offer under new North Korean leadership. The site of the negotiation was chosen at China’s request and the US government opened it’s doors, under the condition that it could choose the overarching security of the island during the negotiations. China, surprisingly, agreed. While National Guard troops based out of Pearl Harbor patrolled the city below, Blackthorne, a private security company primarily comprised of retired US Marines, took the point at the hotel and conference site itself. As super powered backup, the Gods Knights leagues were contacted and members of the Akkadian Knights and Reverent Knights were dispatched to the scene. In three days, it had been a completely boring experience for the superheroes. Cap put his hand to his ear. He had no need of a communication device like the rest of the team. He could literally pick the signal up out of the air. Energy, in any form, was his plaything these days. “It seems our Chinese delegate has left the conference hall. Looks like the evening ritual is about to begin.” With that, the two turned and went back into the hotel. ************************************************** ********************** Captain Stumpy raced down the hallway as fast as he could muster. Although he was an incredibly powerful human being, he was also very clumsy. Caledonia had actually asked him to dance once only to find he only knew one dance move… one where his feet ended upon hers. He turned a corner just in time to see Shaou Yin Shu exit the conference hall. He stopped and straightened his tuxedo. He felt like an overdressed turkey, but it was a requirement of anyone entering the conference hall and he was going to honor the request. He was the only superhero allowed inside during the negotiations and was very respectful of that fact. He bowed deeply as she approached, surrounded as she was by a half dozen aides, and spoke in broken Chinese, “Your car is ready.” She smiled and returned in perfect English, “Thank you Captain Stumpy.” She brushed by and he fell in step with her. Shu was a petite human being, merely 4’10” tall. She had a slim figure and sharp, angled features about her face. Her jet black hair was back in a tight bun and she wore a dark blue pantsuit, designer by the look of it. The single splash of color on her was the small, red handkerchief protruding from her left breast pocket over her heart and the bright blue lanyard holding her name tag around her neck. As they travelled down the causeway between the conference center and the hotel, she quickly rattled off notes to her aides, who each recorded them in their tablet PCs in Chinese. It was all way too fast for Stumpy to understand. By the time they reached the end of the causeway, the aids rushed off to work on the assignments she had obviously given them. Shu was nothing if not efficient. She was also super powered. It was obvious when Caledonia, another Akkadian Knight, dropped the team off in the newly reconstructed Defender III. Being the only psychically attuned member of the team, she quickly identified the latent ability possessed by Shu. Although it didn’t appear to be that powerful, it did seem to give her an edge in negotiations and Cal assumed rightly that this was why she was chosen as the Chinese facilitator to the negotiations. It was also probably the Chinese government had specifically requested that Captain Stumpy become her personal bodyguard for the duration of the event. Either way, the front of the hotel lobby was coming into view and a limo driver outside was opening the back door. After a 12 hour day, it was time for dinner and Stumpy was sure glad that time had come. ************************************************** ********************** The Korean delegates had waited for Shu to exit the conference hall before doing so themselves. Each was acutely aware of the Chinese authority in the whole event and although they each had their own agendas, they understood the Chinese presence in the peninsula and respected the desire for peace. It served them all very well in many respects, especially given the Dear Leader’s present state of mind. The next one to exit was the North Korean ambassador, Il. He was a tall man, by Korean standards, cresting 5’10”. His hair, like his uncle’s, was jet black. His features were rough and it was obvious that he had spent a lot of time in the sun in his life. Small dark brown freckles spotted his face. His eyes were surprisingly blue and uncharacteristic for the family. It had been rumored that a distant relative was a gaijin of European origin. The family emphatically denied such crass accusations. At any rate, as Shu was before him, an entourage of aides surrounded him as he exited the hall. He hadn’t even gotten out before removing his lanyard. He spoke angrily to his aids in Korean and they were furiously scribbling notes on both paper pads and, in one case, a small tablet. His group moved quickly through the causeway towards elevators that would take them up to their rooms. He apparently had no desire to go out to dinner. Behind him was the South Korean ambassador, Ki Lim. Lim was a portly, short man, only 5’6” in his late 50s. His hair was balding and white. He only had 4 aides with him, all of them female. As he exited the hallway, he laughed and focused on pleasantries with them. He was obviously happy with the day’s progress and was looking forward to a night on the town. The opportunity to get off the peninsula in a place so well endowed with international quinine appealed to him greatly. As he exited the building, Shu’s limo was pulling away, Stumpy inside. His pulled up and Eron opened the door for him. “Your ride is ready.” Thanking the American hero, he stepped inside the lavish car, followed closely by his aides. Eron got the distinct impression they were chosen to be his aides for reasons that had nothing to do with their ability to negotiate, but said nothing. Moments later the limo was pulling out of the circular drive in front of the hotel and speeding off down the mountainside towards the town below. As they drove away, Stumpy looked out the window of his limo. He could have sworn he saw something dark move amongst the palm trees surrounding the conference hall, but couldn’t quite make it out. He turned back to Shu, “Did you see that?” She looked up from her Franklin planner, “I’m sorry, what was that?” He shrugged and looked back towards the receding center. Nothing was in sight. “Nothing I suppose. I just thought I saw something familiar…” The rest of the ride was uneventful. ************************************************** ********************** Quan and Jumper sat on top of the roof of the restaurant. Neither was all that hungry. Two of the delegates had gone to this local restaurant for dinner. The third was off somewhere else. While Stumpy and Phoenix had gone inside to watch over things, the other two had come up here. Gazing out over the ocean and sunset was much more interesting. A cool sea breeze washed over them and the scene was just too relaxing. Quan looked down at the sedans. Each was surrounded by men in black suits. The security hired for this conference was top notch and each aide had his own bodyguard. Overall, there seemed to be little to worry about. Beyond them, a reporter crew was prepping for an evening broadcast. Apparently the conference was making headlines world-wide. As if sensing his thoughts, Jumper looked over at Quan. “You’ve got to wonder, if all this security is here, why do they need us?” Quan shrugged. “I suppose they think other super powered villains may appear. Hard to say.” Both sat a moment longer listening to the melody from inside the restaurant below them. The roof shook slightly as the music changed and they at first thought it was simply a lot of people dancing. It wasn’t for another second before they heard some car alarms go off in the parking lot that they realized that something had happened. Jumper instantly teleported to the ground below and looked around. Quan took to the air. His earpiece came to life and he could hear Cap clearly, “Did you feel that?” Quan touched his troat, opening up the connection, “we did. It was a tremor of some kind.” As one, Jumper and Quan looked at each other and then turned to look up the side of the mountain behind them. Hawaii was, after all, at the crest of the world’s largest volcano. This could be bad. Quan flew to the ground near the sedans and approached the man in charge of the non-super-powered security for the conference. He was a tall, burly fellow named Bruce and had already displayed a poor temper once to the team. As Quan landed, Bruce turned to face him squarely, his arms crossed in front of his rather large chest. “Did you feel that?” Bruce just looked at him sternly. “Of course. You’d have to be dead not to have.” This wasn’t starting off well. Quan took a deep breath, “Is that normal for this part of the island?” “What do you call normal?” Bruce was not giving an inch. “You’re the superhero. Go do something superhero-y to earn your keep and figure it out.” This was definitely going poorly. Quan pointed up at the volcano. Apparently, this startled Bruce and he put his hand on his sidearm. “Watch it.” “I was just…” Quan stopped. It was apparent this guy was cruising for a fight and Quan had no intention of obliging. He turned to Jumper, who was now behind him. Phoenix was walking out of the restaurant towards them. Quan motioned for him to join them. “Jumper, stay here and watch over things. We’ll go take a look at the volcano. This may be nothing at all. We’ll be back shortly.” With that, Jumper appeared again on the roof as Quan and Phoenix flew up towards the peak, the camera crews catching all the action far below as the orange and green points of light ascended the mountainside. ************************************************** ********************** A few blocks away, a dark figure watched the action. She lit a Benson and Hedges and took a deep breath, blowing out a plume of white smoke. Although her complexion was dark, her eyes were a deep blue, a rare combination. She was dressed in a matching black leather jeans and jacket and her shirt was silk. She obviously had money. A young child rode down the hill by her on a Tonka Big Wheels, only stopping long enough to look up at the pretty lady and say “excuse me”. She bent over and looked him in the eyes, “why of course young man!” She smiled and reached into her pocket, pulling out a lollypop. He looked at her as she gave it to him. “Why are you so happy?” “Because I’m about to get what I want and that always makes me happy!” She patted him on the head and he pedaled down the hill. Looking back up, she saw Quan and Phoenix reach the peak and grinned from ear to ear. This was going exactly to plan. Obsidian-X threw a leg over her Harley and rode up the hillside towards the conference center. ************************************************** ********************** Quan and Phoenix found a clear, open outcropping of rock and landed. Phoenix started pushing buttons on his gauntlet while Quan simply bent over and laid his hand, palm down, on the stone. “I’m picking up a large heat signature under the surface. This volcano might not be all that dormant any longer.” Phoenix’s electronic voice had always sounded eerie to Quan. Echoing off the large stone made it more so. Quan looked up at his friend, “I’m not so sure. Something’s wrong. I can sense the heat, but it’s got a powerful radiation signature to it that doesn’t belong. Let’s look around a little. Look for a vent.” With that, the two started combing the mountaintop. The top of the mountain itself was covered with low brush and large rocks. There weren’t any large trees as there was nowhere for them to get a steady supply of water, but there were many varieties of brush with shallow root systems that could easily survive on rainfall. The two had been only looking for a few minutes when Phoenix radioed Quan, “I think I’ve found something!” Quan flew towards him and saw Phoenix standing beside a crevice in the ground large enough for a man to squeeze through. As he approached, a bright flash of light erupted from the crevice and hit Phoenix in the back, sending him hurling to the ground. Quan stopped in mid flight as a mass of molten lava erupted from the crevice. Phoenix turned over to see the lava coalesce into a humanoid shape. Its head formed and two glowing eyes opened. Quan was right. Something else was going on here. Phoenix had just enough time to erect an energy shield before the molten creature shot another blast of fire and heat at him, lighting up the top of the mountain. Quan charged in and blasted it with a bolt of bright green energy. The beast collapsed under its own weight back into the hole. Phoenix jumped up and stood over the hole, looking for the beast. With no warning, it quietly and swiftly rose back up behind him and raised its molten arms up over hits head to crush him. A bright light shot up over the rise of the mountain and the searchlight of a news helicopter crested the hill. The beast turned towards it, temporarily forgetting his quarry. Quan took advantage of the distraction and shot another bolt at the beast’s back. As he did, the beast dissolved quickly in the crack and the bolt his Phoenix square in the back. Caught unprepared, the flames perpetually surrounding him extinguished and he fell backwards into the crevice. Quan turned to see that the reporters had trained their cameras on him. It was probably best that the entire island didn’t know there was a problem with their volcano. No need for mass panic. Quan flew into the crack in the ground following Phoenix. ************************************************** ********************** Representative Shu set her fork down, her cheesecake only half eaten, and wiped the corner of her mouth with her napkin. They always seemed to intent on putting much more on her plate than she actually needed. She looked across the table at Stumpy. His massive form looked so uncomfortable at the disproportionately small chair under him. His massive hands were not suited for the salad fork he was now using. He was trying so hard. She was actually starting to like him a bit. Glancing across the room, she caught the eyes of one of her aides. Summoning him over, she whispered in his ear. He immediately bowed and moved towards the exit. Stumpy could only assume that he was going back to the Hotel and indeed he was on some errand or another. His earpiece came to life. It was Eron. “Stumpy, there’s been a tremor. It could be nothing. Quan and Phoenix went up the mountainside to check it out. Just in case, wrap dinner up and move the rep back to her hotel room.” Stumpy knew better than to question. Standing, he ushered Representative Shu back to her limo. ************************************************** ********************** Representative Il looked out the window of his hotel suite. He was about 12 stories off the ground and had a commanding view of the cityscape below him. His hand went to his temple and he grimaced as if a migraine was coming on. One of his aides stepped forth, offering him a glass of water. Beads of sweat ran down his forehead. The exertion of the day was wearing on him and he was a man of little temper for such things. Why he was chosen for this assignment was well beyond him. He was used to commanding troops, not negotiating peace terms. At any rate, he knew what he could do to move this negotiation in the right direction. It would just take a little… persuasion. He slapped the water away. This conference was not going well for his country at all. They had been giving up way too much. He turned to the rest of his staff, nervously waiting his command in the sitting room behind him. As one, they started down towards the conference hall. This would be a long night for them indeed. ************************************************** ********************** The crevice was bigger than it first looked. Upon entering it, Quan found himself in a long, narrow shaft leading deep into the mountain. Sulfurous fumes rose from its core, albeit weakly. It was long known that the island was truly the cap of the world’s largest volcano and he was sure that it was still active on some level. As he descended, he looked for signs of Phoenix. About a hundred feet down, the shaft split into three distinct paths. Quan studied them for just a moment and chose the one that took the most unobstructed path straight down, figuring that Phoenix would have fallen that direction. It led down deeper into the core of the mountain and Quan started to feel a presence. It was subtle at first, nothing more than a tingling down his spine. It grew the deeper he went and he knew at once what it meant. As impossible as it sounded, he had found something far beyond just a volcano. Another Elemental was present. This was monumental for Quan. He had not felt the presence of another Elemental in years. Although he was apprehensive about it (elementals were often not the most gracious of hosts), the thought of meeting one was so intriguing that he could not resise. The shaft finally gave way to a rather large chamber. The bottom of the chamber was several hundred feet below and was covered with dark congealed magma. The presence was very strong here. He allowed the Quantum Field to flow through him freely and lit up light a light bulb, illuminating the chamber. Phoenix was nowhere to be seen. “What have we here?” The female voice seemed to come from the ether around him. He turned to find the source and saw nothing. “So, are you the elemental I think you are or are you just a man?” The voice taunted him. He closed his eyes and opened them again, this time looking to see the quantum flow surrounding the world in which he resided. Ebbs and flows of swirling energy moved effortlessly across the earth and this cavern was no exception. Looking around, he saw the invisible around him. He was completely surrounded by life forms. For the most part, they were under the surface of the lava. One, however, was floating above it merely feet from him. It was a beautiful spirit, glowing with power. Her robes were golden and shone like the sun and her beauty was beyond compare. He couldn’t help but to gasp in amazement. She smiled, “That’s better. What brings you to my home Elemental?” Quan was speechless. It would be several moments before he could form a response… ************************************************** ********************** Eron opened the door to the hotel, admitting Representative Lim and his entourage. As he did, he stopped and looked back out at the trees nearby. He could have sworn he saw movement. Representative Lim called back to him, “My friend, is there something wrong.” Eron shook his head and looked again. There was nothing. Reluctantly, he turned to walk Lim to his suite, every instinct in him telling him something was terribly wrong. Touching the communicator on his throat, he called out to Captain Atom, “check the grove of trees south of the conference center.” “Any reason why?” Eron could tell that he was already on his way. Cap’s question was merely a fact finding mission. “I’m not sure. Do me this one.” As Lim entered the elevator, Shu entered the building in front of Stumpy. She turned to him and held up a hand. “I think I forgot my tablet in the conference hall. Care to join me to retrieve it?” The two walked down the causeway towards the dark conference center. ************************************************** ********************** “Who are you?” Quan’s question was filled with wonder. He half knew the answer already but felt the compelling need to ask. “Me? I would have assumed you knew that when you sought me out. I’m Pele, goddess of these islands.” Quan knew the legends. The goddess of fire, lightning, wind and volcanoes. He was not in the presence of an elemental as he first assumed. He was in the presence of one of the few beings that CREATED elementals. “I didn’t know.” “I realize that. It’s the reason you were allowed to get as far as you did. Frankly, I’m curious myself…” She started floating around him, her soft hand stretching out to caress his shoulder as she did. “… I’ve never met anyone like you. You’re not one of the earthly elementals, but you most definitely have the signature about you…” Pele was beautiful. Her skin was darkly tanned and her eyes were a vibrant brown. She resembled the indigenous population on the islands. A soft nimbus of power surrounded her form and gave her an unearthly appearance, as if floating above a sea of molten lava didn’t already give that away. Although he knew that it was her choice to appear this way, he was thankful. Quan had an instant reaction. It was one of emotional attraction rather than logic. “And…” “And I want to know much more about you.” She came to stop in front of him, her penetrating eyes flowing like a river of energy. He felt himself being lost in them. “But for now, your destiny is elsewhere.” “What do you mean?” “Its time for you to go, but we will meet again before you find home again. Your friends are in trouble up top and need you now. Today is the beginning of a long journey for you.” “Quan looked up the way he came. He could hear a sharp crack and the light of an explosion could be seen coming through the holes in the ceiling above. He looked back at Pele and watched as she disappeared slowly. “Remember how you found me Elemental. Your foe will not be able to hide the truth from you.” She faded entirely. Above, a molten lava creature blew through the ceiling and hit the shell of magma below, breaking into a million pieces. Phoenix followed it through the hole in the ceiling. “Did it come this way?!” Quan flew up to meet him, “I think that small one may be the least of our worries. I think we need to get back up top.” Leading the way, the two moved swiftly through the tunnels towards the surface. Phoenix looked at the battle scars it had put on his armor in their fierce battle. “What do you mean, ‘small one’?” A frustrated Phoenix followed Quan to the surface. ************************************************** ********************** ron looked back out into the courtyard below. Something wasn’t right. “Cap, you there?” Cap came back, “Yes, but I don’t see anything.” Just then Eron saw it again and his skin crawled. He looked out over the courtyard at a Shadow, one of the creatures created by their dreaded enemies, the Aesir.* The beast looked very similar to the Shadow King, with black, oily skin and brilliant purple eyes. Its leathery wings extended a good 6 feet on either side of its body and it floated over the ground ominously. He didn’t know why it was here, or what it wanted, but it was going down. He radioed the team, “Everyone to the grove of trees in front of the hotel, we have a Shadow!” Cap looked around anxiously. He remembered the beasts and knew that it would take all of them to take it down if it was truly what Eron said it was. He allowed his energy to build around his body in preparation of the battle to come. Then he saw it. It wasn’t in the grove of trees like he anticipated. It was closer to the hotel and approaching him. He didn’t hold back, charging it, he was intent on slowing it down until the rest of the team arrived. With Quan and Phoenix somewhere up the mountain, it would have to be enough until they returned. The blast he let forth caught a limousine and threw it wildly across the parking lot, slamming into the mighty Shadow. It threw the beast backwards into a large marble fountain It quickly rose and shot back a blast of dark energy at Cap, ripping one of the trees in half as he dodged out of the way. This was new. He didn’t recall the beast having this much power. It dodged behind the broken fountain and disappeared into the shadows of the night. With only the lights from the hotel parking lot illuminating the area, it was easy for the beast to meld in with its surroundings. On the other side of the parking lot, Eron moved up towards the fountain. Jumper appeared right beside him out of nowhere and they both rounded it on either side looking for the beast. They saw Cap exiting the woods and met up in the center of the courtyard. Multiple armed security guards joined them. Cap noted that Eron was pretty badly hit by the Shadow, having multiple burn marks on his chest. Bruce approached Captain Atom, “What the hell was that?” His question was more of a command than an actual query. Cap met him in kind, “That was more of a monster than you can imagine. Spread your men out and stay in constant communication. If it appears again, evacuate the hotel immediately.” Bruce bristled up, not liking to take orders from supers, but backed down as Cap met his gaze squarely. He dutifully obeyed and spread his men out. Within moments, one of them pointed up in the sky towards the mountaintop and hollered out a warning. Looking up, the assembled group saw two Shadow monsters descending the mountainside very quickly, making a b-line for the hotel. Cap raised his hands, “OPEN FIRE!” The assembled heroes and all of the men present unleashed a volley of fire that could have leveled the mountain. The news van crew hunkered down as the fighting started, not sure whether to run away or not. (* The Shadows and Aesir can be found in one of my prior works, a cross-over between the Gods Knights and the Dark Kings.) ************************************************** ********************** Quan and Phoenix crested the rise in the mountain. Below them, they could see the hotel and several flashes of bright light. Something was going on. A battle had erupted. Pausing only for the briefest of moments to determine the source, they shot down the mountainside towards the action. About halfway down, a volley of energy blasts and bullets flew up towards them. Both Quan and Phoenix felt a sharp pain in their temples and when they next looked, the bullets were now taking the form of small, dark energy blasts. The ground below was dotted with Shadows!!! Quan shook his head. Something was wrong. He erected a barrier of kinetic energy around himself to provide a temporary shield while he thought this through. Phoenix had no such reservations. Shooting down at the courtyard, he unleashed a volley of missiles at the Shadow demons, tearing them apart as he did. Three of them rose to meet him and they began engaging in areal combat. These were tougher. Up above, Quan couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Where were the delegates? He redirected and went towards the entrance of the hotel. Two small shadows blocked it and began shooting darts of black energy at him as he approached. He blasted past them easily, a little too easily, and into the lobby of the hotel. A blast behind him reminded him that Phoenix was holding the fort out front. He touched his communicator, “Hold them off Phoenix, I’ll make sure the delegates are safe.” “You might want to hurry, these three are pretty tough.” ************************************************** ********************** Captain Stumpy and Representative Shu had reached the conference hall just as the fighting broke out. Stumpy attempted to use his communicator to find out what was going on only to receive static. He quickly ushered the representative into the darkened conference chamber. The conference hall itself was huge. It was easily 30,000 square feet, rounded into the shape of a giant clamshell. The floor descended, step by step, to a series of tables at north end of the hall. As it did, row upon row of seats stretched from one side to another to allow large audiences to view events and proceedings. Such audiences had not been allowed here this time. It seemed overkill for the event. At the far end of the room, Representative Il was leaning over a table, a series of manuscripts laid out before him. Several aides were surrounding him, each with a book or a tablet or a ream of paper in their hands. Looking up, he had a dour expression on his face. “Apparently I’m not the only one with designs this evening.” With that, Stumpy felt a sharp pain in his head. He shook it and looked up to see Representative Il and his aids slowly transform. Their arms extended and lost all color. Their bodies stretched out and black, leathery wings sprouted from their sides. He knew what a Shadow looked like and he knew how hopeless their situation had just become. He tried his communicator once more only to find more static. “Representative Shu…” He turned and she had wisely moved to the door, only to find it locked. A glimmer of blue energy surrounded it and resisted her attempts to open it. They were trapped. Stumpy did the only thing he could do in a situation like this. He poured all his energy into his speed and strength and charged the Shadows. If his life was to end, it would mean something… ************************************************** ********************** Quan didn’t wait for the elevator. Shooting up the stairwell, he arrived at the Representatives’ suites in a heartbeat. Although Shu and Il were not present, the South Korean delegate, Ki Lim, was looking out his window as Quan entered the room. “So, it has begun. I was wondering when the move would be made.” Quan stood at the doorway. Lim’s lack of surprise was shocking. The world was erupting around him downstairs and he was calm as could be. “What do you know? Where are the other two?” Lim turned to him, “I truly don’t know, but this was expected. Our government saw it coming. That’s why this convention was such a joke. Did you really think China would benefit from having our two nations get along? This was never about any of us. It was always about breaking ties between your government and the Gods Knights. Looks like it’s working.” Quan stood straight up. What in the world was he talking about? He stepped out on the balcony and looked at the courtyard. Dozens of shadows were surrounding Phoenix as he battled them off. He was definitely the scrapper. Quan looked carefully. The Shadows had never shown a tendency to shoot energy before. Their physical attacks were powerful enough. He looked closer. The shadows on the ground were tiny compared to the versions his team battled on the alternate Earth early this year. Something was definitely wrong. His headache returned the more he examined the scene. It was almost overpowering. He closed his eyes and let his attention turn to the Quantum Flow around him. Opening them again, the world had shifted into hues of green and swirling energy. He looked down at the courtyard once again. This time he saw the truth. Phoenix was indeed fighting, but his opponents were not Shadows. They were men with guns. The three in the air around him were Eron, Captain Atom and Jumper. Then it clicked. This was all an illusion. It was all a diversion. He had to find the representatives before it was too late! Taking off from the balcony, he shot towards the conference center at lightning speed, the news cameras far below capturing the scene. ************************************************** ********************** Quan burst through the doors of the conference hall, tearing them from their iron hinges. The room was dark, with the exception of a few halogen lights illuminating tables at the far end. The pain in his head intensified and he fell to his knees. At the same time, outside, the pain in the heads of every man and hero in the courtyard intensified. While Phoenix watched the Shadow monsters sink to the Earth below holding their heads, a realization hit him. He punched a few buttons on his gauntlet and a adrenaline injector embedded in his armor gave him a jolt. It was painful, but cleared his vision for the briefest of moments. In that second, he saw through the illusion. He saw through the lie. Turning, and working through the pain, he flew towards the conference hall. Somehow, he could sense the source of the illusion. Inside, Quan gripped his head. The pain was unbearable. Looking around, he could see a solitary figure outlined against the Quantum Flow walking towards him. She had a weapon of some kind in her hands that radiated energy. Whatever it was, he had no desire to have it hit him. He tried to erect a force field only to find that he could not focus enough to do it. “It had to be you. You were the only wildcard in the whole bunch. Everyone else was nothing but human. You were something different. I wondered if my powers would work on you at all. Apparently they do.” She lowered the gun to his temple. He could not see her clearly or defend himself. A second female figure appeared from the ether behind her. Quan watched helplessly as she snuck up on Quans assailant and stabbed her through the chest. As she did, the pain in Quan’s head immediately went away. Outside, the everyone’s pain went away and they sat up rubbing their heads. Quan looked up to see Representative Shu before him, a long, sinuous blade sticking out of her chest. She released her grip on the plasma pistol in her hand and it dropped to the floor. It was a powerful Zingonian weapon indeed. Shu smiled, a trickle of blood running down her cheek. “It matters not. You’ve failed. We’ll alienate your government from every hero you have, one at a time, until there is nobody left to defend them….” She groaned once and expired. The dark figure behind her allowed her to slide off the blade onto the floor. Quan looked into the eyes of Obsidian-X, glowing softly as they were. “I think you’d better check the other end of the room my friend. When you’re ready, I’ll be here.” Quan staggered down the steps towards the tables at the far end. He could see bodies and blood all over the place. At the base of the steps, he found the remains of Representative Il on the floor, broken almost beyond recognition. At the far side of the table, he heard a soft groan. Moving quickly, he rounded the scene and saw Captain Stumpy leaning against a wall, a large burn mark in his chest. It was no doubt from Shu’s blaster pistol. Quan could tell that Stumpy didn’t have much life left in him. He was expiring. Stumpy raised his head and looked Quan in the eye. Weakly, he said “I heard… it was all fake…” Quan nodded. He didn’t know what to say. “Quan,” Stumpy tried to continue, “don’t let it end this way…” With that, Stumpy’s head lowered to his chest. A valiant hero had died. Quan could only kneel there on the floor in a pool of the blood of other people. Phoenix burst into the room. Seeing Obsidian-X at the door, he looked around in confusion. Why was Turbulence here? Seeing Quan at the other end of the room, he flew down to him. “What happened here?” Quan looked up at him, “Shu killed Stumpy, but not before she used her powers to convince him to kill the North Korean ambassador.” Quan motioned to Il’s bloody, broken body. Phoenix looked at the scene. “Don’t you see? She’s been manipulating all of us. The Shadows we saw were projections to keep us busy while she did her dirty work.” “The reporters outside got lots of footage of us attacking the hotel. With Stumpy having done this, everyone is going to assume it was all a diversion so that we could kill him and derail the peace process!” Realization was dawning on them. They had been used. Shu would have come off as a hero for killing the rogue Stumpy, but not before he had killed Il. Quan stood up. “No… it will not end this way Stumpy.” Turning to Phoenix, he put his hand on his shoulder. “This all changes if we change the facts.” “What do you mean?” Quan put his arms to his side and let his power flow into his hands. Energy began building up. “Stumpy didn’t die killing an ambassador. He died trying to stop us.” Quan rose into the air. “Quan, you realize what you’re saying? We might preserve the league and Stumpy’s honor, but we’ll be hunted like dogs by our own team. Are you ready to do that?” A sultry voice from the back of the room spoke up, “You know he’s right Phoenix. There is, however, a place for you to go.” Phoenix turned to Obsidian-X, “what do you mean?” “We’ve been keeping tabs on this from the Turbo Cave. We saw this coming when the Chinese assigned a powerful psionicist to the proceedings. It wasn’t hard to figure out what they wanted. We made a decision to offer you an option. It’s the only option you have.” She stretched out her hand, “join us. Join Turbulence.” Quan looked down at Stumpy. “I’m so sorry old friend. I’m so sorry.” With that, he let out a torrent of energy, unleashing his full power on the conference hall. The blast incinerated every last bit of evidence. It destroyed any proof that Stumpy had murdered the delegates. It destroyed the Zig blaster pistol. It cut ties. Obsidian-X and Phoenix shot out of the roof of the hall as it erupted. Phoenix changed the color of the flames around him to a very dark purple to mask his exit. A Dark Phoenix rose from the ashes of the scene. Quan was last. He rose into the air and took off after the other two. He could not reveal the secret. He knew it would be denied instantly by the Chinese, the good that had come out of the conference between North and South Korea would be instantly undone, and the relationship between the government and the league would be forever shaken. He couldn’t risk that. The potential for retribution from North Korea was too great. It was better for them all to think a pair of rogues orchestrated the event. Captain Stumpy’s death defending the delegates would spare the Gods Knights any investigations. There was no other way. He rose to meet his destiny. His future had just gotten turbulent … ************************************************** ********************** Captain Atom, Eron and Jumper looked up in the sky as Quantum Elemental streaked off in the distance. They were still trying to piece together what had just transpired. Eron stood up and looked back at the conference hall. “What have you done, Quan, what have you done?” © 2011 Fritzinger |
Added on December 4, 2011 Last Updated on December 4, 2011 Author![]() FritzingerSuperhero City, TXAboutAll but one of the stories on this site are mine. It started off by following a character in Superhero City, a game I play. This character, Quantum Elemental, joined a team called the Akkadian Knigh.. more..Writing