![]() Chapter 12: Dragons SongA Chapter by Knight![]() Kind of a filler, but this is the first draft so I'll do some heavy editing once the story is done.![]() “What do you mean you Lost Them?!” Esmeralda nearly shrieked as she paced in the dark in front of him, her posture looking as menacing as Allure, the difference being where Allure stood in the light, Esmeralda stood in the dark. “I gave you every opportunity! Casting a sleep on the family so you could easily take the hatchling and Umbris!” “I know my lady..” Hollow said, his muscles paralyzed in a kneeling position and with his head down. All he could move was his jaw so he could speak. “But the boy saw us and woke the rest of the family.” Here Esmeralda stopped dead in her pacing, her back away from Hollow. “The boy?…” “Yes my lady.” Hollow answered. Esmeralda hummed in thought then huffed. “Of course… Umbris gave him the Clavis. He used his own soul to protect the boy. That dragon is much more clever than we gave him credit for… But that means that the girl isn’t our only issue.” Hollow remained silent as the Witch spoke to herself. He didn’t want to remind her of her promise to kill him if he failed a second time. Then he heard her laugh. It was a warm laugh, but it also sent cold shivers down ones spine. “This could prove useful.” She said, looking at Hollow. “And perhaps you’ll still be useful to me…” She said. “Return to my tower, we must prepare to cross paths with Umbris and his new Holder. I’ll send others to slow their progress.” “Yes, my lady…” Hollow answered. An instant later he felt something rush around him like a howling gale before he landed on something. Hollow woke with a start and sat up, panting hard and covered in a cold sweat. He looked around the camp, steadying his breath as he told himself it was only a dream. No… not just a dream… He told himself as he got up. A direct summons. He narrowed his eyes as he looked up at the waning moon before waking his group to mount up. It was not a good idea to keep Lady Esmeralda waiting. * * * Emmet wasn’t sure how long he had been asleep, or when he had laid down, but he slowly woke on a straw mattress covered in a blanket. Beside him Esther was still soundly sleeping, her hair tangled from the rain and wind and from sleeping on wet hair. Nym lay curled up between them and Alchos was curled up around Emmet’s head. Emmet smiled and let himself lay there for a long time. Warm sunlight was filtering in through a window and morning robins were chirping outside as they hunted worms that crawled from the soil to escape it’s choking dampness. Eventually Emmet sat up, his head hurting and the crystal around his neck feeling oddly heavy. He rubbed his head and neck before stretching and getting up, being careful not to wake any of the ones still sleeping. He first looked outside, spotting a lean-to shed roofed with sod, where Umbris was also sleeping, while the Picasso dragon was on top of the shed, eating a large salmon in his forepaws. “Huh…” Emmet hummed before looking back at the mattress his sister and the dragons slept on. It lay on the floor, and wasn’t the fanciest thing in the world, but he was surprised at how comfortable the sleep was, and that his getting up didn’t disturb anyone. Then the smell of breakfast wafted by him, and he remembered they weren’t alone. Giving one more look to his sister and the sleeping dragons, Emmet moved out to the main rooms, where the man from yesterday was standing over a stove. Emmet stayed in the hall that lead to the bedroom, unsure about this guy. “I see you’re finally awake.” The man said, not turning around. “You’re welcome to sit down. Though you may want to wake your companions in a moment. Food is almost ready.” Emmet hesitated, and the man chuckled. “Son, if I intended harm to you or any in your company I would have done so while all of you were asleep. Besides, your Shadow Dragon would sense it as you’re wearing his soul. So this makes me wonder…” The man turned and looked at Emmet, his drooped eyes holding an authority that Emmet didn’t notice last night. “What is your intention with the Dragon Prince?” Emmet stiffened a bit before glancing back at the bedroom. He took a breath. “We’re taking him home to his mother in Shiveryn.” He answered. “Umbris out there… his Holder forced him to steal the egg. But he went rouge and ran off with the egg and landed on my family’s farm. Thats where Alchos was hatched.” “Alchos?” The man asked. “A name meaning Magic.” Emmet nodded. “When he was born it felt like my room was filled with magic. But it was my sister that named him, since she missed the hatching.” The man nodded before going back to cooking. “It’s a fitting name for a young Royal.” He said. “So then you’re not a Slayer. I thought you weren’t but always best to check.” “How do you know I’m not?” Emmet blurted. “Are you?” The man asked, looking at Emmet again, but his face had softened. Emmet bit his lip. “No sir.” He said. The man laughed. “Your eyes are too soft to be a holder. Your soul isn’t hardened to the world. Sadly theres not many like that nowadays… Now, go wake your sister and the dragons. I’m sure they’ll be hungry. And I’ll introduce myself then.” Emmet started going back but paused. “What are you making?” he asked. “Sleeping Cinna-Drakes.” He said, pulling a tray out of the oven and setting it on the counter, where six rolls coated in a cinnamon filling lay. Emmet swallowed as his stomach growled and he went back to wake Esther, Alchos and Nym. Soon they were all on the porch eating. Umbris had woken and was eating a breakfast of fresh river trout with the Picasso. Nym and Alchos were given eggs and sausages with bowls of milk while the humans enjoyed the Cinna-Drakes. “So, who exactly are you?” Esther asked after swallowing a mouthful. “You look like a Native Pecian.” “I am.” The man said. “So, don’t you have a tribe?” Esther asked. “Esther!” Emmet quietly scolded, not wanting to insult their host. “What? It’s an honest question.” Esther asked. The man laughed. “It’s alright son. To answer your question, I do.” he said. “but they’re in the next valley over. You could say that I’m a lone wolf. You can call me Chuchip. And my companion is Elsu.” Elsu gave a smile and a nod at them, but didn’t stop enjoying his fish. Chuchip chuckled and looked back at the kids. “Now, I already know your names, but I’d like to hear you say them. It’s only polite.” Emmet rubbed the back of his neck but nodded. “I’m Emmet Fields. This is my sister Esther, prince Alchos,” “Hi there!” Alchos said. “Thank you for the food! It’s better than a fresh kill.” “I thought you liked that deer yesterday!” Umbris said. “I did!” Alchos responded. “I just like cooked food better.” Umbris rolled his eyes and kept eating, having a feeling that the prince was spoiled. Then again, he would have better food if he was born in the palace where he belonged. “And that's Umbris,” Emmet continued. “And this is Nym, my sister’s dragon.” Nym trilled a greeting at Chuchip, but didn’t lift her head from the meal. Chuchip laughed and gently stroked the Siberian Psychic’s violet fur. “So you had been injured in the past, Miss Esther?” Esther bit her lip and looked down. “Yeah… Nyms helped me a lot. She’s still helping.” “And you Emmet?” Chuchip asked. “What about me?” Emmet asked. “I can see you’ve been hurt as well,” Chuchip said. “And you’ve refused to heal.” Emmet blinked at the old man, but looked down as he continued eating. Instead, Esther answered for him. “We… well… our home was attacked by slayers…” She said. “And our earth dragon, Granite… he helped giving us a head start to get away.” Chuchip listened intently and nodded, feeling sorry that the two had lost so much in such a short amount of time. But Emmet’s silence worried him. He knew such wounds would need to be healed or it would infect his soul. He leaned back, looking over at Elsu, who looked back at his rider and gave a nod. “As for now.” Chuchip said, sitting up again. “The slayers will know what you look like. And everyone will see what Alchos looks like. Royals are after all, very recognizable.” “What would you suggest?” Emmet asked, finishing his Cinna-Drake and leaning back to look at Chuchip. The answer came from Elsu however, who was looking at Alchos intently before smiling. “I have an idea.” He said. “Come on Alchos, what we need is just inside the trees.” The Picasso stood and waited as Alchos looked over at him. The Prince then looked at Emmet. “Is it okay?” He asked. Emmet looked at Alchos before looking at Elsu and nodding. Alchos smiled at him. “I’ll be back!” He called as he bounded after Elsu. “You better,” Umbris said as he laid in the sun and let his wings stretch out in the warm sunlight. Plus snorted at him. “Relax Gray-scales. He’s in perfectly capable claws. Come on Alchos, I think you’ll like this.” With that, the Picasso and the Prince disappeared into the foliage. Umbris sighed and shook his head before he looked at Chuchip. “And how do you plan on hiding me?” He asked. “I believe you’ll be able to blend in fairly well as you are,” Chuchip answered, getting up and starting to clear the table. “Same with Nym. But Emmet and Esther. You’ll both need a change of clothes and perhaps a hair cut.” Emmet and Esther looked at each other. Esther looked excited, while Emmet seemed a bit unsure still, but they both nodded, knowing it was needed. * * * Emmet looked as his reflection in the mirror. Since he needed the most work, Chuchip started with him. He gave Emmet a green tunic and leather arm bracers, along with rider’s pants that were padded to help him hold onto Umbris better. He was also given a dark green cloak that would keep off the weather and a good pair of knee-high boots. As for his looks, Chuchip shaved down the sides of his head but left the top and some of the back, which he pulled back into a ponytail. It was a look that would have caused Margret to request he wear a hat, but in honesty, Emmet kinda liked it. It made him look grown up as he looked at his reflection. “Wow, Emmet!” Emmet turned and smiled as Esther came out, wearing the same color scheme, but she wore a shall trimmed with orange brown, padded rider pants and knee high boots. her hair was braided on two sides of her head which was pulled back into a pony tail, like the braid was a crown of sorts. “You look great! But, I don’t think Mom would like the hair.” She said with a chuckle. Emmet managed a chuckle. “I kinda like it actually.” He said. “At least my hair won’t be in my eyes when we’re flying. Didn’t thin that would have been a big issue before.” “I still like it,” Esther said. “What do you think of my outfit?” She asked with a spin on the balls of her feet. “You look like a native,” Emmet answered her. “Where’s Chuchip?” “Out talking to Umbris I think,” Esther answered as she and her brother started walking to the porch again. “I didn’t see Alchos come back, though.” “I’m sure he’s nearby,” Emmet said. “He knows better than to wander off too far.” As they left the house, Emmet saw that he was right. Elus and Alchos were back, but Alchos looked very different. His red markings were now purple, and there were some splotches of blue on his shoulders and flank. Alchos heard them come out of the house and he raced over to them as quickly as he could. “Emmet! Esther!” he trilled. “Look! I’m a Picasso now!” “That's incredible!” Esther said as she knelt and ran her hands over the now purple markings. His scales had a very slight stickiness to them, but not very noticeable. She looked at Elus. “How’d you do this?” Elus smiled at her. “Oh nothing too tedious. Just rubbed him over in blackberry juice and had him wash the excess until the stains remained. Don’t worry, a good scrubbing and he’ll be the noble Prince Alchos again.” “Will the stains last until Shiveryn?” Emmet asked. Elsu gave a shrug. “I’m not sure. But I’d keep a good stock of blackberries just in case.” “I also gave you all provisions you might need.” Chuchip said as he moved over to Umbris’ saddle bags. He opened it and went through the things he had added. “This this one, I gave you a loaf of griffin bread, dried storm elk which can be put in a strew with the bread to thicken it. There’s also a few apples, a small wheel of cheese and a hunting knife. In the other pack there’s flint, a kettle and couple wooden bowls with two flasks of water and a jar of healing salve. There’s two blankets, each with the mats you bought.” He took a breath before looking at the two children. “This should get you all to the Islands at least. Farther if you’re careful.” Emmet blinked at all the equipment but smiled at Chuchip. “You don’t have to do all this sir.” “Oh nonsense.” Chuchip said. “You’ll need all the help you two can get.” * * * The rest of the day went by smoothly, Esther helped Chuchip around the cabin and Alchos played with Elsu. Umbris was quiet through the day, his tail tapping lightly in thought as he looked at the map Emmet had bought, their rout marked out with a pen. When night finally came, Emmet found that he couldn’t sleep. The moon was still large in the sky, but no longer had that menacing look about it. But the air felt… excited for some reason, and wouldn’t allow Emmet to relax. Soon, a noise came from the forest. Emmet sat up and listened, his movement waking Esther and Alchos. Alchos gave a yawn, widening his jaws and showing all his teeth in an oddly cute way. “Emmet?..” Esther asked, also giving a yawn. “What is it?..” “Shh.” Emmet shushed. “Listen.” The trio sat quietly, but the dragon and the girl soon heard the same thing. Alchos straitened and tilted his head to hear better. “It… sounds like music.” Emmet listened closer, and sure enough, there was a song drifting on the breeze, and it sounded like many voices were joining it. Emmet pressed his lips together before getting up. “Emmet?” Esther asked. “I’m just seeing what it is,” Emmet told her. “I’m coming too,” Esther said as she quickly climbed out of bed, a sleepy Nym on her shoulders. “Me too,” Alchos added. “I can’t have you all following me,” Emmet told them. “What if it’s the Slayers?” Esther asked. “Then you two are definitely staying here,” Emmet told them. The two frowned at him. “If it’s the slayers then you shouldn’t go alone.” “Yeah, Umbris said we’re a group,” Alchos said, flexing his wings a bit. “Besides, if it’s the slayers, why would they be singing a song?” Both Esther and Emmet looked at the prince. He had a point. Why would the Slayers be singing a song that sounded so… cheerful? At last, Emmet sighed. “Okay, just stay close and keep quiet.” He told them as he opened the front door and the four started following the sound of the music. The air of the forest felt alive with it, almost like the music was stirring the very life of the forest. Eventually they came to a clearing with a small brook and a water fall. In this clearing, the children could see there were other Picasso dragons, each a different color, but their white scales glistening in the moonlight. A grey one stood on a large rock, looking larger and older than the others. Elsu was there as well, and surprisingly enough as was Umbris. Though Umbris stayed at the edge of the clearing while Elsu stood nearby. All the other dragons had their jaws open in song, causing the air to ripple and game Emmet goose bumps. When the children entered the clearing, the elder looked at them and looked content. Then he lifted his head and opened his wings, catching the moonlight in them. Baba Yetu, yetu uliye mbingguni yetu, yetu amina! Baba yetu yetu uliya, Jina lako Litukuzwe. Emmet listened as the elder sang in the old language. He didn’t understand the words, but the case of the song made his heart pound faster. But not as fast as when the other Picasso’s around them copied their elder and sang as well. Baba Yetu, yetu uliye mbingguni yetu, yetu amina! Baba yetu yetu uliya, Jina lako Litukuzwe. They sang in unison as the elder continued the song, the other dragons adding their voices and thumping their tails to make the song sound like the very trees and rocks were singing. But what surprised Emmet was when Alchos added his voice. It was only a couple sounds, but his wings were lifted and kept them lifted as the older dragons sang. As the main chorus came back, the elder dragon held a note while the others sang the chorus, and Emmet found he was singing with them. And if his ears were correct, Esther was singing as well. Baba Yetu, yetu uliye mbingguni yetu, yetu amina! Baba yetu yetu uliya, Jina lako Litukuzwe. Baba Yetu, yetu uliye mbingguni yetu, yetu amina! Baba yetu yetu uliya, Jina lako Litukuzwe. As the main chorus closed and dragons add their voices here and there and sounding like hitting birds, Esther pulled out her ceramic flute and began playing with the song. Emmet smiled and drew a deep breath, feeling a strong reviving energy fly around him. Even the ache of loosing his home and Granite seemed to ease a bit. For a second, while Emmet was glancing around the different dragons, he thought he spotted his old friend. His noble equine head held high with pride as the song picked up its pace again. But the second he looked back, it was gone. The song suddenly took a serious tone as the dragons arched their necks down, wings still open wide as they all sang as one. Even Emmet, who didn’t know the lyrics, sang with them, the wounds fresh from a few days ago starting to sting his heart and causing hot tears to burn his eyes. Ufalme wako ufike utakalo, Lifanyika duniani kama mbinguni Amina…. The dragons returned to adding a voice here and there, and Esther continued on her flute, feeling the same energy rushing around her and tugging at her very soul. But slowly the voices and tempo rose again, and the dragons again lifted their heads, some even rearing on on their hind legs, even little Nym stood on Esther’s shoulders and offered her voice. Though Umbris stayed back, his head bowed and listening as the song rose and fell around him, caressing his soul like water would against his scales. ““Baba Yetu, yetu uliye, mbingguni yetu, yetu amina!” Emmet sang, feeling the strength of the song rumble through his own lungs and encouraged by Esther’s little flute. Around him he heard the dragons adding their own voices for him as the elder quieted to match their voices. Emmet was leading the song. “Baba yetu yetu uliya, Jina lako Litukuzwe. “Baba Yetu, yetu uliye mbingguni yetu, yetu amina! Baba yetu yetu uliya, Jina lako Litukuzwe.” Emmet still had no idea what he was singing, but the strength filling him was encouraging so he continued. The voices of the dragons around him rising and falling as he led the song. Umbris looked up from his place at the edge of the clearing and watched as Emmet lead. He felt a small sense of pride as he watched the young ones add their voices to the many. Soon the song began to slow and die down, the dragons lowering their wings though some let their voices linger on the notes. Emmet felt the strength slowly cover him like a cloak, and he breathed slowly as the song closed. He barely noticed Umbris walk over to them and start herding them home, but eventually he looked up at the shadow dragon. “What… what was that?” he asked. “A gathering,” Umbris answered. “The dragons feel that something is rising, and things will be coming to a head soon. What you four just witnessed was a blessing ceremony.” “Whats that?” Alchos asked. “Its the dragons way of wishing us the best of luck on this journey.” Umbris answered. “The Grey one was the leader of this pride… a blessing ceremony for humans is not very common.” He looked at Emmet. “Things are in a more delicate balance than I originally thought… I am sorry to have brought this weight on you both..” Umbris hung his head for a moment before lifting it as the cabin came back into sight. © 2017 KnightAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() KnightDenver, COAboutHello! I'm Knight. I'm 25 years old. And I'm a sucker for fantasy and fiction writing. I've always wanted to write a story all my own, but I haven't been able to get a good story going besides fan fic.. more..Writing