![]() Chapter 9: Security RunA Chapter by Knight![]() Things are starting to get rough. Next chapter is going to be hard to write XD![]() “You honestly don’t remember a thing?” Emmet asked as he and Esther walked to school the next morning. It was warm and sunny that day, and Margret thought that a walk would help Esther feel calmer. Nym happily trotted in front of them as Emmet and Esther walked side by side, Emmet walking closer to the road and watching fire dragons and their riders march around town. It was an odd sight… it felt like the Peca Kingdom became an army base over night as the queens orders were given. It did make him worry… but he had forgotten that he had school the next morning, so Granite had volunteered to scout for a hiding place for Umbris and Alchos. But the events of last night were on the forefront of his mind. He watched his sister all that morning as Margret asked if she remembered what she dreamed of. And she said she didn’t remember waking up or crying. Esther shook her head. “No. It felt like I shifted out of a bad dream and into a better one. But I don’t remember what I dreamed about… just that I was scared and couldn’t move.” Emmet hummed in thought. It had been ages since Esther’s last night terror, and she usually remembered them. he wondered why this time felt so different. School seemed to drift by in a haze. He walked to class and sat, but he couldn’t focus. Too much on his mind, to the point that at one point he was staring at the paper in front of him, pen in hand, but writing nothing. His mind was racing too quickly to focus on one thing. Until a foot nudged his foot. He jolted and held the pen like he would a weapon and looked around. Clair was looking at him worriedly. She offered a small smile of comfort, but that worry was still in her eyes. A crumpled sound drew his attention to her foot, where a note lay hidden under her shoe. He glanced at the teacher and stealthily accepted the note and carefully picked it up. Are you okay? You look worried about something. ~Clair Emmet gave a small smile and quickly scribbled a note back, glancing at the teacher now and then before dropping the note. I’m okay, worried about Esther and the news. She had another night terror last night. Tell ya more at lunch. ~Emmet On reading the note Clair gave another nod and focused her attention back to the lesson, and Emmet attempted to do the same. But it wasn’t easy. Thankfully since the day Emmet had clocked Tony a new one, the dark haired boy had kept his distance. But Emmet heard later that he had gone on a trip with this father. There was no more talk about a new water dragon for their quarry, but Tony seemed a little more quiet than usual, even Vinca seemed more reserved, no longer stretching her three sets of wings to display to others. Emmet was thankful for this silence, though. He was hardly in the mood for Tony, especially now that his sister was having night terrors again. At lunch, he told Clair his worries. She listened quietly like she always had. Recently they had come close but hadn’t taken the next step in claiming they were in a relationship. They had a relationship, but Emmet thought that was was all they had for the time being. After a moment, Clair dug around in her purse and pulled out a small jar and offered it to Emmet. “Things have been stressful for me too. But not to this extent. Grammy made this for me, but I think you and Esther will get more out of it.” Emmet looked at the bottle and saw there was an elixir of some kind inside. He opened the bottle and took a sniff, catching the smell of Chamomile and Lavender. He smiled as he already felt his tense muscles relax slightly. “Thanks Clair.” Clair smiled. “No problem. Hows your egg research?” Emmet smiled, still feeling horrible deep down that he lied to Clair, but her not knowing kept her and Alchos safe. At least that's what he told himself. “So far so good. There's a lot of information I didn’t know.” Now it was his turn to his bags and offer the journals he borrowed from Grammy back to Clair. “These were a huge help. I keep forgetting to bring them on Saturdays, so I thought I’d bring them today for you.” Clair chuckled but accepted them. “Thanks, Emmet.” She said then looked at him. For a moment he thought he saw something else in her eyes. he looked at her for a long moment before speaking. “You seem worried too.” He commented. Clair gave a shrug. “It’s about the Royals egg,” Clair answered. “And the lengths being taken to find it. Or, the hatchling now I guess. Who in their right minds would steal an egg? Let alone Queen Allure’s?” “Esther and I suspect the slayers,” Emmet answered. “I mean, they’ve always hated the treaty between humans and Dragons.” “But they’ve never done something this darling.” Clair said. “The most they’d do is attack a city, blow up a building or two or even leave a mark of their group where they’ve been. This is daring, even for them.” Emmet was quiet for a long time, looking at the remains of his sandwich. “What if they had help?” He asked. “Again,” Clair said. “Who would be stupid enough to steal Allure’s egg? Her Last Egg?” Emmet sighed and shook his head. “I don’t know. Someone with a vendetta that's for sure.” He answered before eating more of his sandwich. Sounds from outside drew their attention, showing there was a troop of four fire dragons patrolling the school. Their coppery red scales gleamed in the sunlight as they and their riders walked the property. Fire dragons had more reptilian faces, almost like a raptor from the prehistoric age. They even had a large of index claw which they would tap to silently communicate with each other. They also walked on their hind legs with small forearms. Their wings were thin in width, giving them some speed in the air, but they were faster on the ground. All the same, seeing the security made people they were protecting glad they were on their side. Emmet found that though they were smaller than Umbris, the fire dragons were a little more fierce looking. “How long do you think this will go on for?” Clair asked. Emmet watched the police forces, knowing not all of them were on the queens side… and that made him worry. “I don’t know.” He answered. “Maybe not until the hatchling is found.” * * * As Emmet and Esther walked home, Emmet could see that the police were already searching his house. He felt his blood run cold as he and Esther started running towards the house. A fire dragon looked at them and hissed. “Police Business.” He said, opening his wings at them to make a blockade. He was the head of this group judging the gold markings on his wings and face. “We live here!” Emmet told him, trying to show he wasn’t scared, if anything, worried about his mom. The Fire Chief only growled at them, keeping his wings high as he straitened his form, making himself look much bigger than Emmet thought. Emmet stood his ground, though, even with his heart pounding so hard against his ribs he thought it would break through. “They do! Let them by!” The Dragon lowered his wings to show Granite was standing behind him, Neck arched to show he wasn’t pleased with their presence and would fight if they crossed a line, but didn’t bare his teeth. The Fire Dragon Chief nodded and stepped aside to let Emmet and Esther through. Granite moved around them and led them strait to the house. “You two go to your mother. They’ve almost finished the search.” Emmet wanted to ask about Umbris and Alchos but knew better than to say anything. One look around showed that nothing had been found. There would be arrests if they did. Emmet and Esther walked in to see several police officers looking around the house. They didn’t ransack though, it looked like they were doing a deep search of the house. Margret sat on the couch, strait as an arrow as the men did their job, even if she didn’t approve of them being in the house and going through her things. “Ma,” Emmet called, making her turn and smile as they walked over and sat with her. “Hey guys,” She said, wrapping her arms around them both. But Emmet watched the policemen and listened to the dragons outside as they spoke with Granite. It felt like ages before the police chief approached them. “Your house is clear. Sorry for the intrusion, but you understand we’re under royal orders correct?” “We understand,” Margret said. “Though I had told you boys at the door that you wouldn’t find anything amiss in this house.” “I know Miss Fields,” The officer started but Margret interrupted. “Mrs.” She told him. “I was married.” “Mrs. Fields, excuse me.” The officer said politely. “But we appreciate your patience and understanding of our situation.” He smiled and put his hat back on his head and tipped it. “You all have a good day.” He said as he made his way to the door and gave a shrill whistle. “We’re moving!” He called as he mounted his dragon, the one that had blocked Emmet and Esther earlier and the other police did the same before they rushed away in a cloud of smoke. As they left, Emmet and Esther released the breath they were holding. Margret also seemed to relax and held her children close. “That was an ordeal…” She commented. “Was school good?” Emmet knew she was trying to ease them, but he was still weak in the knees as he knew how close Umbris and Alchos were to being caught. It turned out that Granite had found a storage area in the barn where he hid Alchos and Umbris. It was cramped, but the two dragons managed to escape the police patrols. Alchos was shaken, and it took a lot to calm the prince down again, but Umbris was silent. He had a growing feeling that something wasn’t right… It made his scales itch as Emmet got everyone their evening meal. Granite felt it as well, making him not eat his meal but lay at the door of the barn as if to guard it. Emmet walked over to her oldest friend and patted his shoulder. “You feel that too?” Granite nodded. “I think it's just worrying, or the stress from today's events.” He said. “You and Esther have an okay day?” “Eh, couldn’t focus on any of the lessons.” Emmet answered. But he didn’t say much else. He lapsed into silence again, leaning against the door and looking back at the house where Esther and Margret were finishing making dinner. He thought about how much his life had changed. And how he couldn’t tell anyone until Alchos was home with Queen Allure. But he wouldn’t change anything if he had a chance. Granite rumbled and nudged him. “You’re silent again.” He said gently. Emmet smiled and rubbed his head. “I have been all day. My brain is trying to catch up with everything… or Everything’s trying to catch up with my brain..” “Ahem.” Both Granite and Emmet looked back to see Umbris approaching but staying out of the doorway. “After today, I think you and Esther will need protection until I’m healed enough to continue my quest.” He lifted his injured paw to Emmet, nodding for him to hold out his hands. Emmet obeyed, and the shadow dragon dropped the purple crystal into the boy's palm. Emmet blinked and looked at Umbris, remembering what he said about the crystal. “One of the conditions to the curse is that I protect the wearer,” Umbris said. “If you’re in danger, I’ll sense it.” He then gave a low growl. “You hold my soul in your hands Emmet Fields. It’s the farthest thing from a toy.” Emmet looked at him and nodded solemnly before slipping the crystal on. It felt odd wearing it like something was creeping over his skin. Umbris gave a shake as if feeling the same thing. “Best head in Emmet.” Granite said, nudging Emmet towards the house. Emmet smiled and gave the Earth dragon a hug before heading inside. Granite didn’t return to the house. For the first time in a long time, the night felt alive with something dark, like they were being hunted. Its said that animals can sense danger coming, and though Granite wasn’t sure if it was danger he sensed, he knew he was not sleeping that night. Movement above the trees caught his attention and he looked skyward as a large pale moon started to rise… but it did little to ease him. © 2017 KnightAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() KnightDenver, COAboutHello! I'm Knight. I'm 25 years old. And I'm a sucker for fantasy and fiction writing. I've always wanted to write a story all my own, but I haven't been able to get a good story going besides fan fic.. more..Writing