Chapter 21: The Jademoon

Chapter 21: The Jademoon

A Chapter by Knight

A couple new friends, or are they?



Esther was taken aback as the two watch towers blew one after the other. She and alchos stood and watch the towers burn before Nym turned and hissed. Esther looked and saw that 5 of the Pecian Royal Guards had drawn their blades and pistols. 

Before she knew it, Esther was surrounded by shouting and roaring. She was aware of Alchos standing protectively in front of her and Nym snarling at her shoulder, but everything else was a cacophony of yelling, hissing metal, roaring dragons and flapping wings.

then the memories resurfaced. Esther felt her heart skip in panic as her mind forcefully brought forward the night the Slayer Wanna-Be’s attacked her, killing her Peach Pixie Dragon. Nym’s form was replaced by Flick, hissing protectively as the memories enclosed around her. Slowly she knelt, staring forward and upward, her face pale and her limbs were as stiff as branches.

Feeling her kneel, Alchos turned his head and looked back at her. “Esther?” he called, worry lining the tone of his voice, which only grew when she didn’t respond. “Esther!”

Nym connected to Esther and cooed worriedly, dropping herself around her shoulders and nuzzling under her chin, attempting at breaking up the foul memories with feelings of security. But the battle raging around them wasn’t helping in the least. 

Alchos’ nostrils flared worriedly as he looked around for the Princes. He wished Umbris was up here, he knew the old Shadow Dragon would defend them. But he was stuck inside the Arena, and he knew his wings weren’t strong enough to carry Esther and Nym. “UMBRIS!” He cried, lifting his head in an effort of shouting.


The Saharan Sail Wing climbed into the arena and the rider leaped off with surprising Agility and rushed over to Umbris. The Shadow dragon snarled at them and stepped away, spotting the knife in their hand. The person scowled behind the mask covering the nose and mouth. “You want your wings pinned then?” They asked, the voice smooth and feminine. 

Umbris growled, but his ears twitched when he heard a familiar voice call for him. Looking towards the balcony’s, Umbris could now hear and see the battle raging there as the people bellow cried in fear and ran for their lives. “Alchos!” Umbris called back, showing he heard him. 

“Hold still!” The woman shouted, suddenly lunging forward and grabbing the straps that held Umbris’ wings down. 

Umbris snarled but could see guards approaching from the opposite side of the arena. He growled. “Hurry then!” He said, almost shouting.

“I have them!” The Sail Wing said, the voice also female as she rushed forward and swept the guards aside with her tail. 

The woman sawed at the straps until they released with a snap. Instantly Umbris opened his wings, roughly shoving the woman aside as he flapped and soared upwards with a challenging roar. His eyes locked onto the balcony, specifically where Esther, Nym, and Alchos were crouched. To his dismay, Alchos’ shout had caught not only his attention, but the attention of a couple Slayers and they were quickly approaching him with swords drawn. 

Umbris dove down, barely slowing as his claws dug into the stonework and he slipped at the Slayers, teeth barred angrily. He crouched menacingly between the battle and his charges snarling at any that dared think of approaching. “Everyone get on!” He ordered. 

He didn’t look at them though, keeping his eyes on the Slayers that had now turned to face him. He opened his mouth in a deep snarl, arching his shoulders like an angry wolf would. At yet, he didn’t feel anyone on his back. “ON! NOW!” He shouted. 

“Esther’s frozen!” Alchos reported fearfully. “She won’t move!”

Finally, Umbris turned his clawed up face to look at the problem. Esther’s face was as pale as a lily in the moonlight, her green eyes glassed over in fear and her muscles were taunt. Umbris looked back at the Slayers and growled. “Alchos! On my back!”

“What about Esth-"“ Alchos started but Umbris growled. 

“Alchos! Now!” He snapped.

Alchos shrank but quickly did as he was told. As soon as he felt Alchos holding onto the saddle, Umbris turned and leaped over the edge of the balcony, grasping Esther gently in his front paws as he went. He glided on his wings down to the sandy ground of the Arena and quickly hobbled over to the window that housed Emmet. 

Inside, Emmet watched the chaos in equal terror and awe. How, in five minutes no less, had an all out battle erupted? He jumped when his view of the battle was obscured by the large dark shape of Umbris. He peered into the cell at Emmet, who was holding his sword and looking like a young beaten soldier himself in the bandages. But Emmet’s eyes instantly fell to Esther in Umbris’ paws. His eyes widened. “What Happened?!”

“Get back!” Umbris growled, not answering Emmet. 

Emmet obeyed and Umbris set Esther down before grasping the bars of the cell and pulling with all his might. The bars groaned under his strength before giving away in a cloud of dust and pebbles before reaching his paw in. “Grab on!”

Emmet didn’t hesitate as he quickly wrapped his arms around the large paw and was lifted out, being careful about the stone jutting out of where the window once was. Umbris set Emmet down once he was free from the cell and Emmet put the sword in his belt, rushing to Esther and checking her over. She was in a state of terror and was even trembling now. He pulled Esther into a comforting embrace, almost shielding her from the horrors around her with his arms.

A roar from the other side of the arena drew his eyes to the Sail Wing as her Rider swiftly leaped onto her back with almost catlike grace. “We don’t have time for this!” The woman shouted. “Those leaving better leave now!”

“You heard the lady!” Theo said, rushing over with blood trickling from somewhere under his hair and over his eye as he knelt by Emmet and Esther. “If we don’t go now We’re all dead meat.”

Emmet nodded and stood, scooping Esther into his arms as he pushed her up to Umbris’ back and climbed on behind her. Theo was already starting to rush towards the Sail Wing, but he looked back to shout some orders to Emmet.

“Hold on tight and follow the Sail Wing!” He said. “She knows the best way out of this hell hole!”

“And that open sky isn’t the best way?!” Umbris asked as he started loping after the thief. 

“Only if you want nets shot at you!” The Sail Wing shot back. 

Umbris looked back and growled as he saw the Slayers advancing, only to be stopped by the Keris Guards. He took this chance to follow the Sail Wing and her rider, the two dragons nimbly climbing up the side of the stands and over the walls to freedom. Emmet could hear the other prisoners that could see them escaping shouting at them, but he couldn’t tell if it was cheers or slanders. Looking back all he could really see was dust being kicked up and shadows dancing in the clouds, but he could hear the sounds of battle and he’d never forget those sounds. He could see four shadows among the soldiers, two humans with blades drawn and on Dragon back. One was on a large Earth Dragon and the other on an air dragon, both dragons calling out challenges, though the air dragon sounded more like a large angry bird. Emmet pressed his lips together and held the still silent Esther close, using himself to shield her from the darkness closing around them as night fell.

“Will she be okay?” Alchos asked from behind him. 

Emmet didn’t answer right away as Umbris and the Sail Wing took flight, diving low into a valley that the arena had stood over. “She’s scared,” Emmet told him. “She just needs peace and quiet and somewhere to feel safe to recover… you okay?”

“I’m not hurt,” The young prince told him. “But Esther and I saw you fight that lion… you okay?”

“I’m sore,” Emmet told him. “But I’ll be okay. Any idea who these guys are?”

“Since the man was talking to you I thought you knew them,” Alchos said.

“I know the guy,” Emmet admitted. “But not the woman or the sail wing. I have a feeling that Theo knows them though.”

“Are they safe?” Alchos asked. 

Emmet took a moment before answering him. He hoped so, but he didn’t want to say that and freak Alchos out more than he was already. Emmet could feel Alchos shaking though his voice remained calm, telling Emmet that Alchos was trying to not show that he was terrified of what they had just been through. “They did help us get away,” he settled with. “If they mean trouble, we can always fight to escape.”

Alchos nodded and pressed his body against Emmet, resting his head on his shoulder. Emmet smiled and gently stroked Alchos’ snout to calm him. But they had lapsed into silence, listening to Umbris’ wings flap in the breeze. They were free, they weren’t sure if they were out of danger, but at least they had a chance now.


It wasn’t until an hour of flying that the dragons had set down and walked into the thicker parts of the forest. All around them night sounds sang out, from crickets to nocturnal birds sang out in a choir that sounded alien to Emmet and Alchos. They walked long into the night until Emmet was almost slumping over in the saddle from exhaustion. Alchos had already laid out long ways down Umbris’ back with his neck wrapped around Emmet and laying in Esther’s lap. 

Esther had fallen asleep a while ago, which was good, but Emmet continued to fight the sleep off until he realized that Umbris had come to a stop and laid down. Emmet could hear water nearby and he shook himself awake. They had stopped at what looked like a ruined building, the moss and vines making the stones feel softer than stone without moss. 

The night was bathed in pale blue light that bounced lazily off the leaves and the stars were the brightest Emmet had ever seen. He slipped off Umbris’ back and set Esther on the ground under one of Umbris’ wings while Theo and the woman set up camp and started a small fire. Alchos yawned from the older dragons back before slipping down to lay next to Esther, using his wing to give her extra security. Emmet smiled at the two of them, the last of the day's adrenaline finally ebbing away and leaving him feeling exhausted.

“That was pretty exciting,” Theo said, walking to the stream and swishing a cloth into the water before wringing it out. “They certainly won’t forget that show.”

“Weren’t you almost killed?” Emmet asked, pointing to the blood that was now drying and cracking along Theo’s face. 

Theo felt his face and looked at the flakes of blood that gave way on his fingers. “Huh, guess it was a closer shave than I thought.” He said, using the cloth to clean off the blood and clean the cut. “But I’m not the only one that had a close shave. Here,” He tossed Emmet another cloth, which he reached to catch, but missed and quickly picked it up with a flick. “Those cuts on Umbris’ face will need to be cleaned out. Thankfully the venom would just sit in the wound and make it slow to heal, but that can cause infections. So see if you can clean those out best you can.”

Emmet nodded and soaked the rag before sitting cross-legged by Umbris’ head. Umbris gave a long groaning sigh as he laid his head in Emmet’s lap and let him clean out the injuries. Emmet could tell they stung, but Umbris only grunted and groaned in discomfort as he worked

“Well,” The woman said, removing the mask and letting her shoulder-blade-length hair fall. It was thick though slightly oily and sweaty from the day's events. She ran her fingers through her hair before looking at the group she rescued. “That show was actually to get Theo out. I didn’t expect to get a Slayer and his dragon, or a girl, a minor Empath, and a Picasso.”

Theo looked up at the woman and was quiet for a while as he took in her features. Then he straightened and looked at her. “I don’t remember ever meeting you.”

Emmet looked back at her, thinking for a moment she looked hurt. But she hid this quickly with a masking smile. “You are the famed Phantom Thief aren’t you?” She asked. “Worlds best thief.”

Theo gave a grin and lowered the rag from his head. “I am. At least I was until I was caught. But I still don’t know who you are.”

“I’m from the Wolf Pack.” The woman answered. I’m Jade Moon, and this is my companion Gale. We’re on a mission to find the Lost Royal.”

Emmet stiffened slightly and looked at Theo, Umbris’ eyes already on Jade and Gale. Theo didn’t seem too fazed though. “What makes you think I’d know where the egg is?” He asked. “And I’d bet my freedom that the egg’s already hatched and the hatchling is somewhere in the world.”

“Like I said, you’re the Phantom Thief,” Jade said. “Best, of the best.”

“You think I took the egg?” Theo asked, laying a palm on his chest as if her accusation stung his heart. “Oh sweetheart, I’m not that stupid.” 

“And yet you’re in the Hell’s Gate Arena.” Jade pressed, folding her arms. 

“That was because of a different matter entirely,” Theo said. “But what does the Pack want with the egg?”

“Um…” Emmet said, lifting a finger for attention. “Who’s the Wolf Pack?”

Jade looked at him, her amber eyes catching the light of the fire for an instant. “They’re a rebellion really. Made up of outcasts and outsiders and Forsaken Slayers. We help keep the Slayers at bay, though I admit we play a little rougher than soldiers.”

“And here I thought the Shiveryn Royals weren’t doing anything about the Slayers.” Umbris rumbled. 

“They do what they can without causing concern,” Gale said, laying down but still holding a regal look about herself. Her bright amber scales making it easy to see her in the shadows of the night in contract to Umbris’ black scales. “So while they keep the people calm about the situation, the Wolf Pack are usually the ones that take action to hold back the threats.”

“But, the Slayers have gotten more aggressive since the Egg was stolen,” Jade continued. 

“Of which I couldn’t have stolen anyway,” Theo said. “So I applaud the idiot that stole the Egg, but I was in that cell at the time. I’ve been in there for over a year.”

“Mm,” Jade grunted. “Well, think you can help me find the hatchling then?”

“Depends,” Theo said, walking over to the fire to warm himself. 

Jade watched him walk, expecting him to finish his statement. But when she was met with silence, she scowled and folded her arms. “Depends on what?” She asked.

“What the Pack wants with the hatchling,” Theo said. “Or… what you want with the hatchling.” He looked at her from over his shoulder. “You’re not from the Wolf Pack. Members of the pack always carry a wolf totem with them with is usually warm discretely. Anything wolf really, it could even be an origami wolf on a chain. But, you aren’t carrying anything wolf. So, what do you want with the hatchling?”

Emmet blinked and looked at Umbris. The dragon was watching the woman carefully but kept his head in Emmet’s lap, clearly too tired to put up a fight if it wasn’t needed. But if this woman meant to harm Alchos… he would fight them.

Jade just looked at Theo for a long moment, but Gale answered. “We intend on bringing them home.” She said. “As they’re the last hatchling of Queen Allure, any control over him could give someone a foothold over the Royal Family. And if the Slayers have the hatchling… it wouldn’t be long until they have the Royals bowing to their rule.”

Umbris watched the female dragon for a long moment before huffing. “She speaks the truth,” Umbris said, lifting his head and looking at them. “Sail Wings are best known for their honesty.”

“Big wings, big heart, big mind,” Gale said, still holding her head high with pride. 

Theo hummed in thought before looking at Umbris, then at Esther and Alchos sleeping under his wing, then at Emmet. And with that one look, Emmet knew what he was thinking. “Theo…” He started saying, but Theo had already stood. “Well then,” He said. “It is your very lucky day Ladies. Because I know exactly where the hatchling is. And he’s sleeping right there with the girl.”

© 2017 Knight

Author's Note

Okay! Hope you guys like the newest chapter! Maybe Theo wasn't such a good guy? Or does he have something else in mind? Please keep an eye out for the next chapter to find out.

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Added on June 8, 2017
Last Updated on June 8, 2017



Denver, CO

Hello! I'm Knight. I'm 25 years old. And I'm a sucker for fantasy and fiction writing. I've always wanted to write a story all my own, but I haven't been able to get a good story going besides fan fic.. more..
