Chapter Three

Chapter Three

A Chapter by Karli

My Life: The Musical


Musical practice became my life. I mean, it was pretty much already my life, just not this particular musical. Fortunately, Henry was playing my love interest. I had to admit, he was pretty gorgeous.

    "You did pretty well today," I turned to see Dana following me home. "You must practice more than the rest of us at home."

    "I do." I nodded. "That's why I'm the best."

    "Right," she laughed sarcastically. "Henry's just as good as you, you know."

    "He's close," I admitted. "Not quite, though. His reactions need a bit of work."

    "Why are you so against others being as good as you?" she demanded.

    "Who the hell do you think you are?" I stopped walking and whipped my head around to face her. "I barely know you, and you're stalking me, giving me the third degree?"

    "Well, it's not fair, the way you treat people. You make everyone around you feel like dirt just to make yourself feel better."

    I was about to argue, but she was actually right. At least I knew it, though. I didn't honestly mind making people feel like dirt.

   "So?" I raised an eyebrow.

   "You're going to be all alone in your life if you keep doing that." she was so level-headed.

    "I doubt that." I laughed. "People are going to love me once I get somewhere."

    "Where do you plan to get?"

    "Everywhere," I grinned. "Broadway, Hollywood, Bollywood, Tokyo, and those are just a few stops on my journey."

    "Who is going to help you?"

    "I don't need much help." I answered proudly.

    "Right." she nodded.

    "Why are you following me, anyways? Don't you usually ride the subway home or something?" I put my foot down.

    "Oh, I'm studying with Henry today. We're going over lines." she informed me as we passed my house. Henry lived in the house just two doors down.

    I felt a slight pang of jealousy.

    This feeling was strange. Never in my life had I experienced any amount of jealousy for anyone.

    "Oh, well then, goodbye. My house is here." I quickly turned and rushed into my house.



"What are you doing down here so late?" my Mom asked, walking into the kitchen.

    I was sitting at the computer with a mug of coffee, studying my lines.

    "I couldn't sleep, I thought I'd come down here and practice my lines." I told her, closing my script.

    "Why didn't you go out with your friends tonight? It's Friday." she sat next to me and stole a sip of my coffee.

    "Mom, where have you been? It's not like I have any. Quinn's the only one." I reminded her.

    "What about that boy you walked home with a few weeks ago?"

    I gave her a look to say 'creepsauce'.

    "How did you know about him?" I questioned.

    "I see things, Sasha." she laughed. "He was cute. What's his name?"

    "His name is Henry, and I have no interest in him." I lied.

    "Well, what did you two talk about?" she invaded.

    We talked about what a brat he thought I was.

    "Just school and stuff," I lied again. "Why?"

    "Oh, nothing, just wondering." she got up from her seat. "Don't wear yourself out tonight. You have dance practice tomorrow morning."

    I groaned. For the first time, I was not looking forward to dancing first thing in the morning.

    "Alright, Mom." I agreed and nodded.

    I walked up to my room and lied in my bed, thoughts of Henry, Dana, and the musical dancing in my head.


     I couldn't sleep, thanks to imaginary footsteps I kept hearing in my room. Eventually, I slipped out of my bed, as quietly as I could. Into my closet I went, searching for any intruders.

    No one was there.

    Still, the footsteps continued.

    I went back to my bed, and climbed in.

    I spread out to feel a body part touching mine. I shot up to see Mrs. Dane sitting on my bead.

    "What the hell?" I demanded, trying to stay calm. "Mrs. Dane, what are you doing in here?"

    I could tell that I was probably dreaming.

    "Oh, I'm not Mrs. Dane, Sasha." she laughed. "I'm merely a spirit, sent to visit you."

    "Well, sorry, Ms. Christmas Past, you're a little late." I crossed my arms.

    "Silly, I'm not here for that. You have to learn a lesson, though." she told me. "You're not a very nice person."

    "What's that?" I raised an eyebrow.

    "You need to learn the true meaning of theatre, and life. Your passion for theatre isn't helping you, it's only hurting the people around you." she explained.

    "Seriously, Mrs. Dane, how did you get in here?" I shook my head.

    "You don't believe me?" she widened her eyes.

    "No." I crossed my arms.

    "Follow me." she motioned for me to join her as she walked towards my window.

    Before I knew what was happening, we were no longer in my room. We were at her house. I'd recognized it from voice lessons she used to give me.

    "Where are we?" I demanded.

    "This is Mrs. Dane's house." she informed me. "See, look."

    I peeked through the curtains of the house to see Mrs. Dane on the couch watching TV and writing on her computer.

    "What do I call you, then? I'm going to get confused." I looked back at the ghost.

    "Call me Mary-Anne. It's Mrs. Dane's first name." she told me.

    "Okay, Mary-Anne. What are you going to do with me?" I questioned.

    "Do you like this musical you've been working on?" she asked me.

    "I love it," I nodded. "Or, at least, what I've been able to see of it."

    "How would you like to live it?" she grinned.

    "What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow nervously.

    "Well, Mrs. Dane finished the musical tonight. You can go through it all, with my help. It'll be a challenge, mind you. It will teach you a lesson, though." she explained.

    "Challenge accepted." I nodded.

    "Follow me," she grinned again.

© 2011 Karli

Author's Note

I saw a movie today called "Soul Surfer" and it really inspired me, in a lot of different ways. I knew the first thing I had to do was come home and write, because it's my passion. I know the exact plot for the next book I'm going to write, but I'm not going to start it until I get further into the books I've started.

So, I really enjoy writing this, so I'd love if you reviewed it:)

And I'm working on Chapter Four as we speak. :)

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Oooo! I really can't wait to read chapter 4. This is getting really good!!!! :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 1, 2011
Last Updated on April 1, 2011



My name is Karli. Jesus. Youth Ministry. Europe. "He has told you what is justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God."-Micah 6:8. more..
