![]() The Stuff of Legends (Part 2)A Chapter by Fritzinger
written by Thomas Fritzinger
The rain was torrential and pounded the structure known as the Parthenon relentlessly. On top of that, a massive tornado had formed and was threatening to bring the entire building down, destroying a landmark near and dear to the hearts of the Athenian populous, even if most no longer worshiped the gods of old. The violent
weather outside merely hinted at the destructive power inside the
monument as the Akkadian Knights and the Reverent Knights fought
desperately to stop a powerful man from completing a ritual. Although
the team had no idea what he was attempting to do, it was obvious that
he was up to no good because he had summoned an army of nearly
invincible creatures to his side to protect himself. They had already
lost two of their number to a clever trap and the storm was throwing
around so much debris that it was shredding and crushing anything in its
way. It tore a massive twelve ton cornerstone
from its mooring and heaved it into the air like a pillow. The stone
picked up speed and shot back at the team as it rounded the funnel. Caledonia
looked up just in time to see the giant cornerstone bearing down on
her. She winced and turned her head, knowing that she was powerless to
stop it, knowing that her time was up, and holding on to the pillar with
one hand for dear life. Mr. F’in Fantastic clinging on to her other
hand to avoid being sucked up in the twister stared in horror. There
was a blur and Quan flew in the way with amazing speed. The stone hit
him… and then just stopped. Both Quan and the cornerstone were suspended
in the air a mere half dozen feet from her head. Even the flames
perpetually lit on his head were motionless. The
winds shifted and Caledonia was able to pull Mr. F’in Fantastic into
the structure, away from the worst of the howling wind. While she lay
panting on the floor, Bat MAn grabbed them both by the arms and dragged
them inside further. “What happened?” was her first panted question, but
it was lost in the howling wind. Bat MAn read
her lips, shot a glance back at Quan, closed in to within an inch of
Caledonia’s ear and then said “Well, he isn’t the Quantum Elemental for
nothing. He apparently stopped time for himself and the cornerstone.” “What
happens when he re-starts it?” Caledonia asked. Her only thoughts were
of her teammate. Since she was unable to read Quan’s thoughts, she had
no idea what he was thinking or if he had a plan to get himself out of
the predicament that had saved her life. “Unless
we do something brilliant, he’ll have about a half second of life
left.” Bat MAn looked concerned at the thought, but didn’t have time to
think it all the way through. One of the beasts hit him on the back,
sending him rolling to a crouch. In one fluid motion his hand shot to
his belt and multiple bat shaped pieces of metal were flying at the
beast. Each exploded on impact, sending the beast flying away. StrongArm
and Darkness were having issues of their own. StrongArm had taken a
terrible bite from one of the beasts and was using energy blasts to keep
them at bay. He picked up the carcass of the one he managed to kill and
threw it with all his might at the next one, tearing both in half.
Darkness was doing his best to aid his injured companion, but lacked the
strength to defeat any of the creatures. The best he could do was to
deflect their attacks by creating shadowy duplicates to confuse them.
Luckily, they weren’t all that bright and chased the shadows like a cat
might chase a laser light. The team’s
defensive perimeter was in tatters. Eron was helping The GREAT Angelia
back to her feet and up the steps, keeping her out of the direct path of
the funnel cloud which had taken up position just outside the
Parthenon. Three of the beasts broke from the main battle and charged
them. They all shot out sticky globs from their tails, sending exploding
shrapnel in every direction. Bruised and now lacerated, the two heroes
huddled on the steps as the twister bore down directly on top of them. On Tarterous… Cassandra
huddled behind a large stone as a blast of orange fire scorched the
other side. Knoah vaulted over it, his coat on fire. From the hillside
behind her, Zildoran called out from the mouth of a cave, ushering the
two up into it. His forehead was still bleeding from the initial
unsuccessful defense they had mounted against on the creature. Their
powers were being sapped somehow. Stealing a
glance over the rock, she saw the massive hellhound charging. He would
be on her in seconds. Activating her personal teleporter, she left her
hiding place and reappeared at the mouth of the cave. Knoah
was right behind her, moving very quickly. He charged into the cave
with the other two on his tail, which was still on fire. Stopping
briefly, he tore off his jacket and began stomping on it to put out the
flames. “What were you thinking!!!” yelled Zildoran. “It’s not my fault!” retorted Knoah as he beat his coat against the rock wall and put the fire out. Cassandra
angrily got in his face. “Could have fooled us. We were lost before,
but at least we weren’t being chased by a three headed monster. Why in
the world is he following you?” “Because I stole the key to trapping his master indefinitely!” Knoah revealed. At
that point, a hot wind raced into the cave and all three heroes went
silent. All that could be heard was the heavy breathing of something
big. Then they could hear it take a deep breath and all three charged
further into the cave. A blast of fire erupted form the entrance of the cave and chased them. Knoah’s coat caught on fire again… Back on Earth at the Parthenon… Just
as the twister was about to hit Eron and The GREAT Angelia, it stopped
moving forward and started wavering back and forth. Caledonia was using
her telekinetic ability to control the debris and even the tornado
itself. Soon, the extreme strain caused blood to trickle from her nose and ears, as she extended her
arms to the heavens, willing the wind to obey her commands. The hooded
figure in the center of the Parthenon bowed his head and flexed his
outstretched hands and the three candles floating around him joined into
one large candle, its flame blazing white. Mystical forces poured from
the candle and the twister straightened back out. Physically and
mentally exhausted, Caledonia was thrown back against a pillar like a
rag doll, pinned by the brute force of the tornado. Wyldecard saw this, being the closest one to the center, and looked at Darkness. “Stay with StrongArm, he needs you.” Darkness looked back at his new friend, “Don’t do anything stupid… hey!” Wyldecard
rocketed towards the hooded figure. As he approached, a beast got in
his way. He switched to ghost form and passed right through it, only to
materialize on the other side. He blasted the candle with a cone of
frost, dousing it. The structure shook, but
only for a moment. He turned and looked back and up at the twister. The
tornado began to dissipate and he saw Caledonia collapse to the floor. Suddenly, he felt a cold hand wrap around his neck. Picking Wyldecard up, the figure turned him to look him in the eyes. “You will pay for that.” “Not
as much as you will!” Wyldecard shoved his psychic dagger into the
man’s chest, spearing the amulet which glowed there. The figure let
loose of the hero, reeling backwards, holding his chest in pain. The
amulet heated up until it was literally red hot and the figure tore it
off his chest and threw it on the ground. The beasts throughout the
Parthenon lost focus and began attacking everyone and everything in
sight, even themselves. The team took the
precious few seconds they had and regrouped. Most were injured. Vexator
and The GREAT Angelia had been knocked silly. PkPay had set up a force
shield over the two and was doing his very best to ward off the
monstrosities bearing down on them. Finding their minds to be rather
weak without guidance, he had actually stunned one of them and it was
flopping on the ground near them like a fish out of water. He tried the
same thing on others in an effort to incapacitate them but they
recovered as quickly as he could immobilize them. Even in with the twister gone and the beasts in disarray, there was little hope they were getting out of this alive. Wyldecard
turned to return to his team when one of the beasts caught him from
behind in its powerful jaws. Pulling him up off the floor, he didn’t
have time to defend himself. A bolt of energy hit the creature’s tail
section, blowing a hole clean through it. Captain Atom flew through the
throng of beasts and caught Wyldecard before he could hit the floor
below. Below, Wylde could see the hooded
figure look around in panic. The hooded villain turned and began to flee, only to stop as
several of the creatures surrounded him. Two of the beasts nearest him
charged, each one grabbing a piece of him. He looked at them in terror.
“NO! I was promised! My path is set! You can’t do this! I am to be the
herald…” His end was gruesome and quick. Cap
set Wyldecard down on the floor and focused on protecting him from the
beasts. Byte was hovering around the two and sending arcs of lightning
out at anything that got in range. His wounds were bad, but he would
live. The blood pooling under the broken
villain began collecting around the tome which had fallen to the floor
at his death. The book had finished reading itself moments before and
the letters were still glowing. The pages began soaking up the fluid,
and the white light it was emanating all this time changed to a deep red
color. Had anyone been close enough to hear,
they would have heard a raspy voice rise from the pages of the book,
“Your sacrifice is acceptable herald. Your Master approaches.” Loud,
mirthful laughter washed over everyone in the Parthenon and a gateway
sprang into being over the book as if the fabric of space itself had
been ripped and torn. A blast of hot, stale wind wafted out of the rift,
mixing with the cool wet air creating a bellowing fog that rolled its
way out of the Parthenon in all directions. The rift rose high into the
air, and a dim red sun shone on the other side. A dark figure lunged through… Back on Tarterous, running for their very lives… “So,” Cassandra started, panting as she ran, “How did you meet Rover back there and why has he chased us all this way?” The hellhound was behind them by nearly a thousand feet. Its paws pounded the ground as it ran. “You took his Milkbone?” Zildoran’s attempt at humor got a snort out of Knoah. Showing
no signs of exhaustion at all, Knoah responded, “I stole something from
his master. We have to get to the gateway before it catches us.” “And for God’s sake, why can’t I fly”, Zildoran panted, sweat pouring down his brow. “That’s
a story for a different day, Zil. Suffice it to say that this place
literally sucks the life out of you. The longer you are here, the closer
you are to being dead.” “Why hasn’t it slowed you down any,” Cassandra was puffing by this point. “I’m
not really here. I’m actually in a coma in my bed. It’s another long
story. Just be glad I am here to help get you out of this mess.” The
three had run for miles and were now at the base of the mountain which
housed the citadel to which Knoah was traveling as well as the gateway
they needed to get home. A half mile behind them, they could easily see
the three headed dog, Cerberus, Hound of Hell, charging after them. On
this plane, as they had painfully found out, he was nearly invincible
and their powers were diminished. Zildoran wiped dried blood from his
temple and sat on a flat rock, dizzy from the exertion. Cassandra
took his hand and urged him on. The three ran as swiftly as they could
around the base of the mountain and came upon a startling discovery.
Before them, and somewhat down a crater, was a wide amphitheatre. In the
center was a book, out of which a cloaked skeletal figure was intoning
passages. Surrounding him was a veritable army of armored warriors.
Although they were shiny black and silver from head to toe, each was
spouting fire from every crack and crevice in their armor. They formed
neat ranks and numbered in the tens of thousands. It was an invasion force. Fortunately,
Knoah did not see the demi-god. He must not have arrived yet. It’s his
home after all. How can you be late to an event that doesn’t start until
you are ready for it? A crack of thunder
peeled across the sky and the soldiers came to attention. The skeletal
figure collapsed on the ground and the tome from whence he was reading
shot a beam of dark red light into the air. Knoah
turned to his companions. “I cannot follow you out this way, but I’m
sure it’s fate that you should arrive. Take this,” he handed a package
to Zildoran, “it contains a fine powder. Sprinkle this on the book on
the other side of that portal. It will destroy the book and the gate. “There
is a problem though. One of you has to stay on this side while it
happens to hold off the invasion force long enough for the gate to
close. If even one of them gets through, the enchantments they wear will
keep the gate open long enough for the demi-god who lives here to pass.
His name is Barthandalus. If he does, there’s no power on Earth that
will be able to destroy him.” Cassandra looked up at him, “I can feel my powers returning this close to the gate. I’ll do it.” At
that moment, the rocks above them shifted and a stream of hot liquid
dropped down on Zil’s head. The three looked up into the faces of
Cerberus, who had apparently snuck up on them while they were talking.
How something that big could move that stealthily was beyond them, but
it somehow managed. Knoah looked at Cassandra,
“you think your powers are back enough to fly Zildoran to that gate?”
“We’re about to find out!” She picked up her companion under the arms
and shot off just as Cerberus attacked, a blast of orange flames
scorching the ground where they once were. Knoah stayed and the flames
passed through him as if he was not there. Although
she was not quite up to speed, she could feel her powers increasing as
she flew over the assembled horde and closer to the rift. Zildoran did
too, although much more slowly. They landed on the platform and looked
through. The gate was hazy, as if it was made of smoke. The army behind
them gasped in surprise and the front ranks formed a phalanx as they
started up the steps of the platform. There were hundreds upon hundreds,
but Cassandra didn’t hesitate. She blasted the first row with a nova
burst, sending soldiers flying through the air with one hand and
summoned a dark dragon with the other. Looking
on from a distance, Knoah stood on the hillside, powerless to do
anything except wish his companions a safe journey. As he let his
consciousness go, to return to his body, he looked up at the citadel and
saw the chariot of the demi-god descending. “Too late,” he thought,
“your doom is sealed”. Knoah faded away like a whisp of smoke in the
breeze. Unfortunately, there were many more
where that came from and they kept advancing. The sky above lit up a
bright orange as Zildoran started through the gate. The first volley of
flaming arrows hit the two and Cassandra had enough energy to erect a
barrier of ice, but Zildoran was stepping through the rift and didn’t
see them coming. Three planted themselves in his back. He fell face
first through the rift… On the side of Mount Doom… The
Almighty and All-Powerful god of War, Barthandalus, rode his chariot
down the side of the mountain to meet his army as they prepared to enter
the rift and burn the mortal realm to ashes. He had been setting this
plan in motion for over 20 years and was happy to see the first phase
progressing to his design. The gateway should
be opening. Fate was moving against the pathetic heroes that were
unwittingly helping him to enter the world of men once more. As he
rounded the corner overlooking his amphitheatre, he saw his loyal pet
Cerberus charging the gate. Looking closer, he saw his army engaging a
sorceress of great might. “Excellent…” he thought as he continued towards the rift. As worlds collided… The
battle was going poorly for the Knights. They were engaging the
creatures on all fronts, but several Knights were already injured and
the beasts didn’t seem to be wearing out at all. Some of the members who
could fly got together and attempted to take the battle to the sky,
only to have to retreat back. Since the creatures were used to battles
in space, their 3-D perception was incredible and they were much better
at battling in the atmosphere than on the ground where they could not
completely surround their opponents. Zildoran had spent months
perfecting his areal combat skills, but he was no longer here. When
the amulet was shattered, the beasts were disorganized for a while, but
one of them apparently took on the role of the “brain” and was
beginning to control the rest, organizing them and creating the
formidable fighting force the Knights recalled from the first invasion
in the upper atmosphere of the planet. Once that began, it was a
downhill slide for the team and with Quan and his EMP blast out of the
picture, they had run out of options. The Knights gathered together
around the rift fighting what could be their last stand as the beasts
formed into a massive, snakelike figure in the air over the Parthenon
and descended on the heroes in mass. Every member of the team sent
everything they had up at them in one concentrated burst in an attempt
to destroy them. All it did was slow them down. Through the gate, they could see a shadowy army. Hope was vanishing from the team. Cap
and Eron were closest to the rift when the first shadow came through.
The figure lunged at them clumsily. Both heroes turned to face the
fiend, charging their most powerful attacks, but held them at the last
second as Zildoran fell through on the ground. He had three black,
smoking arrows sticking out of his back and was gasping for air, blood
trickling out of his mouth and forehead. He was pale. “Zildoran!” Eron reached down and picked him up. Zil looked up at his friend and gave him the bag. “Pour this on the book…” Eron
set his friend down and turned to the book without question, dumping
the contents on it. The fine, granular substance was much like ground up
glass in appearance. As it covered the book it set the book on fire,
shooting green flames up into the sky. A screech could be heard as the
tome actually moved back and forth. The rift seized and shook and shrank
as the book was quickly consumed. Zildoran
looked back through the gate to see Cassandra fending off the oncoming
legions with blasts of electricity and bolts of energy. She had taken
one of their shields and was using it to stop attacks and, just beyond
her, he could see Cerberus charging through the ranks at her. He
screamed as loud as he could “Cassandra!!! Now!!” Eron,
hearing this, looked through and saw the same sight. He saw at the
creatures swarming over their heads, preparing for what could be the
final assault and an idea crossed his mind. He looked at Cap, who must
have had the same idea. They exchanged glances and Eron reached down to
pick up the still sparking amulet at his feet. He threw it to Cap, who
shot a bolt of energy into it. It let out a pulse of blue energy that
flooded the Parthenon with light for just a moment. Every beast in the
structure changed direction to charge at Cap. He threw the amulet with all his might through the rift and the mass of beasts followed it. On
the other side, Cassandra heard Zildoran yell for her to come and threw
up a wall of ice between her and the horde she had been battling. She
turned to enter the gateway only to see an equally horrifying horde of
beasts flying towards her. She attempted to jump through, but it was too
late. With a thunderous crash a massive canine
head burst through the wall of ice and caught her in its jaws as she
jumped. Her eyes met Zildoran’s one last time as it ripped her up into
the air and back down to earth. Cerberus pounded Cassandra into the
ground hard, shattering the paving stones with her body. Another of his
heads came in for the kill as the first of the flying creatures exited
the portal and barreled into the hell hound. The next few hundred
knocked him off his hind legs and into the army assembled behind and
below him crushing several of the armored warriors. The dull red sky
turned to darkness over the assembled army as the mass of beasts blotted
out the weak red sun. Battle was joined as the swarm and the horde tore
into each other. Cassandra could hardly see.
Over her head she saw blur upon blur as the creatures poured through the
gate. On the other side, she could barely see that Captain Atom was
trying his best to hold the gate open with his own body as long as he
could so that she could get through. With the swarm moving through it,
the team could not get to her to help her. To
her right, she saw the chariot of the demi-god Barthandalus approaching.
If he got through the gate, all their work would be for naught. She
feebly lifted her hand and used her powers of telekinesis to shove Cap
on his back, breaking his concentration and allowing the gate to close
as the last of the swarm crossed the rift. “Goodbye.” The rift dimmed and faded out of existence. The
demi-god arrived on the stone platform seconds too late as the rift
fully closed and the book that had opened it burst into green flames.
One of the beasts attacked him. He merely looked at it crossly and it
burst into flames, incinerating itself in mid flight. He looked down at Cassandra’s broken form with a scowl with a very cross expression. Back in the Parthenon… “NO!” Everything
was silent except for the cries of Zildoran and the incessant pouring
of the rain. Eron put his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “We’ll find
her, Zil.” Captain Atom, picking himself up,
looked back at Quan who was still suspended in the air between two
pillars. “Guys, it’s not over quite yet.” The team set to work saving Quan and wondered if Cassandra was still alive. To be continued...
© 2011 Fritzinger |
Added on April 3, 2011 Last Updated on April 5, 2011 Author![]() FritzingerSuperhero City, TXAboutAll but one of the stories on this site are mine. It started off by following a character in Superhero City, a game I play. This character, Quantum Elemental, joined a team called the Akkadian Knigh.. more..Writing