![]() Chapter 1: A day in Sunny Glades FarmA Chapter by Knight![]() An introduction to the main characters, Emmet and Esther Fields, and how they live life.![]() “Esther!” Margret’s voice called out through the farm as she searched for her oldest daughter. She pressed her lips as she stood on the plantation’s front porch and pressed her fists on her hips. “Something wrong Ma?” Margret looked over to the pastures where her Oldest son Emmet and his Earth dragon, Granite, were coming back from the fields. The boy was tanned from the sun, and though he was lanky, he was handsomely featured. His dark hair did nothing to help keep him cool in the hot sun, however. “Esther’s run off,” Margret answered. Granite gave a rumbling laugh, his dark green and brown scales dappled with gray, making him look like a lumbering lump of granite, if not for the long teeth in his horse shaped head and the bearlike claws on his feet. But the Fields family had known Granite since they settled here, and they knew he was maybe the gentlest dragon in the county. “That girl might as well be an Air Dragoness in a humans' skin.” Granite rumbled. “I figured she’d be out in the sunlight about this time.” He looked back at the boy on his back. “I bet a lamb she’s down by the ponds. It’s warm enough.” “True, but I bet she’s in the orchards,” Emmet answered him. “No way!” Granite said. “The apples aren’t ripe yet.” “No matter where she is!” Margret said, shaking her head at the two of them. “Would you two mind going out and wrangling her? It’s close to supper time and it's her turn to help in the kitchen.” “Yes, ma’am,” Emmet said, tipping his wide-brimmed hat to his mother before looking at Granite. “If she’s down at the ponds I’ll let you pick out the lamb.” He promised. “Now that sounds like a nice treat.” The dragon answered, moving away from the house and towards the wooded areas. Emmet sighed as he swayed on Granites back. He shook his head at the thought of his free-spirited sister. But Granite was right. Esther was a free spirit. A farm life was too quiet for her. Far too quiet for his Little Rebel. Then again he didn’t mind her wandering off. He knew her Siberian Psychic was with her. And it was good she was getting out again. “I take it she’s doing better?” Granite asked. Emmet nodded. “It’s been 2 years, but she’s finally coming to terms.” He said. “Nyms helped her a lot.” “Well, that minor dragon is an empath.” Granite said. “She knows when Esther is fighting the memories.” “Which is amazing in itself,” Emmet said. He thought back to that dreadful day. Esther was walking back from school when a few thugs jumped her and her Pixie Peach Dragon, Flick. Emmet knew they were Slayer Wanna-Be’s, but what they did earned them 5 years in jail for what they did to his sister and for taking her friend away from her. It had been 2 months after she returned from the hospital. And night-terrors that accrued almost nightly since the attack when Margret decided that she needed someone to help. They had tried councilors, but Esther would only clam up and rub her arms. That was when the counselor suggested adopting with either a Siberian Psychic to a Ukrainian Empath to help her. Three weeks later they had gone to a rescue where the Fields met dragons that had been abused by the black markets of the world. Most had kept their distance, but Nym had come right up to Esther and curled up in her lap. The Silver Laced Lavender dragon had once belonged to aristocrats son, and he had neglected her and would shoot frozen peas at her to see if she could predict the future. Since then it had been a long road of mental recovery, but Nym never left Esther’s side and the two were almost always seen together. Though Esther still battled with night terrors, they were no longer as often as they were before. “You’re quiet again.” Granite said, pulling Emmet from his thoughts. Emmet looked at the earth dragon and smiled. “Just thinking about how far those two came,” he said with a smile. “Well, it's making you quiet!” Granite said. “I don’t like one-way conversations. I like hearing someone answer.” “That's just because you’re more social,” Emmet told him. “Yeah, and because I know you’re not.” Granite answered. “Like when that little beauty of a strawberry blond comes around.” He gave a rumbling purr, making Emmet blush and nudge the dragon with his foot. “Hey! Leave Clair out of this!” Emmet scolded. “Oh come on!” Granite said. “You know you like her. And the only way to get close to her is to actually go up and say hi.” “It’s different with girls,” Emmet said. “They’re humans aren’t they?” Granite asked. “If I were you, I’d find the largest, shiniest stones and offer them to her. Or hunt down a nice big buck. To show that I could provide for her.” “That's for female dragons, Rock-head,” Emmet said, making the dragon laugh. “Hey! Females are females.” Granite said. “They like shiny things, and the knowledge that their mate can provide and protect.” Emmet rolled his eyes. “It’s still different..” he insisted. “If you say so kiddo.” Granite said as they moved through the forests towards a grove where a waterfall fed pool was. In that direction, Emmet could hear his sister playing her ceramic flute. He smiled at the sound, liking how she had taken up the instrument, and how the local Pixie Dragons enjoyed the music as well. From the sound of it, she was playing the Wanderers Lullaby. He smiled as he got off of Granite and walked over to her. In her lap lay Nym, who was basking in the sunlight's glow. Her ear perked up when she sensed Emmet’s approach, and though she didn’t move, Emmet knew she let Esther know he was coming. His sister stopped playing and looked over at him. Frankly, she looked like she was adopted into the family rather than born into it. She had fairy-like features with bright red hair and bottle green eyes. Her fair skin freckled from the sunlight, but she smiled at him. “Hey, Emmet.” She said. “Hey, Rebel,” Emmet said, walking over and sitting next to her, letting his feet dip into the cool clear water. “You okay? Ma said you just took off.” Esther shrugged. “I just felt like going for a walk.” Esther answered, gently petting Nym gently. Nym gave a purr, her narrow snout resting on her scaly feet as her fur soaked up the sun and the attention from Esther. Emmet gave a nod. He knew his sister better than to push the subject. “Well, Ma sent Granite and me out to find you for dinner.” He said as Granite moved towards the pool and took a few long drinks. “It’s your turn to help out.” Esther gave a pout. “But it’s so nice out..” She said, almost whining. “Don’t get me wrong,” Emmet said. “It’s good to see you out walking again, but you know Ma. You are her baby after all.” While most kids would claim that they weren’t babies anymore, Esther gave a nod. She and their mother were close. In fact, this whole small family was close-knit since their father passed away in a farming accident. Granite didn’t talk about that day, not wanting to remember how hard he fought to keep the father alive. But after their father's death, Esther was, and always would be her mom's baby, and she accepted that. “So, let's not worry Ma and get back home,” Emmet said, standing and holding a hand out to Esther. Esther gave a nod, put her flute away and took her brother's hand. Nym climbed up onto Esther’s shoulders as the siblings walked back to Granite and climbed up onto his back. “Besides,” Granite said. “Your brother owes me a lamb.” “Granite!” Emmet exclaimed, earning a laugh from both the earth dragon and his sister. “You guys bet on where I was?” Esther asked. “Yep!” Granite said. “And Emmet bet that you were in the orchards. But I already knew from the smell that you were down here.” Emmet groaned, remembering the lesson of not betting against a Dragon’s nose. * * * Dinner was quiet that night. But Esther and Margret had put together a nice spread of Braised Storm Elk that one of the Earth dragons had hunted for the family, along with homemade inene bread. They ate quietly, Emmet glancing now and then to the empty space at the table where an empty plate was set. It was a tradition to have a place set for those that had passed on. Almost like a Memorial. “Ready for school tomorrow Esther?” Margret asked. Esther bit her lip and shrugged. She wasn’t, to be honest. “You have to go back to school sooner or later,” Margret told her daughter. “Though I know it won’t be easy. But I also know that some friends of your have missed you a lot.” Nym warbled at Esther’s feet, rubbing against her friend's leg and giving a feeling of calmness and peace. Esther reached down and pet Esther, sneaking her a piece of storm Elk. “Esther,” Margret warned, but her face was calm, and even had a small smile on her lips. “What?” Esther asked, sitting up again. “You keep feeding her table scraps, then Miss Nym might just get fat,” Margret answered. “Better than where she was at before,” Esther said. “True, but she needs a healthy weight just like all dragons,” Margret said. “And just like you need healthy friendships. I promise, going back to school will be good for you.” “I don’t know ma…” Esther said, pushing her food around. “I haven’t been back in school since… well… Since Flick…” “Frankly Esther,” Emmet said. “I’d think Flick would want you to go back. If anything to prove to yourself that you’re stronger than those maggots. Staying away from school only makes them look strong.” Esther looked up at her brother. Her eyes said it all. She was scared to go back to school. Emmet offered Esther a gentle, reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” He assured her. “Besides, Nym will be there with you.” “That's part of my worry,” Esther said, letting Nym jump up into her lap. The girl and the dragon grew quiet, and Emmet knew that Nym was reassuring her. He’d seen the small dragoness do this several times. It always helped settle Esther, He just hoped that the little Dragoness could help his sister keep her fears at bay for a whole day. “And what about you Emmet?” Margret asked. “You looking forward to school?” “You know I’m not,” Emmet answered. “I should be here, helping around the farm. Showing the new hands-“ “I’m sure the farm hands will be fine.” Margret interrupted. “You, however, need your education. Best to have every path open as possible.” Emmet would have disagreed, but his own Da wanted him to have an education. He didn’t want his son stuck on a farm forever, even if that's a life Emmet wouldn’t have minded. He’d have a home and a way to support a family if he ever started one. He was content here, especially after the death of his Da. “Ah! I know that face.” Margret said. “You’re both going to school. No qualms about it.”
Emmet sighed. “Yes Ma.,” he said, surprisingly in unison with his sister. The two siblings laughed, making their mother chuckle with them as they finished their supper. © 2017 KnightAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() KnightDenver, COAboutHello! I'm Knight. I'm 25 years old. And I'm a sucker for fantasy and fiction writing. I've always wanted to write a story all my own, but I haven't been able to get a good story going besides fan fic.. more..Writing