Chapter 17: Allies and Enemies in the dark

Chapter 17: Allies and Enemies in the dark

A Chapter by Knight

This chapter is kinda bridging the gap between the last chapter and the next chapter. So hope you like it!


The princes stopped in their tracks, both wide-eyed at this new discovery. The dragon Prince was standing in front of them, disguised as a Pecian Picasso. Angelo couldn’t stop looking at the young prince, shocked to see that he was in good health. He had expected the prince to look frail since he was away from his mother and fending for himself, or even with a scar or two on him. But he was strong, his wings full, and teeth straight.

Once he was sure he had their attention, Alchos folded his wings and sat down. “Do I have audence?” He asked. 

“You… what?” Axel asked. 

“Audence.” Alchos repeated. “You know, talk?”

“Oh! You mean audience.” Angelo said. 

“That's the word!” Alchos said, standing again. “Do I have an audience?”

Axel and Angelo looked at each other, but Axel nodded. “Yeah, you do.” he said, speaking a bit slow as he grasped the situation. “How did you get here?”

“I’m traveling with two humans,” Alchos explained. “And two other dragons. The humans are brother and sister. I tried to find Emmet, but Esther was brought here with her dragon Nym. And I can’t find Umbris either.” Alchos lowered his head, trying to squash the fear that was welling in his chest. What if he never found them? Was his quest home already over? He shook his head. He couldn’t think that way! He would find his friends! They would make it to Shiveryn!

“Well,” Angelo said, rubbing his chin. “We were just going after a new guest of ours. She was being kept in a spare bedroom, but she climbed out the window. It looked like there was a small purple dragon with her though-“

“That's Esther!” Alchos trilled, looking up at Angelo, lifting his wings excitedly. “Her dragon is a Ci… sigh…. Cyberin Psych…” Alchos hated it when his age showed. He had rarely heard what kind of dragon Nym was. He knew Umbris was a Shadow Dragon, though that was easy to remember. And with the anxiety, he felt prickling through his scales, he couldn’t dig up the name of what Nym was.”

“Siberian Psychic.” Angelo offered. 

“Yes!” Alchos said. 

“Wait a moment!” Axel said, kneeling to Alchos’ height, both as a show of respect and to see him at eye level. “Why are you disguised?”

“Umbris said it would be safer travel.” Alchos answered. “He said the Slayers can’t attack what they can’t see. So if they don’t see me as a royal, they don’t attack me. But please! Can we find Esther!” He meant it as a question, but it came out more of a command. 

Axel nodded. “Okay okay.” He said. “I can get Terrian to help us. We’ll cover ground faster with him.” He stood and lead the way to the stables as Angelo and Alchos followed. The area around the stables was dark save for a few golden lanterns. The sound of a rumbling snore could be heard inside the stable. Alchos lifted his nose, smelling a familiar scent of Earth Dragon. It was a mix of herby spices and soil, but it was a comforting smell. And for a moment it replaced his anxiety. 

“Granite!” Alchos called, making the dragon snort and wake. Alchos rushed to the front of the stall and looked up at the earth dragon. “Emmet’s going to be so happy to see you! We thought the Slayers….” he trailed off as the earth dragon came into the light, indeed showing an earth dragon, But it wasn’t Granite. He lacked gray dappling, and he lacked Alpha-markings. His face was also dished, still equine, but more like an Arabian horse than a draft. And his horns didn’t branch back but curled like a ram. 

The earth dragon tilted his head and sniffed Alchos. “Now where did you come from?” He asked, his voice clearly younger than Granite's. “And why do you smell like Blueberries?”

Alchos lower himself in submission, looking up at the large earth dragon as he sniffed him over. There was another groan in the next stall and a yawn. “Whats the ruckus about?…” Came a trilled voice as a feathery dragon emerged from the other stall.

“Sorry to bother you two.” Angelo said, as he walked over to the feathery dragon and pet his eagle-like beak. “But we could use some help.”

“Terrian,” Axel said as he walked over to the earth dragon. “We’re looking for a girl with a Siberian Psychic. They’re friends of Alchos here.”

Terrian listened to his rider for a moment before looking at Alchos, who was still crouched and silent. He tilted his head, getting a good look at the hatchling. “He’s not a Picasso is he?” He asked. “Picasso’s are longer, like the fire dragons if they ran on all four legs instead of two…” 

Reggie approached the hatchling and also smelled him. “You’re right nest brother.” He said. “His is more like a lion than a lizard…. wait a moment…” He looked at the patch of red markings that Alchos had cleaned off earlier. Then his eyes widened and he lifted his large feather and leather wings. “Terrian! It’s the prince!”

“Shhh!” Axel and Angelo both hissed, silencing the air dragon.

Reggie pressed his wings close and laid down. “What?” he whispered. “everyone is searching for him!”

“Including the Slayers.” Angelo informed him. “If we go shouting around that the prince is here, we’ll have them at our door my tomorrow evening.”

“Ah! Sorry…” Reggie said. 

Terrian looked at Alchos and blinked. “Hatchling, you shouldn’t be submitting to us.” He said, gently nosing Alchos to his feet. “You, are the Last Prince of Queen Allure. That in itself is an honor.”

“Um… thank you…” Alchos said, shyly standing to his feet. He was a bit sad that this wasn’t Granite, but he knew he had other matters to pay attention to. “But please, help me find Esther?”

Terrian smiled. “No need to ask.” He said. “Up for a midnight ride Axel?” he said as he stepped out of his stall. 

“Always Terrian.” Axel answered as he swiftly mounted the dragon's back. He looked at Angelo. “Mother might start getting worried. Mind stalling for me?”

Angelo nodded. “Should be easy enough.” he said with a crooked smile.

Alchos had to use his wings to help him climb up onto Terrian’s back but held on as the earth dragon started to move. He looked forward, finding that he still wondered if his friends were alright. And where Emmet and Umbris were. He just hoped they’d find Esther and Nym at least. And with the prince’s help, maybe they could find Emmet and Umbris just as quickly.

Terrian moved through the darkened city, his large claws clicking against the pavement. “Can you describe your human's young prince?” Terrian asked. 

“Um, just call me Alchos please..” Alchos told him. “But Esther has red hair and green eyes. Emmet once said that she looked like a pixie with long hair. And she smells like pine trees.”

Terrian nodded, lifting his nose and sniffing the air for a smell that would be out of place. However, didn’t have to sniff for long as the trio heard footsteps ahead of them. Alchos hunkered back behind Axel and peered around him in case if it was a stranger. However, as the figure came around the corner, he could distinctly smell the scent of Pine Trees.

First Nym skidded to a stop in front of Terrian, making him stop and stand on his hind legs for a moment. Nym hissed at the larger dragon, the fur along her tail fluffing angrily and swiping back and forth. Then Esther appeared, also skidding to a stop, but she was looking up at Axel. She mumbled under her breath before starting to turn the other direction, But Alchos leaped off of Terrian and rushed towards her. “Esther!” He called, stopping in front of her, again with his wings out. “Esther! It's me!”

“Al?” Esther asked eyes widened. “Wh… how did… what are…?”

“I’ll tell you later.,” Alchos said, relaxing his stance before approaching Esther and rubbing against her legs. “I thought I lost everyone…” He said, his voice tight with emotion.

Esther knelt and hugged him close, the young prince returning it by wrapping his wings around her. “You never will,” She promised him. “I’m just glad you’re okay… Have you seen Emmet and Umbris?”

Alchos shook his head. “The fire dragons took them away… a mage took you by a carriage. I thought you’d be easier to find, so I followed you.”

“And ran into my brother and me.” Axel said as he also dismounted Terrian. “I’m Prince Axel. This is my companion, Terrian.”

Terrian smiled and lifted his head. “A pleasure to meet you.” He said. “Unless you and your brother were the ones that stole the Prince’s egg.”

“No!” Esther said, holding Alchos tighter. “We rescued him. Well, Umbris rescued him. He hatched in my brother's closet and-“

“Okay slow down,” Axel said, kneeling to be at eye level with Esther. “First off, Alchos said that his presence here needs to be a secret right?”

Esther nodded. “Umbris said it was the safest way.”

“Alright,” Axel continued. “Well, the safest place is back at the palace. We can ask the guards personally where they’d taken your brother, then we can go from there. Deal?”

Esther looked at him. She had just escaped the palace, was she really willing to let herself be stuck in there again? Alchos gently nudged her arm and looked up at her, his ruby eyes meeting her green. “I think they can help us.” He said. “You can ask Nym to verify, but I trust them.”

Esther bit her lip and looked at Nym. “What do you think?” She asked. 

Nym looked at the prince for a long moment before doing the same with Terrian. She watched them for a long moment, tilting her head slightly as she read their emotions and thought patterns. After a moment she looked back at Esther and gave a nod. They passed.

Esther nodded back and stood. “Thank you..” She told Axel. “We’ve been through a lot, so sorry about the suspicion.”

“I understand,” Axel said as he helped Esther up onto Terrian. “I’d be the same way if I was in your shoes.”

* * *

A chilled breeze is what woke Emmet from sleep. He slowly sat up but was feeling better than before. He decided to test his strength and stand. He had to lean against the cot. At first but was eventually standing upright. The cell was dark now, and the sound of night birds could be heard through the window while the cell had a fresh smell of iron around it. 

He walked to the barred gates and looked down the corridors, where more cells could be seen, but the cells across from him were much larger. And in the cell directly across from Emmet was Umbris. He was curled up in a ball, but Emmet could see his amethyst eyes glowing in the gloom. 

“Umbris…” Emmet whispered, making the dragon stir and look his direction. “What happened?”

Umbris lifting his head, and Emmet could head chains rattling against the stone, though he couldn’t see them. “Bad luck happened.” Umbris answered, his voice a low rumble as if fighting back a growl. “I should have warned you to keep the clavis hidden… so this is on me.” He gave a long huff. “How’re you feeling?”

“Better than before..” Emmet answered him, sitting down. “How did we get here though?”

“Because we are accused as Slayers.” Umbris answered. “Though they had caught Esther stealing the herbs that you needed…”

“Esther stole?” Emmet asked in shock.

“She was afraid for you.” Umbris told him. “But there’s more…” Umbris then looked at Emmet squarely in the face. “Did you know she held Lost Magic?”

Emmet blinked, then slowly shook his head. “No… she never showed any signs of having a magic of any kind.”

“You’re certain?” Umbris asked. 

“I think I would know if my sister held Lost Magic Umbris.” Emmet growled back. “We were just farmers from Peca.”

“That may be,” Umbris said. “But all the same, she holds Lost Magic. And I believe right now she’s in the palace of Keris. At least that's what I heard the Captain command the mage that took her.”

Emmet sighed. “At least she’s safer… what about Alchos?”

Umbris looked down. “I didn’t see him after we were captured. But I believe he escaped.”

“Then we need to get out of here,” Emmet said. “And as soon as possible.”

As he said this, a deep, somewhat rumbled chuckle echoed from the cell next to Umbris. Umbris turned and growled. “It is impolite to eavesdrop you know.” He snarled. 

“Oh, I beg your pardon, oh mighty Shadow Dragon.” Came a thin hissing voice. “But it fascinates me to see such… harsh times to befall a dragon and a farm boy…”

Emmet looked at the cell next to Umbris and his eyes widened as he spotted the triangular face of a Vietnamese Viper. His colors were gray and green, while his eyes were a bright yellow with a red ring around the iris. His snout curved down and formed two fangs that Emmet knew held venom, and under those teeth were the true teeth lay hidden. 

The new dragon hissed as he almost pressed his face against the bars. “My name is Nex.” He said. “So you’re the supposed Slayer… I pictured them a bit… darker.” The dragon laughed, a thin laugh that sounded more like a hiss.

Umbris growled. “You will leave him bee.” He commanded, his lips curling back into a threatening snarl.

“You won’t be able to do much in that cage, Shadow Dragon.” Nex answered. “Especially if they put me in the arena with your little Slayer…” Nex’s tongue flicked in his mouth and tastes the air before smiling. “I look forward to it…”

A hand grasped Emmet’s shoulder and he jumped, looking back at Theo. He was looking back at Nex, who snarled at the other prisoner, opening his mouth and showing his true teeth. 

“You know if you kill anyone in the arena, you’ll be sent back to the bottom bracket.” Theo told him. “Even if you’re at the bottom right now.”

Nex hissed and gave a smile. “Oh, Feral… I’m only sent to the bottom if I was the direct cause of the death…” He said as he started to turn away.”Better sleep Little Slayer… You’ll need it.”

Umbris growled but looked at Theo. He seemed uneasy, either from the Viper’s comments or the fact that Emmet was in a cell with a potential killer. “Please tell me Emmet is not in the brackets.”

“We’re in hells gate.” Theo told him. “We’re all in the brackets.” He started moving back into the cell. “I’ll explain the arena better in the morning. But we both need to sleep in order to survive. You can’t fight when a bed is on your mind.”

With that, Theo climbed up into the top cot and laid down. Emmet wanted to ask what the brackets were, but it was clear that Theo wasn’t going to be talking anymore that night. 

“He’s right Emmet,” Umbris said. “You get some sleep.”

“I’ve been sleeping for who knows how long…” Emmet answered him. But deep down he knew he should sleep a little more. “We can get out, can’t we?” He asked Umbris, looking at the Shadow Dragon. 

Umbris looked back at Emmet, his amethyst eyes softening slightly. “We will.” he said. “For now just sleep.”

Emmet sighed and nodded before going back to his cot. He laid down, laying his head on an arm while his other arm laid on his stomach. He stared at the upper cot for a while until his eyes slowly drooped and closed. 

© 2017 Knight

Author's Note

Okay! what do you guys think? The Battle in the arena might be a while before I post it, but bear with me! I'm just doing some research for the story. I'll be back soon to update!

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Added on May 8, 2017
Last Updated on May 8, 2017



Denver, CO

Hello! I'm Knight. I'm 25 years old. And I'm a sucker for fantasy and fiction writing. I've always wanted to write a story all my own, but I haven't been able to get a good story going besides fan fic.. more..
