Chapter 2: Storm Clouds

Chapter 2: Storm Clouds

A Chapter by Knight

Things start to get interesting


“I’ll be back to pick you guys up after school,” Margret said as Granite stopped in front of the building where many children and young adults were filing into, some with minor dragons of all kinds, and some of the younger kids with Pixie Dragons. 

Emmet looked at the grounds and nodded as he slipped off of Granite. He was cleaned up and wore a nice shirt and good jeans for school, while Esther wore a flowery sundress and leggings, Nym contently laying across her shoulders. 

Emmet smiled at his sister, proud of her for facing her fears. He put a hand on her shoulder and looked up at his mom. “We’ll be okay ma.”  

Margret smiled at her children before Granite started moving away, taking her back towards the farms. Emmet took a long breath before turning towards the school and pulling his bag to his shoulders.

“Okay,” Emmet said, looking at Esther. “If you need me for anything at all-“

“Send Nym to find you,” Esther said, hugging Nym and snuggling the small dragon. Nym gave a soft mewl, nuzzling Esther back. 

Emmet smiled at his sister. “Good. You going to be okay?”

“I think so.,” Esther answered. 

“Good,” Emmet said, taking her by the shoulders and turning her towards her building. “Better get to class then.” He smiled as panked her behind encouragingly. 

Esther moved forward, looking back at her brother only once with a chuckle. “I’m going, I’m going.” She said before walking towards the building.

Emmet smiled as he watched her enter the building when the first warning bell rang, a distant roll of thunder sounding overhead. He took a deep breath and walked to his own class, stopping at his locker to trade out his books for the first class.

“Hey, farm boy!” 

Emmet looked up as a taller young man leaned against the lockers. Black hair and dark eyes accented Tony Giffin’s angled face. And his Minor Glass Wing laid across his shoulders.

“Hey, Tony,” Emmet said, turning to get his stuff and closed his locker. Today of all days, he didn’t need to be harassed by Tony. 

“Long time no see,” Tony said. “What rock have you been hiding under this time? Granite Right?”

“Oh come off it,” Emmet answered, glowering at the insult at his fathers Earth Dragon. “If it wasn’t for Granite, your family’s fishing quarry would be just a puddle and Tsuna would be required to go back to Kresea.” 

It was a fact that Tony’s dad had hired Emmet’s and Granite, along with a team of other earth dragons and a few water dragons to make the quarry. But Emmet’s father had led the earth team and helped dig with Granite and lay the bedrock to keep erosion at bay. But instead of bringing more business to Tony’s dad, or more attention that the community now had a supply of fish, the feat had given Emmet’s father a lot of good rep and got a few jobs for him and Granite. So The Giffin family and the Fields no longer saw eye to eye.

“You must be failing in science then Farmboy,” Tony said, Shade arching her back looking at Emmet disdainfully. “Don’t you know that Water beats Earth? It gives way to the smallest current.”

“That dam still holding on your quarry?” Emmet asked, looking over his shoulder at Tony.

“Why wouldn’t it?” Tony asked.

“It’s made of stone,” Emmet said. “Stone is made of earth.” He then quoted Granite, something he wasn’t wanting to tell the earth dragon openly. “Earth knows when to hold firm, and when to give way. Doesn’t matter what's stronger or weaker. Depends on how it's used.”

Before Tony could continue speaking, Emmet turned and started walking briskly away. Pay no heed… He told himself. The Ghost-brain doesn’t know anything. Just because his mother is on the city council doesn’t mean he has special rights. He ain’t no royal.

Emmet sat down at his desk, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He closed his eyes and sighed, trying to relax and forget about Tony. The guy hadn’t left him alone since his father died. Almost like he was rubbing it in his face. 


The female voice tugged at Emmet, but he didn’t look up right away, not wanting to show how frustrated Tony had gotten him.

“Are you okay?” 

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Emmet answered, finally looking up. “Just some frack in the ha-“ He stopped, looking up at the strawberry blond girl as she held her books close. It was Clair Evans. And he just swore…

Back Peddle! Back Peddle! “I.. I’m sorry about that, yeah I’m fine.” He stammered. 

Clair offered a small smile and a shrug. “It’s okay, I saw him approach you in the hall. He’s been acting like a big shot lately.”

Emmet tried to relax, but he was still very embarrassed at having said such a word to a lovely young woman that never swore… to his knowledge anyway.

Her family worked the orchards, though she specialized in the peach orchards. The Evens worked with both the water and earth dragons to help work the land, much like the Fields did. And on Mondays during the fall, Clair would always bring a crate of peaches for her class. It also helped that her mom was the therapist that Esther had been sent to, and had suggested the Siberian Psychic.

“Well.. what else is new?” Emmet asked, referring to Tony’s behavior.

Clair gave a chuckle. Emmet liked that about her; she wasn’t at all girly like the other girls in his class, caring about how they look, or how to get a guys attention. Often times, if the morning chores went long he guessed, she’d come in with her hair tied back in a ponytail and no makeup on. Even as she spoke, she had an air about her that seemed to make everything else fade off.

“…for Tsuna in hopes they become a mated pair… are you listening?” Clair asked, her voice again pulling Emmet back to the present. 

He bit his lip. He hated it when his brain did that. Who’s the Ghost-brain now? He scolded himself. “Sorry, thinking about my sister. She’s back in school now. What was it you said?”

Clair gave a small sigh but repeated herself. “He’s been acting more of a big shot recently. He claims his dad is getting another water dragon for the quarry, but a male for Tsuna in hopes they become mates.” She said. “So he’s getting a big head about that, since transporting a male water dragon is expensive. How is your sister?”

“She’s doing better now,” Emmet answered. “Not as many night terrors. Getting the Siberian was a good idea. Nym’s helped Esther a lot.”

Clair smiled at Emmet. “I will, mom would love to hear that Esther is doing better. And good to hear she’s back in school.”

“Agreed,” Emmet said. He would have said more, but the final bell rang for class to start.

“I’ll catch ya later,” Clair said, walking back to her seat.

Emmet sat down again and got out his papers as the teacher walked up and started the class. But Emmet’s mind wouldn’t focus on the class. He looked outside as the storm approached. By the look of those clouds, it was going to be a nasty one.

* * *

Thirteen years… had it been that long already? Umbris wondered as flew well over the stormy clouds. His dark wings stretched out to let the breeze carry him aloft, his Holder holding tightly to his saddle as the winds tore at him. 

Umbris wished he could let the wind throw them around and bash them into the mountains for the atrocity they committed two weeks ago. The Shadow Dragon hated himself for what they did, knowing his Holder didn’t care. He glanced back at the saddle bags, knowing the treasure they held. Oh, the treasure they held…

“Umbris!” His holder, Hollow Phantom, called over the wind. “The storm getting too rough! Land! Carefully!”

“Yes, master!” Umbris called back, dipping his wings to glide down. 

He never knew his holder's true name. All the Slayers took on code names once they left the kingdoms and joined the Slayers. Usually, they earned names… but Umbris didn’t know how his Holder earned the name Hallow Phantom. He guessed from the ever-present… or ever-lack-there of, emotion in his face. Like the man held no soul… besides Umbris’.

Umbris glanced back at the crystal that hung over Hollow’s chest. His soul was bound to that. And if harm came to it, it would hurt Umbris. He tried to not growl at the thought. He hated the fact that he. A noble Shadow Dragon for scale's sake! Was tied to a rock! 

He shook his head, trying to hide his anger and frustration at the thought. Now was not the time to be angry. He had to be clever and cunning for this to work. He had two objectives; 

Objective 1; get the crystal off Hollow.

Objective 2; Ensure that he took the saddle bags with him. He could not leave those behind. He’d chew his own tail off before he allowed that to happen.

Soon they broke through the clouds, instantly getting pummeled by icy, stinging rain. Umbris squinted his violet eyes against the rain as he scanned the forests bellow for a place to land. He soon spotted an outcropping of rock and swooped down to land, finding the outcropping made a shallow cave.

Umbris walked inside, sharing off his wings and folding them close before laying down to allow his Holder to dismount. But Umbris had to force his muscles to stay relaxed. This would be the first time he’s attempted at attacking his Holder… and he heard stories of mind-splitting pain that attacked dragons for attacking their holders for one reason or another. This had kept him from trying an attack before. But now, with what they had done… he felt it would be worth the pain in the long run. 

Hollow took his time dismounting, unclipping the buckles that held him to the saddle before finally getting down. “You’ll need to get food and firewood,” Hollow told Umbris. “Your scales would keep you warm but I and the package will need warmth.”

“Yes, master,” Umbris said, but he was silently monitoring Hollows movements. His hands were going for the saddle bags. It was now or never. 

Umbris’ heart pounded harshly against his chest as his tail crept its way closer to Hollows feet. Then in a flash Umbris whipped his tail away, sweeping hollow off his feet as his hands brushed the saddle bags. Pain stabbed into Umbris’ mind at his action, making him roar as he forced himself to press further. He pounced on Hollow, pinning him to the ground as he snarled, baring his front teeth like a wolf. He knew he couldn’t kill Hollow, but he could take back what was his. He gripped the crystal, the pain in his head almost driving him mad, and yanked. The leather snapped from behind Hollow's head, and instantly the pain vanished. 

“You will never command me again…” Umbris snarled.

“You’ve made a grave mistake dragon..” Hollow snarled back, though his head spun from the sudden attack. “I’ll hunt you down myself if I have to..”

Umbris gave a snarling hiss before quickly lifting his paw from Hollow's chest. In that instant, Hollow rolled and stabbed Umbris in his other paw, the one holding his crystal. Umbris shrieked in pain before swatting at Hollow, knocking him away and sent him crashing into the stone walls of the cave.

Umbris panted, wings flared angrily and still giving that lupine snarl. When Hollow didn’t stand, Umbris lifted his head in a victorious roar, flapping his wings twice. He was free. And the cargo was safe. He created back and broke the buckles off the saddle bags that attached it to the saddle, catching the bags before they fell. Being very careful, he slipped the crystal into the heavier bag and opened his wings again. he had to leave, now.

He took flight, back into the stinging blackness, holding the saddle bags close to his chest, rumbling deep apologies to whatever lay inside. He had to get back above the clouds. He would travel nonstop to Shivery, and present the treasure to High Queen Allure herself. Maybe she and her council can help him be free of that accursed crystal. 


Umbris didn’t see it coming. He felt his scales prickle slightly, but it was too fast to avoid. A fork of lightning gasped his left wing, shooting sudden, prickly, fiery pain through his whole body. 

For a moment Umbris was falling, his mind hazy from all the pain he had just endured, and the smell of burnt flesh insulting his nose. But he felt that his claws were empty. He forced himself awake and focused, sensing his soul was plummeting right bellow him. In an instant, he looked down and could see the saddle bags and dove without a second thought. 

As he approached the bag he reached out and grasped it, holding it close to his chest again, and opened his wings to slow his decent. But he was moving too fast, and he opened his wings too late to save himself from the fall. 

So he set his teeth, curled into a ball and folded his wings protectively around himself and the saddle bags. The Impact was about three slow seconds later. He first landed on his shoulders, then on the saddle, crushing it. He grunted in pain as the saddle was pressed against his back and between his shoulders and groaned when his body came to a stop. 

He wheezed in pain, wondering how badly he was injured… He’d have to do a self-check later… how was his cargo?.

He lifted a wing, the joints protecting at the movement and carefully opened the heavier bag. Inside lay an egg, or cream and crimson color… Blood and Ivory… a Royals egg… He gave a weak sniff as he rolled the egg out of the bag and to his side. He sighed in relief. It was unbroken. 

“Thank the Ancients High…” Umbris murmured, gently nuzzling the egg. “You’re going to be a strong ruler someday…” He smiled laid his head down, letting his wing fall over himself and the egg. He listened to the cold rain batter against his wing as darkness fell over him.

© 2017 Knight

Author's Note

Well, now we know what Umbris is carrying. And why he was so upset about carrying it. And a quick glimpse into the life of Emmet XD Hope you guys like the story so far!

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Added on March 7, 2017
Last Updated on March 17, 2017
Tags: Dragons



Denver, CO

Hello! I'm Knight. I'm 25 years old. And I'm a sucker for fantasy and fiction writing. I've always wanted to write a story all my own, but I haven't been able to get a good story going besides fan fic.. more..
