![]() Chapter 13: Training LessonsA Chapter by Knight![]() The end chapter for Prt 2, and a little lesson for Alchos![]() The dawn felt brighter than it had in a long time. Emmet packed what he could into Umbris’ saddle bags while Esther got Alchos ready. “Emmet.” Emmet turned to see that Chuchip was approaching with something wrapped in a cloth. Emmet stopped packing and approached the man, who gave him the object. “A time for one of these may be at hand.” He said. “I pray you don’t have to use it, but it’s better to be cautious.” Emmet held it in his hands until he pulled the cloth away, revealing the dark hilt and guard of a sword. Emmet drew in a gasp as he lightly touched the amethysts that were inlayed into the metal and admired the guard, seeing it was made to be a weapon as well. He grasped the hilt and pulled the rest of the cloth away to show a long sword in a scabbard. He carefully drew the blade, the silver metal blaming proudly in the morning sun. The blade itself had four notches in it, making the blade look a little more menacing. “Careful with that,” Umbris rumbled. “Weapons like that were made to sever limbs.” Emmet looked at him before lowering the blade. “I… can’t accept this Chuchip.” He told the old man. “I wouldn’t know how to use it.” He sheathed the blade again and offered it back to Chuchip, but the old man backed away. “It is for you to defend yourself, your sister, and the prince,” he said. “And it is a gift.” Emmet looked at the blade before Umbris nudged his back. “I can teach you how to use it.” He said. Emmet looked at the shadow dragon with surprise. “But, how?” Umbris chuckled. “I’ve been raised with the slayers, and I couldn’t be far from my clavis. I watched my holder train most of my life. And you won’t be the only one I’ll be teaching. Alchos need to learn how to defend himself as well, and how to fly.” “I’m getting better!” Alchos said as he trotted over with Esther, lifting his wings and flapping them as if to prove he knew how to use them. “Once you are able to fly easily beside me I’ll believe you.” Umbris said. He then got to his feet and looked at the skies. “We should start. The sooner we make it to Keris, the farther ahead of the Slayers we’ll be.” Emmet gave a nod as he strapped the sword to his belt and moved over to Umbris. Esther was about to follow, but Chuchip stopped her. “I have something for you as well Esther.” He said. He reached into his bag and pulled out a teardrop shaped gemstone on a necklace and a small dagger. The gem was an amber colorant and seemed to catch the suns light as if it was its own. “You’re a very special young woman.” He told her as he put the necklace on her. “This is called a Sundrop. Legend goes that when the war between humans and dragons began, the sun wept, and gave the earth its tears to offer light in the dark times. So far they’ve been claimed as a Mage’s Gem, but I believe it will serve you well.” Esther admired the gem before looking up at Chuchip. “Thank you.” She said quietly, too surprised to say much else. Chuchip smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. “Keep your brother in the light young one.” He told her. “He’ll need you in the days to come.” Esther looked up at him and nodded. “I will sir… thank you…” Emmet looked over at his sister and waited for her to mount. “Ready Rebel?” He asked. Esther smiled and climbed up onto Umbris, Alchos clinging to her back and Nym settling on her shoulders. “Ready.” She said. “Thank you again Chuchip! And Elsu!” She called as she waved at the two. Elsu lifted his wings as Chuchip waved. “May the wind carry your wings high!” Elsu called. “And yours!” Umbris called as he opened his own wings and took to the skies, circling upwards. He glanced back at Emmet. “You have the map Emmet! What way do we go?” Emmet pulled out the map, holding it tightly in the wind as he pulled out the compass. He turned the compass to find south-east, and marked it on the compass. “Just right of the sun!” Emmet called back, rolling up the map and holding the compass tightly as Umbris nodded and turned towards the south east. Emmet took a breath. They were finally on their way to Keris, the first leg of their journey. It was a long days flight from Chuchip’s home to the Peninsula. The group was glad that the storm that had caused them to stop before had long passed as they traveled south east, making the travel easy, though still tiring. But eventually, after flying over a small stretch of the sea, Umbris touched down on a beach, kicking up small clouds of sand around his claws as he landed. Emmet, Esther and Alchos all drew in the breath as they looked out at the mass body of water rolling in and out from the shoreline and into the deep blueish green in the distance, getting darker blue as it went out. “So this is a beach…” Emmet said as he got off of Umbris and looked out at the ocean. “It’s better than what mom would tell!” Esther said as she hopped off and instantly buried her toes in the warm sand. Alchos followed suit, digging in the sand and nosing it. “It feels different than grass.” He said, picking up a pile of it and letting it run through his claws. “I would hope so.” Umbris told him, stretching and rolling his wings to loosen the muscles. “Just don’t go into the water, the salt might wash off the blueberry juice. In the meantime, why don’t you and Esther get some firewood? Emmet and I have training to do.” Esther looked up at him. “I was hoping to watch.” She told the Shadow dragon. Umbris gave a small smile. “The start would be boring.” He told her. “By the time you get back, we’ll be going through exercises.” Esther sighed and nodded. “Come on Nym, Alchos.” The two dragon trotted after her, all enjoying the feel of the sand on their feet. Alchos was letting his tail and the edges of his wings drag in the sand, smiling at the tickling feeling that felt so wonderfully alien to him. “Your mom used to tell you about beaches?” He asked Esther, looking up at her curiously. Esther nodded. “Its where she and my daddy met.” She said. “He was there for the summer, and she used to live by the water. Instead of flowers, daddy would collect shells by swimming into tide pools and bring her baskets of them.” Esther looked down and kicked some of the sand. “I miss mom though… I didn’t know dad well enough to really miss him, but Emmet does. I wonder if Mom worries about us.” “I’d bet so,” Alchos said, watching as Nym climbed up to her place on Esther's shoulders to comfort the girl. “I’d bet she’s worried like my mom. She’ll have people out looking for you and Emmet.” Esther smiled. “My Mom doesn’t have as much sway as Queen Allure. But I’d bet she has the town in an uproar…” She sighed. “Grant was daddy’s dragon, and was with him when he met Mom… He promised mom he would defend the family.” Nym nuzzled Esther gently, gently giving a feeling of accomplishment, meaning that Granite had done just that. Alchos looked down. “I can tell my mom about him… I’ll make sure he’s remembered, with you, Emmet and Umbris.” Esther looked at the prince, having forgotten for a moment how important he truly was. She smiled at him. “Thanks, Alchos.” She said before spotting some wood and bending to grab it. “You’re welcome,” Alchos said. Suddenly, something strange caught his eye. It was like a large spider with large pinchers. But it didn’t look that menacing. “Hey Esther, whats this?” He asked, approaching the thing and smelling it. Esther looked up, her eyes widening as the crab lifting and opened its claws. “Alchos! Look out!” But she was too late. The crab’s claw clamped down on the young dragon's nose. * * * “Widen your stance,” Umbris instructed as Emmet did as he was told. “Hold the blade high, it’s the strongest defense you can hold.” The two of them were standing in the surf, letting the tides wash over their tired feet as Umbris instructed Emmet on how to use his new weapon. “Wouldn’t that open to me to attack?” He asked as he raised the sword above his head, leaving him feeling open on all sides. “No,” Umbris said, circling in front of him. “If someone were to attack, you have a clear view of them, and you’ll use gravity to aid your weapon. Now, are you ready?” “I guess,” Emmet said. “but are you sure about training me?” Umbris chuckled. “Emmet, if you can spar with a dragon, what chance does a man have when facing you?” Emmet bit his lip and gave a nod, showing he was ready. Umbris gave a growl and lunged forward, curling his head to expose his horns, gleaming pale in the light of the setting sun. Emmet retreated, stumbling from the weight of the blade and found himself under Umbris’ forepaw again. “And that is how you surrender,” Umbris told him. “Stand your ground. If you give the enemy ground, you give them power over you. Again.” He let the boy up and the two settled back into fighting stances, but a sound interrupted their training. Both looked up as a shriek filled the air. A dragons’ shriek. “Alchos!” Umbris said before splashing out of the water and towards the sound, barely allowing Emmet a chance to climb up on his back as he ran. The Shadow Dragon’s teeth were bared as he came over the ridge, but his lips lowered as he looked at the scene before him. Emmet had to lean to see around the large dragons neck to see his sister chasing Alchos, but Alchos was bucking and shaking his head, and there was something clinging to it. “GET IT OFF!!” He cried, flapping his wings as he reared and shook his head. “Getitoffgetitoffgetitoff!” “Hold still!” Esther called after him, the wood she collected dropped and forgotten on the sand. Emmet got off of Umbris and raced over to help. It took a bit, but he eventually caught Alchos and gently pet his scales to calm him. “Easy big guy! What happened??” Emmet asked. Alchos sniffled as pained tears rolled from his eyes. He turned to Emmet and looked up at him. “Can you get it off?…” he asked mournfully. Now Emmet could finally see what had caused the problem. A large crab had attached itself to one of Alchos’ nostrils and was stubbornly refusing to let go. Emmet bit his lip to keep from chuckling. “Yeah, just hold still.” He told the prince as he took a string from his pack and tied the smaller claw closed so he wouldn’t get pinched. “I tried to warn him…” Esther said, panting to catch her breath. “But by the time I saw what it was it was too late…” “Well,” Emmet said. “I’ll give ya this Alchos, you may have found our dinner.” Though he fought to keep a strait face, Emmet’s smile was fighting back. “It's not funny!” Alchos pouted as Emmet took hold of the crab. “It kinda is,” Emmet chuckled. “Just hurry and get it off..” Alchos pleaded. “We have to let it relax before it lets go,” Emmet told him. “Crabs claws are stronger than my fingers. Just try to not think that there’s a crab on your nose.” This time, Esther gave a little snort of laughter and covered her mouth. Alchos scowled at her too. “Oh ha ha!” He grumped, but stayed still, glaring at the creature down his snout, making look crosseyed. By this time Umbris had walked over to inspect what had happened to the prince and chuckled. “I see you’ve learned the importance of caution then Alchos,” he said. Alchos only grumbled, flicking his tail like an angry cat, and didn’t answer Umbris. Emmet could tell he was embarrassed, but he thought that was good for Alchos. It was always better to learn through experience, though this experience could have easily been avoided. Then again, it was a hilarious sight. Finally, it did let him go, leaving a red mark on Alchos’ nostril. The hatchling grumbled and rubbed his noses Emmet wrapped the other claw to keep it from pinching as well. “Well, we have dinner, and the wood,” Emmet said. “Lets set up camp.” “Ah! Esther and Alchos can set up camp.” Umbris told him as the group walked back to there their stuff had been set down. “You still have training. You’re not getting out of it that easily.” Emmet sighed, but nodded. He did need to train, but he wondered if now was a good time. All the same, Esther and Alchos started the fire and started boiling the water to cook the crab, while Emmet and Umbris went back to the water and trained until the crab was finished. Umbris was a tough teacher, though not ridged. He gave suggestions and would nudge Emmet back into the power position before attacking. And they continued this until Emmet was soaking wet and cold as the sun had set. His muscles were tired from holding the sword above his head and swinging it, and holding the fighters position. He was glad to sit down and eat the meal of bread, cheese and crab. Umbris moved off to hunt for a larger meal for himself, letting the children have a moment to themselves. Emmet sighed and looked up at the stars, letting his mind wander back home, to his mother and Clair. He found himself missing her with an odd ache in his heart. He missed talking with her, and the walks to her grandmothers. “Whats that look?” Esther asked, pulling him out of his thoughts. He looked at his sister and smiled. “Thinking of home,” he said, laying back to look up at the stars. “Wondering how mom is holding up.” Esther nodded. “I miss her too… Think she’s okay?” Emmet took a moment but nodded. “Yeah…” He told her. “Yeah, she’s okay.” Esther looked at her brother, knowing a repeat in his speech was more or less a fib. Emmet looked at her. “I mean, she wouldn’t know where we are, so the slayers can’t hurt her.” “That's not what I meant,” Esther told him. Emmet swallowed. He knew his mother would be worried sick. He would be if he was in her shoes. Their home was suddenly attacked by Shadow Dragons and her children suddenly up and vanished… he could only imagine how she’s taking Granite’s death. Esther laid down next to Emmet and looked up at the skies, the heavens dimpled with countless stars. She smiled as she and Emmet both pointed up as a shooting star flew through the sky.” “Called it!” Esther said, have a second before Emmet said the same thing. Emmet chuckled. “You get it,” He said. “What do you wish for?” Esther was quiet for a long time before slowly smiling. She didn’t speak out loud, knowing that a spoken wish would damage the magic and the wish wouldn’t come true. Emmet smiled as he watched the stars, slowly feeling his eyes droop closed as he felt Umbris’ feet coming back, dragging a crocodile by its tail for his dinner. © 2017 KnightAuthor's Note
Added on April 11, 2017 Last Updated on April 11, 2017 Author![]() KnightDenver, COAboutHello! I'm Knight. I'm 25 years old. And I'm a sucker for fantasy and fiction writing. I've always wanted to write a story all my own, but I haven't been able to get a good story going besides fan fic.. more..Writing