Chapter Nine: Surprises

Chapter Nine: Surprises

A Chapter by Karli

Chapter Nine of Hold Your Peace


    What did he want? I never thought he’d have the  courage to engage in conversation with me again. This was worrying me, and I could barely breath. I was beginning to be annoyed with not having breath because of this man.

    “Hi,” I forced a smile and set my latte down. “How are you?”

    “I’m as good as a man who is engaged to Rachel can be. So, I’m alright.” he babbled casually, as if there was no tension whatsoever between us. "How have you been?"

    "Pretty good, I guess." I shrugged, still declining my urge to look at his face. I felt his eyes on me, which made me feel completely awkward. "So, what's the deal with you and Rachel? I didn't even know you liked her."

    He shifted in his seat, appearing uneasy.

    "To be honest, I don't really know." he admitted. "We started dating a few months ago, and she's been really pressuring me about marriage lately. I just wasn't thinking, and proposed."

    "Well, do you want to be with her?" I tried not to make it sound obvious how in love I still was with him.

    "Sure," he shrugged. "I love her, she's just a handful at times."

    I nearly broke down right in front of him as he said those words. How could he love Rachel? She was one of the worst people I'd ever had the misfortune to know.

    "I see," was all I could say. "Well, I'm happy for you."

    I'd never told a bigger lie.

    "Thanks," he couldn't even look at me. "I didn't know you were friends with Laurel."

    "Yeah," I nodded, locking my eyes on the table. "She called me once, and we just ended up being friends. She's a sweetheart."

    "I know." he grinned. "I'm really glad she lives here. So, when did you move back here?"

    "Only about two weeks ago." I shrugged. "Kimmy and Mark missed it here, and so did I, so we all just moved back. We still live in the same neighborhood."

    "That's good," he nodded. "I live with Laurel. She always tells me she went out to dinner with friends. I didn't know she meant you."

    "Yeah, she's friends with Kimmy, too." I told him.

    "How are Kimmy and Mark?" he sipped his drink again.

    "They're great." I sat back in my chair. "They got married really soon after we moved back to San Diego."

    "I always knew they'd end up together." he said.

    Yeah, well, I always thought we'd end up together.

    "They're great." I sighed to myself.

    "I missed you." he admitted, as our eyes finally met.

    "I missed you, too." I confessed. "We can't go back to the way things were, but we can still be civil to each other."

    "It's been a year and a half." he rested his forearms on the table. "I think it's safe enough to try to be friends."

    That would not work for me.

    "I agree," I replied instead. Being friends was better than nothing, I guessed.

    Before we could speak anymore, my cell phone rang. I looked to see Kimmy's picture pop up on my screen.

    "Hello?" I answered, signaling to Ryan to hold on.

    "Erin! Where are you?" she was breathing heavily.

    "I'm at the cafe down the street, why?" I informed her.

    "Erin, you have to get here now! You're going to have a niece!" she told me, squealing with excitement. "At least, I hope it's a girl!"

    My sister was pregnant!

    "I'll be right there!" I replied and snapped my phone shut. "I've got to go." Before leaving, I wrote my cell phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Ryan. "Here. Call me sometime?"

    "Will do." he agreed and grinned, bidding farewell.


    "Hey, Laurel," I greeted my friend as I rushed into the house. She had already been there, making me feel guilty for being out with my ex-boyfriend.

    "Erin! I'm pregnant!" Kimmy was leaping around the living room, squealing, and clapping.

    "I'm so happy for you!" I hugged her tightly, hoping I wasn't crushing her baby.

    "I'm so happy for myself!" she giggled, rubbing her stomach carefully. "This baby had better be a girl, so I can name her Elizabeth."

    "What will you do if it's a boy?" I laughed as we took a seat on the couch with Laurel.

    "His name will be Mark." she drummed lightly on her stomach. "I want a son so I can name him Mark, but for now, I'd love a girl."

    "I really hope you have a girl." I looped an arm around her. "Tomorrow, we're going out to celebrate."

    "Deal!" Kimmy threw her head back in delight. "Where were you, by the way?"

    "I told you, I was at the cafe." I hesitated.

    "Yeah, but you were gone for a while. Did you meet someone out?" she wondered.

    I just couldn't lie to her.

    "Yes." I uttered carefully, praying she wouldn't ask.

    "With who?" Laurel cut in.

    Thanks, Laurel.

    "Ryan." I mumbled in confession.

    "What?" they shouted in unison.

    "He was there. We talked for a little bit." I explained briefly.

    "About what?" Laurel kneeled on the couch.

    "It's not important." I sighed. "We're...going to be friends, though."

    "No!" Kimmy objected. "You cannot be friends with Ryan. He's your ex-boyfriend. The two of you were together for six years!"

    "I know." I confirmed. "It's been a year and a half, though, Kimmy. We're twenty-four years old. I think we're able to be friends."

    "Be careful, Erin. I don't want my baby sister hurt anymore." Kimmy hugged me.

    "I'll be careful." I promised.

    Truth be told, I didn't want to be careful. I wanted Ryan back, and that was exactly what I was going to accomplish. All I had to do was find out when his wedding was, and get him back before then. I didn't care how high-school I was acting, Ryan was something I needed in my life.

    Plus, it'd be nice to stick it to Rachel.

© 2011 Karli

Author's Note

feedback is appreciated...:)

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She's having a baby!!! YAY!!!! :DD I don't want them to be friends. :( I want them to be married!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

So this is for the last few chapters I've read, and they're all awessome!! i'm defianly tuning in to check it out cause I'm hooked!!!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I really like this book so far! A lot of romance novels that I read are very predictable, but each and every one of YOUR chapters holds something completely unexpected. You've got me on the edge of my seat, wondering what will happen next. Good job, and keep it up!! :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 5, 2011
Last Updated on February 5, 2011



My name is Karli. Jesus. Youth Ministry. Europe. "He has told you what is justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God."-Micah 6:8. more..
