Chapter 20: Tooth and Claw

Chapter 20: Tooth and Claw

A Chapter by Knight

A fight for Freedom in Chaos


Chapter 20

Tooth and Claw

“What do you mean he won’t be released?!” Esther asked. 

She was up and pacing around her room, Alchos and Nym were laying on her bed while Axel and Angelo were standing by the window, all watching her as she moved back and forth across the room. The princes had just informed her that their father would not be willing to release Emmet as of yet. 

“With the accusation of him being a Slayer,” Angelo said, trying to reason with the distraught Esther. “He says it would cause an uproar if he was to release Emmet. He has to earn his way out.”

“But he didn’t do anything!” Esther told him. “He’s not a Slayer and could never be a Slayer! He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he chose to be a Slayer.” She eventually sat on the bed with her head in her hands, Nym quietly moving closer and offering feelings of comfort. The little dragon was glad that her human accepted the comfort and snuggled against her. 

“We’ll get them out,” Alchos told her, also moving closer to offer comfort. “I’d bet my scales on it!”

“The question is how.,” Axel said. “He was able to stand up against that Aupurin Lion, but I don’t think he’d be able to hold up in another Bracket.”

“So we have to get him out by tomorrow,” Angelo said. “If we have the time that is… he might be competing tomorrow.”

“Even with his injuries?” Esther asked. 

Both prince's nodded. “Since he’s accused of being a Slayer…” Axel said.

Esther groaned and lowered her head again, a wave of helplessness washing over her painfully.

Alchos hated seeing people like this. He huffed and looked at his claws in thought. There had to be a way to get them out. Then his ear twitched. Footsteps? He straightened and looked at the door, thinking he saw a shadow move away from the crack while the others were talking and rushing away down the hall. He tilted his head but then looked away again, could have just been a servant in the palace doing evening chores.

“What about the Guards surrounding the Pecian Royals?” He asked, trying to change the subject. “Who were they?”

Axel shrugged. “Just the Royal guard.” He said. “They’re the Elite of the Elite guards. And they’re kept accountable by each other. The loyalty of a Royal Guard is undeniable.”

“Do they always look so cold?” Alchos asked. 

“What do you mean?” Esther asked, looking sideways at him with her head still in her hands. 

“I mean… looked like there was no life in them.” Alchos answered. “Like what they were watching was just a blank slate if that makes sense.”

“Sorta,” Axel said. “But guards are supposed to look like that. It’s kind of a tradition.”

Angelo bit his lip. “Actually, Axel… I noticed that too. They were too still. Their eyes were too cold, even for a royal guard. And masks aren’t usually part of traditional Pecian wear.” 

“It could be a silent statement,” Axel told them. “Masks are worn into battle. So the Pecian Royals could be stating that they’re there for peace, but will be ready to fight if they need to.” He paused a moment and looks down, pondering. “Though, The guards were a bit over armed now that I think about it. They were armed too with both pistols and the traditional swords. Usually, they just hold the swords.”

Angelo bit his lip. “Hopefully it’s like you said Axel,” He said. “That they’re just making a silent statement.”

Axel nodded, but he could tell there was an uneasiness around the room. He took a slow breath before stretching his arms. “Well,” He said, hoping to dispel the unease. “We should get some sleep. It’s been a long day for all of us. And we’ll be able to plan better when our heads aren't thinking about a bed.”

Angelo nodded in agreement. He was exhausted himself and could use the rest. He got up from his place at the window and stood with his brother. Esther also gave a not, though she remained on the bed. 

“We hope you sleep well Esther,” Axel said. “You as well Alchos.”

“Thank you, your highnesses,” Esther said, bowing her head slightly. “Goodnight.”

“Sleep well!” Alchos chimed in.

The two princes smiled and stepped out, closing the door behind them. Once they were gone Esther sighed and flopped onto her back. “How are we going to get them out of that arena?..” She asked no one in particularly, but Alchos answered anyway. 

“Think there might be a way during a trial?” He asked. 

“I don’t know.,” Esther said, laying an arm over her eyes. “I just don’t know…” 


The morning came with the smell and taste of dust in the air. Emmet found his muscles were unbearably sore, and the gashes from the Aupurin Lion’s claws stung angrily under their bandages. But he could already hear the people gathering above them and hear workers preparing the arena.

Theo was above Emmet in his cot this time, but Emmet could hear his foot tapping on the stone wall the bunk was attached to, a signal that he was awake. Emmet took a slow breath, not wanting to move an inch. “You alright up there?”

“I’m not the one covered in lion cuts,” Theo answered. “I should be asking you that. But to answer, I’m fine. I at least have the start of a plan.”

“Wouldn’t you need a whole plan?” Emmet asked. 

He heard Theo chuckle. “And stumble when the plan doesn’t go according to plan?” He asked, rolling to his side to look down at Emmet. “I’ve learned it's always best to keep a loose and flexible plan, that way you can expect the unexpected.”

“Sounds risky,” Emmet added. 

Theo grinned. “My favorite kind of plan.” He answered. 

“So what is the plan?” Emmet asked. 

“Now if I told you that here,” Theo said. “People I don’t want to hear the plan could hear. Besides, I like the look of shock and amazement when people see my crazy plans unfold.”

Emmet was silent for a moment. “You’re a bit big headed aren’t ya?”

Theo chuckled and laid back on the bed. “If you weren’t hurt, I might punch ya for that. But I couldn’t do that anyway since I’m teamed with Umbris for my trial. And I don’t need to be on his bad side as you’re holding his soul.”

Emmet looked down at the clavis around his neck. Why hadn’t the guards taken it from him when he was put in here? He lifted it and looked at the crystal. The amethyst still held that inner glow, a rune etched within looking like a Z with a line through it. He pressed his lips together, remembering that it was because of this thing that he was in this mess. 

A trumpet blasted above them, drawing Theo from his cot and to the window. “The royals are here,” he said. “Guess the show is about to start… And by the look of the board, Umbris and I aren’t up until later in the day, before sunset.”

“Can you see the balcony?” Emmet asked. 

“Somewhat.,” Theo answered. “I'm at a funny angle though… looks like there’s also Earth Royals and water royals.”

“Can you see a girl up there?” Emmet asked. “Around fourteen years, red hair?”

Theo glanced over at Emmet and raised an eyebrow. ‘Is that Clair?” he asked. 

“No, Clair is home,” Emmet answered, groaning as he forced himself upright. “This girl is my sister… I heard her yell yesterday, while I was in the arena.”

Theo looked back out the barred window and squinted. “Huh… she’d fit right in with a Keris Royal Family with that red hair.” He said. “So that's the girl with Lost Magic?”

Emmet stiffened and looked at Theo. The thief looked back at Emmet. “Like I said kid if you have a secret, don’t talk about it where theres people who shouldn’t hear it. She’s safe up there though. She’d be trained by the mage to use her Lost Magic. How long has it been active?”

“Never…” Emmet said. “The night I was captured was the first time she used it I guess.”

“Hm…” Theo said, rubbing his chin in thought. “See? Always good to have a loosely laid plan.”

The sound of sliding metal signaled that more gruel had arrived. And surprisingly enough, Emmet’s stomach actually growled, willing to accept the gluey glop for breakfast.

The day was spent in anticipation. Emmet mostly just stayed on his cot, letting Theo change his bandages around midday. All day, Emmet and Umbris listened to the sounds of man and dragon battling and the crowds cheering. Umbris had been quiet all day, only moving to eat or stretch his limbs. Emmet didn’t like the fact that the Shadow Dragon was quiet. For a dragon, silence meant worry. When it was almost time for them to prepare, Theo looked at Emmet. “Be sure to stay clear of the window. Getting dust in your wound could cause an infection.” He said. “And be sure to check under my mattress before the action starts. You’ll need it for after the action. Just don’t take any naps okay?”

Emmet looked at him in confusion, but the guards arrived before he could ask what Theo meant. The guards filed into the cell, Theo backing to the wall and allowing the guards to cuff him. Emmet looked out the cell as the guards approached Umbris. The lupine face of the shadow dragon curled back into a snarl, but he allowed them to place a muzzle over his snout and tie his wings tight to his body before leading him out of his cell. 

Theo was lead out behind him, but he managed to look at Emmet and wink before he vanished around the corner. Emmet took a deep breath as the cell was closed and locked behind Theo and they walked down the hall after Umbris. Once they were gone, Emmet stood from his cot and carefully lifted the mattress on the cot above him. His eyes widening ad his eyes laid on the sword that was stashed there. But it wasn’t just any sword… It was the same that Chuchip had given him. By the sword was a note, of which Emmet carefully picked up and read. 

“Tango with Oscar Lima and Delta, the Yankee Alpha from India.

Whiskey’s Alpha in Sierra. Golf with Oscar and Oscar’s son named Delta.


It took Emmet a moment to realize it was another code, like the one under his gruel bowl last night. He took some charcoal from the fire pit and started translating the message like Theo had said it could be. When he finished, all he could do was chuckle. 

“Told ya I was good.


But that was when he heard a hiss. He stuffed the message into his pocket and looked out as Nex was lead out of his cell, a muzzle around his snout, but his serpent-like eyes betrayed an intention that made Emmet’s blood run cold. Umbris was going to face off with a rogue dragon…


Theo took a slow breath as he got onto the saddle that was now strapped to Umbris’ back, a pair of daggers holstered at either hip. He could feel the dragon growl and snarl under him, his muscles flexing and quivering under the saddle. Umbris’ wings were still strapped tightly and uncomfortably to his sides, but it still allowed movement for battle, so Umbris was thankful for that. 

“Tell me, how is this battle supposed to go?” Umbris asked, looking back at Theo with an amethyst eye. 

“Fight until the other team cannot,” Theo answered. “But all we have to worry about is making a show for the Royals. Save your strength for the end.”

“And who are we fighting?” Umbris asked. 

“Another prisoner and dragon,” Theo answered. “With luck, it’s someone new to this Bracket, like the Fire Dragon Flicker�"“

His voice died away as their gate opened. Theo took another breath and held on as Umbris slowly stepped out into the light of the setting sun, giving the arena a burned orange look while a golden moon rose opposite of the setting sun. The dragon huffed. “Give them a show huh?..” He mumbled. He straightened his head at the looked up at the moon before rising to his back feet and gave a long chilling howl. 

Emmet looked up as he heard the howl, finding it sounded akin to wolves, only deeper and longer and rumbled the ground. The howl caused every other dragon in the vicinity to go silent, in turn silencing the people as well. For a dragon to howl instead of roar meant that he was claiming victory, while a roar was a challenge. Umbris howled until he finished and shook his head, huffing smoke from his nostrils. 

The arena was silent until deep inside the arena, shy answering howls sounded. Umbris gave no attention to them, but his nostrils flared as he listened to the answering howls, but Emmet wasn’t sure why they’d answer, the battle hadn’t even started. Though the crowd was slowly shaking themselves from their places and the cheers were starting up again, the people returning mocking howls to the Shadow Dragon.

Theo looked around the arena and chuckled. “That's one way to make an entrance.”

“They want a show,” Umbris said. “And I plan on giving a show they don’t expect.”

“You and me both,” Theo told him, looking as the opposing gate opened, a low hiss being emitted from deep within. 

 Theo watched and gripped one of his daggers as Nex slithered out of the gate. His snakelike head and neck close to the ground as he pulled himself closer with his clawed wings. His rider was a rat of a man, earning him the title of Rabid Rat. Theo didn’t remember what his original name was, but then again this was a man who liked being feared. And true to the title, the man looked half insane, his eyes twitching as he grinned fiendishly. 

Umbris growled and bared his front teeth in anger. “Loose plan?”

“Loose plan.” Theo agreed. “Stay out of reach of Nex’s teeth and claws, he licks venom onto them.”

“Good to know…” Umbris said as he and Nex circled each other. “Anything else?”

Theo looked around before spotting another rack of weapons, complete with an archery set. “Try and get me to that archery set. We’re looking for a way out, so playing by the rules is optional today.” 

Umbris nodded, watching Nex as the Viper coiled his neck back. Umbris growled and crouched, claws digging into the sand before suddenly leaping upwards as Nex lunged his fangs forward, missing Umbris as he snapped at thin air. Umbris landed on Nex’s head, digging his claws into the venom sacks before leaping away and running towards the weapon’s rack. 

As Nex shrieked and hissed in pain, the crowd cheered and booed at Umbris as the dragon slid to a stop and grabbed the bow and quiver of arrows. In that time Nex had stood again and was racing towards umbris. Umbris opened his jaws and gave a jet of flame, turning the sand under the flames cherry red with heat but it all but stopped Nex’s advance. The enemy dragon leaped onto a pillar and lunged at Umbris from above. Umbris was knocked aside by the wing claws, leaving thin claw marks across his face. Umbris Shrieked in pain, feeling the burn of the venom coated claws. But he didn’t let that distract him as he swung his tail and slapped it across Nex’s face. 

In this time Theo was knocking an arrow to shoot at Nex, or at least keep him from attaching Umbris full on. However, the moment he had Nex in his sights, he saw that the rival dragon’s saddle was empty.

“Wha�"“ Theo started but someone grabbed the bow in his hand. Thankfully Theo’s grip was strong and he held tight as he and The Rabid Rat wrestled for it. Theo was knocked to the ground as he and Rabid grappled for the bow. 

“So you’re the master thief!” Rabid sneered, his eyes black and beady with malice. “What an honor it would be to take your heart!”

Theo chuckled. “Sorry buddy,” He grunted, kicking up his feet and nailing Rabid in the groin. The man squeaked like the rat he was and dubbed over, allowing Theo to head-butt him off of himself. “But someone beat ya to that…”


Everyone stopped and yelped at the sight of the south-eastern watch tower erupted into flames, quickly followed by the South-Western tower. 


Theo looked up at this and smiled. “Umbris!! That's our cue!!” He shouted, turning his bow and arrow back to Nex and firing. The arrow soared through the air and sank into the muscular neck of Nex, making the dragon shriek again in pain. 

Umbris swiped his rival across the face again before biting down on his neck and throwing him away watching him crash into the wall of the arena. Blood coated Umbris’ jaws and claws but he roared at Nex, barely noticing the other dragon enter the arena, nor the chaos unfolding above them in the balcony’s. 

© 2017 Knight

Author's Note

Sorry for the delayed update, my external hard drive died on me and took Dragons of Shiveryn (And a ton of my music) with it. So thankfully I have my story posted on the internet so I can reach it easily. So I hope you enjoy this battle and the battle to come ^_^

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Added on June 5, 2017
Last Updated on June 5, 2017



Denver, CO

Hello! I'm Knight. I'm 25 years old. And I'm a sucker for fantasy and fiction writing. I've always wanted to write a story all my own, but I haven't been able to get a good story going besides fan fic.. more..
