![]() Chapter 15: Law TroubleA Chapter by Knight![]() Uh oh, these guys can't get a break XD![]() “Emmet!” Esther cried, gently shaking her brother. “Emmet! Wake up!” “Emmet!” Umbris said, opening his wings with worry and almost shielding the two children from view. Alchos lifted his head sleepily from the shouts and looked at Umbris and Esther, but a moment later could see Emmet laying on the ground and rushed up, limping on his back foot as it had fallen asleep. He lowered his snout and sniffed gently at Emmet. He then gave a snort and growled. “Ghost Petal.” he said. Esther looked up at him as Alchos approached and smelled Emmet. “Whats Ghost Petal?” Esther asked, terrified for her brother. Umbris looked at her before looking at Emmet. “A spice.” He said. “He seems to be allergic to it.” He said as he looked back at Esther. “Listen carefully Esther, You need to find two herbs that can help him. Ruby Rue, and Thorn Mint. Ruby Rue is just like common Rue, only a scarlet red. And Thorn Mint is a bush that looks like a rose bush, but it has no roses, but small white flowers, you’ll need to get a branch of the thorns.” Esther looked up at Umbris, surprised that Emmet had an allergy. He never had one before… She nodded and got up, rushing away to find the herbs they needed, Nym hot on her heels. “Alchos, help me get him onto the stall.” Umbris said as he worked as getting Emmet onto his nose. Alchos pushed the boy up onto the Shadow Dragons snout and Umbris carefully carried him to the straw before laying him down and laying beside him, draping a wing over him, but not covering his face. Alchos sat near Emmet’s head, having never seen a human sick before. It left a cold feeling of worry in his stomach. But Emmet looked like it was more than an allergy. And there was a smell around him that confirmed it. He looked up at Umbris, who watched Emmet like a hawk. “Umbris?” He asked, getting the older dragons attention. “It’s not an allergy is it?” Umbris looked at Alchos for a moment before looking back at Emmet. “No.” He said. “Ghost Petal was used in the old days by wisemen to speak with their ancestors. It’s only to be used as incense, but when the petals are ground and added to water or liquid, they release a toxin. It can cause hallucinations and high fever… and if it’s not treated, the fever can cause damage, mostly in the eyes.” Alchos looked back at Emmet before scowling at Umbris. “Why did you like to Esther then?” He asked, his tail flicking with agitation. “I didn’t want to scare her.” Umbris said, almost growling. He settled back into the straw and laid his head around Emmet. “From what I’ve learned, a scared human makes more mistakes in their rush. So adding to her worry about her brother would only make more mistakes. And at this moment, thats the last thing Emmet needs.” * * * Her heart was pounding against her chest as she raced into the darkened market. Esther had to find an herbalist shop! She just had to! She paused for a moment at a cross road, leaning against building to catch her breath. Nym slowed to a stop beside her, her breathing heavy but her stamina was clearly still intact. Esther looked at her. “Can you see an herbalist shop?” She asked. Nym glanced, sniffing the air and gleaning what information she could from the people as they passed by. She looked around before trilling and darting off in a direction. Esther quickly followed, forcing her legs to carry her through the streets. She barely paid attention as carts came to sudden halts as she darted in front of them, the Plains Runners giving a scolding shriek and their humans yelling something in a different language. Nym continued to run ahead of Esther, looking like a violet colored cat or mink in the darkening town. The fur caught the light of street lamps as they slowly came to light, allowing Esther clearer flashes of sight as they ran. Soon Nym came to a stop at a shop, looking up at the sign, matching it to a memory she gleaned from an old man. Yes, this was the herbalists shop. She mewled and scratched at the door as Esther came to a stop behind her. She panted as she tried to catch her breath and looked up at the sign on the door. It was in a different language, but she coulees there were different plants inside. She knocked on the door. “Hello?” She called, panting as she waited for an answer. “Please! I need help! Hello?” She knocked again, but no one came to the door. “No… no, no please no, don’t be closed!” She cried. Her hand shook, worried for her brother. He never had an allergy before… It was strange that he would have one now. She closed her eyes and took a few breaths. “Okay… I need a way in…” She said as she circled the small building. “Nym, see if you can find another way in.” Nym looked at Esther and mewled again, this time offering feelings. Confusion with a slight scold accompanied an image of Esther stealing the herbs they needed. “We don’t have time to find the herbs growing wild.” Esther told her. “If we were home I’d know exactly where to look, but this is the only option we have here. And Umbris sounded like Emmet was…” She shivered, not wanting to finish that sentence. “Look, just help me get in.” Nym made a small sound, but started moving anyway. The small dragon looked up and around at the building. It looked like a converted house. There was even an upstairs… with an open window. Nym trilled and started to climb the side of the building, her claws digging into the brick as she hoisted herself up onto the window cill and looked at Esther. Esther got an image of Nym opening the door from the inside and Esther walking in, but there was an emphasis on Esther being very quiet. Esther nodded and moved back to the front door. There she waited for Nym to enter the building and find her way to the door. The night was warm, but Esther shivered slightly. The tone in Umbris’ voice… it sounded like Emmet was having more than just an allergic reaction. But who would poison their supper? They only just arrived. She bit her lip, maybe they should have just listened to Umbris and slept on the beach… if she hadn’t pushed for a comfortable bed then Emmet would be okay right? Click! Esther looked over as the lock on the door unlatched and she carefully opened it. Nym sat on the other side, looking uncomfortable with what they were doing, but she sent nothing. Esther carefully entered the shop and looked around. What was it that Umbris asked for… Esther thought back for the herbs. “Ruby Rue…” She whispered. “And…. Thorn mint… a branch of Thorn Mint….” She moved though the store, inspecting each plant until she found them. They were on opposite sides of the store from each other. The Ruby Rue looked like a scrawny red fern of some kind with bright red flowers. Esther carefully plucked a few stems from the plant before going tot he Thorn Mint. It looked like a tangle of branches, she’d need a tool. Just as she thought of a tool, Nym was off, hunting down something that could cut the branches. Esther waited, her breathing slowing as she caught her breath, but her legs felt fatigued and her heart was still pounding against her ribs. her heart pounded so hard, that her eyesight gave a small jump with each thud. ‘How and I going to mix these?’ She suddenly wondered. She looked around again, spotting a cabinet behind a table and surrounded by drying herbs. On the shelves were a few tools, which Nym was looking through. Thats where she spotted a mortar and pestle. She smiled and walked over, picking those up as well. Nym soon found the clippers and offered them to Esther, who took them and carefully clipped off a branch of the Thorn Mint. ‘Now I just need to leave money,’ She thought, but then groaned a bit as she remembered she didn’t get Emmets money bag in her rush. Nym looked at Esther, offering an image of coming back to the store to return the mortar and Pestle with some money in the morning. Esther nodded. “Can you lock up again?” She asked. Nym nodded following Esther to the door but letting the girl close it behind her. Esther heard the door click locked again and waited for Nym. That was a little easier than expected. But Esther didn’t plan on doing this again any time soon. her heart was still pounding behind her eyes. Once Nym appeared and stood beside Esther’s leg, the two raced off back towards the Blue Prince Pub, neither making a sound besides their running footsteps. But neither noticed a pair of eyes watch them from the darkness. * * * “Alchos, could you get him some water?” Umbris asked, having not moved from his place in the straw bedding, Emmet still under a wing. Alchos nodded and walked off to find the water faucet. Umbris looked at Emmet. The boys face was pale, and his eyes seemed to have sunken back with dark circles around them. He twitched in his sleep, making Umbris wonder what fevered dream the boy was having. “I had said that coming into town could be dangerous…” he said. “But who would know to target you?” He sniffed around the boy until he spotted the Amethyst Clavis. “No… you left this out in the open…” He mumbled, then growled at himself. “Emmet I am so sorry. I should have told you to keep it hidden. Granite would be in the right to bite my tail for this…” He nuzzled the boy, a low purr sounding in his throat. “When you wake, we’ll leave..” He said. “Umbris!” Umbris looked up as Esther came into view, in her arms were the herbs they needed for Emmet, as well as a Mortar and Pestle. She ran over before kneeling with the items held close to her chest. “Well done,” Umbris said. “Now, mic them into a paste.” Esther did as she was told, plucking the thorns off the branch and cutting up them with the knife from Umbris’ saddle bag. Using the pestle to crush the herbs into paste, she worked it until it was as smooth as batter. “Now, see if you can get him to eat it.” Umbris said. Esther nodded, moving closer to Emmet’s head. His fever was making his sweat, but she got his mouth open and she set a bit of the paste on his tongue. She watched as he closed his mouth and worked his tongue around the herbs before swallowing. “Thats it Emmet!..” She said quietly, gently getting him to eat more. “This will help.” Umbris watched the two and watched anxiously. He started to relax a bit, knowing that Emmet was still strong enough to take the herbs. Then a smell interrupted the moment. He looked up and growled as he spotted a group of Fire Drakes, each with a crest of authority on their breast collars. Esther looked back at them and gasped. Officers. The head of the group with his rider walked over and looked at the stollen items. “Looks like the call was right.” The dragon told his rider, his accent holding a Keris accent. The officer dismounted, making Umbris snarl. Esther stood up, as if she would defend her brother and Umbris from the officers. “Please sir, I can explain.” She said. “My brother was sick and needed the herbs, but the herb shop was closed, I had to get the herbs. But I was going to return them in the morning, I promise.” The officer knelt and looked at Emmet. The boy was clearly not in the best of health, so he could see why his little sister would feel so desperate. Then he noticed the chain around his neck. He gave it a tug, and a frown furrowed across his face. “Did you know your brother was a Slayer?” He asked Esther. “He’s not a Slayer!” Esther shouted. “Slayers destroyed our home!” Umbris would have spoken up, but a new smell was forming in the air. And it was coming from Esther. She stood ridged, and even as Nym leaned against her leg to try and calm Esther, the girl wasn’t accepting it. “Only slayers carry Amethyst Clavises.” The officer said. “We’re placing you all under arrest for the time being.” He motioned to his companions and they started approaching the group. “NO!” Esther said, pushing back an officer. “You can’t! He’s sick!” “He’ll get a healer,” The officer said, gripping her shoulders. “Now calm down or this will be worse for-GAH!” he suddenly pulled away, the palms of his hands steaming slightly as if freshly burned. Esther’s eyes became bright amber, and even Nym backed away from her. “Don’t touch my brother!” She shouted, pushing back the other officers, each yelping and burn marks showing on their clothes. The chief looked at her and his eyes widened. “Lost Magic!” He told his officers. “Get a Mage out here!” One officer nodded and started radioing in as the other officers circled around Esther. She glared at each of them before looking at the ground and pressing her hand against it. Umbris shielded himself and Emmet as a burst of bright light formed a half circle around them. Umbris looked at the girl in shock. Lost Magic had been, well, lost for generations. Eventually the light was interrupted in the center as a woman clad in amber and gold robes appeared, standing in a circle glowing like fire. Esther looked at her but couldn’t move fast enough as the mage approached and placed a hand on Esther’s forehead. Esther stiffened a moment before she fell limp into the womans’ arms, the ring of light fading until only a ring of ash remained. “RELEASE HER!!” Umbris roared, and Nym lunged to defend her human, but was caught in midair by an officer wearing gloves. Thick ropes were thrown, catching Umbris by his snout to prevent bites and Emmet was quickly dragged out of the way. Clamps were secured to Umbris’ wings and he was dragged out as well. “Take her to the Palace.” The officer said, motioning to Esther. “We’ll take these two to The Arena. Once the boy is healed, he’ll be sentenced for associating with Slayers.” Umbris tugged and fought the ropes as he was pulled away into the night, but the woman was walking away with Esther. Alchos watched the scene unfold, too afraid to show himself as of yet. He whimpered as his family was dragged away into the night. But he carefully followed the Woman and Esther. Maybe someone in the Palace can help him. © 2017 KnightAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() KnightDenver, COAboutHello! I'm Knight. I'm 25 years old. And I'm a sucker for fantasy and fiction writing. I've always wanted to write a story all my own, but I haven't been able to get a good story going besides fan fic.. more..Writing