![]() SolsticeA Chapter by Fritzinger![]() The Gods Knights build their new base and upon it's completion they find their new base intruded by unwelcome guests.![]()
Written By: Stephen Hilliard
______________________________ 4 months have passed since the fall of Barthandelous and his armada. The earth is rebuilding, slowly but together. Gods Knights has come into fruition as our numbers have doubled and the extra help is certainly proving its usefulness. Our new base of operations is complete and moving in is underway as all hands are on deck. Yet, some how it feels as though its merely the calm before the storm....... _____________________________ Stalker and Apotheosis stood on the new observation deck at the top of the new base that overlooks the city from a distance. Etched into the side of a canyon wall, the base stretches outward and raises to the sky in a sheer architectural feat by any standard. Made of all titanium steel for the skeleton it is then skinned in stone to blend the base into the canyon wall. Two towers came off the plateaued top in a cylindrical like look. Stalker turned to Apotheosis and simply smiled and outstretched his hand to Apotheosis in congratulations of their new base. "I have to admit, I didn't think this new base was going to be complete so soon. I'm certainly eager to get things rolling and move on to our next adventure together." Apotheosis turned from Stalker and poured a glass of scotch, handing a glass to Stalker they cheered their glasses and looked outward to the sun setting over in the horizon. "To the solstice" Stalker replied calmly. 5 Hours Later.... "Master, Are you certain that an all out assault on their new base is a good idea??" Loki turned to his whinny henchman and replied "they have no defenses mounted, barely any power or any other type of system online. And I fear no man Bradice! NO MAN" Loki reached his hand around his henchman's throat strangling him as he spoke and threw him into the ground and merely walked away. Bradice stood up dusting the dirt and grass off of him and followed Loki and the other henchmen up the rocky terrain. They came over the hill to see the Solstice about 5 miles away. "Bradice take lesin with you and strike from the top of their base when the time comes. Sargo will go through the front to distract them and I, I am going Eron and Apotheosis. Once I have them out of the way I can bring my plan for bringing my master back from his imprisonment and finally destroy the cancer that is man." Mean while.... Caledonia walked across the hangar bay carrying a large titanium beam with her telekinesis and set it into place while the others, with less fancy means, lifted other beams into place with machinery. Eron walked up behind quantum, who was working on final calculations and placed his hand on his shoulder and asked with enthusiasm, hows the new hangar bay coming along?!" Quantum smiled from ear to ear as he entered calculations into the computer. "Quite well, with Caledonia in here we will actually be done by dawn tomorrow. However sir, thats not the only good news." "Oh what's up then?" Eron asked curiously. "I have been going over the schematics that Soul Searcher used to build the defender and I must admit the kid was brilliant at advanced mechanical physics and industrial design. I managed to go into the blue prints and I think we may be able to reverse engineer almost all of the systems on board to build a larger version of the defender to take the fight to the Zigonians." Eron paused a moment with a lok of interest but slight confusion on his face. "How long will it take to get the ship built if we start tomorrow?" Quantum grinned again and replied in confidence "3 weeks tops but that's without shields and hyperdrive capabilities as those components we will have to get NATO and the DoD to help us build correctly and efficiently. and that will take almost 6 months, testing trials included." Eron replied quickly, start building two of them as soon as possible. I'll go run it by Stalker and Apotheosis." Eron left the hangar bay in a hurry jumping over D and Vickous carrying a 45 foot beam almost making them drop it on the floor. As he ran down the corridors he felt something behind him and immediately stopped and looked around to see what was going on. To his sight and trusty plasma rifle pointed and ready for some action. However despite his search for something, he found no one and continued to the main chamber. Outside the Solstice... Loki Flew up the left side of the Solstice away from the windows to avoid being seen before he could reach the middle access point to gain entry. As he approached the railing, he gave signal to Bradice, Lesin and Sargo to begin their infiltration of gods Knights base. Sargo summoned all his might as he took of running full speed towards the front door of Solstice. Jumping upwards he threw his fist forward to blow through the doors. However to his surprise the doors were made out of tritanium and broke Sargos arm on impact. Slapping his hand to his face Loki uttered "they just dont make henchmen like they used to anymore...how pathetic." Loki Raised his hand and shot out a beam of dark energy that angled downward and turned just before hitting the ground and blew open the front door. "Now get off your sorry a*s and do something useful human!" Bradice and Lesin charged a plasma bomb and placed it on top of the pinicals roof of the Solstice and flew to cover after arming the bomb. Lesin covered his ears and hunched down to the ground bracing for the impact while Bradice simply remained standing as though he wanted to see and feel every second of the explosion happen. Meanwhile... back in solstice "General Smi, I'm showing a breach in our security at the front door of the Solstice and I'm also detecting a plasma build up on the pinnacle tower, sir... The explosion erupted and destroyed the tower section and three decks below it in the blast. Recovering from the blast, Smi recovered and told inferno members over the P.A. system "All Inferno members report to the front gate and engage and repeal all hostiles. All Thunder members report to infirmary to protect the wounded. All Reverent, Akkadian and Sovereign members report to the damaged area of the pinnacle tower and retrieve all wounded and get them to the infirmary. We are under attack by unknown enemy and unknown number of forces. Stay on guard and be ready for anything." The knights scattered to their stations as Smi searched the computer's internal security to find who or what was happening to the base. Eron recovered from the derbies and rubble of the explosion. As he struggled to get on his feet he rolled over in pain looking outward through the remains he could see the stars of the night sky and simply smiled and passed out. Stalker approached Eron and lifted the huge pieces of derbies of of him and carried him down to the next level to the infirmary. At the front gate... Quantum and Bat Man inspected the blast hole in the door ever so curiously. Wondering what could possibly have done such damage to a tritanium metal door. Looking more closely he saw faintly melted areas still warm from the blast. "This was an energy blast that d.." "Well if it isn't the revered Quantum Elemental. I've been wanting a crack with you fofr a long time." Bradice spoke boldly. "He ain't ALONE A*S HOLE!" Bat Man yelled as he lunged in the air with an already charged Celestial Blast. Bradice tried to dodge but the repulsive force was to quick to evade. "Try this on for size!" Lesin shouted as he knocked Bat man unconscience from behind. "Well, looks like odds arent in your favor anymore." Lesin sad. "You'll need more than this to take me on!" Quantum Lunged with sonic speed and sliced through both of the henchmen effortlessly. The form was flawless and strength in a duel like that were indeed unmatched. As their dead bodies fell to the floor Quantum shook Bat Man to wake him up. "I'll get you now a.." "Hey Hey It's over now Bat man. It;s over. C'mon we gotta warn the others about this and fast. God only knows how many more are lurking around the Solstice." Back in the infirmary Stalker was keeping a keen eye on the half installed security cameras looking for any movement at all. Strangely enough Only the fight with quantum was the only enemy contacts he saw. However he knew those two goons were not powerful enough to blow a hole in the front gate. "Any luck Caledonia?" Stalker asked "I can't see anything through the focal point of the explosion, I dont know if it's because of the radiation or if something is blocking me. Personally, I think someone else is here sir." Caledonia responded. Apotheosis stumbled through the door "It's Loki, he's here inside the base, I know that that lurid sti..." BOOOOOM!! Another explosion ripped through the base on the opposite side of the infirmary throwing everything across the room. As the Knights coughed from the dust and regained their posture, Loki hovered through the breached wall. Horns ablaze and eyes glowing crimson red. "Stalker! Don't under estimate this guy! He's more powerful than your senses tell you h... Ahh!" Loki blasted Eron before he could finish. "You had your time to shine heroes, but now it's time for this game to come to it's bitter end. right here Right now. Your new friends, The GODS can not save you from the penance that is due." Loki spoke as his body ignited in red flames. Wasting no time D and Smi launched at Loki throwing all they had into the brawl. With them being almost as fast as Loki it gave Apotheosis enough time to blast Loki in the back with an ionic pulse. Stalker powered up and dove from above nailing Loki in the face knocking the demon to his knees. Loki raised his head with a devious grin on his face. "Sargo, NOW!" From the shadows of the room came multiple figures all looking exactly the same. striking all the knights at once and catching them off guard. All of the cloned Sargo's held up each of the knights to face Loki as he approached them slowly bantering about revenge and his usual rhetoric. Trying to break free Caledonia only got angrier and angrier. Focusing her mental and physical rage into one a huge repulsive blast shot from all around destroying the rest of the top floor of the Solstice. "You and I Loki have some unfinished business!" she yelled. "Is that so little girl. You can try but sadly, YOU WILL FAIL!" Both launched at each other in flight high above the ground trading blow after blow with each other. The sound of the hits were like sonic booms. All the Knights and even Sargo, who lost control of his clones and merged back into one was astounded by the show in the sky. Sneeking up behind the goon Stalker took advantage of the situation and punced straight through Sargo's chest and let his dead corpse fall to the ground. After his anger had diminished slightly he kicked the body so hard it flew for miles before the body hit the ground. "NO ONE HITS ME ON MY OWN TURF DEMON!" Stalker shot off the ground flying upward to join Caledonia in the clash. Yet the force of the repulsive hits were so strong even Stalker was knocked back to the ground. Quantum grabbed Vexator as he even almost tried to help. Yet Quantum simply replied " This is her fight now, all we can do is watch." The Knights huttled together hoping Caledonia's new found power could be enough to stop Loki's terror once and for all. Thunder Angel came over the radio comm on grovers shoulder with an idea to help. "Sir we can use the prototype rail gun on Loki. I can rig it in to the Nuclear core and can give it enough energy to put Loki out of his misery." Apotheosis and Quantum turned around looking at Stalker with shockj and curiosity written on their face. "When did we get a rail gun?" Quantum asked "We brought it in earlier this morning. It was going to be a surprise but seeing as that's not gonna happen now let's do what Thunder wants." "Agreed Eron spoke as he limped up against a wall. Let's do it and put this f****r down once and for all." Downstairs... Thunder Angel ordered Verdict and Azrael to plug in components to the reactor core. Princess Stepphie was upstairs inputting the targeting data. "How are we going to get this thing outside?" She asked "The hangar door over there. Verdict! When you plug in that last cooling line move the floor Elevator under the rail gun. Princes as he moves it open the door!" Thunder ordered. The floor elevator moved into position under the rail gun and the heroes moved quickly to get it outside the door just enough to target Loki. "68% charged Thunder, Caledonia needs to hold him off long enough but still be able to get out out of the way." Smi grabbed his radio to inform the others. as Thunder looked upwards to see the epic clash high in the sky. in awe of the spectical he utter the word "amazing... "Total charge now 83% and rising fast!" "Cal when I say go you give Loki all you've got and get the hell out of there!" Quantum said using his thought speak he learned from her a few weeks before. Cal delivered a punch straight into Loki's gut causing him to hunch over in pain. moving her hands in circular motions a pinkish aura came from all around forming a sphere in the center. Using every last once of her strength she had left she condensed the sphere from the size of truck into the size of a quarter. Pushing her hands forward she spoke. "You lose a*****e." The energy ball shot straight into Loki and absorbed into his upper chest. but the show wasn't over there. Cal raised her hand at Loki and clenched her open hand into a fist. Pink Light came from his body as Loki screamed in agony yelling "NOOOOOOOOO!" "current charge 100%" Stepphie yelled "....Fire..." The rail gun hummed and hissed and launched a beam of green nuclear and plasma energy so fast it almost never shot it seemed. The beam traveled straight to it's mark and exploded into a huge green ball in the sky. The sheer force knocked Cal out of flight Hurtling straight to the jagged canyon below. In free fall she looked over in the distance to see Loki falling as well. She watched as he spread wings from his skin and flew off into the night sky. Too weak to fly or recuperate. she began to feel the end coming. "Got ya!" Stepphie spoke as she caught Cal in the air moments before hitting the ground. ______________________________ days passed by and the Solstice was coming along nicely and better than before. The base was rebuilt and all the new security systems were in place. The Hangar bay was busy as could be as the 2 new battleships skeletons began to take shape. all the injuries were healed from the attack and peace seemed to be lasting for the time being and that's the way everyone liked it. Except for Cal, who simply spent most of her time in the Holo-room training, and taking her anger out on fake loki's all day every day.... "I'm gonna find you demon and when I do - I'm going to kill you and your not going to escape me again." © 2011 Fritzinger |
Added on April 15, 2011 Last Updated on April 22, 2011 Author![]() FritzingerSuperhero City, TXAboutAll but one of the stories on this site are mine. It started off by following a character in Superhero City, a game I play. This character, Quantum Elemental, joined a team called the Akkadian Knigh.. more..Writing