Chapter 11: The Unforgiving Road

Chapter 11: The Unforgiving Road

A Chapter by Knight

The group starts planning how to get to Shiveryn, and get a little help to start their journey.


“Reports say that the attack was executed by bandits that reside in the Peca Forests.” Said the reporter on the TV that hung in the bar and dinner, drawing the attention of many as they ate their breakfast. “Though Witnesses say it was an act of the terrorist group known as the slayers, though there is not enough evidence to support this claim. The attack caused at least one casualty; an Earth Dragon locally known as Granite, cause of death is being withheld as evidence as well.”

As the reporter droned on, two small figures ate their breakfast in silence by a window. Emmet had found some money in the saddle bags that Umbris had on him and decided to treat Esther to a warm breakfast after a rough night. And frankly, he needed one too to help him think. But then the news report came up. He watched the news and sighed at the story as Granite’s picture filled the screen. 

Esther heard him sigh and before putting her hand on his. “It’ll be okay…” She whispered. 

Nym, who was on the table eating a couple sausages, looked up at Emmet before draping her tail over his arm. Emmet felt a small wave of comfort, but it felt like rubbing alcohol on an open wound. The pain was too fresh to allow healing just yet, so in response he bit his lip and pulled his arm away from Nyms tail, but not from his sister. “I know,” Emmet told her. He took a deep breath before folding his hands and closing his eyes to think. “We need a good plan… The best rout to take…”

Esther looked at her brother. She knew that when he was stressed he tried to put all his focus on the task at hand. This happened often after Da died and he started picking up the slack so the farm would stay afloat, but he started skipping meals, and it took Granite to get him back on his feet. Or at least to let his feet catch up with him. 

But how was she going to do that? She copied his pose and tried to think, even pursing her lips together in thought. Nym looked at the two of them, shifting her gaze from one human to the other, before huffing and going back to her sausages before they got cold. She couldn’t heal if the healing wasn’t wanted yet.

Eventually Emmet looked up from his thinking to see Esther copying him, and the frustrated looking Nym as she ate her breakfast. He looked back at his sister and managed a smile. “What are you doing?”

“Thinking like you,” Esther answered, not opening her eyes. 

“Your breakfast will get cold,” Emmet warned her. 

“So will yours,” Esther said, looking at him. “I’m here to help, you’re my brother after all.”

Emmet smiled. “Your older brother. I should be making sure you’re safe, Rebel.” He said as he stabbed his fork into his pancake and ate it.

Esther smiled and started eating again. Emmet shook his head at Esther before looking around the dinner. At the counter were pamphlets. He hummed in thought and got up. “I’ll be right back.” he told Esther before going to the counter and looking at the offered pamphlets. Most of them were tourist sights for those passing through the area, but there were also maps. He smiled before picking one up and opening it. It only showed the Earth Kingdom of Peca and the Fire Kingdom of Karis.  Emmet sighed. He needed a world map, as Shiveryn was across the sea.

He looked at the manager and got his attention. “Excuse me,” Emmet said, making the manager look at him. “Do you have any world maps?”

The Manager, a heavy set man, pouted his lips and looked at the pamphlets. “‘Fraid not kid.” He said. “But I bet my bottom buck that the souvenir shop down the road will have one.”

“Thanks,” Emmet said before going back to the table, taking the map of the two kingdoms with him. He sat back down and worked to finish his breakfast, knowing they couldn’t take left overs. 

“You find something?” Esther asked. 

“We need a map,” Emmet told her. “That way we can plan out the trip easier.”

“You know how to read a map?” Esther asked. 

Emmet nodded. “Da taught me. I need a compass though and a map. And the manager said we could find a map at the souvenir shop down the road. We can get those then safe the money we have left for food or rooms to sleep in.”

Esther gave a nod and quickly finished as well while Emmet went back to the counter and paid for the meal. 

The shop was a little bigger than what Emmet or Esther expected, and the maps it held were colorful and meant to be hung on a wall, but it still had it’s use, seeing as it had the kingdoms circled in their colors. Shiveryn was in cream, fire was in an amber color, earth was burgundy, air was purple, and water was bright blue. The compasses were next to it along with some hiking gear such as sleeping mats. Emmet looked at these for a moment before grabbing two of them. They’d make sleeping easier at night, using Umbris’ wings as a tent that provided heat. Esther looked at the mats but didn’t question her brother. She knew Umbris would later. 

* * *

“And why would we need those?” Umbris asked, nosing the mats. He and Alchos had eaten a buck that Umbris had caught, and Alchos was inspecting the antlers, finding them interesting until Emmet and Esther came over the ridge and to the clearing they were camping in.

“So we can sleep better at night,” Emmet said. “We can sleep under your wings for warmth. But these were the main purchases.” He added as he sat down and pulled out the map and the compass and laid the map out. 

Umbris walked over and laid next to Emmet to see the map and Alchos laid on Esther’s back. He looked at the map curiously as Emmet set the compass on it. He looked at the map until he spotted the capital of Shiveryn. “I’m from there?” He asked, tapping a claw on the capital.

“Yep,” Emmet answered. “And at the moment, we’re right here,” He said, pointing to the near center of Peca, only a bit West.

Alchos climbed off of Esther and looked at the map, looking at where they were and where they had to go. “Doesn’t look that far.” He said.

Umbris laughed. “Trust me Alchos,” He said. “It’s very far. And the way I came it’s not an easy trek.”

“What what did you come?” Emmet asked. 

“Directly from the Palaces.” Umbris said. “The wind is rougher that way. Its so rough it blew me off course. And that's how we wound up near your farm.”

“So we need a way to easily cross the sea…” Emmet mused. “But how?”

“Down here the lands are closer.” Esther pointed out. “Between the Fire and Air kingdoms.”

“The issue with that is that it’s a long flight down there,” Emmet said. “It would take a week at least to fly there.”

“Longer with the weight I carry.” Umbris said. “Carrying three is a lot, even for me. Not to mention we need to avoid Slayer Territory as much as we can. Those are on the outskirts of the territories. Many call them Dark Lands.”

Emmet swallowed and nodded in understanding. “So we need a rout that would be easy for you then.” He said. “In that case, we may have to go the long way. We can go to this peninsula, then down to these islands and into Keris. Travel along the coast then go to the Aupurin from there. After that we can rest a few days and get our bearings.”

“The Riders called that Land Hopping,” Umbris said. “Since we’ll be flying from island to land mass.” He looked at the map and nodded. “Looks like a good rout. And there’s no Slayer Territory around the Fire Kingdom.” he chuckled. “Their security is…” His chuckle died in his throat as his smile faded and he suddenly growled.

“What?” All three young ones asked in unison.

“There’s a reason why the Slayers aren’t around the Fire Kingdom. Their security is too tight. They’re quick to hunt down any Slayer activity, seeing as most of the fire dragons in the security come from Keris.”

“So, you’ll need a disguise,” Esther said.

Umbris chuckled. “A disguise..” He said. “And how do you plan on disguising a Shadow Dragon, and a Dragon Prince?”

Alchos looked at Umbris before looking at Esther, he was also curious. Esther looked at the two, biting her lip uneasily. “I… don’t know… but we have until the peninsula to figure that out.” 

“At least we have a direction to go,” Emmet said, rolling up the map and slipping it into Umbris’ saddle bags.

In the distance, the company could hear distant thunder rolling. Emmet bit his lip. He wasn’t a fan of being out in lightning, and he did see Umbris tuck his wings closer to his body.

“I vote walking for a while.” He said. “Last time I was in a storm it put me out of commission for over a month.”

“You’re still not 100%.” Emmet said, getting Esther up on his back. “So I also vote walking. At least for now.”

* * *

The rain that followed was bad. The wind blew angrily against their faces, to the point where Emmet had to shield his head with his arms and Umbris held his head low to get under the wind. Alchos was trying to keep Esther warm and somewhat dry, but everyone was soaked to the bones with icy rain water, and further chilled by the howling wind. Emmet had been walking so long he lost track of time, but he guessed from the dark closing around them that the sun was setting… and the storm had yet to let up.

“We need shelter!” Emmet called to Umbris.

“You see any in this?!” Umbris called back, his violet eyes squinting against the rain.

Emmet dared to look up and around at the area around him, but couldn’t see in the dim lighting. He pursed his lips before looking at Esther and Alchos. Both looked miserable; Alchos using his wings in a vein attempt to shield himself and Esther from the rain, and Esther using her body to shield Nym. Emmet took a breath. “We’ll just press on then!” He said. 

Umbris nodded and followed, using his wing to help block the rain, fighting the wind that beat against it angrily. Though Emmet was very thankful for the attempted shield.

Then movement caught his eyes and he looked up. Something white was moving through the forest. Umbris saw it as well and curled his tail around Emmet protectively, knowing the others were safe on his back. “Who’s there?!” He shouted, baring his teeth in a snarl.

“Someone who’d wondering what the heck a Shadow Dragon, two kids, a hatchling and a minor are doing in a storm like this!” Came an answer as the one moving in the trees came out. 

It was a Blue Picasso Dragon. His white scales splotched with different shades of blue, making it look like he was once a canvas for an abstract artist. His head looked equine, but his head was dished and his eyes were larger, like an Arabian Stallion. 

On his back was a man in a heavy coat, a hat and gloved hands, and on the saddle in front of him were saddle bags that looked full.

The man lifted his hat and revealed a native American man. Heavy set with graying hair and eyes drooped with age, giving him a wise look. 

“We could ask the same of you two,” Umbris said, turning to hide Alchos from view.

“We live out here.” The Picasso said with a snort. 

“Easy my friend.” The man said as he dismounted and carefully approached.

Emmet stayed close to Umbris, watching the mans every move as he looked at Emmet and at Umbris. He glanced behind the Shadow Dragon and took note of Esther and Alchos, who was also snarling but had his mouth open to show all his teeth. 

The man gave a nod and looked at Umbris. “I believe you’re looking for shelter.” He said. 

“How did..” Emmet started but the man stopped him. 

“I would be too if I was in your shoes,” he said. “Come, I have plenty of room in my cabin.”

“Isn’t that where the horror movie starts?” Esther asked irritably.

“In some cases,” The man said, getting back on the Picasso’s back. “But I don’t look like a psychopath do I?”

“Usually the psycho doesn’t..” Emmet replied. 

The man chuckled. “Well, you hold a clavis, boy.” The man said. “I cannot harm you or your companions without your dragon knowing. Now, do you wish to be warm or would you rather freeze to death out here?”

Emmet and Esther looked at each other, Umbris was still growling, but Alchos broke the silence. “Somewhere warm would be nice.,” 

This response gained a nod from Esther. Shows cold, and tired, and could sleep for weeks. Emmet sighed and looked at Umbris, who clearly didn’t trust the man, but the group slowly followed them anyway.

© 2017 Knight

Author's Note

Hey, every good team needs a wise man to help them out. Besides, they ran out of the farm too quickly to get any real supplies, so why not get a little help?

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Added on March 24, 2017
Last Updated on March 24, 2017
Tags: Dragons



Denver, CO

Hello! I'm Knight. I'm 25 years old. And I'm a sucker for fantasy and fiction writing. I've always wanted to write a story all my own, but I haven't been able to get a good story going besides fan fic.. more..
